
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Next Land in Animal Jam – River Delta?

What will the next land of Jamaa be? Maybe filled with rivers, and a huge waterfall! No one knows for sure (except AJHQ), but we can guess, the best hint is on the map.
Since Appondale didn't change when it joined, why would the Delta? What's interesting is the river that winds through Jamaa comes from those mountains, the source of all water in Jamaa. You can see where the river comes in Jamaa Township, but there is no view of the next land.
 Another thing to think about: will there be a mountain pathway? All evidence points to it. Many have noticed the cave in the corner of Appondale, but it can't lead directly to the next land, because it's blocked by mountains. Will it be like the Canyons Pathway?
 Hopefully we'll see soon! What are you ideas for the next land?


  1. Maybe you have to be a water animal. like a croc. or a dolphin or something. and the land might be like a ocean or a river. and probably only members will be allowed as always. but lets hope it's not:)

    1. You can be a non member and be a water animal, I was a seal, a dolphin, a turtle and a penguin.

  2. Hi snowyclaw its hollyjolly199916:)
    yah 2000 people cam on the blog!!!!
    lets celebrate:) your blog is awesome keep up the great work

  3. AHHHHHHHH! Ever Scence Appondale Came I Have Been Wondering About That Place! (Did U Know That Jamaa Town Ship, Crystal Sands, And Temple Of Zios Were The 1st Lands In Jamaa?) Then Came Coral Canyons, Mt. Shiveer, Then Appandale! Cool Huh? I Will Be A Crocadile When I Go If It's Full Of Water! So, I Wanted To See Your Blog And All.... Well I Haven't Seen U Online Much. U Must Be Very Busy Working On Your Blog Huh? Well My fingers Are Tired So Bye! Oh Wait This Is Kayleigh103 by The Way! Well, Bye! :)

  4. @Kayleigh103
    I'm glad you're exited for the next land! I hope it comes soon!

    1. Hi, the next land MIGHT be a Swamp or a dessert, look in the top right corner of appondale, there are sand dunes! From yours truely, Sir Tinytiger

    2. the new animal is a raccon

  5. Snowy it could be a beaver and great blog!~aurorakismet9

  6. @aurorakismet9
    A beaver would be an awesome animal! And thank you!

    1. Mabey it would be the beaver animals buld the mountian.

  7. My theory is: they are going to make a marsh and the animal that will live there is going to be a crocodile. Doesn't that make sense?
    Crocs do live in marsh wetlands

    1. sorry to say this, but your WRONG! GATORS live in Marshes, Crocs live neer salt water, like in Madagascar, Egypt and more, you knwo what i meam :)sorry to prove you wrong, it's a habbit.

  8. @foxgirl825
    That's very true! I wonder what the new land and animal will be. :)

  9. It might be that in appondale the shade side will be a pathway to mountains maybe birds are coming and eagles will be in mountains maybe

  10. i think that they might make an animal for there like a gezzell orbears you know mouatian creatures but i have been wondering about that place too hey maybe i'll see you and a couple of other jammers on this site thereif you want to look for i\me i'm wolfy204 and my pet's name is blossom magicmoon(well me wolf is :) ) so i guess i'll see ya there byez!!!!!

  11. It's like the Canyons and the Sands! There will be a pathway, like Canyons Pathway, and then the other land, the land itself will be like Niagra Falls i suppose, and an animal like a salamender, frog, and other pond creatures -Dragonstar

    1. did you say SALAMANDER? it is possible they can come to jamaa, there is a five foot long type of salamander in Japan!

    2. i an from 2014 there will be a new land called kambara outback there will be kangaros that live there they will be one of the new animals :)

      XDD jk jk

  12. Snowyclaw.The ocean Kani cove is now on AJ but before it was available the
    cave thing located in Deep blue was blocked by barrels.In the same way the moutains must be blocking a new,mysterious land.Hope this helps snowyclaw

  13. on aj wiki it was called the lake township.

  14. I have always wondered about that place! Mabey it will come out with a new animal, like a swan or komodo dragon!
    Oh ya, my AJ name is Yoshi0018 and my main animal is Count Desertstone the croc!

  15. I have a theory about it…
    It's a wetland and any animal can go to it, but it's spicifically made for the crocs. It's the main river place. You see, I think a cool idea for Jamaa is a river system. Any animal can go on it, but non-underwater animals travel on it by a boat that you can buy for your animal. It's for members and nonmembers too! And there can be different kinds of boats, like a wooden raft or a canoe! Srry this is SUCH a long comment. It's actually more like a blog post than a comment! :p
    PS I kinda just started reading your blog but I really like it! And I know this comment is late I just had to say that.

    1. Wow this is the second time i have had to tell somebody this, crocs live neer SALT WATER.And there is no way that water can be salt water. sorry to prove you wrong it's a habbit.

    2. But it's not like they're going to make an alligator! That is too close to a crocodile! You are right about them living by saltwater but I think it's unlikely to have both an alligator and a crocodile! I think it's likely they just have a new animal for it. A jaguar would be nice for something.... not a that land in particular but maybe a different land. My username is bammoon.

  16. I thought for sure there would be SOME kind of land that would have lava. There are sooo many hints. :I I don't know though..

  17. I think it might be a grassland that's home to wolves. :D Of course I love wolves so much so that's just my opinion.


  18. That would be cool :D

  19. I hope that new land comes soon! Hopefully it will have a waterfall that would be really cool! P.S I'm hlyndzy on Animal Jam. my main player is Rosy Sunnystar which is my wolf Please add me

  20. I love Animal Jam its the Best!!!!!

  21. A lush land filled with water and is a place for Crocodles, and Cornelious lives there!
    Of coarse, I just like crocs so much =D

    1. Ok people stop getting this wrong, Crocs live neer salt water, that I quote * Lush land filled with water* is NOT salt water sorry to prove you wrong, it's a habbit.

    2. Well, what if it IS saltwater? Most water is saltwater in the oceans (well in real life oceans ARE SALTWATER) so crocs can go there

      -crocicicoco. (Look carefully at my name and there will be croc!)

  22. i think it will be a place where you can turn water into mud and the 4 animals allowed will be wolves arctic wolves snow leopards and crocodiles. i think the new animal will be a walrus. i am briannahaas in the game

  23. i think it will either be a swamp or a rain forest. i think a rain forest would be cooler but it looks more like a swamp. but also, who knows, it might be another area that isn't a land yet.

    1. anonymous is that you your my bud on moshi monsters right i am only 10 years old!

  24. hi i wish there could be a new land i hope there is i still love all the lands we have though! bye wait i am dizbuster30 be byes!

  25. maybe its that island on the ocean

  26. Hey snowy the new land can be that island on the ocean bye oh wait my username is hurricane100 bye!!!

  27. I bet the new land is mountains with a waterfall or something. And check out my awesome den everyone! User is SuperKute and plz let me know how cool my den is. I have the candy den :) thats my fave den. Also, feel free to send me unwanted stuff and gifts. I love gifts. And one more thing: before u ask, u get lion and hummingbird from the Online AJ Outfitters Store.

  28. I want the land to come!!!~~~~~~ Wonder what it looks like; maybe a river with some wet ground in there to cross! Then there would be a store! (Almost every land in Jamaa has a store!)
    And mountains around, x3 too excited!

    BUT.... AJHQ said its coming in 2 weeks... And i think its been 2 weeks..

    1. So excited for it! I wonder what it will be like?! I hope it has a waterfall or something new and awesome. A new game to with it would also be nice! I'm bammoon on animal jam by the way.

  29. I'm so pumped up for the new land thanks for the hints :thunderhowl sky blog reporter and outreacher:

  30. I think the new land is coming out on April 11th.

    1. How on earth would you think that. Anyways i saw that to. The next land might be called river Mt

  31. OMG i cant wait till the eagle land (or sky, XD) comes out!

  32. I really want AJ to bring back the old crystal sands. Buddy me on AJ, I'm Shabibbles thx! :)

  33. Hi snowyclaw!
    I'm dandygirl2002 and I really like your blog!
    Wonder when they'll make the Mountian Pathway...

  34. Btw They made it so you cannot climb the tree in the appondale anymore WHY!!!!


  35. Tribal Bunnies AJ JamaaJanuary 23, 2015 at 7:21 PM

    Its me again.. Anyway whoever is looking at this old post... Now you can climb the tree again..

  36. 🌟Bunnybobo231🌟February 5, 2015 at 2:55 PM


  37. Omg omg I still can't belive that that land isn't here yet Bÿę the way I am starburst96 on animal jam

  38. catluver_cilerhaha12321July 24, 2015 at 5:07 PM



Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw