
Monday, December 24, 2012

Winter Jackets and Arrows

Hey jammers! Today's daily gift is the one we've all been waiting for, Bow and Arrows! Plenty of new colors this year.
These are the types I've seen around Jamaa!
 What's your favorite color? The monday rare this week is the Rare Winter Jacket, first page of the Hot Cocoa Hut.
Perfect match for last weeks rare, the Rare Winter Hood.
Now for this week's mystery story prompt, brought to you by the curiosity of RainbowRider.
 Sir Gilbert, the tiger alpha, has been seen wearing a double-toed jeweled ring on his left front paw. What is this item called? What is it made out of? Who gave this to the mighty warrior?
Is it enchanted? Has it helped him on any adventures?


  1. !ST COMMENT!! Thank you AJHQ for finally re releasing the Bow And Arrows ^_^

    1. 2ND comment. I LOVE LOVE LOVE MY BOW!!!! i shall guard it with my LIFE! LOL! :D


    3. I don't really like the color of the Bow and Arrows this year. But at least they came back and their Non Member X3



    5. This year bow and arrows are uglier.last years was WAY better!!!!!' at least theyre bows...

    6. I agree! I love the bow and arrows! I even got my favorite color, purple. <3

      - SilverLoba

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Replies
    1. I have every color my user name is mastersword22158

  3. FOR MEMBERS, Step 1. make TONS of accounts. Step 2. Get more bows on that account. Step 3. send them to yourself. Step 4. BOWZZZZZZZZZZ :D :D :D (i have a blue bow from last year btw.)

    1. P.S. i did that when i got on my account, it said i had no mail, i loooked and i did O-e

    2. i've done that last year and this year and i knew bows would be out today :D

    3. I'm a nonmember, byusing my storage accounts I trade them onto my main one.... I have 27 bows (3 from last year) ehhehe

    4. Non members can do that to..getting rid of dumb stuff..

  4. I have all bows (this year) EXCEPT the purple one! :(


    1. Aslo my favorite color is the black one :D


    2. I have storage accounts and sent them to me. (im a member) :D


    3. I have the purple bow if you want to trade for it.
      My AJ user is Animalgirl58943

    4. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE bows! I got the brown and black one which I think is wicked cool. My username is Jammerhead1324 if you want to add me.

    5. I have 37 bows. Every single color.

    6. I have 16 bows XD I have purple if you wanna trade. My user is Anakin1190

    7. If I logged all 70 accounts, I'll get 70+ And I only have 10. XD

      ~IamPriceless now XxMoonlightLightsxX
      Sister is now BlackSunrise

      My old account. C:

  5. Yay heres a clever thing to do:
    Log on to all storage accounts and get the bows today only. Then (if you are a member) send all the bows to your main account! Lots of bows baby!

  6. i guess AJ were waiting for christmas eve to realese them.

  7. Phooey, my bow isn't rare anymore. I like the new colors though. Omg, I'm sooooo tired.

    1. Actually, now the original colors are even more rare ;)

  8. Just gonna let you know i just got a glitch with my eyes! For some reason they diappeared.....

    Pic below! :D


    1. This happened wwith me today too! It's a boring, but fun glitch...


    2. That happens to me all the time! It gets very annoying because the Snow Leopard that I use everyday's eyes are the cross-eyes instead of the eyes that a bunny comes with. Sorry, I don't really know what they are called. xD

  9. don't you notice there paws? they r so diff :O like one has claws and the other has no claws (sir gilbet i am talking about)

    1. well maybe he has his claws sheathed on one and unsheathed claws on the other

  10. Happy Christmas Eve

  11. I'm so glad we get to have bows now!! Thank you AJ!! Tomorrow is my birthday!! I'm so excited!


    1. Same here! My Birthday is tomorrow too! How strange! ;D

    2. YEA I WAS GONNA SAY THAT!?!!? i acutally wouldnt want my birthday on christmas i like one special day for me even though you ywould get the presents sometimes i get to excited for the presents not the true meaning im going crazy right now so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!! XD

  12. I like the new colors (makes my old ones rare!). I've always wanted shaman items in the game. It would be so cool to wear that ring or Graham's tail key!

  13. In this lucky day I'm on Epic Dens List!


  14. HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I'm on my iPod so I can't get on AJ but I REALLY want a raspberry or a pink one. No offense but the bows are kinda ugly this year.


    1. Agreed! It's a bad mix, seriously? Brown and Blue? -pukes- I hate it. I like last years! Bring back last years!!

    2. No kidding! I like the old bows WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better, but the good thing about theese bows is that they have become even more rare.

    3. Im on my iPod too! :( i want to log on but im on vacation so i cant. Even though some of the colors arent pretty i still want one

    4. Thanks for replying guys thats really nice. I never get replies. I finally got on AJ. I got the ugly yellow one but traded it for pink then traded pink for magenta. But anyways thanks for replying to me!


    5. I agree, but at least they are bow and arrows! And I'm on iPhone also :( because I'm in a hotel.... But they have free WiFi in lobby and I'm bringing laptop there cause its not working in room :)

      -Shinymewgal and ChristmasPaw, my sisters account

    6. Also I have original pink one :)

      -Shinymewgal and ChristmasPaw, my sisters account.

    7. @Seal2001

      My sister can give you one! She has like, 10+! She has all now! Just tell me What color you want and She'll give it to you, just add her, her username is IamPriceless

  16. can any member or nice person spare a black, purple, or the weird reddish brown one for me? i got a pink one and i don't really like it D:

    1. Sure just send a trade over. My User is yellowparty.

    2. I will, first u a member? I have all bows except yellow, I'm trying to find still..

    3. @Aj Moonlightlights, I have a yellow or gold tan whatever! XD I'll trade u one for a different color, black or the weird reddish one, which I like the most for some reason lol. My user is Anakin1190

    4. Actually I used My sister's account and I'm lazy to log out and log in as my Original Account, my username is IamPriceless, My sisters (this one) is XxMoonlightLightsxX

      And I have a yellow bow! I can gift a member a free bow if you want C:

  17. Iv'e been waiting all year for the return and there is different colors. At least they are bows.

    1. Yes, yes, but the normal/original bows are solid colors and are rares.

  18. I have the purple/grey bow. I will trade it for a dark pink bow or another non ugly bow. My username is thun8902.

  19. I have all 7 of those bows! And a brown rare one!


  20. OMG!!!!! Hi,im new here, im neros1234. I CAN'T BEILEVE(did i spell that right?) IT"S A BOW AND ARROW!! I was for SURE thinking they wouldn't bring that back, since it's so rare. I have a pink one from last year and a sort of darkish yellow/gray one if anyone wants to trade.

    1. @neros1234, it's not that rare =-= 4 of them are worth a non member glove not silver. No offense to you, I'm just pointing some things out lol.

  21. YESSS!!! NEW BOWS!!! i'm so excited i could scream right now! (but i cant because everyone in my house is sleeping lol) i like the white and pink one the best :D

  22. Yay! Bows and arrows! I can finally get one.

  23. You guys, did you forget about the mystery?!?

    Sir Gilbert wandered through the Alpha hut, bored after a nice day of looking at the spirit stones. The other alphas were out looking for new Jammers, and since he looked fierce to everyone, they left him behind "for his own good." Only Greely had also stayed behind, and he wasn't doing anything but meditating right now and despairing over the losses of Shade and Seth. He pummeled a statue of Mira angrily. "WHY do the alphas have to be unfair to me just because I'm ugly? At least they look to Greely for advice, but nooo,just because I'm scary.."He stopped grumping because Greely had walked over to him with a skeptical look on his face, like he was examining a weird specimen.

  24. "What?"he demanded.Greely looked at his paw, then got some measuring tape, iron and a shard of the tiger spirit stone, then worked away without a chisel or a table. When he was done, he had a nice double ring with two shards of the tiger spirit stone sitting on each ring.Greely still didn't speak,but slid the rings on his paw. It fit perfectly, with enchantments surrounding each stone. "Why, thank you!"Gilbert said. Greely didn't respond,and simply gathered up his tools and walked outside.

    1. Epilouge
      Gilbert hopped from stone to stone, watching for phantoms. His ring glowed faintly, and a few spirits of tigers crawled out, helping him watch. Suddenly, the sun was covered by a black cloud. The phantoms had come."Each stone represents Mira and Zios, with their powers bundled up in them."Greely had told him the previous day,after weeks of being pestered by Gilbert's curiousity. Right now the stone representing Zios was crumbling, since the god had died when he had killed him. Gilbert didn't know exactly why, but it felt like Zios was being possesed by some evil shadow. Now, the creation of the phantoms was all his fault, and the alphas hated him even more. "Attack!" he told the spirits,and in a matter of minutes the cloud was fleeing from the claws of the spirits. The other alphas summoned other animal spirits to assist them,but they were weakening and the phantoms were growing as Mira wept. Then, the final wave greeted them. A large cloud shaped like Zios's mask appeared,and the phantom queen and king came through his eyes.Gilbert knew that they would have to stop fighting soon for the new land of Jamaa, and they would have to defeat the phantoms before they retreated.Cosmo waved his paw,and half of the flock turned into dandelion fluff, but that wasn't enough. Amelia nuzzled her boyfriend, Greely, as they made a last stand. War and peace would finally clash.

  25. i got all of em :3 took me 3 hours over 50 accounts made :3 worth it ^3^ - tigertaco2011 commenting at the speed of light! - wub wub dub dub wubstep dubstep keeps the parents away as i always say - skrillex#1 fan- dubwub!

    1. Ummmmmm, you know you don't have to make 50 accounts just to get all the colors, in each different present it's a different color of bow, so I used my 16 accounts to get sixteen different bows, yeah yeah there's doubles, triples even. owo

  26. I have a rare pink bow...its ugly..anyone willing to trade a dif color rare bow for it?

  27. Another war between the phantoms and the alphas was about to end. Who would win? Who would go back to their families in defeat? Gilbert mustered up all his courage, and roared. His true form showed, and he grew taller and taller,untill he was as tall as Mira. He slashed through the phantoms, and the phantoms disentigrated, leaving their rulers to flee. However, that paw was the paw where he had his rings on, and the stone that represented Zios shattered for good.He shrank down, and the alphas hoisted hikm up onto his shoulders, and carried him around the canyon with pride.

  28. i am going to own so many bow and arrows!!!

  29. Anyone want a purple bow? I kinda want another color :I
    My user is Animalgirl58943

  30. The only bow I don't hav is the light pink one and I have two rare vows from last year black and white my fav ^^

  31. Um i have the blue 1 from lat year so idrc

  32. Aww i have a virus i cant play AJ p.s. my user is andrewj04

  33. One day, the phantoms were going crazy, there were two many. So all the shamans/alphas and the animals gathered in the chamber of knowladge. "There are too many phantoms!" exclaimed Greely. "I agree" said Liza. The animals waited in the chamber of knowladge for days. "I'm hungry" said a small bunny. Everyone was too hungry and tired. Peck gathered all the bunnies to one side of the chamber, Greely gathered all the wolves, and all the other shamans did the same. When a wolf would go to the "koala's side of the chamber," everyone would start to yell. Suddenly, Mira swooped down into the chamber. "Shamans, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You know better than to seperate the animals. To get rid of the phantoms, we have to stay togather. All the shamans come here." said Mira. All the shamans obeyed and waited for a cruel punishment. "All the shamans put their paws in the middle." said Mira. All the shamans did so. "Now, use your magic as I put this old, dusty, piece of metal on top of your paws. When I do, use your magic and all of you lift your paws up without letting the ring fall or disconnecting paws." All the shamans did what she said. After a bright light filled the room, they seemed like they were in space. All the animals panicked. Soon, the wait was over. They were all back in the chamber of knowlade and the metal was now 2 rings. One almost useless and the other with an unknown jewel on it. "These two rings... I bestow them upon Sir Gilbert." said Mira. Sir Gilbert's eyes lit up, and for a long time, he smiled. "Sir Gilbert, as long as you use these rings for noble purposes, you shall wear them. These rings hold a special power that will hold off the phantoms. But make sure you wear them side by side. If the yare seperated, they will not work. Same with if you all seperate." said Mira. Sir Gilbert looked around at all the shamans and animals. Greely bowed his head, and then Peck. Soon, all the animals had bowed to Sir Gilbert. -Epilouge- Sir Gilbert had used his new rings to shoo the phantoms outside to faraway lands. Sir Gilbert now wears the rings from now on. The rings aren't as powerful as before, but still faintly work. After all, magic cannot last forever.



    1. Sir Gilbert was out hunting for phantoms. The other alphas were searching undiscovered caves, and interesting holes in the grounds, which actually belonged to hedgehogs. They had to apologize several times because they had disturbed sleeping hedgehogs! "Sorry." Peck said to a furious hedgehog as she peeked into the hole.
      Sir Gilbert had enough! They were searching only animal's holes! That was it. He was going to search for phantoms on his own! After all, he was the most experienced alpha.

      He left in the middle of the night where all the alphas were snoozing like baby hedgehogs. Then, he went deep into the forest. He saw an electic zap made a flower fall over. When he looked down, it was a baby phantom. It was so cute! "Ga ga goo goo," The baby phantom said, with its huge eyes looking into Gilbert's. It was so cute! He couldn't kill it. Then, a big phantom floated above him, and it said, "Give me back my baby!" gilbert shook his head. He would raise this baby phantom to be good, not bad. The mother phantom attempted to zap Gilbert, and its electic shot hit his foot. "This is a use of witchcraft." Gilbert said, holding the gooey phantom. (The phantoms' texture is gooey, like some kind of ink or black liquid that can levitate). Then, the magic from the mother phantom formed onto his foot. "From now on, you will be allergic to phantoms, as long as that totem stays on your foot!" She roared. Tiny spikes formed onto his foot. Black Magic. More like, Phantom Magic. "NO!" Gilbert roared. "No black magic!" The phantom sneered, and he began to feel itchy. Red blotches began to form onto his face. Allergic reaction. He let the baby go. "Bye bye!" The baby said with its cute voice, that sounded like soft papers flapping. "Bye," Gilbert had tears in his eyes. He loved that baby with all his heart, he even loved it more than the other alphas. From now on, Gilbert was allergic to phantoms.
      The other alphas could barely manage. It was hard, but they understood and didnt mention it. Greely despised Gilbert a little bit for taking it easy on a baby phantom, when he should've killed the baby without hesitating. He, too, had a soft spot, but he never intended to show it. The alphas hunted down the phantoms, put them into cages, and set them off into Unknown Lands, where no living thing lived, not even a flower. They managed without Gilbert, but it was hard. Peck was the second best phantom hunter now, and she became the Leader of the Phantom Hunting.

    2. Mango! I have 4 green bows! meet me on AJ and I'll trade you one! I'll accept another color bow for it that's not pink, purple, raspberry or that yucky yellowish color. Bleh... gets shudders thinking about that yucky color... X'''D My username is anakin1190

  35. Sorry! I would like to fix 2 things: "all the shamans put YOUR paws in the middle" and THEY ARE at "if the yare sperated, they will not work"

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  37. I wish AJHQ could actually come up with some NEW gifts for a change :P. Merry Christmas eve-day! (To everyone who celebrates) :)

  38. Party at mai den staring at 12:30!
    Help wanted! remember its a hoilday party!
    Evles,santa and more needed!
    If intshsed go to my den at 12:10
    see you there!


  39. hi everyone. my username is maya3060, and im willing to trade my green bow and arrows for a pink one. please respond if you'd be open to it!


    1. nvm....i just traded it away. sorry!


  40. once and for all there were phantoms to be gone! but no one can defeat them they were to strong! but not for long there were alphas to be raised but now they are stronger they defeated more phantoms Greely was not only strong but he had magic from his best friends ....... the alphas. the ring was from his father who died long ago but his best friends gave it more magic. he had a soft side but he never showed it when his father died by the phantoms.the story was that when Greely was trying to fight the phantoms on his own he got zapped 2 times hard he was weak. 1 more zap and Greely would die! but his father was willing to die instead of his son he coverd his son and he (his father) died. Greely looked with his father in tears the only thing that his father gave was the love of the family in the ring. he gave it to his son Greely. but Greely never showed his soft side again but became stronger and became the best phantom hunter but since ever today the both sides of the animals from phantoms were free again! -ellanicole2003

    1. Sorry but there's A few mistakes in there. Sir Gilbert is the tiger shaman (alphas) and Greely is the wolf shaman. Also Greely did not like other shamans that much but he likes Mira a lot.


  41. finally i got to get something publish

  42. :D i got more stories but i couldn't do it

  43. I have 2 of every single bow.

  44. Xxzootycoon2xX is scamming the fields! He has scammed 4 bows now all he needs it just 3 more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. :O snowy can ya check my other account lapot and post it! its a beta and never had membership its the truth look at my awards i dont have medal from membership! ps MERRY CHRISTMAS SNOWY!

  46. if you would like me to put more stories just comment me

  47. Yay i have all 7 but in total ihave 9 bows1 rare bow i used to have 5 and my user is andrewj04

  48. i have 17 bows,2 of all the colors with some 3 colors. my favorite is the blue and chocolate one.
    have a happy Christmas tomorrow everyone!

  49. snowy its just 2 rings he found in a dumpster get life over with and make better adventures


    stephen sloane

    ps: my account got banned from comenting thats why im anonymous

    1. I don't Stephen Sloane would say things like that..No offence if that is the real Stephen Sloane!

    2. Stephen Sloane wouldn't say things like that, Mia is right about that, Stephen usually isnt saying that sorta stuff,

    3. Yeah. Besides, why would Stephen be banned? He's real nice

    4. You aren`t stephen..... *slaps head* Stephen told me that he went to his Grandparents house for Xmas, and that he wouldn`t have computer access.

  50. Thanks for using my idea! I'm glad you liked it! :D

  51. I think the bows this year match some tophat colors and are prettier O.O

  52. I like the bows this year better and im typing on the Dell laptop I JUST GOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  53. I also think Sir Gilbert found his ring in Epic Wonders. The shamans got mad he stole things and were frightened he would steal their things, so thats why everyone is frightened of him. The thing that frightened them the most was the ring gave him secret powers.

  54. Merry chrismas eve and Chrismas day tommorow!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    P.S.Please don't say the true meaning of chrismas is presents.The true meaning of chrismas is Jeaus being born.

    P.P.S.Your not Stephen guy!Your a faker.He does not say that and he has better grammar.(sorry if I spelt your name wrong!)

    1. No it's not. Xmas is Jesus's birthday, his death was on Easter or Passover, think...

    2. He was born on Christmas, killed on Christmas... I think, I haven't read the bible in a while. He rose from his death on Easter.

    3. Dude... He definitely did not die on Passover... The only ones who died on Passover were the 1st born non Jewish sons in Egypt

  55. anyone on animal jam wanting to trade bows? just wondering because i got a puple 1 and i am trading it for a other color ~ maxicyspirit ~ + Merry Christmas to all! ^-^

    1. I wwould..but I already have a purple bow from last year.

  56. Here's my explanation for why Sir Gilbert wears rings:
    It was a cold winter evening, Sir Gilbert and a rhino named George, a friend of his, were in the Jam Mart Clothing store. George peeked over the fine glass, peering in at the items within, his eyes wide. Sir Gilbert shuffled his paws, wanting to get it over with. You see, George was about to propose to his girlfriend, Josephina, and was looking for a ring. He asked Sir Gilbert to come along, because he wanted his friends opinion on which ring he should buy. George had his eye on a ring with a gleaming silver band, with a dazzling ruby in the center. George kindly asked the clerk of he could get a closer look. The clerk nodded and opened the case, handing the ring carefully to George. George examined the ring, and by looking at it closer, he knew it was the perfect ring for his lover. George's posture slumped. He had completely forgotten! How foolish he had been. He couldn't buy a ring without knowing Josephina's ring size! George exhaled a sorrowful sigh and turned to Sir Gilbert. Sir Gilbert was drumming his paws on the glass, humming. George glanced at his paws and his eyes relaxed in relief. Sir Gilbert's individual toes were almost the same size as Josephina's! If the ring fit Sir Gilbert, it would fit Josephina as well! George grinned and tapped Gilbert, getting his attention. George asked politely, " Gilbert, would you mind trying this ring on?"
    Sir Gilbert sighed, knowing it was best not to ask, and nodded slowly, not knowing what he was getting himself into. George smiled gratefully, and slipped the ring over his toes. The ring was too big to fit just one, so he slid it over two of Sir Gilbert's toes. Sir Gilbert nodded, saying that it fit well. George sighed in relief, and tried to slide the ring off. Except there was one problem. The ring wouldn't budge. George groaned, and asked the clerk to help get the ring off of Gilbert. George and the clerk tried everything, they even used butter, but could not get the ring off. George sighed, and ordered another ring, the same as the one on Sir Gilbert, and payed the clerk for both. Sir Gilbert wasn't very happy about his new accessory, but didn't argue about it, knowing George would just say something he couldn't object with. In the end, George and Josephina were married happily, and still are to this day. Sir Gilbert on the other hand, still lives with the ring stuck on two of his toes, still trying to get the ring off, but to no avail. To this day Sir Gilbert refuses to put anything on his toes, or go ring shopping.

    - foreversaramo1926 xD

  57. BOOM! I have every single color bow. Now I have 37 bow and arrows in all.

  58. I like the bows. Though they aren`t brightly color.

  59. XxZootycoon2xx has scammed 69 bow and arrows in total!!!!!!!

    1. The scammers are having a feast today I'm sure. >:(

      This is really getting out of hand . .

      Shame on those scammers! Making children cry. They are cowards! They hide behind a computer screen so they do not have to see the hurt on those kid's faces when they lie to them and steal their stuff right in front of their noses. They do not have to see them cry. They just run away cause they know what they did was wrong and they don't want to face it.

      I hope they have a good time with all their STOLEN goods, as those will be the ONLY company they have in the long run.

      -A ticked off Jammer.

    2. 0-0 XxZooTycoon2xX now has a total of about 90-100 bow and arrows in total.

  60. Going to my grandparents' house.... I haven't even practiced the piano to play. Darn, I guess I won't play. :) How many of you guys like to play the piano on Christmas Eve? I do!

    1. I'm going to my grandparent's house, too!

    2. i have all color bows my account user is riyanaroy if u need bows u can ask me

  61. Hey guys this is joshandcole should I trade my green with blue dotted tail armor for rare pink bow and 3 bows that are presents today(they are different colors)

    1. I don't think you should. Tail armor is more rare than 4 bows.

    2. Tail armor is worth a dragon glove or a cloud.

  62. Everyone is scared of Greely cause his stronger then the other shamans and plus his nice but not that much

  63. Merry Christmas everyone! I got an iPad for Christmas! What did u get? I'm commentin with my iPad

    1. Whooo AG! Me and fiery aren't the only ones using their apple devices to comment and write posts on AJM XD

  64. i srsly like the older ones and wish that they had a rainbow bow. :l so yeah im not much of a fan of the new bows so.... OMG SANTA!!!!! :)

    1. ikr, Santa! ;P I got a nook for an early present from Santa.

  65. Merry Christmas Jammers! Lol I'm commenting on my iPad which I got for my birthday in 2012 :P I got 4 Harry Potter Books <3, An Arctic Wolf, and a $25 iTunes Card!
    Happy Holidays! -SpinnerDolphin

    1. I got an iPad for Christmas :D plus some more items!

  66. I got another story! 1 time Greely had a father his father became king of the tigers.But Mark ( Greely's father) and him weren't safe for Mark's brother was much jealous.So they hid somewhere unkown not from a map seen but somewhere wonderfull with a lake and much more to eat,hunt, and play.For true he wasn't alone he had friends that come and visit. His father mad the place safe with his very old powerful ring.Greely was happy he has mother and father with friends who play with him. His mother and father loved him very much.But until 1 day in Novermber 10, his mother died when phantoms took fire and burned the canyons legend has it that Greely got a little much weaker he got fewer time to play and fewer joy.As Greely got older he turned 10 his father Mark was now stronger then ever.Mark didn't just hunted the phantoms but took peace to the animals and the phantoms.He was no known as the bravest king and shaman.But Mark's life didn't come forever from saving Greely while Greely saves his father too.The story they say that he was trying to save Greely became safe and was so close to going back to there new house he got zapped and Mark lost his life.But that wasn't true.Greely had taken the real story and put up a fake 1 it was the only thing to keep his father safe.He was raised by his grandparents and his evil uncle (Mark's brother) was defeated by Greely. He (Greely), was now old enough and took place of his father Mark.But Greely had the biggest fight ever with the phantoms since they took his father and if Greely wins he'll get his father back. Greely won but 1 phantom wasn't giving up the phantom tried to kill Greely but his father Mark took place and Mark died. Greely cried just a little and got mad. Greely killed the phantom from killing his dad.And Greely got stronger.Now ever since he noticed the ring of his father was floating and was put on his finger he now knew what it was meaning.He became shaman and he had more spirit of fun and forever he is the bravest shaman and king of tigers in animal jam. The end.

    1. Greely is the wolf shaman not the tiger

    2. O.O whoops just fix that up right :3:)

  67. I have 8 bow and arrows now... I kinda cheated, though... I have 1 member account and I don't know how many nm accounts, and I logged on with each one of them and sent the bows they got to my member account, plus 1 from last year :D

    1. I have 17 accounts owo XDDDD there all nm except for my main member account Anakin1190

  68. Super excited for Santa! This is my first year of not opening presents (except for ones from my grandparents :3) from Santa and my parents,etc; The excitement! :D

  69. Merry Christmas everyone X3 It's past midnight where I am

  70. Merry Christmas, everyone! :D

    - bunnyrockerzrock

  71. Today gift is 1000 gems... WHAT THE ?!?! In the day of Christmas?! Its NOT FAIR!!!

    ~Marianams (MAD)

    1. Perhaps Animal Jam assumed many people wouldn't be logging on on Christmas day because they'd be busy doing fun away-from-computer stuff with their families and they didn't want people to miss out on rare gifts.

      anyway be glad you got anything at all. AJ could have decided not to give any gifts all month long. They were so generous to us players!

      Just a thought. :3

      -An anonymous AJ nerd.

  72. Warriorcatz1200 on Christmas XDDecember 25, 2012 at 4:45 AM

    Merry Christmas people!!
    Oh yes and about the bows..
    I didnt know they were so good til i got
    1st a black bow from last year
    2nd a giant lion plush
    And the strange one is 3...
    3rd a ledgend..
    Yes a real ledgend.. Its on my main animal ( wolf )
    When the ledgend was traded i seriously almost had a heart attack XD
    And i got other things like epic wonder and monday rare.. But i recylced most of it..
    Lol XD

  73. Hehe.Im just staring at my gifts cuz I want to open them."Happy Bday to you! Happy Bday to you!Happy Bday dear Jesus,Happy Bday to u!"
    Anyways merry chrismas!Reply to this commet and tell me what u got!Happy Birthday Jesus!:D

    -Julysweet(a very thankful and happy 5th grader!)

    1. I got the AJ wristbands last night. My parents aret up this morning, so I have to wait 'til they get up. But, of course, I'll probably just end up waking them up. ;3

  74. i didnt get to get the bows yesterday and i was hoping anyone could spare a bow :333 i really want only black, brown only. You can do it 2 diff ways send one to lucas833 and she will give to me (my sis) or just send me a message saying your willing to give it to me only by trade 8.8 im xstayawayx

    1. I could spare a bow........... what would you give?

  75. Ugh lame 1000 gems. I think AJHQ should randomly give out a rare item from past years to Jammers on Xmas day instead of 1000 gems...

    1. Be thankful you got anything at all . . . .

  76. MERRY CHRISTMAS, GUYS!!! I'm soooooo excited! Best holiday ever for me!! :DDD

  77. Does anyone have an extra RM from yesterday that they could spare? I forgot to buy one yesterday! D:


    ~Crazee4horses (Who is REALLY happy)

  79. :') i got . a kindle fire 4 Christmas (its a tablet ) ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™ ~kittycat904

  80. I got a new Dell laptop, a webkinz plushie, and a lot more. Today I knew the gift would be 1000 gems bcuz it goes gift, gift, gems. And i think the bows are AWESOME I got dark pink.

  81. Now, its kinda like AJ is boring. My BFFs are never online, people are mean, everyone likes you for rares, its borrrrring. Im not saying im going to quit, its just not fun.


  83. Aww, I missed the bows and arrows and the winter jacket! I was skiing yesterday and then when I got home I ate dinner, watched a movie, and went to sleep so there was no time for the computer. D:

    1. Don't worry . . . it's still kinda easy to get bows by trading. I traded for a couple extra already using past monday rares. People aren't seeing them as super rare yet since they are so new. But I think they are gonna be a special item soon just like the last bows were.
      I have all 7 colors now! :D

  84. What's bat wallpaper worth?

    1. Wait a couple months. The halloween theme item value will go up as scarcity increases and more newbies who haven't seen those items yet join AJ.

      -an anonymous AJ nerd

  85. There's a glitch with foxes and scarves when they play. o.o Btw Im not sure if you posted this Snowyclaw about the glitch anyway whateve.

  86. I'm commenting again... Yeah... If anyone still doesnt recognize me it's chu714, back from not being active on this blog for over a month... Yeah...

  87. Bad christmas for me ;( 1st: I cut my head on a window BADLY and got 2 blood blister and fell on the concrete. 2: My pet died! I cried in real because I LOVE HIM SO MUCH =C 3: I never got the present i wanted =c

  88. I got a laptop for xmas :D its so awesome. I luv it 030
    its a surface laptop. the ones tht are a tablet and a computer :D
    all I rlly wanted was a 3ds. but wht sucks I tht I cant play animal jam on t ;-;
    bunnel <3

  89. i wish i had a bow.. me and my mom were shopping practically the whole day so i wasbt able to log on. if anyone has one ill be glad to have/ trade for it.

  90. i wish i had a bow.. me and my mom were shopping practically the whole day so i wasbt able to log on. if anyone has one ill be glad to have/ trade for it.

  91. I know it's late but here is my story:
    Gilbert (not Sir at the time)was playing around near the phantom volcano. He wa having so much fun when a falling phantom named Blaze soared high abouve him, and fell leaving a firey scar on Gilberts arm. Little Gilbert went to his friend Peck (the rabbit shamman but she was a kid now) and told her what happened. She cheered him up by giving him a red gem. She said she found it near the volcano. Gilbert took the gem. Then one night he had a dream. Mira was near the volcano. The next day Gilbert ran to the volcano and saw the evil phantoms laughting! 'Give us the gem or your life' said Blaze, the phantom who hurt him. Gilbert was so angry. The gem bacame a ruby and statred glowing.Then it made an explosion and the phantoms vanished squealing. Gilbert knew this gem was magical so he made it into a ring and never took it off. It saved his life many times. The end!
    written by majeczka333 (me)

  92. I have every color of them! <3 I love them!

  93. I know a different one,

    copy that and go to the link :)

    -birdy12447 <3


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw