Hey jammers! Tons of new stuff around Jamaa, new animals, dens and more! Here are just a few of the fun new things you can find. There is a new ocean land, Koni Cove, complete with a underwater furniture shop called Sunken Treasures.

With the new ocean land comes new pages in the Journey Book! Here is a picture of the new page and prize. I'll be posting a guide to the Kani Cove journey later on.

There are now turtles in Jamaa! They are member only sadly. Another member plus is there are four more animal slots, more room for more characters!

Although there are no new den slots there is a Sunken Den (for members only again, while only ocean animals can visit it).

Plus members are now able to buy den music! Get them while prices are low, and don't forget the Old Bones music which in now on clearance!

Plus there is much more to come in Jamaa! One is November gift, coming soon. The Bubble Tron 5000!

Again, AJHQ is promising members more ways to become a lion, but no hints on how or when. Here is the article from the Jamaa Journal.

But now there is the promise of two new pets coming in the next update! What do you think they will be?

For more news and hints be sure to read the Jamaa Journal and the Jamaa Central board (which has been updated with a new calendar and more artwork).

And don't forget, Sky High is now double gems! Have fun earning for all the great clearance items!

Meanwhile, thank you jammers who have sent me gifts! I feel very appreciated. :) I will mention you by name when I'm able to find the time. And for those who have sent friend requests, please instead send them to snowyclaw1, my main storage account. Thanks! See you in Jamaa.

Congrats on finding the party info! ^.^
Date - October 29th
Time - 11am AJS time
Place - snowyclaw's den
Server - any!
Bring - you best costume
Here are the fabulous helpers, you can still sign up!
Organizers - Snowyclaw, Sheesh4
Helpers - Oranoo, Quavine, Sallefy, flora4569
Thanks! I hope to see you there!