
Monday, February 11, 2013

Armor and Flooring

Hey jammers! I'm sorry I didn't post, AJ was offline at my normal posting time (and before I went to school). It was up for a little while this afternoon and has been on and off recently.
Darn phantoms messing with things!
That looks problematic.

Anywho, today's rare colored item is the Rare Knight Armor, matching the Rare Knight Helmet a while back. You can buy one of these on the first page of Jam Mart Clothing.
AJHQ has a post up about it on the Daily Explorer.
There is also another New Crew article winner.
I was finally able to get into a Friendship Party!
 At the top of the castle lies the Friendship Shop.
There is a new item there, the popular Pink Swirls Flooring!
Picture from Mia776!
 There's a fun little fireplace area to hang and chat with friends.
 The party also has a fun little raised dancing platform (I presume), and even a fun, heart-shaped, pink flower bed.
I'm sorry for the lack of background change recently. The computer which holds all my blog pictures died, so now I have nothing left. >.< Due to length of this post and the lateness I'm going to skip Monday Mystery today, I'm sorry! You can always post ideas for next week's in the comments though.
Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Replies
    1. Yippee! And besides, Snowyclaw, didn't I submit a Monday Mystery? You could have posted that one! And I am happy that I was here just in time to say this, so don;t say SPAM,okay?

    2. Somebody else, reply please! I somehow got that weird font when I was typing....
      I made my "1st Comment" short because I was afraid someone would take my place.

    3. I hardly look at it on time xD

    4. ~k8te123 sorry forgot to put it in

  2. First comment. By the way, i love your blog! So cool. And i like the color of todays rare monday.

    1. Whoops. I guess my ipod had t loaded the first 2 comments. Third then.

    2. That happens a lot with mobile...

    3. Yeah.. It does it's annoying all though its never happened to me XDD



    1. Cool! Mine is that I got First Comment! Yipee!
      *waves paws in air and does a crazy dance*
      But congrats, I rarely do that. And we don't need caps lock to express how happy we are, the comments have been set to overload recently. :-)



  4. Hey, thank you Snowyclaw for changing the picture.

    1. It is nice, but now I can't see the message clearly. D=

    2. I know, I know. Sadly I lost my other background picture when my computer died (or was murdered... by an apple update...) and for some reason Template Designer isn't working on my blog what-so-ever.

    3. I understand, Snowyclaw, blog pictures can be annoying, so are "updates". More often than not, they actually wreck computers. Ever heard of Windows Vista? That update to Windows XP was a disaster... I'm using XP right now.

    4. …By an Apple update…XD

    5. XD idk why but that made me crack up XDD

  5. I know this is off topic, but Mia776, we are Spirit Jammers who are kinda opposites. I have quite long comments, you have short sentences. I try to comment often, you just seem to do whatever you can. I am formal and not always doing funny comments, but you sometimes seem...comical. I dare to speak up, you seem to try to be a bit nicer than I am.

    Sorry if I am being critical, but those differences are kinda weird.

  6. 5th non reply comment? :D

    1. well i tied with amy jiao

    2. Finally Snowyclaw posts late enough for me to get first place... But still, congratulations!

  7. Replies
    1. Congrats, ❤❤Directioner❤❤ ❤❤Mixer❤❤!

    2. No Problem, ❤❤Directioner❤❤ ❤❤Mixer❤❤. ^.^

    3. Long comment reply list... And it is a competition between blue and pink! Lol! XD

    4. Darn, I was trying to keep the theme. DX

    5. Lol, our friendship started here. Could you add me on Google+? And what is your AJ username? I want to buddy you.

    6. My AJ user is : Animalgirl58943
      And sure!! If I can remember how XD

  8. A comment for Sir Tiny-Tiger, who is really hurting me,

    Why do you think I criticize emptily????? I try to be a good critic, pointing out faults for you to fix, but all I get is a lump of anger. I criticized your story because there was a fault, and do not expect me to criticize your every move, because I don't criticize everything. My daring is just trying to heal your faults, and a lot of people, like you, missed the part about the Mira pictures, but I didn't criticize that because of your wishes. -.-

    -roxy30000, go ahead and report me, because that proves you are the person who doesn't know that words on the screen can still be powerful. =.=

    1. Do not put more hurtful words under here, because this is something to declare the truth. I really feel this way, I swear on Lisa's cane that this is true. Sir Tiny-Tiger is almost becoming a cyber-bully to me. ='(

    2. Gah, the AJS font keeps changing on me! Now it is a one that is like skinny words, and it was also Comic Sans once!

    3. That happens on Mac's a lot, the fonts can be all glitched-up. They go from Comic Sans MS to Times Mew Roman, and to many others! I wonder if it's a computer glitch or a Blogger glitch, because it's really bugging me.

    4. From Sir Tiny Tiger

      First I shall defend myself about what you said about "My burst of anger"
      Technically, no anger, i was just deeply annoyed. I was just putting up a state ment asking you not to criticize me.

      How is using all facts and a few fun ideas a fault? Thank you for confusing me about the Mira pictures thing. I litterally have no idea what your talking about there.

      And still, I never technically insulted you. "wow anomynous you really idalize Sir Tiny Tiger" is what you said. That means you think i have no imagination at all. That hurt. All I did was rudly ask you to stop.

      Yes i could have used more kind words, but you could have avioded the whole thing by not saying i got no imagination at all. And YES "wow anomynous you really idalize Sir Tiny Tiger" DOSE mainly mean thats what you think.

      I have also just read your comment of you trying to make a monday mystery. I would try and make a cool mystery for that but, I have not played Temple of Trivia in so long i have no idea what your talking about in that as well.

      But I think the stars we get are crystal. Not sapphire. (Thats just what I think.)

      Well, I have already used up a lot of room so i might as well include what i think the next monday mystery should be.

      Why is the Jamaa Clothing Store (On the outside) built like a castle?

      P.S. how do you pronounce the Jiao part of your user name? i just had a weird erge to ask that.

      o.o Amy, when you said this were you mainly telling me to burn?! "Solve this mystery...if you dare...for the truth may burn you up..." -_-

    5. From Sir Tiny Tiger AKA ratratrat11

      Oh man I just discovered what caused this arguement! It was a misunderstanding! I sighned that story with, Ratratrat11, Thats my username, I really thought you knew that.

      I thought when you said that you were saying you thought i was a totally different person! We both sort of misunderstood eachother.

      Im so Sorry!

      I really thought you knew that was my user name. i even put it in some of my mysteries. Yes just one or two.

      Heh, looks like niether of us really pay any etention to stuff. (Thank my brother for this apology, he is the one who pin-pointed my mistake.)

      Again so sorry, I would like an apology back though. You did make several false assumptions of me.
      ( I really hate false assumptions because it's like the rest of my family runs on them.)

      Story from Ratratrat11

      Once Apon A Time. The Sariepia Theater only had three movies. Nobody really likes either movie. Then the invasion of the phantoms came and the phantoms destroyed the movies. After weeks of attach after attach, the alphas came and fought off the phantoms! The animals decided to make a movie about their great deeds so nobody would forget them, and as a reword to the Alphas. The two banners are of the same movie! Bad thing is that the movie was slowly destroyed by mice. The movie was recreated years later. There are no movie studio's in Jamaa, so Captain Melville had to get it made in the real world. But on his journey back home, his ship was attached by Phantom Pirates. The ship sunk with the video.
      Years later the Ship was found again. But, the video, and the crew, were never found. Sir Tiny-Tiger discovered a Phantom Family Crest on the ship.
      Was the Captain evil? Did he survive? What really happened to the Captain, his crew, and the Video?

      see it's signed ratratrat11. (I don't see any as you say "Faults" in it though.)

      P.S. Why was Gilbert killing Zios in your story?

  9. Does anyone want to try out a Monday Mystery anyway? I will do it:

    There is a waterfall in the Temple Of Trivia, underneath the tree. There is also a shadow behind it.
    Since the Temple Of Trivia features both Mira and Zios, make the story imaginative.
    Okay, so here is the mystery:

    What is the shadow? What are those sapphire and diamond stars you get as rewards? And what was the Temple Of Trivia meant to be?

    Solve this mystery...if you dare...for the truth may burn you up...

    Is that creepy or what?

    1. 22 comments ALREADY????
      Does anyone actually want to try the mystery, please?
      *looks at reader with puppy-dog eyes*

    2. So fast... Lol!
      *laughs so hard even Mira can hear it*

    3. I don't want to get burned up.. o:

    4. Just try to make an outrageous story based on the actual legends of Jamaa, and try not to get close to the truth, or the gruesome truth WILL burn you up! XD

      I wanna try and get spirit jammer :3

    6. Good luck! Just comment often without spamming, and answer other's questions. I would include more if I wasn't trying to reply to every comment!

    7. No Problem, again, but I am having problems keeping up with you! DX

    8. XDD well now u have the chance to catch up! I need to check if I finished my HW ^^.

    9. Finished it at school. Anyone want to solve my mystery?

  10. Whaddup jammers?limesoda14 here:3!to snowyclaw:you've been a awesome blogger/jammer!anyways....I hate how this "rare" is colored.... It's atrocious.srry if this spam but report trickserOFtricks.he does gross things and asks for personal info O.O

    1. Yeah, the color matchups are, WEIRD

    2. I know! Those rares aren't even worthy of the badge. And that isn't spam, we need to keep an eye out for the Phantom-possessed Jammers, who are called bullies, scammers, hackers, and so on. Get what I mean?

    3. The best explanation that is Jamaasian.
      Hey, that rhymes!

    4. Hey, we are becoming comment buddies! And yes, it actually makes sense since both those people and phantoms try to ruin the splendor of Jamaa.

    5. ^ My failed attempt and speaking Spanish-o!

    6. More like gibberish. XD And yes, we seem to really get along...

  11. I don't like how a lot of Jamaa names are based off of "Jam" in Animal Jam, because it makes me think of raspberry jam and jam made of animals. Seriously, why couldn't Smart Bomb think of a better name? But still, it matches my initials.^.^

    1. The thought of Jam made of Animals is really disturbing.... And it is a Kids website!

    2. Om nom nom! If they were made outta jam, they'd be in my belly by now XD

    3. XD! But meat isn't meant to be Jam... And AJ has nothing to do with Jam! It should be called AnimalQuest.

    4. Besides, it was supposed to be a Jamaasian game like MonkeyQuest, why did they name it something disturbing?

    5. Why would we want to eat such an awesome game? 0.0

    6. As I said, Smart Bomb certainly is weird for a company named "Smart Bomb..."

    7. I think by jam they mean lots of animals mixed together
      ~ k8te123 p.s I would like to try some animal jam

    8. From Sir Tiny-Tiger

      Jam, as in music. having fun. It's not disturbing.

      MonkeyQueast is not a jamaasian game. mainly because SNOWY is the person who made up the jamaasian movement. And I don't think she made monkeyqueast.

      And isn't all of that off topic guys?

      Smartbomb did not name it. National Geograffic did. All Smartbomb did was make it. Other then that everything about animaljam is National Geografic.

      .......... I'm sorry i just whacked your weird idea with logic. But I think it was for the greater good.

      0_o Jam made of animals? I thought all jams were made of fruits.............

    9. They have animal crackers and gummy bears, why not animal jam?


  12. You had to go to school today? I had today off

    1. Maybe it is the flu season, some odd holiday, or an ice/snow day...

    2. Yeah, or teacher service day..

    3. Darn, I was going to say that...

    4. Yes, they do. XFD *nose spills snot laughing* Ew!

    5. *sprays snot on all of her hearts*

    6. *spray paints her hearts black* Now you are a true love! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    7. I live in California in the valley, there is no snow (which sucks). I guess we celebrate Lincolns b-day today and George Washington's b-day next monday, instead of them both on president's day

  13. I'd almost die if my computer died. :*( I wonder why AJ keeps going down....

    Wow, it sounds like I spend too much time on the computer if I said I'd almost down.....

    1. Snowyclaw's computer seems to have died sometime... So good luck evading horrible Fate!

    2. *Die.. I said down. :| I should really start checking my spelling...

  14. Replies
    1. ??? Whaddya mean? That comment wasn't there before..

  15. The weird thing is that the knight helmet was nonmember, but the armor that goes with it is member...
    So nonmembers can't get the full outfit D:
    They did the same thing with the rare mech angel wings and the rare mech angel helmet...

    1. Yeah.. That is certainly weird!

    2. Smart Bomb certainly is weird...

    3. IKR and I just saw your guy's comments about the name of animal jam! Lol I laughed when reading those! And yeah... why would they name a childrens' interactive company after a weapon (the bomb)?


  16. Only like 2 main ppl are commenting good job Amy and directioner!!! Ps animal jam should be a brand of jam that has pics of animals on there XD

    1. XDD JAM! OMMNOM NOM XDD and Ty ^^. I feel so loved XD

    2. Lol! Thank you for the compliment I just ate!

    3. LOL! You have a mole on your face, ❤❤Directioner❤❤ ❤❤Mixer❤❤

  17. I love school ^ … ^

    1. I used to like school until middle school I:

    2. I'm still in Elementary, in 4th Grade! DX My comment buddy is older than me! DX

    3. So I guess you are in 6th... How do people get a growth spurt in 5th? And besides, keep going. JH may get better as you get used to Junior High... I like talking in riddles, but I just gave away this one.

    4. Wow? Amy's in 4th grade?
      You have surprisingly impressive grammar!!!!!!!!!


  18. Lol where commenting chatting -lilysquinkies

  19. I like pork chops XD and corn -lilysquinkies

  20. Replies
    1. I love both! And sushi and lamb soup and blah blah blah and kalua pork and poke. Yes, the raw fish cubes, Poke. Not Poke as in Pokemon. That stand for Pocket Monsters, by the way. Pokemon in a Pokeball in the pocket. Pokemon are monsters. Get it?

    2. I nearly stopped loving it when some infected sushi gave me a stomachache.

  21. holy- 11 comments when i left for dinner and 80+ when i came back O_O

  22. Amy????? Directioner??-lilysquinkies

  23. Hire them please call Amyanddirectioner1108 XD-lilysquinkies

    1. Lol!Just call me AJ, those are my initials if you look closely.

    2. Weird coincidence. It is as if I was born to play AJ.
      I was supposed to be named Sophie, but it went the other way. Then I would be playing something like Soap Jam. Ew.

  24. Ps the phone number is NOT real -lilysquinkies

  25. Aj dm and Ls XD-lilysquinkies

  26. Ever wanted to have a confusing teaparty with yourself and around 100 other teacups? Well here's your chance! Teacuptime's den is the perfect place for this! There are teacups in the sky and on the lawn. Some have even invaded the empty abandoned house! When you feel like having a confusing teaparty with yourself, go on and have fun!

    XD no seriously, the den is awesome.

    1. If you like epic dens, go to Iice's den! She made a nice winter wonderland, I still wonder if she kept it up, but she has a SKATING RINK!

    2. I recommend FlagShop's too. We used to use it as headquarters for our little AJ "community service" group. :P But we disbanded a bit ago when the leader quit.

  27. I'm on my IPod right now! I want to log into AJ but, I have work to catch up on from school (I was gone a whole week due to a horrible fever and swallow issue). But I have a plan! Finish science work then finish the 3 pre-algebra assignments I have. I also want to fix my nails and read my library book! So much to do, so little time. What are your plans for today?
    ~kadly5, kady5, and FridayLeon

    PS; My middle sis went to the nearest city (we're a small town in KS) to do some shopping with her hubby and she brought back the Snow Leopard giftcard for me! U rock Gina! And Elvis!

  28. Feel free to buddy me ppl user is lilysquinkies as always XD

    1. Too many comments... Were you inspired by the Spam Jammers?

  29. Let's all have a tea party at that tea parties den! -lilysquinkies

  30. Everyone please bring some Danishes XD -lilysquinkies

  31. Lagging ugh my car broke on the way to the tea party please waitXD

    1. Lol, Directioner you got on the commenters list... XP


  32. Reaper and me are at teacuptime den -lilysquinkies

  33. anyone there??? where waiting at the teaparty XDD -lilysquinkies

    1. This is woofie202 lol i have to use reply. Because for some reason the webpage is not avalible. I have been sick since thursday. And almost had to go to the HOSPITAL! Im not trying to scam but if u could send me some get well gifts on aj that would be nice. Thanks jammers. P.s in my opinion I HATE WORD VERIFICATION i just dojt have the time to type.numbers and letters.

    2. I meant dont not dojt

    3. @woofie202
      I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better soon! :)

  34. Thanks for posting my picture Snowy! Cool RIM....I bought it just because I have the knight helmet from last week (Thank you so much Fairyalena101!)


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw