
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tierney's Aquarium

Hey jammers, there is some more fun in Crystal Sands now with the new aquarium. It's located on the far right, where the pet cleaning hut used to be (it's farther up now, on the rocks).
There are two entrances, one through Crystal Sands and one through Kani Cove. Pretty creative layout, I think.
The entire room is an aquarium (although I'm not sure how the got all that fish and water up so high).
This new room is full of fun new videos to watch, some of which are located in the upstairs theatre. Check it out!
There is also a new game (called Touch Pool I believe), just simply click on the pool on the main level to play.
You get to earn gems and prizes at the same time, here are the rules of the game, be sure to come and give it a try soon.
Here is the animal log, all you need to do is tough five of each type for the prizes to be unlocked for each.
Here are the prizes you can win -
And there also is a fun new glitch (the Temple of Zios and Trading Party skyway glitches still work, but none of the others do anymore) that you can do in the aquarium! You get to sit on water...
Start next to the ladder, switch animals, and while you are switching (while you're green) run into the pool. Now you can sit around and confuse other jammers! Happy jamming everyone. 


  1. Hey! XD Tierey's background fish are Eat 'em up! themed! LOLLOLLOL ~norty

  2. UGH this updates a total WASTE ~wom9

  3. Hey everyone! I want to stop Joseph kony. And I'm making a plan. Whoever wants to help comment saying you do. Our goverment is letting millions of people die because he is somehow making money! I don't care if he sees this. This has got to stop. He is so greedy that he lets this happen. If he is watching this comment I want to say this to him: step up for a change, you could have Joseph kony out of there if you rounded up half your us troops. You could have him outa there in a week.

  4. Hey again, I don't know for sure if he is but I do think the government is somehow making money... But I don't really know so don't take it to far.. I'm just freaking mad.

  5. Umm... how old are you?

  6. Are you going to include the wolf party? ITS EPIC!

  7. so this tirney is kinda like brady barr only a girl? oh dear...

  8. Meh, cool I guess.
    The game it glitched for me and it won't let me add new animals I petted to the list. Oh well, I still like petting the exploding animals. :D


  9. OMG, the plushies are SO cute!



  11. WHOA GLITCH! I saw a glitch when i was doing a glitch. when i tryed to do the glitch when i had changed animals i was STILL THE SAME NAME!

  12. Aww too bad the flying glitches are gone! curse you AJ! XD

  13. seal4354 was very rude he said that the pool was for members only and he called people liars... >8^(

  14. I got all the plushies about three days ago(my advice: the yellow clam ray was the hardest for me).

  15. I found out that you have to get five TYPES of each thing in touch pool.Or maybe it's just colours,I dunno.You will know when you've got a new one because a fact will pop up,a bit like the journey book.I've got all hermit crabs,horseshoe
    crabs,rays,sea slugs,and sea urchins.I still need 3 more sea stars.

  16. I can easliy get on da pool.I just delete meh seal then clikc da pool then hit no for da under-water animal thing and I'm on it.Lolz. :P

  17. if you want to stop cyber bulling on animal jam LETS START BY REVERSING WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU AND PUT IT TOGETHOR and also share it with ur friends. WE MUST STOP CYBER BULLING IT IS WRONG! lets make a change if we're gonna come around :3 PLZ HELP STOP CYBER BULLING BY SPEAKING UP

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw