
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sorry Nonmembers

As we all know, nonmembers have a harder life around Jamaa. They can't change clothing colors, they can't buy pets, and they can't buy certain items (and no dens).
But there is a reason for all this. Think of AJ as a business, a store can't go around selling things for free, right? They would go bankrupt! It's the same with Animal Jam, they have to employ people to work on the site, and they have to pay those people.
So what I'm saying is, without memberships, there would be no Jamaa! AJ has reasons for what the don't let nonmems do, it's so they join! In the adult world it's all about profit, that's how the world works.


  1. I think it's to keep aj ad free!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yes!! I guess webkinz didn't make enough money or they're trying to be mean... DOES ANYONE KNOW THERE ARE LIKE 12 BILLION ADS ON WEBKINZ!!

  2. @BigGoldfish101
    That's very likely! Thanks for the reminder. :)

  3. Ok it's aurorakismet9 and I know how to be fair to the non members. AJ gets plushies out in stores wan animal jam items to sell in stores.~aurorakismet9

  4. can you create me a member acount? mine got stolen and can you tell me the aj user sand aj pasword please do not tell me a lie because i realy want another!

  5. Well, there is one advantage to being a nonmember. Security. Because it is common for a member account to get hacked. But no one is going to hack some random non member.

  6. Exactly, AJ needs profit or the website can't run. Im just thankful that AJ has a few things for nonmembers. But AJ has gone to far with the membre animals im MY opinion... Because AJ doesnt even make NM animals well they did make the seal which was nonmember, but all of those other animals are for members only. Theyre not really treating us as fair. But on the bright side, we still can get items unlike Club Penguin and all those other babyish websites. And I agree with leafpool. Well, unless they have CRAZY good rares Then they will get hacked. But they arent really saving the bigcats with THAT Money in my opinion, because they dont have time and NEED to have that money for they're own good. Another thing that's not fair is us nonmembers can't recolor stuff. Well that's all I have to say, P.S.

    It took a long time to write because of auto correct.

  7. pugofpower/Mighty ToughMasterJune 22, 2012 at 9:37 PM

    This is so old but... XD I think the fact that penguins are for nonmembers was really nice of them. c: But they have gone a bit over the top with the whole member thing. I wish I could get gifts through jam-a-grams. That's the only member thing I want to be for nonmembers too. :)

  8. I am member but I still do agree they went a little over the top! I mean nonmembers should at least have a cool den or a cool animal

    1. Totally! My bff Amoe3320 sent me bamboo on my non member account! When I told her I was getting membership I meant on my other account! That makes me so mad!


  9. Why don't you want to buddy me!?!?

  10. Right Snowyclaw!
    Buddy Me!

  11. At least I'm a member!! >:D
    Sorry to all non members out there! Hope you all get a membership soon! Oh and my username on animal jam is luck17131 if you wanna search me up. And if you want my headdress JUST TRADE!!!

  12. Hey and if you trade rare top hat and add 1 rare (member) and 2 betas (real betas) I will say yes PLZ DON'T JUST SAY IT'S AN OVERTRADE IN THE COMMENTS SAY IT IN A JAM-A-GRAM!!!


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw