
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jamaaliday Greenery

Hey jammers, lots of neat stuff today! First off the daily gift, though not spectacular, is always useful with all those Jamaaliday items to buy before the season is over.
Today's returning clothing rare is the Wreath Necklace, the perfect every-jammer holiday fashion statement, yes?
You can buy one in Jam Mart Clothing! Today's second item is the Epic Jamaaliday Tree, tis the season for decoration!
And last, but definitely not least, one of the winning "The Return of the Alphas" articles has been published!
Congrats to the first winner, and welcome to the News Crew! Happy jamaalidays everyone, enjoy the season's gifts!


  1. Replies
    1. Lol hope you don't mind the contest thingy?


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. -CUTEGIRL2001 add me in animal jam snowy claw!

    4. Snowyclaw may not be able to add you. She gets many requests each day.

    5. She Is Really popular so she can't buddy anybody.

    6. She would only buddy people she knows on AJ

    7. Yeah, get to know her and maybe you'll end up being buddies!

  2. Meep! First comment! Wasn't that tree less expensive last year...? *looks suspicious*


  3. Ohnoooo my jamaa tree .. lol I guess I knew this day would come

    Iv been offered legends for my tree

  4. Darn! You got in before me! D: Like...a few seconds D: lol!


  5. 6th comment! I'm kinda mad that wreaths came out. :<

    1. Wreaths aren't that rare no offense. I got a lot from trading party all the time.

    2. Mad? I'm glad they came out, because I only had a orange-cream one. I'm going to put one on my arctic wolf. :3

  6. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr my friend spongeio wont listen to trade all his christmas items! he is gonna end up only a tiny bit rare!

  7. I'm gonna end up not rare at all , yesterday I gave ( as gifts ) away nm sword, to a friend, a worn to another friend, and a lion membership, to a good friend ;)

    But I don't believe AJ is about being rare , tho if I only have one of an item I won't trade it

    And I forgot I gave away a cami frog ( for a foxx hat )

  8. yay i am gonna buy a christmas tree i put mine up yesterday cause mum says it is bad luck to put your tree up before or after december !st??

    1. Very interesting... O_O

    2. My Mother also said that. My family did the same thing.

    3. O.O My family and I put up our Christmas Tree on November 24th O.O

    4. I got my Christmas Tree yesterday. Plus I tried putting last year's ornaments onto the AJ tree, and the ornaments wouldn't even go onto the tree, they would just go behind. :| I ended up hanging the ornaments in my den around the tree and stuff....

  9. i dont like anonmynusus cuz they could swear im serious

    1. i'm starting to dislike them a bit too.... some are being excessively rude and disgusting....

      but its not fair to the others cause they might not be allowed to get a profile or they're a lot nicer and polite.

    2. Yea!Ive tried to get an account but it wont approve so that's not very nice!I became a Christain yesterday:D!Im want to give away my lava glove to someone.Not snowy.Not authors.But someone nice on this blog...Don't ask for it becuz u won't get it if u do...


  10. Aww i missed getting the lollipops yesterday. :'(


  11. i wish we could have gotten something else besides 300 gems

    1. Couldnt we get something good. Seriously we could get 1000 gems easily.


    2. Ikr, just play Jamaa Derby for a half an hour or less and you have like 3,000+ gems. :L But then, I suppose AJ needs the break so they can work on tomorrow's item a bit more.

  12. I hope some time soon we get like 9000000000 gems XD

  13. Cool 300 gems for the daily gift .^.^

  14. Awww I wanted Jamialday Bows to come out, NOT the bow and arrows.

    Ps. My spiked wristband got rare even though it isnt the rare one. Maybe we are getting one?

    1. I have a Jamaalidays Bow, but not Bow and Arrows. We all have different opinions.

    2. Would you trade it?

  15. Gems are always good, 'cause I spend way too much!

  16. worst gift EVER -.- considering how i just got lots of gems from my snow leopard giftcard.


    1. well...i guess maybe not the worst gift but, they could've given us at least 1,000 gems...


    2. I agree....with the your second comment.

    3. I was hoping that since they gave us 300 gems, they would release a new item in stores... the tree is just old. I have like 4 of them from last year. And, they could've gave us 600 gems so people could even afford the tree... :|

  17. YES welcome to da news crew jammer-who-won!

    papad91278 the 4th news crew member

  18. 27 COMMENT!!

    Now im not sure if I should log in to AJ today.....JK I<3AJ!!LOL!

    p.s. visit my blog ppl. I never get comments.. please be generous... i read all.comments. i have all day to reply to your comments.


  19. Need to put more items in your den but it says: this den is now full! No more items can be placed. I counted the items in my clan den (Princess Castle den) because i could only put 1 more after i added a Jamaaliday light. So i had about 93 to 94 in my den. But still needed to put some of my items in there! Im sure you jammers have gone through this before right? Well if you go into the clothing store and click the purple ? mark. Type somthing about more items to go IN" the den, NOT just in our inventories. Thanks Jammers!
    Happy Jammalidays!
    - lovelion123

    1. There is sometimes this glitch happens that even if your den is full, it keeps on letting you put in items but every single time it says "Sorry, you're den is full! You can't put any more items in!" But the items are still placed there. I'm not sure if other jammers can see the items you placed, but you can, and it's a pretty cool glitch to have. :P

    2. other jammers can see the den items you placed. i know for a fact because i've had the glitch for months and months...

    3. That's happened to me! It was so weird. O.O
      -DuskRaven who has no time to log in

  20. ok well u know how the jamaaliday gift yesterday was the lollipop patch? Well it turns out i actually forgot to log on to my AJ account that day. Man.... i'm stupid.....

    anyway. does anyone have an extra lollipop patch they can give me? i really dont want to trade something rares for one, cuz you know how rare addicts are these days.... always wanting rares for every little thing they trade. And im a non member, so someone has to trade it to me. but i was gonna like put a necklace on trade and then someone could trade it to me. but now i guess i have to trade something expensive like a bronze bar just to get one. ughhhh why life

    1. Yeah, there are way too many people addicted to rares.

    2. I'll consider giving one to you, because I love pie too.

    3. actually nvm i finally got one lol

    4. Im kind of a rare addict myself......


    5. Even though i have tons of rares and i collect them doesn't mean i love my friends! One time, (only cause she was scammed) i sent my rare heart locket to her and 2 weeks later i got one back! (Don'r say you were scammed here cause i have little chance of believing you) I just like making people happy! P.S. me+firetigerx=future AJ moderator XD


  21. Well, 300 gems isn't the best gift....I already have a ton of gems from getting a snow leopard. . . . .So, the gems won't really come in use for me. :\

  22. The new/old item is okay. I had two or three of them, but that's okay. I don't really care about rares that much. But that doesn't mean I will just go trading them off for free :P.

  23. hey jammers i have a blog and i need readers please read my blog

  24. I love snowyclaws blog!!!


  25. Wow,I havn't been on this blog in ages! Nice work snowyclaw,you'v been keeping up with the updates! Awesome blog too. Sorry I stopped visiting AJS (I have a blog called Animal Jam Passion but I stopped blogging since I have school) If I ever have time these days when I have cancer..well I'll use some of it to visit this blog again.:)

  26. GUYS! snowy only blogs for fame she only goes on jamma for 1 hour daily and her buddy list is full with fans she has no real good pals only blog people i bet after she quits the blog she wont go on aj anymore and at the eld only 0 buddys will be left on her buddy list. I think i made a point.


    1. Well...I'm sorry tpo be so straightforward but,Snowyclaw is taking time outof her LIFE to bring updates to us and to be with jammers on AJ..Snowyclaw although I have buddied a few times is a great jammer.I have cancer and just thinking of using up time in my life every single day would make me tired..Atleast think of the fact that Snowyclaw has been very brave to keep on going with days like these.

    2. Most of her friends on her friend list are good friends of hers. That's why she has to say to do many people asking to be her buddy that are fans.
      How do you know how much time she spends on Jamaa? *coughstalker?cough*
      You don't know her or who she is. So why are you saying all these things? Stop being a jerk and leave her alone, she's kind enough to do this for us, you can show a little kindness.

  27. Please respect snowy Zane because she works very very hard please respect and be nice

    Live,Laugh,Love And Save Big Cats Tootie2303 :)

  28. She only works hard for the fame you wanna marry snowy i bet


    1. ^^^^^^^
      jerk. and ur user name kinda suits u if ur name is zane e.e


    2. So do over half of the celebrities in this world. Got over it.
      And I don't think any of us even think about marrying Snowy.

  29. Will anyone trade a bow and arrow for 3 rares and a candy cane crown or candy cane tiara and a membership? Or two membership accounts? All of this for a bow?

    1. i wouls be happy to trade my bow. It's light gray.

    2. Anybody want a camis doll?

    3. I would like one Please and Thank You!


    4. What would you trade for it?

  30. I like the News Crew article... a bit too focused on Big Cats if you ask me though. They could have added in "the Alphas where also looking for lands blah blah", but overall, it's pretty good for the average jammer. I don't mean to be offensive to the new News Crew member, I'm just trying to point out your mistakes for next time. ^^

  31. i would trade a bow for 2 memberships and a tiara
    but you gotta send me tira and tell me membership first then i give you bow

    (sorry im to lazy to log on)

    1. you are not the real snowy we know that.

    2. No I'm the real snowyclaw! Imjust to lazy to log in.... gosh.....

    3. I think the real Snowyclaw would have better grammar and spelling, you low life scammer. -.-

    4. The REAL Snowy is not lazy.She does not haves to log on to this account becuz it does it for her.Plus u have bad grammar and language!Faker,idiot,scammer!


    5. Please don't impersonate Snowy.
      It's against the law. ;)

  32. now i'm happy: christmas event on aj and transformice! :D me and my bud are going overtime gifting each other on transformice XD

    Transformice: Ceilidhfyre .3.

    1. Lol, I just gift random people I don't know :P
      Because I'm epic like that XD

  33. I play transformice : loviedoviebu its not a typo :3 play with me if you want :D ~xstayawayx(aj)

    1. FACE IT.
      Pretty much everyone on AJ plays Transformice. ;_; ...all because of jaspy :o

  34. NO SPAMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -.-


  35. does anyone think spike collars will come out?

  36. Hello snowy its me yur ud fro before oceans were out " darkstar029 " i used to be dragontiger123.if you reading this , PLEASE BAN SANGRE ON CHAT. he cursed and made everyone sad. he said inappropriate things like go suck your moms '''' dont hafta finish...... and ill find u in reall and kill you. Also on chat i was banned unfairly i think it was ochi. Please un ban me on chat my user is darkwolfstar123

  37. Oh geez I'm really sorry about that darkwolfstar! Is Sanger their AJ user?

    Best wishes and happy holidays <3

    1. i ont know sadly.. anyway thanks and you too


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw