
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Update Reminder

Hey jammers! Just a reminder here, don't forget to earn gems for the Epic Wonders items, they will likely disappear in the next update. If you hadn't had the chance be sure to check all the items you have off your list, and be sure to save up for some more. Remember, depending on how long AJHQ saves them these interactive items could become quite rare! 
At the moment I've had the most luck earning gems at Fruit Slinger since it happens to have double gems right now.
I go to my favorite level - landscape 4, level 4...
I click about here with a star fruit, aiming for the wood the top phantom is on. This should shoot him sideways.
 With only one fruit used this level can earn you up to 70 gems each time (just click menu, then back to the level after each time). That means a ton of gems with the double gem bonus! 
I can't remember who I first learned this from, but it's useful! Got any other useful, gem-earning tips? What game earns the most, the fastest? Good luck jammers!

Note: New post on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. fruit slinger is like the game angry birds


  2. WOW so many gems!!!!!!!!!!

  3. fruit slinger gets me the most gems i am passed every level if you haven't got passed level 10 of 2 then it seems like the hardest game in the world that is why i only play level 3, 4 and 5

  4. Luv it though i don't play much

  5. Yes, I think Phantom's Treasure gives the most gems in one setting. Best Dressed gives a ton of gems too.


  6. I love the game Fruit Slinger!

  7. That last comment " I love the game Fruit Slinger!" That is me, cute9812. My animal name is Enchanted Artic star.

  8. I got 7,000 gems in 15 mins using this method!!!

    1. me 2! i played for about 20 minutes doing this and i got 8000 gems (it was on double gems though) but still i got a lot of gems!


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw