
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Longboards and Results

Hey jammers! Today's new item is the Longboard (more sports theme). You can buy one in Jam Mart Furniture!
The big news for this post is the giveaway results! I'm glad you guys think the giveaways are a good idea. ^.^ I'll be posting giveaways or results every Saturday if possible. Does that sound good?

Click here for non-YouTube result options! I'm sorry if you didn't win, I tried to be as random as possible! They'll also be another one next week, so enter again then? If you'd like to donate rares to the giveaways that'd be super nice of anyone, because I'm going to run out of prizes eventually. >.< AJHQ posted on the Daily Explorer.

Let's have a question of the day! What would you name the new land Cosmo is going off to discover? What does it look like?

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

B. Caps and Tunnel Town

Click here to enter a rare item giveaway!
Enter every day to increase your chances of winning!
If you dont' have access to YouTube, click here.

Hey jammers! Best to start getting teams ready, choosing colors and all, cause BATTA BATTA BATTA UP! Hehe, today's item: Baseball Cap!
This member (sorry nonmems!) item is sold on the first page of Jam Mart Clothing. A complementary addition to Animal Jam's current baseball theme, am I right? Meanwhile, I should mention, I've posted a new Spirit Mail episode, this time with future video plans discussed.
Also, part of today you'll be able to get in your last minute submissions to the Fox Hat giveaway. Check my YouTube channel for the results that'll be posted at some point today. In other news, more Sidekix plushies have arrived in AJ Outfitters.
They look pretty darn cute, I must say. Also, AJHQ has added a new Gem Certificate option. 100k gems? That's a lot of spending power!
Tis a tad pricy if you ask me, and I'd always prefer a membership. But as they always say, to each his (or her) own! Now, why the interesting title to the post you ask? Some exciting news of course!
Notified by lokithorrrrr and for source click here.
Hopefully you read the little segment above. ^.^ Animal Jam and Smart Bomb Interactive are creating an iOS (apple) app called Tunnel Town?! It's a spin-off of Jamaa's adventures?! It envolves PECK the rabbit alpha (wait to go jamaasians)?! As you can tell, I may be a bit excited. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things develop. Finally, here is today's post from the Daily Explorer.
Hopefully that was enough info in your face for today jammers. :D
I hope to see you in Jamaa, and as always, happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Baseball Cleats

Click here to enter a rare item giveaway! LAST DAY
Enter every day to increase your chances of winning!
If you dont' have access to YouTube, click here.

Sorry for posting late, I fell asleep!

Hey jammers! What an exciting update yesterday, right? Click here if you didn't see the post. Today's new items are Baseball Cleats, sold on the first page of Jam Mart Clothing. Hmm... More sports theme.

I don't know about you all, but these typical human, every day clothing items just aren't as appealing as creative, nature/Jamaa oriented items. FridayLeon found some new Animal Jam advertisements! I think they look pretty neat!
 And AJHQ posted on the Daily Explorer.
Wow, 10 million! But, you know, it makes me wonder. How many of those jammers know about the old legends of Jamaa? How many know the stories of Mira, Zios, and the creation of our little world? Now that AJHQ knows that we care very much for Animal Jam's culture, we need to teach others about it! If you would like to, could you tell others about the blog? Spread the word to remind the game of it's past? It's not all about trading and collecting items.
Jamaa is much more than that.

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

10 Million Jammers on AJ

Click here to enter a rare item giveaway!
Enter every day to increase your chances of winning!
If you dont' have access to YouTube, click here.

Click here for the full Jamaa Journal!
Click here for the current clearance items!

Hey jammers! What an exciting update today, right? Anyhoo, lets start with today's all new item, the (land den) Surfboard!
This is so amazing, Animal Jam has broken the 10 million jammer mark, wowsers! That's what this update's all about!
Notice the code? If you enter 10MILLION when you log in you get a special, limited edition Promo Gift: a 10 Million Banner!
There are also tons of festive decorations all around Jamaa!
Also, it's that springy time of year again, so what is the best, most festive, activity to do in Jamaa? Why, collecting eggs of course!
Click here for a picture and video guide on how to collect all these eggcelent eggs! There is also an announcement on next month's member gift. Spirit Armor! How spooky and spiritual, and quite, jamaasian, if you think about it. Animal Jam Spirit... Yay! ^.^
That looks like a seal on the front of that armor! There must be different types of armor, each decorated with a SPIRIT STONE element on it!!! This is so exciting, AJHQ is bringing back Jamaa!
Yet another exciting thing ... DOUBLE GEMS EVERYWHERE!
So many gems!!! Meanwhile, it looks like Cosmo is taking all new koalas on an expedition to find a new land, so there won't be any new koalas being made for a little while. Sorry nonmembers! >.<
The good thing is, a new land is coming! Do you think it'll be this one?
Also, two more announcements: the April Fools party will return soon, and Graham (I met him a long time ago, click here to see). 
Meanwhile, AJHQ left a very cryptic page...
What does that mean?! Are they talking about a quest?! I do hope they're talking about a quest! If you want to read my article on quests simply click here! Meanwhile, here's this update's calendar!
Wowsers, long post! Take a look at the egg map/video post below jammers. Hopefully this was helpful, and as always, happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

Spring Egg Hunt - 2013

Click here to enter a rare item giveaway!
Enter every day to increase your chances of winning!
If you dont' have access to YouTube, click here.

Hey jammers! Welcome to the Animal Jam Spring Egg Hunt 2013 video and picture guide! Here is a video with the locations...

And here are the pictures! The first egg is in Jamaa Township - located at the very top area, right beside Mira's left wing.
The one in Appondale is to the right of the Baobab tree!
The egg in Mt. Shiveer is next to the ice seal carving!
The egg in Sarepia is at the top of the slide. ^.^
Coral Canyon's egg is on the middle ledge of the coral cliffs!
The egg in the Lost Temple of Zios is near the water cave!
Crystal Sands's egg is to the left of the aquarium entrance!
And finally, the hidden egg of the Canyon Pathway!
Tricky, tricky! Congrats, you've found all the eggs!
You prize is ...  a Nest of Eggs!
They all look fairly similar... 
And if you click them, little critters pop out!
I hope this was helpful everyone, happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Shark-Bitten Surfboard

Click here to enter a rare item giveaway!
Enter every day to increase your chances of winning!
If you dont' have access to YouTube, click here.

Hey jammers! Sorry for my late posting, I feel asleep before I posted late night. >.< Today's new item is sold in Sunken Treasures.
 Looks like a shark got a little hungry for a Surfboard snack! Also, the Epic Seasonal Tree is blooming today. Isn't it beautiful?
AJHQ has posted their weekly Epic Den post...
 And one of their jammer art posts as well!
 That's about all I have time for, happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Skull Necklace

Click here to enter a rare item giveaway!
Enter every day to increase your chances of winning!
If you dont' have access to YouTube, click here.

Hey jammers! Today's new item is the returning underwater rare clothing item, the Skull Necklace! Sold in Bahari Bargains.
 Here's a wacky clothing glitch brought to you by WootMoo! If a bunny wears a Medusa Mask things look kind of strange...
Looks like those snakes weren't a big fan of that hair straightening treatment Medusa tried out! ^.^ Oh, and here's AJHQ's rare monday post on the Daily Explorer. They always post a little later than I do!
Also, here is the most recent Spirit Mail, thank you so much for all the kind messages and gifts you send in. Thank you all!

Hope to see you in my wanderings of Jamaa!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!