
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pet Icons Everywhere!

Because of pet popularity there are pet icons (mini pet shops) all over Jamaa! They added these on the same day as pets because of the crazy rush to the Claws N' Paws tree in Appondale. I listed the icons I can find; are there more?

All pet's in Claws N' Paws...
Ducks and cats in Crystal Sands...
Dogs in Mt. Shiveer...
Cats and frogs in Coral Canyons...
Dogs in Sarepia Forest...
Ducks and frogs in Temple of Zios...

Be sure to visit all the mini pet shops!


  1. I will and guess what snowyclaw tomorrow there is new stuff!

  2. snowyclaw, for mailtime i sent you something. i don't remember what it was...... anyway, if possible, (you do not have to) can you buddy me? my user is cece35313. if my list is full, jam-a-gram me saying lets be buddies! please!! again, if you can't, thats ok :) -cece35313


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw