
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chat Glitch

Hey jammers! It seems something is off in Mt. Shiveer. It doesn' seem to chat well! I went there with mariahmaemae (she showed this glitch) and yomamajama and we all had it. It seems to stop when you log off and on again, but it's still strange... Here's what happened:
You can't see what anyone else is saying,
and what you say doesn't appear on the list... 
Only emoticons appear there, it's all very strange...
What do you think jammers? Has this happened to you before? See you in Jamaa!


  1. First
    And I think I know what your talking about, was anyone else moving or talk? Because everyones been having a glitch like that latly.

  2. I had that glitch yesterday!!!! It must really be spreading like Swine Flu! But yes, it has happened to me, and I was not happy about it. ):|
    But it stopped when I did the same thing that Snowyclaw said: Logging off, and logging back in again. Hopefully it won't happen to EVERYONE that goes to Mt.Shiver.


  3. @Scourgebc
    I've head about it but never experienced it before. Everyone was moving around fine, but no talking. After I left Mt. Shiveer everything went back to normal.

    1. Hi Snowyclaw! I just discovered you and your blog, and I really like it. I agree with you when you say that Animal Jam has a very interesting story behind it. I love seeing glitches, secrets, and new things about Animal Jam, so I hope you keep on blogging and making videos!

    2. this glitch happened to me 10 times,i was wondering what was happening.

  4. I've had that glitch before, and it drives me crazy!!
    It's not just Mt Shiveer...I was in a den, and all the sudden it looked like I was the only one talking...but the silence went on and's one of my least favorite glitch.>:(

  5. I've had it happen! and everyone was like MYTHICAL!? 98!? HELLO?! and it finally stopped but it took a long time!!!

  6. Sorry I wrote that ( 98lovecats )

  7. ugh, untill animal jam recently updated i had that glitch ALL day. I am glad it was finaly fixed. me and acouple friends have been calling it the hear no evil see no evil glitch (smily emot) mostly because you can hear the other jammers and they can't see what you are saying, i hope the next glitch is a good one.
    your blog fan, and friend-

  8. OMG! Yes! This never happened to me before until today. It is so annoying! And yes, it went away once I logged out.

  9. like i am here flaler14!I know its very anoying!!!!I have this glicht everyday becouse i dont have very good internet and it logez me off an wen i log in everything is in silence !!!!it hapens to me everywere at the movies-coral canions-cristal sands-mt.shiver- jamatownship-appondale!!!!!I HATE THIS GLITCH!!!iven when i am with my boyfriend it hapens:( bb and hope u hever have this glitch the glithchi one-flaler14-

  10. Oh thats happened 2 my brother b4 oh Snowy Claw could u advitise my blog on ur blog
    its called HTTP://animaljamisawsome.blogspot.comalso plzz visit my blog and plzz buddy me my google acount name is my username 4 animal jam

  11. this has happend to me and i was trying to copy it so i didnt hav to type it again

  12. and i dont think i was in st shiveer at all!!

  13. I think that happens when your internet connection goes out. But when that happens to me, emoticons don't show up...

  14. sometimes, someone will say something and all I see is a blank speech bubble, and on the chat log, it is just blank at that spot! It is quite weird!

  15. It has been happening a lot to me. It's caused by the following, Bad internet. Glitch doing. Chat mix up. Bubble chat on. And eating waffles.

    (eating waffles doesn't effect AJ, sorry)

  16. One time, this person was having a fashion show at their den. I got in, and it took a while for her to get in. (advertising too long?) We waited, and waited. Then, out of sheer boredom I clicked the thing that says "(name)’s den" to see the animals. I found that I couldn’t click it! As soon as I clicked it, everyone stopped moving. I logged out, logged back on again, searched their name (I SWEAR there were no typos,)
    Nothing came up.


    1. ps in a way that is just freaking me out lol

  17. lol this post is old anyway...well no but i had this other strange glitch....where i gone to my friend my friend told me this glitch where her words kept repeating after i saw it kept repeating but when she told me it was repeating it started happening to me i had to log out and back in 10 times to get rid of it..

    1. That happened to me to. I said something, then I said something else and what i said first came up again but then it went back to the second thing I said so it was really weird. It doesn't happen anymore though. But it happened A LOT!

  18. i think this glitch happened to me

  19. wow!! i had that glitch before....... :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  20. snowyclaw? can you add me or have one of you storage accounts add me? im kittycat904

  21. I had the weirdest glitch ever. In jamaa township, I was standing around, and HOLY MOTHER OF SPIDERS!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone was invisible except the people that came in!!!! So I had to go to my den and go back. Which pooped. >:O

  22. yea it has happened to me. Many times. But everyone else's chats could be seen but mine couldn't .When you click the emotes, other people can see that chat. its SO frustrating

  23. yea add me too . I'm CUTEGIRL2001 and yes, with caps

  24. snowy that happens to me every single place i go .-.

  25. this really isnt a glitch


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw