
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Temple of Zios – Name Difference Malfunction

I'm sure everyone loves visiting the Temple of Zios, for trivia, shopping, and seeing friends, but I noticed something today. When you are there AJ tells you that you're in the Lost Temple of Zios, isn't that strange?
This is just an idea, but do you think the phantoms have something to do with it? They seem to be the cause of the fallen idol, what if they are the reason the temple has lost power?
Post your ideas on how the idol fell, I'm sure there are some great stories out there!
What other name changes are out there? Tell Jammers so they can explore and experiment for themselves! Keep up the adventures!


  1. maybe the phantom are guarding the hidden city who knows

    1. what happpen if you sleep there

    2. phantoms come out of the ruins

    3. the door with greely on it is when amore than 20 wolves and wolves only jump on bridge the door will open and u meet greely. same with seals cept ya know, seals

    4. Hey, I'm Jasmine, and i really want to know exactly, what door? I can't find any with Greely!

  2. But on the temple of zios if you sleep around the staute the phantom will come out! It's creepy try it it cool! And you too if you have an accout or get one today!

    1. thats right i saw it but there is a stort to it and everynes is diffrent but mine is unique for sure... i think the phantoms got to the statue and ate it and put up a fake one holding the real ones power and thtas my side

  3. Maybe the statue of zios the phanthoms must have been made at him and the idol it fell down in the lost temple of zios and phanthoms use there magic on you when your sleeping where the fallen idol was. maybe thats what happen

    1. i think its a rumor that if u sleep around it u get rich and rares

    2. you do.
      you probably also get free membership.
      dont forget to add add me

    3. i dont think u get rares. i think u just get like 1,000 gems and its a big bummer :(

    4. Actually, you liar first Anon, you don't get riches or rares. You just see the phantom. -_-

  4. @bailee, luis 2235, dogsplaybasketballknight/Knight Magicclaw
    We are all thinking the same thing: that the phantoms did something to poor Zios. I doubt they like us trying to figure it out too! It's hard to say what they're guarding, but they are for sure trying to scare us away. Perhaps away from a hidden city, as you think bailee. How will we stop the phantoms?

    1. they did do something we need to find out what they did but how

    2. I want to know if you get anything if it works and we have to stop the phantoms tell mira the bird person that we need help with stoping the phantom and btw I cant spell dat good soooooooo yeah

    3. also blarb im bord

  5. If they're guarding a city it might be the phatom portal they're guarding!I don't know how we would get the phatoms away.Maybe an herb a potion would stop them.

  6. @Medieval sunnygem
    That's an awesome idea Medieval! Maybe Cosmos, the koala shaman, could help us! He's an amazing herbalist, if I see him I'll ask!

    1. Will you get rares if you make the statue rise?

    2. I'm not so sure about that but a few people around Jamaa said that it is possible to brake the Ice in Mt. Shiveer and breakt the bridge in Coral Canyons, it's just that now adays not many people want to do it because they don't believe about the Animal Territories. It was said that you need around 43 seals to break the ice in Mt. Shiveer and 56 wolves... One of my friend got a clover by breaking the bridge in Coral Canyons using a PANDA... We could always try though :) and see what happens

  7. Guys, an AJ told me that it was Zios who dissapeared, and that they have stones in which they use.
    So, when zios went missing, his stone fell and it created the pit!

  8. @VivaChocolate
    Really? Wow! Maybe I should make a story about it! That must be why Zios doesn't appear in Jamaa!

  9. True! Zios, Sky father, does not appear in Jamaa. The phantoms are mira's tears in loss of her beloved partner.

  10. The AJ also told me that the phantoms are Mira's tears, and they fell onto the pit. The phantoms made the temple of Zios LOST, and they carried it away. They are, however guarding where Zios fell. Zios fell into the earth, in which has "sucked" him in. This did not create the pit. There is another "father" however. The Under Father, Ruler of all the below of earth. He sends up the phantoms to haunt us. There are rocks in the pit, too. That was a pedestal of some old guy.

  11. perhaps the vilagers of jamma lived in the land of zios, but oneday they disrespcted the spirts of the temple, the spirets then puneshed them by casting curses and devstading the lives of of jammers. the jammers then devised a plan where they herded all the spirets in a under groung cave below the idol, then crushing the spirets underneth the idol by sending it crashing into the ground, thus freeing the lives of anchent jammers

    1. Maybe not because what would be there to curse them? A rock?

  12. It used to look different there. Before there was a monkey statue sitting on a throne! I wonder why they changed it to that...

    And, I know two other wierd things like that that you can post up!
    1. why does Mira apear from the fire at Sarepia Forest
    2. What's up with the cave with the door that has Greely on it at Coral Canyons?
    I'm posting these On my blog, feel free to put them on yours, too. if you want, that is.

  13. @Crouching Fastwolf
    Tons of mysteries in Jamaa, thanks for the ideas!

  14. I believe it was an earthquake that did it. I also think some phantoms are nice, and I own one as a pet with one of my saves, called coopo1.
    -said by coopo2

  15. @coopo2
    I'd like to see coopo1 some day! :)

  16. Maybe it is one of the ruins that have been forgotten, but then jammers have found it. Thats just meh idea, for what I am not sure if its true.

    PS:You should start making mods!

  17. i will try with my friend to sleep in the temple with colurful potions.... And i think that somthing was rong in jamma so Zios made the phantoms to make pece but the phantoms taked ofer jamma and traped him i that pit so they gard it wen jammers are there so they cant help him. flaler14 on aj

  18. I would try the thing that anonymous said.. for all we know it might work!

  19. I think that maybe the Earth Father got mad at Zios and Mira for making peace, and there was once this huge ancient city in the Temple of Zios. Then he kidnapped Zios and hid him in the pit so no one could find him and then Mira's tears were absorbed into the ground by him and became phantoms. Thennn the animals of the city were really angry because the phantoms had taken over jamaa and turned the mira statue into a phantom statue. then they got in a big fight and in the battle the zios idol's spirit got loose. ('Cause basically it's zios's spirit stone, right?) then the villagers drove the phantoms back towards the pit and forced them in and the idol crashed itself down on them, except two managed to escape and flew off to jamaa township to live under the mira statue. all the good phantoms escaped too, that's why we see phantoms all around jamaa during day of phantoms and have our trapped & caged phantoms. and thats the reason why the mira statue turns into a phantom around halloween. but from time to time the earth father manages to squeeze a couple phantoms out through the crack in the idol, and thats why if enough people sleep around it phantoms come up and haunt their dreams. ta-da!
    The end
    P.s. how do you get to be a spirit artist?

    1. Um why not just get ur friends together and make like a little camp out with sleeping around the temple?

  20. @Piplup131415
    To be a Spirit Artist you send in amazing stories like that! I post stories on my Snowyclaw (Stories and Shamans) mini blog. If you'd like I can post it there. Would you send this to the club email That would make sure I wouldn't forget. Thanks!


  22. I would say the phantoms crashed it. Trying to hide the land of the lost. But while they were doing it the whole place exploded. Have you noticed how burnt it looks in areas? While Animal Jam closed at night the phantoms came and took over. And burnt the place.

  23. i think there was an earthquake and zios sunk his statue so that it...wouldnt...get...broken.........

  24. the phantoms came and destroyed it and now its just a broken statue...*sighs*......i wonder what it would look like if it wasnt broken......there was also probs a lost city under it and the statue kept it safe but one day the phantoms sneaked in and did that hmm im wondering if somehow we could bring it back.....hmmm

  25. HEY,did you know there is a way to get to the lost city but the phantoms and the underruler father changed it to crazy world weird huh.i know how to get there or aleast my freind does.

  26. I think the idol just crashed over time or Zios' spirit died for some reason.

  27. Maybe well fix in the future

  28. buddy me on animal jam im jayfeatherlover. btw what you all said is really interesting it makes me wonder how much history has happened in jamaa.

  29. people are now saying that a tower will rise up out of the pit.......

  30. how do you make the changing potion i keep forgetting

    1. you press every color three times and the fire three times but do not press any of the bottles on the right and walla a turning color potion
      i feel like i have moustache :{ add me i am huskyforme

  31. I think that the statue will rise if a lot of players sleep near the fallen temple of the zios

  32. it's the Lost temple of ZIOS!Zios being the sky father in animal jam, he also made mira! and the stature was a throne, dedicated to Zios!

  33. Have you ever looked at the pattern on the ground in Zios? It kinda looks like Jamaa Township! I think it used to be as popular as Jamaa Township before the phantomns got there! And im wondering why they put the new game Falling Phantoms there...

  34. Maybe this has something to do with the clans everywhere.....I'm sure that Animal Jam moderators look to see what we are up to... If you want to join a clan chose Thunder clan please! It's made by Master Strong Wolf.If you want to add me I am Gorgeous Clever Pride.

  35. I think Phantoms definately have to do with this.I do not believe all phantoms are bad.I think that when Zios disappeared his stone fell then he fell in the pit. I think that the phantoms took him to make him like a leader or fact I think the phantoms might ahve been good at some point.

  36. princess gassycat(elizaboo1104)August 7, 2012 at 7:44 AM

    liza can go to deep phantom woods she will call her buddies.and smush the bad ones.the nice ones are not at phantom woods on november 4 because they will all come to my den to celebrate my birthday. lol

  37. everything you need to know can be found in this link.


    1. That's really mean!!! How would u feel if someone said that to u??!!

  39. i know the story i just see in the blog when the idol fall the phantoms came and the animals in jamma was really scared and then the alphas appeared ! they kill the phantoms.

  40. i know what happens. we got a ton of people to sleep by it and my friend entered a secret room and got betas! he got a non member pirate sword, a orange gecko, a camis plush, and a mech angel wings. no joke.

    1. Plz tell me your user add me and show me!!plz plz!!!

      I am fuzzybunnypaws

  41. The story I think goes like this:
    Mira and Zios had created the world and animals were living in peace. Then one day, a bad jammer came and created sin, creating the phantom. As Mira and Zios were walking in the Temple of Zios, they say a black creature torchuring a panda, bunny, and wolf. The sinful creature saw Mira and Zios and flew off. Mira and Zios were walking the next day at Crystal sands, when they saw those same animals being torchured by the sinful creature yesterday, hurting a different bunny and a monkey. Zios and Mira wondered where this creature came from, and tried to find out by going to the Temple of Zios as yesterday. When they got there, they saw hundreds of those black creatures, the creater, and a huge black creature. The creater shouted out this chant as the phantom circled around the statue."Now my phantoms! Destroy this rock! For this peace we shall block!"The phantoms jumbled all over the statue and destroyed it. Zios was frustrated. He ran towards the statue(or what was left of it)and tried to fix it. Then the giant phantom sent out a swirling black hole and took in all the phantoms, and Zios as well. Mira screamed and ran to the rubbled statue. The created shouted to the blackened sky from all the swirling phantoms."let it be known that today! Phantoms have ruled the Temple of Zios! This place shall be known as the LOST Temple of Zios! Bwahaha!" The creater and all the creatures(phantoms)fled. Mira cried at the lost of her husband. The next day came and Mira felt so alone, yet comforted by the kind hearts of the sweet animals. Mira walked over to the little circle(not the spiral part)and the same army of phantoms and the creater came and cursed her soul into a statue in that spot. Phantoms need to be stopped.

  42. in juice hut it says captain melvilles juice hut and the pillow room used to be the meditation center

  43. I think that mira and zios made jammaa and one day mira and zios's spell broke to protect jammaa the phantoms got in and killed zios leaving mira alone later they took her soul and put it in a statue of her. zios was turned into stone and crushed but then the alphas came!!! they got rid of the phantoms and put them in zios then there was peace but more phantoms are out there!!

  44. do you know who's that idol, it's Zios. the Lost Temple of Zios is the place where he lives. you know what happened? Phantoms attack him and died up.
    or maybe just an effect. cause AJ is just like Moshi monsters and petpet park so it means it's just digital fun. if you know the creator of Aj (in real life), just replay. my pretend creator name is Aldam Pierre, cool right? it's my pretend creator name. toodles!


  45. Maybe like in the trojan war, the phantoms came offering peace and the statue. All the shamans had a meeting and decided they would except the gift,but Greely was on one of his travels. He came back the night after they got the statue and realized it was full of phantoms! So he made a trap (that let things in but nothing out) and threw the statue in to it. Later that night the phantoms broke out of the statue, but are there forever more! So when we sleep next to it, it aggravates them that we can be so close but they can't touch us, so they try to break out.

  46. maybe just maybe the phantoms after the alphas banned them (or whatever) the ohantoms are HIDING THERE you never it could be true....

  47. snowyclaw do you think that was true what won of the jammers up above said!?

  48. Im not snowyclaw but i think maybe that zios went on a trip in the sky or something and never came back. because if he died of phantoms, mira would of been really upset to make them then.

  49. Snowyclaw How did the alphas become when mira was defeated? and why is he symbol in Jamaa township? ~4526u

  50. In the chamber of knowledge, There is a big flag with mira and a phantom army on it. Maybe its a clue about the real thing that happened to mira?... oh and snowyclaw maybe sometime you could come to my den im never able to talk to u alone. P.S. im 4526u


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw