
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fantasy Banner

Hey jammers! Thank you so much for the tips and gifts, I have such crazy days any computer time is put to this blog instead of playing Animal Jam. I was able to update the AJS Archives - they store all records of the Jamaa Journal as well as tons of banners to be used on blogs and more! Click here to see.

Today's new item is the Fantasy Banner, for sale in Jam Mart Furniture. An awesome nonmember decoration for all dens.
Thanks for your pawesome support everyone, I think my next project will be to update the rare pages on the AJS Items mini blog. Wish me luck! Happy jamming, may Mira be with you.

Do you want to make a difference? . . click here . . .


  1. Nice banner btw i at your den rigfht now snowy ^.^

    1. Snowyclaw u know everyone has met a shamaan They've met Liza :D and also how do u make a banner and heading AND again i have a problem
      Well I made 40 posts so far on my blog AJ super starr and no on i mean no ones commentin g I always feel so lonely and sad when its like that.How did u get sooooo many views and comments on ur blog plz answer asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Plz I commented this 2 times on yesterdays and todays post

    2. Snowyclaw u know everyone has met a shamaan They've met Liza :D and also how do u make a banner and heading AND again i have a problem
      Well I made 40 posts so far on my blog AJ super starr and no on i mean no ones commentin g I always feel so lonely and sad when its like that.How did u get sooooo many views and comments on ur blog plz answer asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. I love your den!!!! I hope the Fantasy den wins the poll!!!

    4. And also how do you get the anonymous thing?

    5. well its cause there not a blogger and there commenting lily

    6. @Kerriecat1

      Also, Kerriecat1, just so you know, you can do the '@' sign and then the name so that the person knows you're talking to them just a friendly hint. :)

  2. Banner is okay, I wish we can get good items Like colored bow and arrow or colored gloves again

    1. the bow and arrow was a holiday gift. it was never sold in stores...... and it never will be. kinda like the spiked wristband. it was a member gift, so it is never going to be in stores......

    2. Aww you had to go break my heart ; (

    3. I wish they would make more clothes and COOLER stuff. I hate all the new clothes that is coming out and they aren't updating the Mt. Shiver clothes rack!!!Come on AJ HQ, get your act together!

    4. I know! They haven't added one new item to the Mt. Shiveer clothing shop!!! I always check and there's nothing there! It's getting annoying!

  3. I am bored so I'm writing a story about the banner.

    The shopkeeper of the J.M.F needed new things that the Jammers would love. He had no idea what to make so he put out a box which had a sign taped to it: Help needed to make items which Jammers will love. Please put things or come in to the store if you want to help. Jammers put lots of suggestions in the box, but only Peck told the shopkeeper she would help. She went to her home and made lots of things, Including the round table and mat we can't buy. Peck decided not to give the shopkeeper the table and mats she had made. She put the copies outside of her den and lots of Jammers took them as she made a banner. She wasn't happy with that. So she made another banner. She wasn't happy with that one either. So she made another one. That was the Fantasy Banner. She was happy with that one, so she handed it in the next day to the shopkeeper, who was amazed as lots of Jammers came in to get some for their dens."Thankyou Peck!" he said happily. He still takes suggestion's but mostly Peck still makes den-things and Jammers from everywhere buy them.

    Hope you liked my story. I only write it because I was bored. It's a great item to make a story of; very easy

    1. Lol, more ppl should write stories because they're bored sp other bored ppl could read them, like me. I wake up and go straight on my iPad to see the new... Well, news.

    2. @chu714
      I do the same thing! I wake up and go straight to my computer. XD

  4. Awesome story ... Next time you see peck , ask her if she is able to make bow, gloves or foxx hats ; )

    1. IF i see her I will but i thought of that story because the banner looks like Peck's work, it's not true, there might not be a story for that item at all.

    2. Awesome story!! You must be very creative to think of that just on your own!!

  5. Hiya Snowyclaw! I REALLY enjoyed the random party before that update =3 When I saw that banner I thought it was a dragon in flames O.o that would be cool though XD

    ~Wolfinery~ (Owner of Animal Jam Soul And Spirit blog) :DDD

    1. I was at the random party!!! I was the headstanding Giraffe, SnowflakeChillyIvy :D

  6. I WISH i wuz a dragon blowing out flames 0.0 ^.^
    p.s If u agree with my point about snowyclaw (it about her getting special treatment but shes a normal blogger like us and normal jammer!) Read comment 30,32,50 51 on YESTERDAYS post. If u agree with my point, reply to me on THIS post. NOTE:THIS ISNT ANYTHING BAD ABOUT SNOWY. IF IT WAS, I WOLDNT POST IT. THIS IS JUST A POINT. NOTHING BAD BOUT SNOWY.

  7. and and snow i will still send you the gift if i get the tickets i never get stuff for myself anyway...

    1. I can get u a plushie from the summer carnival if i have time.. Oh and what did u mean by:As i said pretty much?

    2. i mean yea you are right i just say it like that lol and thanks :3

  8. Hey jammers!I am PlayfulPaw and i am having a conetest and the prize is A phantom rug My blog is.. Animal jam Followers! and the URL is
    Until then Jam On!

    1. Hmm...I would like to join.I'll check your blog PlayfulPaw.:)
      I have a blog as well
      But I haven't been postin on it due to such short time online!(I have to help out at a zoo.:D )

  9. I love to read this blog! I check every day!

  10. yes! finally a non-member cool item!

  11. This is my new blogger acount :D I have the name user, Rufistar, but I just wanted you to know.

  12. Replies
    1. Animal Jam is resetting about 7:53 Animal Jam time

    2. it might mean there updating

  13. I like this item :3 when I first saw it I thought it was a unicorn on the banner

    1. lol really i was thinking it was a dragon...

  14. I haven't seen a colored (original) glove for such a long time... except for me.
    Lol, but I wish I saw more.

    Beta Tester

  15. I hope they sell a harp and grand piano! I love musical instruments!

    1. pretty much but it is a lil human like honestly...


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw