
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

No Longer Available

Hey jammers, a new (and rather boring) item is here in the Friendship Party. The Princess Chair has arrived yet again.
 I also have an interesting discovery brought to my attention by Junior Shydog. When in a party you can click the party you're on in your party menu and you'll go to a more populated party. Isn't that cool? You won't have to go searching through servers for full parties. If it is the most popular/full party a message will come up telling you this news. That's new!
That's interesting and all, but this here is infuriating! So, I go to buy a Heart Headband, and, what do you know?
Same for the top three items in the Jam Mart Clothing shop...
And tons of other shops around Jamaa!!!!!
This angers me so much! I've been doing so much blog-work and homework I don't have any gems! I have no headbands, blankets, rugs, or treasure! D: If anyone one has extras could you spare a few? I don't mean to beg, but I'm kinda desperate. >.< Anyway, what this shows is that most seasonal items from now on will be removed the day the holiday is over, not the update after. I learned that the hard way. Please help me if you can, sorry. 

 Are you guys still enjoying my blog and its posts or are other blogs and websites catching your fancy? Happy jamming y'all.


  1. wow i would of thought that the valentines day items would stay until the end of valentines day first comment keep up good work

    1. other blogs and websites are catching my fancy. sometimes

  2. Why wouldn't AJ HQ just take the items of fof the "catalogs"?

  3. I bought 2 things of every thing of course i'll help you!

  4. But some of the things I bought I traded to help other friends but I still have a few spares thankfully!

  5. have you bin to pizzadrop den yet it's super gliched i have pics on my blog check it out!!!!!!!!!!0

  6. snowyclaw really you are the only person i can really go to the blog of because any one who doesn't tell glitchs on there blog i just cant go to there blog anymore or have anything to do with them

  7. I got some spare!! What wouldn't you like snowy? I dont have the antlers but I have others...tell me what u want through comment and I'll send it through mail!! And, can you add me? I sent a buddy request the other day, but u didn't say yes...

  8. Hey Jammers,
    I'm sorry for sounding greedy. >.< Only if you have extra heart rugs, winter blankets, treasure, or heart headbands that you'd like to send. I'd be really grateful. I'll try to send back a gift to everyone who sends me something. Thank you so much Jammers.

  9. Whoa whoa whoa.. WHAT?! Why didnt they put 'clearence' or whatever on it and take it fron the catleog thing i didnt get den items and winter blankets and all the colors of lockets grrr........

    Werewolf Lover,Taylor Lautner mine back off :)


  10. @Tigerlillycoke
    Really? Strange... Maybe AJHQ changed it. I certainly hope so. XD I'm just a crazy old collector. Oh well, just a game, just a game... (that's what I tell myself).

  11. That party message has been there for months, it's not new.

  12. Oh and I was able to buy those valentines items still! Hmm...what is AJ up to?

  13. I'll send you some stuff Snowy. Always happy to help ^^

  14. Jammers-
    If they are up for sale again then I don't want to take any of your items, if you have sent some I'll be sure to send a animal toy or something back. Sorry for my little panic, I'm kind of strange when it comes to collecting. ^.^

  15. Man I think Aj is getting a bit boring...

  16. HEY I CHECK THE STORES THERE BACK FOR SALE THEY JUST RAN OUT OF STOCK! So no worry's! Oh snowy I sent you a bunch but you can keep them I know your low on gems so it's ok!

  17. hey snowy I not sure if you knew this but in artwork....... well some things are a little Gory..
    Like Silverbelle's artwork febuary 12 like the wolf with blood all over it and Bigsoldfish101's art deldakins..


  18. My kids enjoy your blog, we just found it a few weeks ago. It's a great reference for what's new, and other changes we may not know about.

    We were a bit irritated with AJ too, when those items "weren't available", but delighted to discover they fixed it later today!

  19. I like your blog except i liked the font before. and the back ground before. this font is good as well, except can you change the background?
    the hearts are kind of distracting and i keep on forgetting to read...

  20. I bought a locket because i read this. IT LET ME GET THE LOCKET. AND IT MADE ME POOR. Maybe that only happens with members?
    Members in friendship party said they couldn't buy any items there... tell AJ snowyclaw!

  21. Lol, I have heart capes, roses, lokets... All colors in fact!! I'll be happy to share!!

  22. Wow I noticed that with the heart chair when I tried to buy it! I sent you the underwater heart rug in AJ mail! Hope you get it! Btw your blog is awesome I never used to be able to do the glitches!

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw