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Hey Jammers! Sorry for the late-ish post, I have an extremely busy week ahead of me in school.
Anywho, today's new item is the Tall Pine Tree, sold in Jam Mart Furniture!
What's interesting about this pine tree is that it comes in THREE different forms! Cool, huh?!
Another interesting thing I noticed had to do with the animations glitch.
Now, I've seen this plenty of times before. But the weird thing was, this person had a pet hamster and even though they were completely still it was bouncing back and forth like crazy!
Now for yesterday's Daily Explorer Post!

This Daily Explorer post featured a tiny segment on yesterday's Rare Leg Armor! Click on the picture above to check it out!
Also, I put together a nonmember outfit idea for those of you who are interested!
Skull Helmet-nonmember (I think it can be won in the claw at the Trading Party)
Bat Wings-nonmember ("rare" but released pretty recently, so if you don't have a pair try trading)
Black and Orange Necklace-nonmember (Ask a member friend to buy you this color! It's only 40 gems and can be found in Jam Mart Clothing!)
AJ Wristband-nonmember (You could also ask a friend to buy you this color. It's currently being sold in Jam Mart Clothing as well. I'm sure they'd be nice enough to spare a few gems)
Black and Orange Pet Joey-nonmember (This can be acquired by purchasing the AJ Jump app for your Apple or Android Device!)
Okay, hope that helped! ^.^
And don't forget to check out some interesting videos at Brady Barr's Lab and Tierney's Aquarium!
Trivia Tuesday:
Where do Beluga Whales usually live?
Happy Jamming, everyone! :)