
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

AJ Ponders (Ed. 1)

Here is the first AJ Ponder! Let's make it a good one everyone, comment as much and as thourghley as possible, and I will continue to make AJ Ponders (thank you Mayksufi for the idea)! On Friday I will do the wrap-up comment, telling the final outcome, and I'll include my answer. Can you guess what the outcome/my answer will be? Here is the question for today.

What is your favorite animal and favorite pet? Be sure to include WHY!

What is your answer? Be the first to comment!


  1. Well, I'd have to say bunnies and kittens! Why? Because I think they are so cute!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I would choose tigers and kittens! Why? Because you know how I'm a cat lover, and tigers and kittens are both cats!

    P.S. Can I do this for my blog too? I will give credit to you and Blossom!

  4. @Wando20
    Of course! I'm sure blossom would be fine with it to. Just use a different name for it! Variation is good. :)

  5. Mine would be bunny and puppy, because I can do the signs on Animal Jam (the bunny and puppy) and I think that they are cool and AWESOME.


  6. @Jammers
    Great answers guys! I'm going on vacation this weekend, not sure if I can post. Bye till Monday!

  7. Wolves and dogs. Why? I am an extreme dog lover. Wolves=Ancestor of dogs. They share 99% of genes. Dogs=Awesome. So, that's pretty awesome.
    In second comes the bunnies and cats, because I have hamsters (bunnies may not be rodents, but hey, they're close!). Cats because I love cats and am a warriors fan!

  8. That's pretty scientific there, Silverstorm! Nice use of words!


  9. Snowy why can't i have the B like you do (oh yea my favroite pet is the duck becuase there so cute and cuddly

  10. @Silverstorm
    I love it that you have all the facts! I didn't know that about dogs and wolves. Thanks for the info!

    I'm not sure what you mean luis... But I agree about the ducks!


  11. Dogs and Wild Dogs Because i just am a huge dog lover!!! My Friends say i should get a dog because i can take care of them very great. But my mom and dad won't let me. i take care of my friends dogs. i always take care of dogs and wild dogs. wild dogs i don't like that they shoot a wild dog if they attack someone and kill it because that what happened in my nieghbor hood. so i think all wild dogs shouldn't get killed if they attacked someone cause thats hurtful. i wouldn't like that!!!!! wild dogs should be free in the wild and not be harmed!!!! dogs they should be treated right(most people don't treat them right) i just love wild dogs and dogs!!!!

  12. WE USED TO HAVE A MALAMUTE, BUT NO WE CAN'T HAVE IT ANYMORE! :'( we also used to have a yellow lab, but nooo! can't have that anymore either. (we had to give them away) BAK ON TOPIC..ummm.......I think either wolves or bunnies. pets? Hmm...ducks :D

  13. @Wando20
    I'm what is a "future biologist".
    Like I said, I love dogs! I know a lot about animals other people don't. Like Golden Hamsters weren't pets until about until about 70 years ago, and dwarf hamsters weren't until 16 years ago. Rabbits have a really gross digestive system (If I told you, you'd be sick to your stomach...). So yeah, pretty scientific.

  14. Mines would be Tiger's Cause my user name is bigcatsfoever and I love big cats and the tiger is the only big cat in the game but the tiger is nt my favorite big cat in the world it is a Jaguar Jaguar's have the strongedt bite of all of the big cats and plus They are just adorable pets I would say dogs why I love yorkies!!!!!!!! Y cousin has a yorkie his name is Peanut yorkies are just plain adorable yorkies are my Favorite dog then come the Maltese and then the Shitzu and I agree with Knight just because a wild dog attacks somebody does not mean they have to kill it just keep it away from humans not kill it peopel that kill dogs and big cats are sick people


  15. @Jammers
    I wish I could respond to everyone, but I'm on vacation and I don't have much time on the computer. No picture posts for the moment! Darn. Anyway, I like wolves and ducks, wolves because of their look, and ducks because...they're cool! :D Not very good at explaining, am I? Anyway, it seems there is love for AJ animals everywhere!Who do you think got the most votes?

  16. Dog and wolf cause I love cannines

  17. Mabey wolf and cat but im not sure because I like the bunnies too!

  18. ok my favorite animal is wolf and my favorite pet is kitty why?
    because for some reason i like howling and wolves look really good on animal jam and i just like them and the reason i like kittys and because i used to have one named casey i really miss her anyways and i say kittys because i cant say cats because i hate warriors so kittypets

  19. favorite animal:penguin and bunny favorite pet: bunny of course for no particular reason! I really want to meet Peck!


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw