
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Update Thursday?


Hey jammers! Silverstorm99 sent me a picture of AJHQ's response when she asked about the late update.
It's pretty understandable for them to take a holiday break, don't you think? Most companies give holiday breaks to their employes, why would AJ be any different? Anyway, it just leads up to more suspense for the wonderful new year update.
Happy Jamaalidays everyone, and keep on shopping!


  1. I remember being there when you reposted it! Ha ha! We had a lot of fun!


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. @Anonymous
    Please, I don't want to have to start moderating the comments of this blog. Thanks.

  4. What did Anonymous say? Anyways, I heard it the first post about this update thing.

  5. @GreenFun
    Something rude (not swearing or anything). What do you mean? I posted about the update before but a lot of jammers didn't read it. :P

  6. I saw what anonymous said...

  7. I am playing Feral Heart like crazy so I am glad that Animal Jam now is gonna update soon

  8. Some people around Jamaa are going absoluetly NUTS about the late update and how horses aren't in Jamaa yet. One of my old friends started a riot about the unexisting horses. They just need a little patience. :) But it seems as though they don't want anything to do with patience.


  9. ...The horeses don't mean anything to me

  10. -fist pump- Can't wait~

  11. Well I don't care bout horses.Oh and they just came out.YAY! NO MORE RIOTS BOUT HORSES NOW YAY!!!

  12. @Snowyclaw,
    I saw u at a trading party once, I was so noobish and didnt know who you were lol but then like 2 days later i realized u had a blog and are very famous, LOL! Snowy, if you have room on ur acct. (or any accts u have) Id b happy to b ur buddy! Thanks


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw