Hello jammers! Day of the Phantoms came a bit early this year, but everyone is sure enjoying it! First to do is look at all the awesome phantom decorations! Instead of a Mira satue it looks like the kind of the phantoms has taken her place.

There are lots of new decorations as well! I especially like the spooky globe in the fountain, same as last year.
Very creepy! You can also send two new cards to your buddies in Jamaa.

And even a new message to send them!

There are also bats, a temporary pet that you can find in certain places around Jamaa (think caves...).

The new monthly member item will of course be for the Day of the Phantoms! It will be sent October first.

Try clicking on the phantoms around Jamaa, they puff out darkness! And watch out for the phantom vortexs, they'll take you to Phantom Vortex!
There is a game called "Phantoms!" there.

Once you reach level five in the game you get a phantom statue! They come in multiple colors: red, purple, yellow, blue, and green. To get more make a free nonmem account and play the Phantoms! game on that one. Then send/trade your statue to your original account!

Bring your buddies with you to the Phantom Vortex to see the floors swirl!

Have fun in this spooky Jamaa, and I hope to see you at any Phantom parties being held. Oh, and I'm broke because AJHQ took my gems as punishment for the ban. :( Would anyone be able to send a few halloween items to me? I don't mean to appear selfish, but all this blogging is taking time away from my gem earning! If you don't want to, no worries. Thank you camden for helping me!