
Monday, April 30, 2012

Rare Purple Pigtails

Hey jammers, today's "rare" is quite crazy - Rare (purple) Pigtails! You can purchase yours on the sixth page of Jam Mart Clothing. I'm sorry that it isn't nonmember, everyone.
Be sure to buy a few before they go rare for a while. Now, the weekly mystery. Today's is more like a test, since there is a correct answer, but I'd like to see who can come up with the coolest explanation! In the Chamber of Knowledge. . .
 . . .there is shelves of stones. What are these crystals called? Whose desk is that (check out the book there for a hint). Still stuck? I suggest looking at once of my early posts - click here. I'm hoping some still remember the ancient Jamaasian stories. If not, I'll be sure to announce it in the next post.
Happy jamming!


  1. The shaman's Were great Explorer's, They would Find rare Plants, Deep underground Dimounds and Even A Phantom Leg! They would put All their discoverie's Packed up On shelve's. But were was the shevles? In "Chamber Of Knowlage" This is what Zios Called The Discover's, At first He named It "Chamber Of mystery's" Then A few years past and it became "Chamber of Knowlage" Is this really true? or is it just a myth, Who knows... -CheshiireCat

  2. @cheshiirecat

    good explaination i was gona say the same thing!

  3. Probly the very first jammer opend the book the he/she discoverd every thing that was secret to the shamans.Then i fews years later he/she became a shaman because he already knew the sesrets from the book.I bet her became a shaman by being wise and greatfull.Just seeing his/her face like this when becomeing a shaman.:O...:D!Then he/she says "WOW,What am i".He/she did not know what a shaman was even by reading the book still did not know he just saw Miria in the book.I wonder what shaman might he bee?

  4. Well the crystals are called quartz, that desk is probably a shaman's (or even zios' himself!!!) And snowyclaw- yes i know stories! I know the creation one, the phantom one, zios' one and a few me and my friend made up ( their true... just not found in text books) so uh...


  5. Liza and Grahams Chamber to make potions and furniture and urr..STUFF. -Galaxywulf

  6. :( Nothing non-member.

  7. Did you get the Message From AJHQ Snowy? It was about The Rare Crazy Pigtails, "Hey Jammer's, Have you got your RARE Purple Pigtails yet?" That's all i can remember From Mind. -CheshiireCat

  8. Oh and Thank's For the Thanks LivieLoo6 XD I do like Apreation's Like Snowyclaw -CheshiireCat

  9. That's Liza's desk, and the stones are Spirit stones! Gee, I thought that Spirit stones all looked the same..

  10. It's a Shamans desk, with all the secrets of Jamaa!

  11. Liza has found some new rocks! She keeps everything on shelves in the chamber of mysteries. I think that her favorite place is that exact one 'cause it's full of books full of information!

  12. They are some of Liza's findings when she explored the lands. Maybe she'll show us more when she returns from the next land...

  13. The Chamber of Knowledge is probably a place where Mira and Zios keep Shaman stories,myths, facts, and AJ secrets ^.^ Almost like a library. I think the desk belongs to Liza and she must like to read because there are some books on the shelf under the desk. I think she also uses the stones for jewlery and for her staff. If u look at a picture of Liza she has the same blue stones as her ear rings and staff. Maybey the other blue stones are leftover ones she didn't use to make her ear rings and staff. Or mabey Liza likes stones and coloects them. I like these weekly questions Snowyclaw u should make a Daily Question Page and whoever has the best answer will get there name put up in like a jammer spotlight thingy and u could put today's winner or something and change it or u could just have a weekly question like u already do :D hope u like my suggestion! sorry my answer is sooooooooo long :D

  14. It is Liza's desk where she keeps track of every one on Jamma!

  15. It is Liza's desk where she keeps track of every one on Jamma!

  16. The desks is Liza's and maybe when the humans came and wrecked her home they left the crystal quartz. Then she took it and put it there and it has been there ever since. Just a guess :3

  17. Maybe.. the Emerald in the gong thing in the beta Jamaa Township is on that shelf 0.0

  18. The crystal was a very powerful source of magic. If the crystal fell in the wrong paws, it could mean trouble for Jamaa. Peck owns this desk, but Cosmo gave Peck the magic crystal as a birthday present on Peck's 500th birthday (Shamans are immortal). The problem was that when phantoms came, Peck was so busy trying to keep the phantoms of Jamaa that she couldn't write in her book. Peck's book is a book of spells that she learned from Greely and Sir Gilbert. Sir Gilbert and Greely were helping Peck in the hesitation to keep the phantoms out, but some phantoms sneaked in and tore some important pages out of Peck's book. Luckily, however, they didn't steal the magic crystal.

    ~ The One and Only True Spider Fan

  19. i have a big big news go on you tube and get code tipe in animal jam code enter click one you want wach vdieo there you have ps right down them you will get more if not work try difernt one so have hapy jam in

  20. be my friend please my user is princesstristan20031 ok have fun jam in

  21. I know its been 2 YEARS now since they have been on animal,jam,I think mostly every year they get more rare because people are recycling them there is less. But then again I am wrong animal jam is bringing a lot of BETAS back so yeah. my user is sasha1028 and nice job with your post.

  22. I have some my name is Missessipininja


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw