
Monday, September 3, 2012

Rare King's Crown

Hey jammers! Today's new "rare" item is the Rare King's Crown, sold on the seventh page of Jam Mart Clothing.
Dang, low gems again. Anywho, AJHQ posted the Rare Item Monday post at a earlier time than usual it seems.
Also, here's a random glitch when you sit with a Rare Phantom Hat on a monkey. It gets darker, almost grey!
Thanks for sending it in superscott23g23! Now for our weekly Monday Mystery. . . And it's about a shaman!
Where has Greely been these past years in Jamaa? What magic has he been working on? What mysterious quests has he completed? Be sure to comment with ideas, happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Replies
    1. First reply on the first comment. ;D

    2. Hi guys I have switched from a Google+ profile to a Blogger profile! Yay! You can now see me on Blogger as AJ Ducier.

      (Switched from Google+ to Blogger profile).

    3. LOLZ u put that everywhere :P

    4. Why do people always say first comment and nothing else? they actually don't say anything useful. People, who have first comment, SAY SOMETHING USEFUl, besides 'first comment.' sorry, it's just annoying.

    5. @chu714

      I want people to know who I am. XD

    6. My animal jam story by lparents:
      Father Sky looked at his father when he was a chickling. "Can you really do everything?" He asked his father. His father chuckled. "Indeed, I can, youngling." He said, and hopped off. Now, Father Sky was almost near old and feeble. One chilly September morning, a beautiful bird was hopping off into the meadow. "Hello," he greeted her. "Hello. I may presume, you are the famous kind of Jamaa????" She asked, without excitement. "Indeed." He smiled. She just chuckled. "Well? Aren't you going to catch some delicious salmon? They aren't going to walk out of the pond and jump into your mouth!" She laughed, and ruffled her feathers. "well, aren't you lovely?" He choked out. He turned bright red. "What???" She laughed. Soon, after many days spending time together, they decided to make Mira, his "lovely" little bird queen. Soon, Fathre Sky's death was near. Soon, Mira gave great interest into the land of Zios. Critters were crawling everywhere, and moss was growing on the most peculiar things. She sniffed a mushroom. Chatter filled Zios. It had never been this full! Mira instantly became excited. "Mira!" A nosy pigeon, Miss Witherll, cried. "See your beloved husband." She hissed. Mira crawled into distance. She came face to face with her husband. Her DEAD husband. "Oh no!" She cried, and nuzzled him. No movement, not even a twitch. In just a couple hours, everyone knew about it. Mira felt great sadness in hear heart. It was depression, anger, and love. She loved him. Why did he have to leave her? And how did he? Soon, since she was queen, her magic whirled one October morning. Then a big, great, greedy, creature crawled into view. "Mira," The black figure sneered. it had tentacles right where their legs where supposed to be. Phantoms. That word instantly popped into her head. Soon, all of Animal Jam was alerted that these creatures were here. Then, a battle raged. Phantoms fought fiercely. The Jammasian's fought even fiercer. Blood was stained on every vine of Zios, and Mira knew the smartest animals of each kind. "Graham," She whispered to a monkey that survived. "Yes, my mighty Mira?" He asked, in great pleasure. "I need you." She said the same to Peck, Sir, Greely, etcertera. They all were excited to be shamans. "Protect this land, my shamans." They all promised to do so. Soon, Sir had been cursed by a phantom when he was trying to save a mother and their beloved egg. Soon, Mira knew the shamans had to go into hiding. The curse affected every citizen. The shamans went into hiding with him, the mighty tiger. To this day, everyone still honors the shamans, and are pleasured they are coming back. Remember, citizens of Jamaa, don't be scammers, be jammers! by lparents, a blogger.

  2. First comment! ^.^ (Maybe.) Lol. Anyways, that's cool! ^.^

    1. Wait, nope. Not first comment. Ahhh!!! I was late! XD

    2. -It was the first comment from a member of the blog.

    3. -It was the first comment from a member of the blog.

    4. I hate the spam glitch. Lolz, it happens to me when I go back a page and then two clone comments show up. :P

  3. Kerriecat that is having probs trying to get back on my Google so im doing it this way for now..September 3, 2012 at 2:34 AM

    i am having probs to comment with my Google being like this anyway meaning i can't do the Monday mystery this time as soon as i get it done i will be back to normal :)

    1. Lolololollolololololol. 'that is having probs trying to get back on google, so im doing it this way for fun.' i bet a ton of people will think THAT's funny.
      (p.s. check out my blog!) (owlheart123's and lparent's aj blog).


  4. It was A Peaceful Morning at Jamaa, And Phantoms were trying to Plan for The Destruction of Jamaa. Some Phantoms were trying to Reproduce more Phantoms. One Phantom Reproduced a Good Phantom, Which is Typically our Subject of the Story. As he grew Older, The Evil Phantoms Became Annoyed, Even though, He was Kind enough to help Destroy Jamaa, Surprised To help Destroy Jamaa? Why? You may Ask, This is the Answer, He thought It was a Plan to get All gems in Jamaa You see, His Name is Greedy, He has this Black Part in his Heart where Greed Is Stored, And Sometimes, His Black part Gives him the
    "Evil Eye" Most Phantoms are scared, Since he has a "RED Eye" You See, Again, Red eyed Phantoms are the Most Meanest and Nastiest, But Greedy here is not Nasty. "Greedy! If you want to have every Gem of Jamaa, Get that Laser Tube!" Said the Leader of Phantoms, "Ok!" Greedy Said as he Went to get the Laser Tube...
    "Hmmm... I wonder what's this Laser Tube For...." He thought as he Gave it to the Leader, "Ummm... Mr. Leader, Sir, May I ask you Something?" He asked. "Not now Greedy,I'm Busy." The Leader Replied. "Don't worry, It'll be Quick" Greedy Said "Fine" The Leader Answered, "What is it?"
    "What are those Parts for? Like the Laser Tube, The Magic-Repelling Gun and A protective bubble?
    "Well, Uhh... Oh! It's for our Magic-Repelling-Never-to-be-destroyed-Magnet! You see Greedy, This Is a Magic Repelling Magnet that can't be destroyed by Magic, Only By The Hands of Man! And it gets all the Gems in Jamaa" Said the Leader as he was Trying not to fool Greedy, Did You know that The Leader was also Afraid of Greedy? "Oh Yes!" Greedy Was Rejoicing!
    Then Weeks Later, The Machine was Finished.....

    Cried The Leader, "Sir! You Forgot! Greedy!"
    "And... Umm... TAKE ALL OF THE GEMS OF JAMAA!"
    Shouted The Leader, Almost Forgetting about Greedy, And Soon, They Destroyed Jamaa, They were Joyful and made our ancestors Servants,
    One day, Greedy asked The leader, "Sir, Where are my Gems?" With that Menacing Red eye on The Leaders Face. "Uh-oh....." "How dare you! Did you only plot for the Destruction of Jamaa, And not for Gems?!?!?" He Angrily Questioned the Leader, "Hold it Right there, Mr. Greedy Pants!" Said the Giant Phantom Leader of all Phantoms, "I have Pity on you, Rather then to Make you Disappear into ashes in front of All who is here, I will do this! I will let you Live, But rather in Jamaa! Then you will learn to Be A Jamaasian! But we will Hunt you, Day and Night, Afternoon, Every Moment And Second, You cannot get away from us. I will make you a Wolf, And you shall now be not Greedy anymore but you will be Greely!"

    Then, Soon, A Stranger wolf was found in Jamaa, One of the first Wolves to come here in Jamaa, Of course, Greedy, Now called Greely, has still the red eye.. And Sometimes he is also Greedy, But, He has (And Always have) Kindness in his Heart.

    From The Animal jam goldfish.
    By DreamsofBlue

    1. That's cool! Is that story true??? I have never heard about it!

    2. *Fuzzy Tinypaw

      Maybe it is true, Here are the parts that could mean it's real:

      Greely is A powerful warrior against the Phantoms In animal jam; They fear him most of all, Because he is so much like them.He is the link to the darker side of The animal jam Mythology.

      Hope this Helps!


      DreamsOfBlue is an Pawsome story writer, Isn't she?I wonder if she will be a wel-known Author when she grows up.

      You have a great blog,Keep it up!

  5. thanks snowyclaw for putting my glitch on and greely has been in other lands learning new magic skills and has mastered elemental magic!
    Happy Jamming!

  6. LOL has anyone else not started school yet I start tomorrow XD

    1. aww lucky i started thursday 2 weeks ago

    2. You are lucky! I started last week...

    3. But before he was made a wolf, The Phantoms named him Greedy.

  7. Replies
      Sir Nevill's curse had weakened. Somehow, and somewhere, he was dipping his head into a pond. Then he felt a strange urge to jump in. He jumped in. A cool feeling soothed his clumpy fur. Then, he felt pain in his head. Immediately, he felt like he was safe for the Jamaasians again! He knew it was too risky, so he contacted Mira, and the other shamans. Lisa was the most happy. She supported in every dangerous idea, but still kept him safe. "My dear tiger!" She cried when she heard him tell. She smacked him on the lips. Sir instantly became red and redder. "We must contact Mira. We might be able to go back to Jamaa. What a land! I hope I can see my monkey friends again. I heard they're coming back, after the big extinction." She said, pleased with herself. Mira contacted them, and told them to meet her at her statue at the very tip of Jamaa. Lisa wanted to look her best. She ruffled her fur, and made sure there was no prick of dust left on the day of the journey. Sir just laughed when he saw the panda plucking off dust. "The journey is harder than you think." He reminded her. She ignored him, and started plucking again. They journeyed thru mountains, but Peck actually helped the most. She gathered the food on the trip down, and she kept a lookout for predators. Greely was lazy, and kept them up on his howling on the full moons. Everyone knew he was a good wolf, though. (Remembre, this was a long time ago, so don't think they are as immature). Soon, they made it to the very tip of Jamaa. Except Mira wasn't there. The phantoms where. Then, Sir remembered how exactly she contacted them. Or how the phantons contacted them. At dawn, they went to bed. Then, in the morning they found a leaf with the note scratched in. Phantons were scattered everywhere. Any of them could've tricked the shamans. That didn't calm his anger. He threw punches, and clawed them all at least twice. Then, he ran down, with all the Jamaasians curiously look at him. They threw rocks, and soon the PHANTOMS went into hiding. The battle wasn't easy either. The eggs had to go into hiding, and soon everything was safe in just as short as a moon. Greely knew the phantons wouldn't give up, either.
      Stay tuned for PARt 3, by lparents

  8. It's my birthday today!


    1. Thank you!


    2. Lolz I REMMEBER something from Kane Chronicles, in the Red Pyramid.
      Horus(Egyptian god of falcons): You're forgetting something...
      Carter(a regular boy): I'm a little busy.
      Horus: It's my birthday. Wish me happy birthday!
      Carter: Happy birthday! Now shut up!
      LOLZ oh btw Happy birthday!

    3. Hi guys I have switched from a Google+ profile to a Blogger profile! Yay! You can now see me on Blogger as AJ Ducier.

      (Switched from Google+ to Blogger profile).

    4. Chu714 I read the Kane chronicles! Lol!


  9. Greely has been in jamaa doing and learning all sort of magic skills and im scared of what hes planning to do and what he is going to do when he strikes jamaa again!

    1. You're scared? this is just a game, then again. I don't like Greely. I like Peck the most. She's cute, and curious, and adventerous. BEST SHAMAN BY FAR

  10. I hope are rare Monday will be a green fox hat. Reply YES if you think they sould make green foxhats!

    1. YES I WANT A GREEN FOX HAT but sadly, the regular old fox hats are called RARE fox hats... :c

    2. Oh yea you know theres a purple thing that you tell your ideas? I put green fox hat ^^

    3. I guess... I'd rather have, for once, a weird, horrible demonic cruel worn blanket that has some sort of cruel demonic horrible weird color! Like, DE-MON-ICCC! Sorry, having to get over the fact that, now that I, (yes I'm spamming it) gotta quit, I won't get to see this one pedefile I LOVE! (her/his name's koala7631, I dunno how old she/he is, but man, she/he can hang up a PHONE!!!!) Anyways... I'm just sad 'cause she was weird, cruel and demonic... What's a good love song? 'Cause I wanna sing it off-key....

      -pac10 who didn't mean to call you, Baron, a pedefile, or you infinity or mighty or knight or admiral or ivy or... -pants- or you random citizen!


  11. Snowy, the wizard hat does the same thing.
    It makes that darkened color on a monkey

  12. Otay meh story:

    After a while, the shamans went out to separate journeys. To new lands, different universes. Today, we follow Greely. He tried to make something for jamaa. On his way he meet a witch. The Witch's name was Persephone. He used her potion ingreedens, but for 3 days he only got odd spells that where evil, or would do nothing to help jamaa. But the 4th day, something happened. With the things he had opened, he crated a portol. A portol to another world. When he steped in, he saw a land filled with many different animals. He had spent many months there. Learning and exploring. Until some dark clouds rolled in. The animals scattered and rampaged. Some hissed and growled, the others when back into there den.
    "What's happening?" Greely asked one of the other wolves.
    "The Shadows are coming."
    It said. Something black started to rain from it. When they hit the ground, they formed demons. Ocoapous tentacle ostrich, dragon winged boar, all hideous creatures. They fought to keep the beautiful land safe, when Greely got out something. It was a diamond. Greely threw it up in the sky. Mira said before they left, "Use this stone when you need it most. I will come to guide you." Then, Myra's spirit appeared. "Myra!" Greely shouted. "Help us finish these demons off!" It was an epic battle. A close loss, but with Myra on there side, they where infincable. The animals rewarded them with none other but... spirit stones? "I heard you have an animal land too." Said a lion. "With these, there will be surly more to come." They said there thanks and Myra flew Greely back to jamaa.

  13. I think Animal jam has been working on little "quests" for jammers where if you're a wolf u go on a quest with greely if ur a bunny u go on quest with peck that kinda thing. Also, I bet only members can go on quests with Amelia -fox shaman- and all the member animal shamans. It's kinda like that Epf thing on club penguin -shudders- . Well, this is all a theory but those boarded up places around jamaa might hav something to do with it..... -Hayluc

  14. Kewl story! -hayluc

  15. By the way you spelled Mira wrong D: - Hayluc

  16. "Greely, you can put your camp bag down, we're going to rest here." Said Liza as she put down hers in the icy cold wind. They were ALMOST outside Mt. Shiveer! "Liza," Said Greely in a tired voice. "Are you sure we should go this way?" Liza looked at him. "Peck located an unknown cave on the summit, and sometimes caves lead to new lands." Greely looked at the summit. "Wow, Liza. That's a long way up." Greely pulled out his sleeping bag and fell asleep...

    The next morning, the cold wind had stopped. They were no longer in Mt. Shiveer, but in a river. "So this is where it leads?" Greely said. "Yep" Said Liza. "This is also where the unknown path in Appondale leads." Greely looked at her. "You mean we climbed to the summit, and went through a dark cave, but we could have gone through Appondale, the smallest land, and went on a simple path?" Greely's face filled with anger. Liza looked at him. "That path is cursed you know, we can lift the curse from the other side." Greely growled at her. "But why is it cursed?" He said. And then, as soon as the black, terrible, one eyed creature rose, they knew why it had been cursed. They both ran to the cave leading to Mt. Shiveer, and slid ALL the way down the mountain within 10 seconds. They ran back to Jamaa to tell everyone to get inside there dens, and lock them tight, then they went to find the other alphas. "Peck!" Said Liza. "About that cave you found." Peck looked at her. "What about it?" "PHANTOMS!!!" Liza said frighteningly. Peck almost screamed, but before she could, all the alphas had gotten out of the den they were in and were scrambling toward Jamaa township.

    1. Part 2

      Greely and Liza followed them, and brought Peck along.
      Peck, looking frightened, said "What kind of phantoms are these? Mira's or betas, or ones people just created?" Liza stared, but kept running. "Betas." Peck screamed loudly. Betas were the biggest of all phantoms. "How about those magic spears and armor Zios gave us when we became Alphas?" Asked Greely. "They're in Zios' temple, we can grab them on the way to the township, which the phantoms will most likely invade first. They stopped at the Chamber of Knowledge, where Zios kept all the precious items. Greely said the password, hoping it had not changed since Zios' death.
      "Golden Apple" He said, making his voice sound clear. The door opened. He went inside. The first floor was full of handy books, though they were cursed so that only the owner could take them. The armor was not cursed, because Zios would know if phantoms would strike again, and only one person at a time is allowed in the Chamber of Knowledge. He took three pairs of armor, one fit for a wolf, a panda, and a rabbit. He took three of the magic spears, which could kill a phantom in one shot, though he did not know if it worked on betas. He took them all and started toward the door when - he heard it. Zios' voice. He turned around to see Zios, looking good as ever, and no he wasn't a ghost, he was real, and Mira, she was there too. The curse of death had broken. "We will help you." They both said. "Aren't there only supposed to be one person in here at a time?" Said Greely. Mira chuckled. "Not if you are the sky mother or father." said Zios. "If you can break the curse of death, then can you bring my brother back?" Said Greely. He had lost a brother in the last Jamaa war. "Sadly, not all deaths are curses." Said Mira. "One day, everyone will have to reach death. It's natural." Said Mira. "Not through war." Greely said back. "There is only three kinds of things that can kill us." Mira said. "War, Age, or Love, War being you getting murdered, Age being you die naturally of old age, and Love, you die because of sadness, or because someone you love has fallen." Zios looked so happy to see one of his Alphas. "Go and alert the others that the curse of death has broken, and take these." Said Zios, as he gave Greely a bag, filled with armor and weapons. Greely nodded, and walked toward the door, opened it, went through, and closed it. Time to fight phantoms. He found Liza and Peck, gave them their armor, then told them everything that had happened. "Death is a curse?!" Said Liza. "Not on everybody." Said Greely. Peck squealed as she took out her very own magic spear. The went to war with the phantoms. The phantom shot an electric wave toward Greely. Thankfully it missed. A phantom shot a death zap toward Liza. It hit her. She fell. Greely looked down at her, hoping she would rise again. She did not. Peck burst into tears as an electric zap dodged her. Greely just stared at the lifeless body of Liza, the greatest Alpha of them all, and how she lost the war of the phantoms.

      Deep inside, Greely knew this death was not a curse.

    2. It took very long to do this story, and credit to the Harry Potter series, which light my ideas up.


    3. That is a really good story! Thanks for writing it! :-)

    4. Hi guys I have switched from a Google+ profile to a Blogger profile! Yay! You can now see me on Blogger as AJ Ducier.

      (Switched from Google+ to Blogger profile).

  17. There is a new glich if you buy 26 stode lights and put them on the same spot you get a weird black box! Please give me credit-Tcsgrl1

    1. This glitch has already been discovered.


  18. Way back when Shamans and culture were still in Jamma, Greely discovered the phantoms were planning their biggest attack yet!
    Greely, Sir Gilbert, and surprisingly Peck, prepared for the battle, while the other shamans were watching over us, the citizens.
    All this time where the culture was seemingly gone, they prepared for battle.
    The spears around Jamma, they would sharpen them when us Jammers were asleep, cozy in our dens.
    Part two coming after I type it... XD

  19. A few weeks ago, Amelia the fox shaman was watching Greely because he was acting wierder than usual.
    She saw him with his head bowed, knowing the battle would come soon, and that he might be...defeated.
    Amelia carefully went over to him and pressed her muzzle on his fur.
    "Dear Greely, why are you in despair?"
    Greely replied in a hoarse voice, "The phantoms.....they're coming..." And then he told her about the message he recieved from the phanotms, and how he, Sir Gilbert, and Peck, were preparing to go into battle. And his worries that they wouldn't win.
    "But Greely..." Amelia said very quietly "If you didn't come back...what would the wolves of Jamma do?"
    Greely's eyes sparkled, but he said nothing.

    Part three coming in a few minutes...

    1. Wow... Good job eghuds! I mean the "Dear Greely" part REALLY got me! You other bloggers might have not realized it but, "Dear", it's like (and I know because I used to be one, heh, as a KID news reporter) they're news reporters and notice, just notice, how the news reporters are POLITE, and KIND and unlike half the people on this BLOG!!!! (heheh hahaha OHmi goodness, I so got you... heh)
      Anyways- Jammers, jamaasians, you go look, go on, at the brawns or the cunningness or the creativity or geniusness of the Shamans. But right now, I'm looking at what a Shaman should be. Kind. Caring. Loyal to their teammates.
      And Snowy, don't be too flattered, but those things I see in you. If I had to choose a new Shaman, I'd pick you. NOW, NOW! Before you reply to me (I wish) and tell me "oh, pac10, THANK YOU" shut up. Shut up snowy, please. Let me EXPLAIN. (Look, just 'cause I said Shamans are KIND- I am NOOO Shaman, I gots a SHORT temper)
      Okay. Look. Snowy. Let go of the fact I said SHUT UP. I'll do it again. Just listen. You're kind. You LED people, jamaasians, to help bring back the dang Shamans! You're... loyal. You're mysterious. You LOVE our Culture. You Snowy, Should Be A Shaman To US! All in favor say "aye" (most people think it's, "i" BUT NOPE)
      Who thinks that Snowyclaw should be the AJSB (AJ Spirit Blog) Shaman! We all know she's/he's a human. Maybe not how old but... I'd say she's old enough to be a Shaman! Come on people, respond to this reply! Say yes! Come on now! We Want Snowy! (I'm the only one chanting it, embarrassing)

      -pac10 :D Who has to quit :( but LOVES Snowy xD

    2. O_O um...thx runningstream XD


    3. Pac I have one question. Snow would make a good shaman but there are hundreds of other people with nice personalities like Snowy. Just because she's popular and we all know her personality somewhat, doesn't mean she should be a shaman. For all we know, a nice anonymous jammer just strolling around Jamaa could be just as good!
      (Snowy I hope that wasn't offensive).

  20. It was a few days after Amelia's confrontation with Greely, and today was the battle.
    In Zios, Graham gaurded The Temple and the potions lab.
    Up north, Harper was selling Jammers coats and cocoa at the Cocoa Hut in Shiveer. The poor thing couldn't do much, but she worried and worried.
    Out West in Appondale, Cornelius, Ruby, and the newer African shamans were gaurding the museum.
    Cosmo was watching over the canyons. Peck and Greely weren't there.
    Sophia was with Amelia and the other newer Shamans, gaurding Mira.
    Cosmo had sent out apprentices to look out over the spare lands.
    Gilbert's enchanting green eyes were not glowing in the hiding spot of the sands.
    Greely and peck were not in the Canyon Cave, having a nice conversation over Cosmo's tea.
    They were fighting phantoms.

    part four coming soon...

  21. Well, here is m list of things, a bit brief, on the things Greely ha supplied Jamaa with:

    He helped Zios understand the phantoms
    He helped Liza with the Spirit Stones, because no one knew how to work them
    He discovered a chemical reaction when certain gems are ground up together (making a new type of fireworks)
    Greely was the wolf Shaman, so of course he had to mentor the wolves (ouch), he also had to attend (why had? HAS) Shaman meetings.
    He helped Mira with the negotiations with the phantoms (go look at the phantom festival to know what I'm talking about)
    He had visions from Mira and Zios saying the Shamans should go back.
    He helped fight and/or win the great Phantom War
    He helped Peck and Liza when they were falling behind on the Great Journey to Jamaa
    He helped Zios in the Chamber of knowledge, writing 1/13 of the books and scrolls (all the others jammers, Zios and Mira, and the other Shamans did)
    And now, with the returning celebration of the Phantom Festival, along with the Harvest Fest., Greely and the other... *sigh* Alphas.. (Shamans) will have to work, and I mean WORK, together to kick those Phantom's butts! Also, everyone try NOT to PANIC, because you know what the PF means, Mira's statue replaced by the Phantoms', maybe.... and I know I say this every year... but it DOES get ME every time... what if... the Statue of Mira... when the Phantoms come... what if It, She.... Never.... returns......?

    -pac10 who has to quit AJ but will still be a frequent Anonymous Blogger.

  22. They were no longer in Jamma. They were in the phantom realm, for they had agreed to give the [hantoms the advantage of fighting in their own realm, so they could spare Jamma.
    Hundreds of phantoms.
    Three Shamans.

    One day later, Sophia, Amelia, and Marco, who were gaurding Mira saw two silhouettes coming toward them.
    Amelia could make out Peck and Sir Gilbert coming toward them. "Where's Greely?" she barked at them with worry.
    Peck gave Amelia a sympathetic look, while Sir Gilbert would not meet her gaze, his usually glowing eyes dimmed with despair. They parted to reveal a blue gray heap of fur they were towing behind them on a bed of moss.

    Amelia barked his name and bounded over the the heap of fur. His eyes were closed.
    Cosmo was walking up behind Peck and Gilbert, looking the most defeated.
    "Herbs don't work miracles...", the usually happy koala said sorrowfully.
    It's not your fault Cosmo...", said Gilbert softly.
    Amelia had had a strong bond with Greely, even though she was new.
    The heap of fur twitched, then...
    "Greely!!!" they all screamed, barked, whinnied, etc. at once.
    Greely smirked, looked Amelia in the eye and said, "Dear Amelia, why are you in despair?"
    Amelia was dumbfounded. "B-bu-but how?"
    "The Phantom King owed me for my service to him years and years ago.."
    Everyone continued to look at him.
    "While I was out, I heard the King's voice in my mind.
    'It was not because of your wish you won the battle Greely. You really did it. Jamma is appeased and you have won the battle. You may use our wish to revive yourself.' and so I did. I still feel selfish."
    Amelia crept up to him.
    "You knew you were going to die didn't you? But you wished for Jamma to win anyways..."
    Greely's eyes sparkled, but he said nothing.
    He gave a wink, and he was gone.
    Back in his cave, where he and Peck had conversation over Cosmo's tea."

    THE END.

    1. Wow! I love all the parts to your story! Your a really really really good writer.

    2. omg thx so much O_O. i havent written in a while but...IMMA BE INSPIRED XD

    3. Hi guys I have switched from a Google+ profile to a Blogger profile! Yay! You can now see me on Blogger as AJ Ducier.

      (Switched from Google+ to Blogger profile).

  23. Cool RM Item! It'll probable work for a head item for my Monkey :D.

  24. WOAH! awsome Story!!!! You rock at writeing!

  25. Aw man I am so jelly! I'm going to be gone and not getting the crown. Sad face.

  26. greely the wolf shaman started studying in braddy bars lab, after the other shamans were curious on the mystery of beta and why it came and left so quickly in jamaa, the other shamans agreed they needed to go on a quest to find out, greely wanted to stay and keep studying, but the other shamans needed his brains to come with them to help, sometimes i can hear them talking to me, and as i look at the statue i have of my great aunt amelia the shaman i can still feel her with me, as i look into her eyes and her eyes glow of her statue, ik tht im not alone and that she and the other shamans are near and will be happy to see all new jammers and old jammer again once they return home


  27. ... I type everything on my notes and I cant paste it. What now?

  28. Hmm...This is my story-


    "*sigh* I'm so lonely these days," Greely mumbled. The other shammans were fading- fast. No one believed in them anymore. Soon he would fade too. Unless animals started believing. But maybe someone could help. Be a leader. Very unlikely the way things were going. The place he lived, Jamma, didn't know about him. The doorway to his home is now covered by some game. He once found a bunch of wolves in front of his door. But he soon found out that they were here for that game, Best Dressed. And then the Best Dressed game got hit by phantoms. That meant the phantoms were right outside his doorstep. But there was some hope. some jammers, the oldies, still cared about him. That was probably the reason he was still alive.

    Keep reading for Part 2!


    1. Huh? What was this? A new shamman? Greely had been summoned to the Temple, along with the now see through shammans. He watched as a small penguin came out. A shamman? At this dark time? Maybe there was hope, after all. A new shamman meant that jammers wanted more. More culture. Knowing that the other shammans would be too perplexed to welcome the penguin, Greely stepped forward. "Welcome, young one. You are here because you must be a leader of the new animal in Jamma, the penguin. What is your name?"

      "My name is Marco. And thank you for the welcome."

      Soon the other shammans begain to step forward, each murmuring a greeting. And Greely watched, as each of the shammans turned darker, and they were no longer see through. That meant that faith was becoming stronger! Now the only piece left out of the puzzle was Mira. Once she came, they could step foot on Jamma once more. Hope was coming back, and he would return, along with the other shammans.

      The End


    2. Cool story, very intresting, I see it`s rlly a good way 2 just have fun. ;-)

  29. sriha123 id just like to say that was a great story and i really hope we can interact with shamans not just see a picture or something? but be like Liza but not some robot who tells you how to play animal jam. but to live among them.


    1. Living among the alphas. That sounds wonderful.

      (Switched from Google+ to Blogger profile).

  30. Hai Ducier,
    So Stomclan has fallen apart now? There aint gonna be no Stormclan? :(. Guess ima loner now.. =(

    1. @Kajal patel

      StormClan hasn't fallen apart! Nothing wrong and nothing's happening to it! Your not a loner because StormClan is still standing and you're still in it!

      (Switched from Google+ to Blogger profile).

  31. GUESS WHAT? I found out who created the background mythology of animal jam!

    In other words I found out who first created the shamans/alphas, Mira and Zios, and the phantoms in beta!

    Well, it is this Smart Bomb Interactive worker named Art Roche. He is the creative director. He also did a lot of other stuff too. I wonder what he thought about changing the name shamans to alphas? How did he come up with the name shaman anyways? And does he also know where the alphas went when they disappeared? ...

    1. Wow! That certainly is some interesting news!

      (Switched from Google+ to Blogger profile).

  32. Hi guys I have switched from a Google+ profile to a Blogger profile! Yay! You can now see me on Blogger as AJ Ducier.

    (Switched from Google+ to Blogger profile).

  33. O.O DUCIER HOW TO U CHANGE TO,BLOGGER??????????????????? Plz tell me. :)

    1. @kajal patel

      OKay this is how:
      1. Sign in to Blogger so you see your list of blogs.
      2. Find where it says 'English' or whatever language you are using.
      3. Next to where it says 'English' or whatever, there should be a picture of a gear.
      4. Click the gear.
      5. It will show a list of things and such. Click where it says, 'Change to Blogger Profile' or whatever-something like that.
      6. Then it'll take you through the steps to get a Blogger profile. :)

      Hope I helped. :)

    2. Thankyou Redstar! (Ducier) Omg omg omg!!! Now everyone can check my blog using the blogging thingy! YAY!!!! THANKSS SO MUCH! I hope I can tell Kerrie! =)


  34. Oh my Mira, Super is my buddy :D
    P.S I may become blogger soon...

    1. i sure am XD
      happy jamming!

  35. Ummmmmmmm......EVERYONE PLEASE LOOK IN THE OTHER POST SNOWY POSTED AND READ THAT LAST COMMENT JULYSWEET WROTE IT!!!!!(lol I'm julysweet)=.=i will not post again it soooooooooooooo long.....anyways thanks for reading it!


  36. Julysweet I read the comment. I can't believe your friend scammed you. :( I'm sorry I don't have a legend or a spike collar. DX

  37. P.S. Snowy when are you going to put my Spirit Jammer picture up? Not to sound selfish or greedy just wondering when...

  38. Hiya snowy! :D kewl glitch! I'm gonna try it! :P
    Also snowy,could you add me?
    Thx! -Allicat02 (my aj user)

  39. I don't have that hat so i cant do glitch :( but still, cool post, snowy!

  40. Darkchild im awesomeSeptember 5, 2012 at 7:17 PM

    Hi snowy! sorry you dont have enough gems for the rare :( but cheer up i will send u it! :D im darkchild

  41. Maybe he will bring back beta idems and rares!

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  47. maybe greely has be working on stuff he shouldn't have been working on?


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw