
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Crater with Meteorite

Hey jammers! Looks like another member day, sorry. There is a new item in the Epic Wonders shop of Coral Canyons.
This is exactly like the one in the Sol Arcade.
There is only one color, but I think it's pretty darn cool! The medusa masks are gone, but there is plenty of  seasonal items to collect before the update this Thursday. Be sure to get the ones you want before then, they may disappear! Anyone looking forward to penguins? AJHQ made a post most recently on their blog about Eat Em' Up Double Gems. Be sure to try the game!
I've also noticed that they advertise Monday's rare on their blog, so if I'm ever late you can check by there.
Hopefully this was helpful, happy jamming! Be sure to check the post below for all the current Skyway glitches.

New: More parties on the Spirit Club mini blog.


  1. I wondered what that green rock thingy was!Though I didn't think it was a meteorite!But what's the point in rares if they're not rare?They are only rare for nonmembers!Everything is always member!


  2. This is just stupid. I think I'm going to just STOP playing on this retarded site. It is no fun for non-members. NOTHING in Epic Wonders is for us, and I just think it's stupid. So I think I'll just stop playing.

  3. Ya there really unfair and as AJ goes on more stuff is for members its just wrong

  4. Happy valentines day!!!!!!i know u do a lot of work for the blog snowy.. Awesome blog!!

  5. Ya i like the crater and i like snowyclaw post but i hope she/he can change the wallpaper

  6. Happy Valentine's Day , Snowyclaw.I really like your blog and I got one , too but is a bad one.

  7. No isn't Wolfskin! i was urechita000 at Monster Bravegirl!

  8. @ everyone who is saying that they think membership is not fair: they need money to keep it here! also it isn't snowyclaws fault that they made it. they know that if there is no money they will shut down!

  9. pls trade me something beta or good plz! my user is starpilot2000. Look at my trade list!



Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw