
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Glitchy Gift Sending

Hey Jammers! This is just a minor thing, but has anyone had issues sending items? Mine has been super glitchy lately! The items just don't seem to pop up. Anyone else?
This is super annoying! What other glitches out there need to be fixed? See you in Jamaa!


  1. Snowy that happend alot to me latley every since i stared AJ I some times got mad because it took for ever to show that item! i hope u didn't get mad/sad.

  2. @luis2235
    Don't worry luis! I was just annoyed cause I was in a hurry! :)

  3. @snowyclaw you just made me laugh! XD

  4. happens to me sometimes when im sending stuff from my nonmember account to my member!
    but it usually happens when i am putting things on trade. several things happen such as:
    *den things overlap each other in 1 box
    *everything has a + with a circle around it, with the member lock, and the gist at the far right corner. and im not even trying to send anything! so im thinking, "COME ON! I JUST NEED TO PUT THIS ON TRADE!!!"


  5. ok, when it says "gist" i meant to say gift. i forgot to read it over to check my spelling! d:


  6. when glitches like that sometimes, i wanna throw my computer out the window >.<

  7. Snowy claw do you know how to take screenshots i have got a blog and im having troble putting avaliable pictures on if u can reply to me i would be so happy thx bubbles121487 ( plz visit and i have to get pics of internet :( plz tell meh!!!!

  8. Wow. Weiiiiiirrrrrdddddd! I'm commenting a lot :T

    -Skerrymalas- *Justice Angel*

  9. hi im snowyclaw gift me plz


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw