
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sea Star and AJ Ads

Hey jammers! The new item of the day is not very exciting, but I really think it the type of item Jamaa needs, part of nature.
Can't get much more natural than an animated starfish! What do you think? Anyway, in other news, the jammer meepmeepclone1 found more Animal Jam adds up and about. How wacky is that?
Our little Animal Jam is going off and spreading across the world. :') That's how I feel anyway, Jamaa has grown so much since beta. Some changes are for good, other for, well, not so good, but that's how change works I guess. We can never know what's in store, but what are your hopes for the future?

Would anyone mind taking a look at my drawing of Mira on the
Spirit Artwork mini blog? I'd love to get some tips and such! Click here to see it. :)

Do you want to make a difference? . . click here . . .


  1. Wow Nice starfish they are at the atlanti party lol Nice ads! And i gave you 2 tips on that mira artworks and you did an Awesome job!

  2. I wasn't on AJ till march, I missed all the good beta times and items .. As far as today's item I guess it' s okay .. I really don't care for the water dens

    1. i missed out on beta too! i joined october last year

    2. So you had Christmas ?.. And leap year? I manage to get a few leap year items , by trading, I'm in love with the vined chairs, and fence, orb table is okay too, you can check out my den to see them, : )

      ~ footclane

    3. I joined last year in August, but I joined on my original acount last last year in October.

  3. well i joined in beta days about in 2009 honestly...pretty long ago and it was also wonderful...anyway cool i,ll post it:)

    1. I can't believe I get out of bed at 3:30am just to see the new item on snowy's page lol ;)

    2. Kerriecat I was reading ur page ( I can't post on it I can only use anonymous ) anyways yea I remember when I stated on AJ there was someone , don't remember the user , they said they were In the high 30's : / .. Seems odd why would they want to play a game made for kids?


    3. yea ikr.... its just so they can get info from kids...or even so they can get into the kid life once more....

    4. and yea the one that tryed me was in there 40s...not good...

    5. I joined in 2011 or something....That's so weird that grown ups do that. But kerrie cat could be right they might just miss their kid life.

    6. lol I wokem up early to look at snowy post. sorry about the messy words typing this on a phone

  4. I think the starfish sorta looks a bit weird . . .

    1. It's kind of... Flat. -Awkward Moment-

    2. It looks like it's kind of slanted to me...but natural nonetheless!

    3. It's slanted because it's moving. The actual starfish moves a little.

  5. Snowyclaw! tayandnat here, and I hav an idea. its a small idea, but it may help. remember back when animals were found with spirit stones? well, to bring that back, we can name all of our new animals ______ spiritstone! im pretty sure its an ending for your name, we should try it out! it might work, or aj might b oblivious to it. but i think its worth a try. what do u think?

    1. That's a good idea! Since foxes are coming out so soon too. Mabye HQ would notice?

    2. I think that's one of the best ideas i've heard!!!! Tay THAT'S GREAT!!! Because there's always someone moderating the Animal Jam screens, and because so many people will buy foxes, if one person from AJ HQ saw all these people with 'Spiritstone' as the last part if their could work!!!!

    3. Awesome idea!!! im so gonna try this

    4. omg guys im glad u like my idea! im naming my fox infinity spiritstone wen foxes come out! my user is tayandnat! oh im so happy i hope aj catches on!

    5. Awesome idea, but I can't really do it. My elephant's last name is Fierystone, and I don't want to copy my elephant's last name! Please help! Also, I don't want to delete my elephant. :(

      So can I just do Spirit______ at least? I still want to be a Jamaasian though.

      ~ The One and Only True Spider Fan

  6. Snowy, I checked your drawing and is amazing! I can draw only with pencils not with oil colours..and nice starfish!

    1. Ikr! It's a really good must've taken hours to make!

    2. I'm gonna beg my parents until they get me oil pastels or new paints at least. Meanwhile I'm gonna draw Mira.

  7. Ummmm.... Is it a clothing item?

  8. They shouldnt advertise member animals! So if someone sees and wants a crocodile or a horse, they cant make one at first!

    1. You are so right! They should put a wolf, koala, bunny, or penguin! That would make way more sense! It seems really rude to do that.

    2. *plays Chicken Smoothie*

      Oh an ad. It looks interesting. Oooh, I love crocidiles I'm gonna join AJ!

      *registers for AJ and is buyinganother animaal*

      *clicks croc*

      Member-only? FUUUUUUUUUU....

  9. Uh. That crocodile looks a little mean for what it says below....

    A educational online world for kids!
    Safe•Free To Play

    *Evil smiling crocodile with big teeth standing up looking like it wants to gobble you up*

    They should have put like a bunny or a kowala.

    1. I think you're kind of right I mean they could have at least closed the crocodile's mouth! Also, in the add with the horses, if that's supposed to be Mt. Shiveer it doesn't look anything like Shiveer.

  10. I have been seeing that horse ad SO much. Maybe they will start doing TV ads soon. :3 I'd love to see those. XD

  11. There is also one with a lion. I like the croc one the best. You're right, it looks like it's about to eat you and then it's like "Education world for kids! :DDD". I think it's good that they're advertising so we get more players. I can't stand how everyone knows about club penguin but they don't know about Animal Jam. I see those ads all the time on Chicken Smoothie, but I never saw the croc.

  12. I love this item so much now, I have no idea why XD the starfish is strangely adorable to me...

  13. I have seen the ad with the horses
    It's on chicken smoothie

  14. excuse me? chicken smoothie what in the world?!
    ~ Sugarfree8

    1. you can adopt pets, draw pictures,and more! i love it, animal Jam is awesome too! duh

  15. I sent you some art snowy, I hope you put it onto spirit artwork!!! :D

    1. lol i have no idea how to send it :( but i have put my art onto my blog so

  16. Chicken smoothie rocks. Me and my friend noticed that if something on chicken smoothie has 2 do with horses the ad with the horses pops up

  17. i think they put it on tv and it can be the play wild on animal jam video

  18. I saw an ad in Discovery Girls magazine. It had a code: Discovery

    papad91278's the glitch queen

  19. There are some AJ ads on the NGKIDS Animal Jam website part.

    I can show you the link:

    www.natinal geographic jam


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw