
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Feathered Mask

Hey jammers! The new item of the day seems to be the neat new Feathered Mask, sold in the clothing orb of Epic Wonders. Not a traditional phantom item, but a great costume piece!
Also, AJHQ has a new post on the Daily Explorer.
Happy jamming everyone!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. That looks like a pretty awesome mask!!!

    1. Ikr! Just 2 teeny little problems with it...
      1. Member 2. 2000 gems.
      Meeeep! WHY can't AJ HQ make a NON-MEMBER item for ONCE?!


    2. ikr :(

    3. Yay! A fantastic majestic item for today! :-)

      @Anonymous & pielover4ever-
      Yeah, but on the bright side....

      "Did you know; All items you win from Sky High are mostly rare and all non member?!" I think AJ was nice to do that and we should be grateful. :)

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

    4. 2013 feathered mask. I now have Magenta, purple, blue, and blue-green. :) May get the yellow-green 1 ^.^
      See ya in Jamaa, Jammers!

    5. if you want a featherd mask i have one and would be willing to trade it for a non rare headdress i am melandpierock101

  2. Cool mask! I don't think it's fair for the sky high thing cuz I can't make it to the top so I will NEVER win a rare :(


    1. @ livie I have made it to the top a few ( 10 - 11 ) times .. Your not missing much .. Going by the items I've gotten : /

    2. @livie1oo6
      Hey dont be so down! I used to suck at sky high, and I would never win once. But at one point I posted on Snowy's blog for good luck :P, and, I know that sounds stupid but, I WON RIGHT AFTER I POSTED IT!!! :D I am going to wish you good luck and I want you to feel how I do now!! :) Once you win sky high one time, you are able to win it a bunch of other times, bc you know that you won it once, and you know what the whole thing will be like as your going up!! :D Again I wish you good luck on winning!
      (sorry for the long post)

    3. Oh and btw I've won 1-3 times now..or maybe it was 1-2. Well eh it doesn't really matter but Happy Jamming!

    4. Don't feel bad livie! I used to suck but I never stopped trying and I finally got to the top!

    5. Yeah, a lesson Sky High teaches us is to never give up and to "Try, try, again."

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

    6. "Try not. Do...or do not. There is no try." -Yoda

    7. Yeah exactly! Rock on Yoda! ^.^

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

    8. Me too! I got there 3 times and it was so hard and i didn't get any good stuff! They should give you rares for at least reaching there, it's so hard! I hope we get good stuff next time. Good Luck, swan2001

  3. this goes awesum with outfits

  4. hey snowy you saw me today with freedom wings and freedom helmet--Yipee i won at skyhigh!Nice meeting you snowy.You are awesome!-

    1. You're so lucky!! I never get good stuf from that :( From, swan2001

  5. 7th comment!! Lol I am very happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because I won Rare Red Mech Angel Wings!!

    1. : / how you guy gettin good items ? .. What your tolal gem count ?

    2. IKR I keep getting bad stuff.. :(

      ~xShadowWolf02x meow =3
      Come to me for ANY Minecraft needs

    3. I see your profile picture is from Minecraft wait, right? I'm not particularly "into" Minecraft but honestly it looks like it could be fun.

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

    4. @Infinity
      Yep creeper face. They're the mobs that blow up (for people who don't really play minecraft, I could go into way more detail)

    5. Cool! ^_^

      Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, ~infinitymagicheroisback

  6. Replies
    1. lol I ment at the end of the game ( sky high )

      Dose prize go by gem count ? More gems better prize ? Or is it just random : /

    2. Probably random.

    3. I have 63,000 gems. :P

    4. I only have 41,000 gems! I've been playing Sky High non-stop and after it only seems like I have been playing 4-6 times I have actually been playing 20-29, how would I know? I got about 6,000 gems added to my previous amount right after I was done 20-29 rounds! (:p) I guess.

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

    5. ivee21 has 300,00 gems she is my BFF XD

  7. the only cool thing i got in sky high is a yellow mech angel wings

    1. I wish I had some of those. All the Mech-items are so cool! I've only gotten a black and red Fancy Top Hat, red and blue Star Glasses, and Rare Monday Freedom Bands.

    2. Same here, I really want some of those freedoms and worns!

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  8. now i feel that scary bat wings are rarer than freedom wings and nm sword

    1. Nonmember Pirate Swords are pretty rare...they are actually (in my opinion) rarer than Nonmember Bat Wings because you don't see them as much...

    2. Well considering rumors of Scary Bat Wings in Sky High and the very small bit of population of jammers who have a Pirate Sword its very hard to say but in my opinion I would say that the Pirate Sword is rarer.

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  9. i win at sky high like 95% but most of the time when i am near the top it says u have been gone for too long and i hav to start over D:

    1. @ Shawn .. That was happening to me try changing your browser .. I was using explorer .. Switch to googles chrome .. Problem free .. So far

      Hope that helps.. I know what it's like gettin all the way up there just to get timed out!

    2. I also recommend Chrome. It is much faster than Explorer, and the connection in your location may be a poor too.

    3. I get to the top of Sky High 85% of the time.

    4. I use igoogle. It never crashes... and i get to the top 87% of the time.


    5. Yes, I use Chrome a lot! I have a Macbook Pro and Chrome is actually (surprisingly) much better than Safari! >;)

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  10. I never get logged out, I use Rockmelt.
    I finally got 6 Mech Angel Wings from Sky High! Though 2 or was it 3 of them were Black.
    I hate it when they even gave me a backpack and a maroon necklace (The 45 gem-ed one)! Wow, why would I want that ?

    1. P.S. If you go to Sky High with a tiger the tiger's size seemed to have shrunk a bit,

    2. With a tiger if you go to Sky High the tigers are very good! I go with a tiger and I was up in one second.

    3. Little, can I has a mech angel wing plz? I'll give u a head feather and heart locket :)

      ~ShadowWolf02 (Aj User.)
      ~xShadowWolf02x meow =3
      Come to me for ANY Minecraft needs

    4. Here is a list of the likely and non-likely'ness of what you'll get in Sky High

      1. 65% Of the time you will get an item that is in stores

      2. 20% Of the time you will get a holiday rare, a rare monday's rare item, or even Mech Angel Wings

      3. 15% Of the time you will get a super rare item such as ; "Freedom Wings" "Freedom Mech Angel Helmet" or even a "Pirate Sword", sorry- I forgot to mention you can also get a worn in these colors; Red/Brown, Purple, or even Blue, etc!

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

    5. Please send me mechanic wings(preferably yellow) and I will send u rare headdress and rare head feather and rare freedom mask.


  11. sky high is awesome i got a red clover blanket form it just now i cant wait to play again

  12. Please join my blog: ( not in english but you can translate it ).

  13. what do u think is rarer nm wings or freedom wings now

    1. thats hard... i would say freedom wings are still rarer, only because before they came out in sky high, they were really rare so there weren't a lot of them. And lots of people already had scary bat wings so...yeah.

    2. It's kind of hard...both are rare but I guess Freedom Wings.

    3. Yes, Freedom Wings, (In my opinion).

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  14. Nice mask! Still members! Anyways, I stink at sky high. My little brother is really good at it which bugs me cause he's never on animal jam!


  15. Snowy-- I won a NON-MEMBER SWORD!!!! Of course, I tried 6 times to get it, but I got. :)

    1. i played more than 20 times still nothing cool D:

    2. @Anonymous

      Wow, that's awesome! Congrats!

    3. Some people do it at the right time and others do not. ;sadly;

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback >:)



    5. ;L Yup. It must be hard to get one.

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  16. what is your aj acccount anynomous who got nm sword

    1. I'm not saying my username, sorry.

    2. Is it because you might get crowded my hundreds of people? If that's why, totally understandable! :P

    3. That's correct and thank you for your congrats :)

    4. I cannot believe some people are crazed over rares! They'd actually invade your personal space to ask you: "What for (insert item name)?!"

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  17. I learned a valuable lesson. Visit to find out why and how. Honestly, learn from mistakes. And learn from my post. Please read it!

  18. snowy i think you forgot theres also the scary fence sold at the haunted forest party they cost 100 gems and they come in only one color black.

  19. In my opinion, AJ is starting to get boring. I went on for the Sky High thing, and I got a flower necklace and some other thing that's for sale. I mean, for the first time in a month (and Im a member) I go on AJ, and get normal stuff. I give up.

  20. Man! This frickin sucks. I was like this -.- close to the treasure chest and BAM my computer starts messing up and I hit a phantom. Anyway, if you can give me tips, I am meateater4233 and can you win nm wings on sky high? Please answer, anybody.

  21. I'm missing out on all the rares ;( feel like being left out

    1. @Leon Zheng

      I didn't get much rares from Sky High, but in the end, it's friends that matter most. :)

    2. Exactly, Ducier! :)

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  22. again when i was near the top it said u were gone for too long D:

    1. @Shawnfrost

      That's not good! D:

    2. Sounds complicated, try switching browsers.

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  23. It won't let foxes wear the feather mask!
    ~ Sugarfree8

    1. @Anonymous
      That. is. so. WEIRD!!!

    2. Yeah! It looks like its actually MEANT for foxes.

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  24. I really hope i can win freedom wings, freedom helmet, epic colored worns, nm pirate sword, scary bat wings, and all the colors of mech angel wings!

    Btw, can you only win non member items in sky high? Cuz yesterday someone told me that they won a rhino helmet in sky high...

  25. Cool mask, but I really wish they would put the prices down just a TEENSY bit. I have like gotten zero items from epic wonders cuz of the high costs :P. I hope that AJHQ will make the gem price a little lower :). Anyways Happy Jamming to all jammers!! :D

  26. testing my new profile pic :D

    1. yay it worked! and btw this is pielover4ever lol

    2. oh AND if u click my name u will see my google account (no i do not have a blog lol) i just have stuff on there for a music project that i had to do

    3. Cool!

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  27. Yay I won a blue clover blanket at sky high.. lol best item so far .. Or the gold non member wings ( I think they were a Monday rare 3.,4, months ago

  28. hmm actually, i might make a blog. It won't be a daily post kind of blog, but i will post about stuff in animal jam and quizzes/poll, maybe even contests. Do you guys think i should make a blog?

    1. and oops i forgot to sign my name


    2. Yeah, definitely!

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback


  30. I've never gotten to the top of Sky High before :P. I like today's mask! :D

    1. Yeah, the mask is very majestic! ;)

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  31. My only rare left now is my tiki Mask... not the freedom mask the beta Mask D: AJ keeps bringing things back, its really annoying... now I cant get anything... but oh well, its not like I need rares.

  32. Halloween is almost here. Can you make a Halloween party Snowy? Ps. not the real Halloween there no time.

  33. errrrr i cant get anything cool on sky high :( any tips? someone told me to get less gems but then i fall off.

    1. lol um i just jump on the ones with clouds closest to clouds. i stay away from phantoms unless i have to get close. i only one twice and recycled the items i got (knight helm and round glasses)

      ~xShadowWolf02x meow =3
      Come to me for ANY Minecraft needs

    2. Also, i forgot to add this: dont collect gems that will end up killing you. :P i just try to get to the top. but do collect gems for money =3

      (do i need my siggy?? its right above :P)

    3. Great tips!

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  34. This item kinda of reminds me of the Tiki Mask!

  35. OMG That reminds me of the Italian Masks!! I love those things!! I have 3 irl!! ^.^ Totally getting GREEN!!

  36. How is everyone doing at phantom vortex ? I can get up to 99 gems and die everytime.. I think the next prize must be that level cos MAN IT'S HARD!!!

    1. lol
      funny. i won but im mainly doing sky high for prizes. i suck at it tho.
      ~xShadowWolf02x meow =3
      Come to me for ANY Minecraft needs

    2. Correction ... After 99 gems it gos to 117 and still no prize .. lol I only lasted 4 secs or so. ::))

    3. XD I think there's only one prize. do u know the best ways to win sky high?? Im terrible at it /).(\

    4. I win often but never anything good .. Gold mech wings, blue clover, and feather hat, are my best prizes

    5. my best prize was a head feather -.-

    6. Mine was Mech Angel Wings.. nothing big.

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  37. omg i just beat sky high for the second time and i got dumb black round glasses!! i sad-mad now, i worked hard... al least im getting moneys :P

    ~xShadowWolf02x meow =3
    Come to me for ANY Minecraft needs

  38. I give anything for a Non Member Sword: Cream Worn, Blue, White and Black Gloves, Rare Red Mech Angel Wings, Phantom Fountain, Red Fox Hat...I give you anything from whitch I said.


    1. I have two black mummy's .. I think 5 , 6 mummy in all I have 19 member gloves ( plus 6 golden so 25 in all )

    2. I hate sky high now. People are becoming less rare, and now, what's the point of AJ if you aren't rare anymore?

    3. @network16
      you said, "whitch I said" it is actually "which I said."
      Srry, spelling maniac.

    4. @Iparents You should care about your friends most, NOT rare items.

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  39. Awesome, I love the Feathered Mask!

    1. IKR!! I <3 em. they remind me of Italy :)

    2. italy? wat the heck? how they look like italy?

    3. Come to think of it, they remind me of how the people in Venice in Italy make all those cool masks on carnivals. I've seen pictures. :P

    4. Yes and Russia! Like gypsies and such. >:-)

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

    5. Italy makes the masks like that for balls and other special occasions. Ik cause I lived there for 3 years.

    6. Cool! Italian food is awesome :)

      Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, ~infinitymagicheroisback

  40. The Black Fence from last Halloween is for sale in the Haunted [what was it? O_O] Party...

    1. Oooohhhh thanks! I am going to take a picture of it right now...

    2. I was so glad to see that Scary Fence return! I make it a border around my den entrance and part of my graveyard!

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  41. Omg, ninety freaking comments?!

    1. This is the 128th comment! :')

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  42. Hey Snowyclaw, and peers! I'd just like to point out there are two other items today located in the Haunted Forest party they are the Werewolf Mask, and Scary Fence! I hope this helped. :)

    ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

    1. Just saying, the Werewolf Mask came out yesterday.

    2. It did?!? O.o I had no idea...

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  43. What are you guys gonna' be for Halloween? Me and my friend are going to be Phillies players! ;D

    1. I'm going to be a vampire!

    2. Cool! ^_^

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

    3. I prolly gonna be a Doodle Pad or something else I think of. :o

    4. Sounds epic! XD


  44. I love commenting! Snowyclaw; Can you please maybe add a new blog with stuff like "Jammer of the week/month" and/or "Den of the week/month" mainly "Den of the week/month" because I very much think my den could be in it! ^_^

    ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

    1. I have an 'Epic Dens' page on my blog, I just updated it this very minute!

    2. I'll go check it out!!! ^.^

      ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  45. If anyone wanted to know how to get to my blog here is how;
    1. Click my name above "Stephen Sloane"
    2. When you're on my Google+ profile page click 'about'
    3. Scroll all the way to the bottom
    4. Click the name of my blog Don't Cyberbully, Don't Bully, Animal Jam blog!~ With the 'Blogger' symbol on it.
    5. Happy Birthday, you made it!

    ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  46. ok soi was playing sky high and one of AJHQ's messages popped up right in the middle of the game! so i was playing with the message in the middle of my screen. so when i got to the top and got my prize, all it was was a fricken pair of bat glasses! and i already had 2 of the same color!


  47. Someone help me my dad only lets me play my iPod two hours a day! He says I play it exsesicly
    ~ blossom90791

  48. 2 Hours a day seems like plenty he is doing what is best for you.

    ~ Peace, Love, and Joy Sincerely, infinitymagicheroisback

  49. when the gifts from the treasure chest aren't lame things already in the store, I usually get items like head feathers and turkey hats from the feast of thanks that won't be rare much longer. My best item so far is a pair of purple mech angle wings

  50. Cool!!! ^_^
    Please accept because mech isn't technocoly rare cause...

  51. Hello!
    Seems like a lot of Jammers are enjoying the Sky High game. Some are dissapointed because they didn't get rares.


  52. Also, Only few jammers have pirate swords.


  53. well at least they give you stuff i used to play that game for fun! :) also have a good day

  54. There are two new things in Epic Wonders as well- Sorry if you already posted these haven't been too caught up lately- but they are golden throne and phantom throne.

  55. Those came out over 2 weeks ago but its great that you noticed!


  56. Hey snowy, my sis XxspiritrainxX sent u a feathered mask, can u give her credit? -princessalicegal

  57. Thats nice! :)

    Peace, Love, and Joy. Sincerely, ~infinitymagicheroisback

  58. I won the Santa hat and beard in sky high :D

  59. Why can't the alphas come back sooner????At this rate they'll be here in 2013!!!AJ says we made a difference,but they are really lazy about actually giving us proof instead of just trying to stop us from restarting the movement!COPY IF YOU AGREE -roxy30000


  61. It's my birthday...

    and, more important news, I'm not sure if you've heard this yet, but, there is a user called liitlemighty who has an Arctic Wolf animal. Even the name is Arctic Wolf - I think she is a mod or someone testing the animal. A buddy of her's said that she "dances weird", which is no surprise if this is a new animal.

    Who is too lazy to log in.

  62. i would love to know how the arctic wolf jumps on sky high btw i might be getting one tomorrow!!!!

  63. Sometimes in sky high I win butterfly wings that u get in the store!!! :,( lol

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  83. I have 2 feathered mask one is for trade but yeah they are cool. Btw I'm Turtlehorse on AJ so jam a gram me if you my extra feathered mask. :3

  84. Does anyone have a GREEN FEATHERED MASK if you do have one, please message me. I am willing to trade 1 Bat Wings and 1 Freedom Wings.

    Yours Truly,

    (I am very sorry if this is considered advertising, if it is please, SnowyClaw, let me know.)

  85. I traded a rare bow for a feather mask..... are they in stores now? Cause if they are, fudge that trade.

  86. I have a feather mask now and i think they are betas cause i cant buy another anywhere. Do u know what its worth in trade? I have a purple. I am chingcing btw

  87. I have a purple mask but i keep getting really beta trades for it so i donno if it's beta or not?! >.<

  88. Hey Snowyclaw? I have no idea what a Feathered Mask is worth, but i thing a Demon Mask... I'm not really sure... Though, what is a Feathered Mask really worth? I just wanna know. People are trading me stuff for it, and i don't know what it's worth. Can you help me? I'm Tmntgal5375 and please help me! Also, did you get the present i sent you? :) I hope it's worth it, can you understand that... That I don't really want to give away my good rares and stuff... You understand right?.... I just don't want to make someone like Julian2 mad or something.. Though I think that you or him wouldn't get mad at me,...? Would you...? I just want to know... And PELASE buddy me!!!

  89. Is the feather mask beta? I recently got one and I didn't know if it was beta or rare.....

  90. oh btw send me a friend request! im woodbeme!

  91. XD

  92. hey snowyclaw, what is a mask worth? Some people are trading them for founder's hats.

  93. I have a light green feathered mask, but I want a pink one, where do I get it?

  94. I have too feathered mask. I don't know what they are worth. Will you tell us what the feathered mask r worth?

  95. I would be willing to, LOL. Its green btw :D

  96. They are from halloween

  97. I have a blue(and green) if you wanna trade im kaidanp.

  98. i have a blue feathered mask so does anyone want to trade it for a spike or a headdress just JAG me my user name is mkk2005 thx

  99. pink zebra that plays ajJune 25, 2015 at 7:47 PM

    why r feathered mask so hard to get i traded my RARE worn and my moon floor and it was declined the person said its worth a headress or spike and the moon floor is beta and if someone wants my worn and moon floor beta thing for a feathered mask jag me.

    P.S my use is okamixxamitarasu

  100. i have a feathered mask if anyone would like to trade im peachy blast.

  101. ill trade, my user is: Flowermaiden332


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