
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pillar With Vase

Hey jammers! The new item today is the Pillar With Vase in the Sunken Treasures den item shop in Kani Cove.
Goofy8966 and najaf found this in the Horse Only Party.
Apparantly she got there be "clicking fast enough." Any ideas on how, jammers? Happy jamming everyone!


  1. We dont care of glitches.Stop showing them

    1. Actually, i would like snowy to show glitches they intrest me, but its your opinion and i hope i don't affend it! And snowyclaw i DO know how to be a dolphin on a land party! if you would like to contact me on aj, im ASPCAISAWESOME see you in jamma!

    2. YOUR SO RUDE!!!!!!! Man people like you make me sad

  2. @snowyclaw
    Very cool! I think the vase rocks! I can't wait to buy it. In my opinion, I think it is super cool, it may be for members, but that doesn't stop it's awesomeness! :)


  3. @Anonymous

    You may not care for the glitches, but that doesn't mean others don't. Sorry to say this, but if you don't want to see them you don't have to read the glitches... They are mainly just for the jammers who truly love glitches! I'm not a big fan, but I read them anyway. :/ Hope this helps and see you in Jamaa!


  4. @goofy8966
    I totally agree. In fact im going to buy it 4 my underwater den! ^_^

    If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.


  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. @Anonymous
    So immature -.-
    @ Snowyclaw
    Aww wish AJhq would add more non-mwmber items oh well :l

  7. @Anonymous

    You don't have to be so immature.
    -.- @snowyclaw
    Cool glitch I tried it and it worked!

  8. Hey snowy the glitch might work if you be a horse, switch animals, and click a lot and fast on the party. I've seen sharks and seals in the wolf party, too.

  9. hey snowy not to get off topic but is like been deleted! I loved that blog... (i also love phantoms) so you should delete it off your "other blog" list... march of the phantoms has marched away!


  10. Wow.I'm the only 1 dt noticed?Well,Snowy,u but be insted of by. Lol.And you all have very good points about the first comment.And I think,that if you check a few blogs,the same thing would be on them.That person is probably just a computer nerd trying to act cool by telling ppl their blogs ****.But none of us think this blog ****s.So what I gotta say is,get a life thats not being mean!(I know it's a lil mean,but thats the only way to put it.:P)

  11. Err,at the top of my thing I meant dat.Not,dt.Lol.

  12. @Anonymous at the very top of the list

    If you don't like glitches, then don't read about them! I think the are very cool!


  13. @Fire66300
    Wow! Really?! Pretty wacky thing... AJHQ has a lot to see. ^.^ I wonder what will occur if you are a shark in the water and doing what you said... end up in the party? That would be so cool! Thank you for making that clear. I'll go try it! :D

    :( Aww. Well, Octo did need a break, a lot of things were going on in her life. Hopefully she will be back soon. I mean, we all need breaks,maybe she is just resting up. Same with Hamishcat... (Another blog admin on Octo's blog).

    If people don't have anything nice to say, don't let it get to you. Smile and act like we are enjoying it. Ultimately, bullies like these, only do it to get a reaction out of us. So, if we act like we are liking it and it is not getting to us... Maybe then, the bully will get tired and move on and hopefully stop his or her criminal acts. Now this is just a suggestion, but I have a feeling it will work. ^.^ Also, it is ok, we are make mistakes, I've made plenty in my life. :)

    Correct! There are plenty other things to do on this blog then read glitches. Snowy has put up countless options to do, other then glitches. :)

    Happy Jamming!

  14. I found how you can be a diffrent animal at wolves only party! It's not possible. I's just a mess-up between the party and a random area. The people you see doing strange are normal people walking around at the messed-up area.

  15. @Anonymous
    Really?! Fascinating! I can't wait to tell all my friends this! Thank you so much! :)


  16. Awesome vase! Man, that glitch is wierd...

  17. @superjake02
    Yea, I know right? Pretty freaky glitch, I'd say. ^.^ Also, the vase is pretty pawsome indeed.


  18. Penguin at Horse Party... Not weird at all...

  19. Guess what everyone? Yesterday was my bday!
    P.s. justf or the record, u gotta watch warhorse!!!!, it's sad but it is one if the most awesome movies ever!!!!!

  20. @Jubei/Spino11
    Yes, I can definitely expect to always see penguins roaming with horses. :D It's nothing new for me... ^.^

    Happy Birthday Jake! Ok, I'll try to watch that movie, hope yesterday was an amazing birthday for you. Maybe snowyclaw will come on and throw a party for you. :)


  21. Interesting! It's like that old glitch, where land animals can be underwater, and so forth. I suppose she thought all the horses were underwater, and maybe she was clicking something. Anyhow, that is an awesome glitch! I hope I get to see one like that!

  22. Its like the sea animal on land glitch/ land animal in water glitch. You go into another room, not as a horse or wolf, depends on the party, and go into another room and do horse/wolf party fast. you may/may not end up as a different animal in a party. I did it, i was an octopus :D

  23. @Jammers
    Yes, I can see what she did now! She probably was underwater then clicked on her horse/penquin and as it was still turning clicked the party. That could be how she ended up in the Horse Party, eh? I think that is the case. So, if we test out that glitch, I think it will definitely work. :)

    (Just a theory, I have).

  24. I found a black puffle! (sorry forbthe unrelated coment)

  25. @Anonymous
    That's awesome! I can't wait to experience what you experienced so that I might see on my own! :) Cool, and no need to be sorry, I think that's awesome as it is! :D


  26. snowy, gem ball in the zios is double gems just to let your know.

  27. @ Jumping Scary Monkey
    Thanks! I've been poor for all week....
    @ purplebelle1
    Ah... Great idea! Maybe that's how...
    -Fire66300 AKA Fyr.

  28. P.S:
    @ Jammers
    If you cre-e-e-e-e-p into the mud or water or choclate or such, you can SWIM ON LAND. Try it.

  29. @fire66300
    Wow really?! Very cool, thanks for telling everyone! I'll make sure to try it out! :)

    Thank you so much!


  30. Yeah! If you look at my blog, an OCTOPUS got into a wolves only party!! SO WEIRD!!
    P.S. Sorry about making you feel bad snowyclaw, I was hoping people who owned big blogs like yours took it that way >.< Don't worry. Your blog is AWESOME!! No wonder so many people view it! :D

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. @snowdog900
    Wow really?! Sights like these have definitely been increasing in the Jamaasian Horse Party, no? I wonder if this works the same with the Wolf one? Hmm... XD I'll try it. It probably will. ^.^ What do you guys think? :)


  33. I heard a horse was at the wolf party too, weird glitch... But awesome!

  34. Lol snowy you had a typo u put be instead of by xd


  35. I've seen a wolf in Deep Blue too... Maybe like that?
    Yikes! Ocean animals are everywhere! Also, IK another way to do the Insanity Glitch. Once, I changed into my wolf just as the den I was in turned to a sea den! I was a wolf underwater!

  36. All of these stuff are members!

  37. All of these stuff are members!

  38. Kinda like the egg on pedestal... maybe dats why aj added the pillar... -shrug-


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw