
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Angels and Ornaments

Hey jammers! Today's daily jamaaliday item is the Snow Angel, returning after its release last year. The new store item of the day is the Round Ornament, sold in Jam Mart Furniture!
AJHQ also has the second winner of the "Return of the Alphas" News Crew contest, click the picture below for the article.
That's all I have time for at the moment, sorry. Happy jamming though everyone, hope to see you around Jamaa.

New artwork is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Replies
    1. I did that ^

      ~kittycat904 (i didnt do my siggy so i could say it faster without anyone taking it {i dont get first alot!} And snowyclaw, that post was AMAZING! ^_^)

    2. Oh and the ordaments will go on the tree now not behind o3o (If you want to see them in front check out my den!)


    3. lol I have the tree and ordaments from last year think I have four ordaments ??

    4. Hey Footclane,

      You know me on Animal Jam and I bet you could guess right now who I am... I'm commenting as anonymous right now so I don't give it away tho. Hehe. I'm sly. XD. Anyways, I may have a HUGELY insane crush on you. Probably the biggest crush you could ever imagine. And I didn't want to tell you on Animal Jam cause I didn't want things to suddenly get awkward .-. Be quiet tho. If you know who I am (which you should we talk a lot in jam a grams...) *hint hint* send me a jam a gram saying simply "Animal Jam Rocks" with the stamp/sticker thing the paw prints. Thanks

    5. lol wow okay hmm my ID is AJ jammer so, what makes you think my animal jam user is footclane ?

      And anyone that knows me , knows I don't / won't use AJ. As a date site, soo yea anonymous , was the best way to bring this up ;)

    6. hmm hmm hmm.... naughty naughty boy. XD sorry i had to do that.. well chu never guessed meh so... i had to tell you. it was errrking meh. but know its off meh chest :D

    7. Hi snowyclaw and whoever else is reading this. i used to haveit all on animal jam a bow rares and even an non member sword. but at a quick flash party all of those got stolen from me so whoever you are my name is magorwolf so please trade me good things im so sad that all my stuff got stolen and you could help me and if you do this i will send you a free gift. thanks for reading.

  2. Okay so this is totally off topic but,

    What's everyone's option on getting a AJ membership card off e-bay ?

    If the card is used your out your money ?
    Or is there away to get a refund ?

    And I'm still looking for the scary unicorn horn from the spooky party if anyone has one for trade

    1. I do as well as all the color Skull Helmets and Phantom Balloons!

    2. I do my user is andrewj04

    3. stephen is this your AJ user as well or, could you put your user for AJ


    4. My username is infinitymagicheroisback. ^.^

    5. Woot thanks for the trade Stephen, it's good to have my horn back

  3. i was really looking forward to getting something new....instead of things from last year. hopefully theres gonna be something new. :/

    1. Me too but i'm also glad they had them return because I recycled them last year. :D

  4. Could everyone please check out my new blog it is at
    or you can click on my nametag!

    1. I love your blog! I guess advertising really does work...xD

    2. Yeah great blog! I want to advertise but my parents won't let me DX

      Please my blog is hopeless so check it out:
      Thanks please please pretty please comment

  5. I cheaked out ur blog it was pawesome! I wish i could commet cause i don't have a google account :'{, but good luck and lve your reindeer!

  6. Wow, I totally canNOT believe I won! I've entered every News Crew assignment with no luck.. yay ' Thanks, AJHQ!

    1. Good job! awholenewworld

    2. you were the news crew winner?! great job! I am also in the news crew, and i remember when i won and it was really weird just getting on animal jam and reading that letter... just be prepared to answer a lot of questions about why you have your name tag badge! Anyways, great job!


    3. Thanks, and congrats, naturegirl! ^^

    4. Great job! I love your article, especially how you included a quote from Rosy Muddyclaws! It really makes the article more article-ish and gives a variety of opinion. :)


      P.S. Just like naturegirl, I'm in the News Crew too. I wrote the arctic wolf article, you can read it if you want. o.o

    5. Your article was amazing! I really love it! :D

    6. What happens when you win the news crew? Do you join some sort of news crew? O.O

    7. No you get a plaque and plus i enterded and i never won :)

  7. Snowy, ornaments aren't a new item! :O


  8. I thought they were here last year I think

  9. i have been on animal jam times lately.

  10. they also have some jamaaliday jams ~awholenewworld

  11. great news crew article!


  12. Snowyclaw, today in the Jamaalidays Jam the Frosting Icicles came out! I'll send you an email!

  13. I'm really disappointed in AJ for making two gifts in a row returning items. They could at least make a new item every other day. I don't really care about the loss-of-rarity or anything, I just want some new items. Returning items destroys the fun for senior players. Oh well... hopefully tomorrow there will be something new?

    1. I understand you on that. I've been here for two years straight and i'm getting tired of seeing the same items...especially den items. I hope they give us scarves. I just have this weird addiction on wearing scarves XD

  14. quick random question but how to you submit a news crew article again?

    1. You publish in Jammer Central :)

    2. Thanks! I think I'll try to submit one if I got time to make one! ^^

  15. What do you think of a former scammer?
    Not someone who was a huge scammer before, but only scammed a few small items and someone who pledged to never scam again and kept that promise. This same person also said they were very very sorry and admitted that they scammed.
    Do you think that person is a bad person?
    Would you rather be friends with another person who has never scammed before than with this former scammer (who will never scam again)?
    Does it matter if they scammed before or not if they won't do it again in friendship?
    (Personally, I think it doesn't matter if they scammed before or not, as long as they won't do it again and they are nice but I want to hear what you think)

  16. I'd be there friend I always give second chances :)

    Live,Laugh,Love And Save Big Cats Tootie2303

  17. I'm trading a legend, a mummy glove, a raccoon tail, and banjos for a pirate sword. If interested send me a jam a gram and a friend request. I'm meateater4233

    1. I used to have a NM sword, I can get one for you! It should take about 2/3 days But i promise you will have one!


  18. That story was beautiful ;w;

  19. new thing try to make new animal there is something really really cool

  20. I really wish AJHQ would actually let u be able to break the coral canyons bridge, the ice, etc. countless hours wasted hopping on the bridge when all that REALLY happens is eagles fly up. i'm not asking for the supposed rares that are rumored to result from it but, at LEAST, a secret to discover worth the trouble of gathering jammers to help.

  21. i will trade a mummy glove for a headdress or any cool items i am lqc123 trade me!


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw