
Monday, January 23, 2012

AJHQ's Response

Hey jammers. As the title says I'm here with AJHQ's response to our ideas as well as much more from around Jamaa.
Sadly the letter is entirely boxed, apparently the responder was in a hurry. Hopefully our ideas got through though. And now, as usual, I have a few glitches to share. These are fairly strange and annoying ones, though some are quite fun.
This glitch has been seen before but mldb brought this one to my attention. It's similar to the Insanity glitch, but even crazier! This occurred in CinnamonCake's den, CinnamonCake is a jammer previously known as VivaCandy (or Fuzzy Shyivy) who owns a fairly well known blog.
Meanwhile, Alygator and RabbitOfTheVally reported even more sightings of the misplaced facts in their dens. Strange, huh? My best guess is that some Shamans dropped them accidently in their journeys, or they are a side effect from this Insanity Glitch going on (see the post below).
As I mentioned a while back, the spins are an annoying glitch that slows down your play in Jamaa, but now they are even more common! I think it's because of the Insanity Glitch as well, it's really interfering with Animal Jam.
This has been happening to me when I trade, jammers. Have you had issues with it as well? It's really causing quite a problem when I'm transferring my extra items to my storage accounts. Speaking of storage accounts...
This jammers, is a lot of friend requests! Please slow down. >.< You can friend some of my other accounts, including snowyclawplushies, AJSprizes, or my current storage, snowyclaw5. I'd also like to mention that there are so many comments on the Ask Snowy page that there is a new page of comments! To get there, click the "Newer" button at the bottom of the comment list.
Thanks jammers! See you in Jamaa. ^.^

Update: New party on the Spirit Club mini blog (pieluver32 and dragons4evr)!


  1. That tradeing glitch is happening to me also! I saw this one really weird thing that i will send to a pic of. I looks like a really weird glitch that you can do to your den.


  2. i can still do the temple of zios sky glitch and i also can do it without switching to a different animal or switching to the same switch like switching to the same animal. and unfortunaly i am the only one who knows how to get in the pit by doing the temple of zios sky glitch

  3. Lol I saw that invisible one the other day, that spin glitch is the most annoying think ever. Sometimes it takes like 20 mins and it still won't load so I have to refresh aj.

  4. I have a pretty cool glitch for you for me it's annoying because I'm like stuck >:l

  5. I am going to try this glitch XD

    1. wait u read wolves of the beyond cause i do to thats epic!
      btw im Ava3464

  6. Dear snowyclaw my birthday is monday january 30 i noticed that a party is on the 31st isnt that cool it is right after my b-day!

    :P :D

  7. I don't like those glitches they are really annoying.

  8. Does Fuzzy Shyivy still use their Blog? What is it?

  9. Lol, that's a LOT of Jam-a-Grams. (Like fractions.) I have a glitch for Jam-a-Grams. It's happened three times. The Jam-a-Gram counter says I have one letter, but I have none! I undo it by asking my buddies to send me a freak one.

  10. Hey! AJHQ also gave me the same reply when I told them that they can add snake decorations for our dens! Infact, I got many replies that are very similar. I think AJ dosen't really have time to respond to our emails. :(

  11. That spin one did it again to me yesterday. :D
    That invisible one I haven't seen since December. But it was kind of cool.

  12. Snowyclaw,
    I am started to get the impression that you are ignoring me. is this mere coincident or do i have a good reason to be paranoid? If this is so I would feel really bad, i didn't do anything to offend you, did I? :( What ever happened to being your idea creator? Is this because of changing my accounts, user name, and other information, do you think I may have done something bad? I am beginning to feel really hurt now, even more so if you were to ignore this post like my others.
    Sadly; yomamajama/cyborgwolfgirl :(

  13. @Snowyclaw
    Hey Snowy,
    Well, that is actually an automated response... Not a person's response... it is a robot's. Trust me, I know these things... I've recieved many like that in that form. However, i do hope... That they will add those things to Animal Jam. Also, do you think you could post the Lost Temple of Zios glitch? You don't have to, but if you can, could you? Don't mean to be a bother for you, for I assume you have more important things to do then read what I have to say. Sorry, for wasting your time. But, I just thought I should inform you.
    Thank you,
    Expert Shyjoy aka Junior Shydog XD

  14. I hope they get rid of those nasty glitches.

  15. @Cyborgwolfgirl
    I'm so sorry! I didn't know I defriended you. >.< Im sorry I didn't reply to any others, I try to get to everything, I really do. Friend me on AJ again!

    @Expert Shyjoy
    Well, someone has to put the response in, if you know what I mean. I like to call them "boxed" emails, someone just chooses a form to insert in the email. As for the Zios and New Years Parties glitche, I haven't been able to investigate them fully, so I can't post them yet!


    1. Hi snowyclaw btw ppl r scamming my rares an aj someone scammed my rare headdress worn and my arch way and im so sad about that and ur den is unlocked epic! my username is Ava3464 ok :D

  16. trading glitch happened... Around 2 times to me! And I can't stay in one place for to long or i can't go anywhere else without logging out! AND MY SISTER HAS SEEN HER OWN CLONE! It is taking forever for me to enter the insane glitch, but i think i got it down now. I will post once I get it down. You are epic!-Your #1 fan

  17. the time I follow 0.0 GO TX xD


  18. Guess what snowy? I was telling people that we should start asking for shamans and guides - even Mira! When i told them about Mira i got i note that said," You are rewarded 1500 gems. keep up the good work." AMAZING!!!! weird huh. i did the insanity glitch yesterday xD

  19. I always get that slow spinner thing when I'm on! It's usually when I'm trying to get to Jamaa Township!


  20. Just thinking I don't really think animal jam spends much time on their e-mails... I think they just send the same one to everyone that sends something related.oh and I searched snowyclaw1, 2, 3,4,5,6 ,7,8,9,10,11 and 33 so are they all yours?-pirate151

  21. LOL!!!!!!
    so wierd
    i like glitches anyway but i know how to get invisibal!
    u stay at a part that was finished 3 hours ago
    and leave after the 3 hours
    and.... WHALLA!!
    your invisibale

  22. buddy meh....
    i'm d-dog
    or just dotdog800

  23. Hi snowyclaw well ppl r scamming my rares well my rare spike headdress worn and arch way and now my rare fox hat got scammed and btw my username is Ava3464.

  24. Ava3464 again btw i rlly want my things back my sister sent me all her things all ready btw her username is prinsess68111

  25. Ava3464 here again plz ppl if u want send me plants mats and gates an AJ plz im making a wolf clan

  26. its Ava3464 again and i need things for my sis she is poor her username is prinsess68111 and she rlly wants things so plz send her unwanted items only if u want u dont have to

  27. hey snowy well today it says ajhq is working on jamaa and it wont let me log in animal jam why is it doig that?

  28. hi snowyclaw it said i was suspended for saying dhfjhfj cause my dog walked on my laptop and it said i was susped for 1 day but now it ont let me on and its 2 days later so can u plz help me im Ava3464


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw