
Monday, February 18, 2013

Rare Firefighter Hat

I'm sorry for lateness jammers. >.<

Hey jammers! Today's rare colored item is the Rare Firefighter Hat, sold on the fifth page in the Jam Mart Clothing shop.
 What do you think of the color combo? Also, AJHQ posted an article about the soon-to-arrive raccoons. Yay!
Are you excited for the new animal? What are your hopes for it? Also, I'm sorry about the word verification for comments. The bot spam was becoming so overwhelming (some of it is filtered by Google, but comment notifications on my phone still show them all - I read every single comment).

I also had an idea for the blog. What if every couple days I post a fun science or news video with the post? Just something interesting to look forward to? I'll put up a poll I think. ^.^

Now, today's mystery! Many jammers have commented about this one. In the ancient Temple of Trivia lies a waterfall. . .
Why do we get the crystal stars if we win?
What is the source of this mysterious river? What is its purpose in this ancient setting? Who created the temple that lies atop it? How does the trivia tree grow in these waters?

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Replies
    1. Not many comments today! That's unusual! Looks like I'll have to comment it up! :P

    2. I wish my blog was famous as Snowyclaw's

    3. I wanna be the first comment at least once.

    4. Yup Gianni, I changed my profile picture! :3 And yeah, I'll try to be the first comment at least once but I doubt it will happen! X3

  2. I wish the crystal stars we earn in Temple of Trivia were candy so we can eat it all up ^_^! Yum a for my tum a! Oh and thanks for telling the new Monday rare! I usually have trouble finding it!


    1. Lol, yeah, thanks for the reminder Snowy! I just went and bought it! ^.^

  3. Oh mah gerbilz....
    I know this is off topic, but my friend on AJ told me to look up the song "Radioactive" and I was like o_o when I was listening to it it's really cool wow never heard anything like it.

    Okayimdonenow ;-;

    *disappears into the dephs of the internet*


    1. Cool, I love listening to music! I was listening to a bunch of my old favorites today and jamming out to the Pitch Perfect soundtrack! XP

    2. I love the song radioactive by Imagine Dragons! It's amazing! I choreographed a dance to that song for my dance team at school as well. It's a very up lifting song in my opinion

    3. Cool! One of my good friends is a competitive dancer! ^.^

    4. my most favourite song is kiss you by one direction!

    5. also one more night by maroon 5!

    6. Mine for now is "Scream And Shout!"

    7. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:::::::::::::::::::::::::

    8. I don't mind you commenting, but can you please stop doing so many in a row? It's kind of spam-ish! :P

  4. Replies
    1. Saramo? Hi it's me k8te123 >:3

    2. 41st comment! XD

    3. !!!!!! SARAMO!!!!! I haven't heard from u in a log while :3

    4. Sparkeh, I haven't heard from you in a while, either! How's the AJ Cookiez doing?

    5. Lol, now I'm 140th comment... or something like that! >.<

  5. Its called the Crystal Waterfall. It protected us from phantoms. Every 1000 years the Alphas would so in the Waterfall and use their powers to raise the Crystal into the sky. This is called the Crystal Sky Celebration. All phantoms would be out of Jamaa at this time.


    1. Cool explanation! I'll try to think of my own! >:)

    2. No, your not annoying, just a little bit bothersome sometimes. Too many comments in a row! ^.^

    3. Thanks! I really love Animal Jam. Plus I got that idea from MLP. I love that show ^-^. And no Gianni14 u r not annoying. U can add me on Animal jam my user is pinkypuma18.

  6. 6th comment~ And I like the new colors for the firefighter hat!


    1. Yeah, they're better than most Rare Item Monday color combos in my opinion! :)

    2. I don't like the RIM color schemes.. I think they r better in the stores.. Or when it's a brand new item :/

    3. Yeah, I usually don't like the RIM color combinations, but today it's really not that bad in my opinion! ^.^

    4. I wonder when ducier is going to get on

    5. Hopefully soon! X3

  7. 8th comment! I'm in school right now and my teacher (it's computers class) is being nice and letting us have a "free day" . More from me later.
    ~KKF (abbreviation of all 3 off my users)

    1. I love those days in Computer Class! Lucky you! ^.^

    2. My school computers block almost every website that isn't school educational.. :(

    3. Same here! The most annoying part though... THEY BLOCK BLOGGER! >:L

    4. In my school they don't even let us use the computer lol

    5. So you don't even have a computer lab? Aww, that's unfortunate! Maybe you should suggest it to them! ^.^

  8. I must say I am pretty excited about the raccoons. =)
    Thanks for all you do, Snowyclaw! I realize how hard it is to make a post each and every day, figuring out whats new and so on. You work so hard. You deserve a ton of thanks. ^.^
    Those firehats are cool. Firehats are my fav hats!!

    1. Yeah, I'm excited for raccoons as well, and I totally agree that we all owe Snowy for her hard work and dedication to the Animal Jam Spirit! :)

      Sorry for this annoying comment, I'm just REALLY excited! >.<

  9. 10th comment ;)
    Little question here, how do you add a poll to your blog? For some reason it just doesn't work with mine! >:( Well, thanks!

    1. I just clicked "Add a Gadget" in my blog layout and then I scrolled down to find poll and personalized it! I use a Mac! Hope this helps! ^.^

  10. why are there ads on your blog? i am seeing things like click to get a free ipad or you are our lucky person of the day click here to claim your prize

    1. Maybe the ads help Snowyclaw make some money. I wouldn't be too upset with that, especially since she TOTALLY deserves it with all of her hard work! :)

  11. One day long ago, the alpha Peck was restless. There was nothing in Jamaa left for her to paint! She had drawn every leaf and twig, every root and stone. Others were having problems too. The water had dried up in Jamaa. A terrible drought was happening. They were also unhappy that Peck had stopped drawing. Her drawings lightened up the day of anyone. They tried to get her to draw, but she refused. "Not until I see beauty in the world."
    Unfortunately, with her unwillingness to draw, her magic powers were disappearing. Her pictures crumpled and tore from around Jamaa, falling off the walls and dissolving forever. Her paintbrushes no longer glowed with color, and her eyes were as dull as an unsharpened knife, no longer sparkling with the happiness of a creative mind.
    One day Mira came to visit her. As they settled down for tea, Mira asked what was bothering her. Peck confessed, and Mira sighed. "For that my dear, there is nothing I can do."
    The next day, a stranger came to town. She did not look like an animal they had seen. "I am a leopard," she told then slyly, slinking in between them all. "I have been sent here to grant one wish. What shall it be?"
    "Sent here?" Exclaimed Peck. "By who?"
    "By a force so deep and mysterious, yet reaching out to others, that you would not know," replied the leopard. "Now give your wish."
    Immediately, half the group called out for water to come back. Instinctively, the other half wanted Peck to have something to draw again.
    The leopard sat down thoughtfully. "I cannot give both wishes." Her tail curled around her paws. "But I think I know a way to combine both."
    Peck sat down, thrill in her eyes, as she saw the beautiful waterfall roaring through The Temple of Zios. "It's magnificent!" She sighed. In her mind, she was already thinking of her 
    paintbrushes working across paper.
    So everything was back to normal. And years after, the waterfall still remains, never to be stopped.
    Though, however we wish we knew more, the mysterious stranger was never heard from again.

    1. Oh sorry, forgot to say, my user is tallstar107. Without the capital t.

    2. Wow great story! :3 *weeps in happiness*

    3. Wow, that was a very good story! @TooLazy, I am definitely too lazy to write a story that good! Lol! :3

    4. Yeah, that's really long!

  12. hmm show ur not a bot and my iphone dont get along :S
    i cant post with it ..

    1. Yeah, I'll be honest, I don't love this comment moderation gadget, although I don't enjoy spam either.

    2. Yeah it didn't work for me. You have to type it in notes, copy it, and paste. At least, that worked for me.

  13. Under 20 comments ^.^.






    -P A N D A P A N T S X 3

    1. I wouldn't exactly say "yay" to that! I'd like to see more comments on this blog, and the comment verification really bothers me! >.<

  14. The River of Cornelius
    Cornelius, the Crocodile alpha, and the other alphas had just finished their newest game; The Temple of Trivia. Stars made from the finest crystals in Jamaa were given to Jammers who won as a gift. After a while, the temple ran out of stars and was shut down. "Wait, I have an idea" Cornelius said. He went into the temple and made a river for him to live in while he made a portal in the river that the stars come from. Of course, Cornelius lives in the large cave by the river by Brady Barr's lab, but the river that hides the portal still lies there.

    1. Yay u still play animal jam! Goodys for u! I luv crocs too and great story! Happy jamming, Ghari!

    2. Awesome story, Ghari! Your very creative! See you around Jamaa! ;)

  15. When Jamma was discovered, that tree was there, old, and driping water. No one knew what this magic was. Liza, the panda shaman, drank from the magic water. That turned her knowledgeable for everything about animals and stuff like that. When we win, we get the star to award us about knowing about jamma. Make seince?

    1. Sure it does! Cool explanation! :)

  16. The Well of Life

    Long, long ago, after the Phantoms were defeated, Greely visited his friend, Graham, in The Lost Temple Of Zios. The journey then was hard, difficult, and dangerous, for the Phantoms were beginning to appear. When he got there, he found that Graham was missing, and his home was in ruins.
    He searched far and wide for Graham, but he couldn't find him, so he called a council of Alphas. The met near the fallen statue of Zios.
    "Graham is missing," announced Greely.
    "That much is obvious, numbskull," replied Sir Gilbert vehemently.
    "Shut up, idiot," Greely fired back at him. (Sir Gilbert and Greely were at eachother's throats even then.)
    "Both of you be quiet!" thundered Liza. "Graham is missing! We need to divide into search teams. I will partner with Cosmos for Crystal sands and Sarepia Forest. Harper you search Mount shiveer with Sophia, the horse Alpha. Greely and Sir Gilbert, you search The Lost Temple of Zios."
    They glowered at Liza, but remained silent.
    * * *
    They were searching by the river when the found him high in the branches of a tree. Sir Gilbert jumped up it and brought him down, while Greely got his medicines and magic ready.
    "Stop that, " Graham croaked, surprising them. "I need the water of life."
    Greely ran to the Trivia Tree and scooped some water out. He knew that the Trivia Tree survived on the Water Of Life, but what he didn't know was that if you touched the Water of Life without protective spells, you could make a portal to another world. Greely ran over to Graham and Sir Gilbert, and gave Graham all of the water. Graham jumped up, rejuvanated, and explained that a small bug had bitten him and given him a strange disease.
    Suddenly, they heard a strange noise behind them. They turned to look, and there in the grass was a portal. Mira appeared, and told them to be careful. They waited many hours, and during that time, Graham blessed the Trivia Tree so that anyone one who showed great intellect would be granted a star.
    Suddenly, the portal made a loud and explosive sound, and a rabbit rocketted through and hit Greely an the chest.
    "Watch were you're going ugly!" it shrieked.
    Sir Gilbert snickered, but the bunny turned to him. "What are you looking at, fatso?!?"
    Graham smiled, but the turned to him and called him a gangly-legged moose.
    The bunny then turned and headed to Coral Canyons.

    The Wanderer

    1. Wow, great story, Kitty! I love how you use your imagination and humor! :)

    2. Thanks!

      The Wanderer

  17. i think the water fall is a water fall that mira invented to keep all phantoms away from zios and i have seen in the temple of zios the same lake there and a mystiriuse creatrue while i play the game!also it produces the stars in the game .

    1. i forgot to add natrue,zios and mira made it natrue is just rocks and water but in this case its a magical source of water from the tree to seperate maby teams!

    2. Cool! I agree; my guess is that it has something to do with Zios and the Jamaasian skies long ago...

  18. hey guys i posted on my blog! here it is the web address ( for people who dont know it )

    1. Cool! I checked out your "woofie202 animal jam blog" and I love it! But, just some advice: You should take a screenshot of the Rare Item Monday next time! ^.^

    2. You can also check mine out

      Thanks! :D

  19. Great post ;3 and sure u should post vid's! ;3


    1. Idk how to.make vids. >.< ♥♡¤

    2. Lol, download iMovie if you have a Mac! That's what I use to make videos!

    3. I have a dell. :P ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫☺4☺4☺♦14☺4☺)♦1

  20. Ok, I'm back from school (see above for my previous comment) and I really like tallstar107's story! It's totally awesome! Anyways, I have math homework and you guys will never guess what happened today in reading! Our class was pretty small because lots of kids had left for Scholar's Bowl. We were just presenting our prompts to the class and giving out tips and telling what we liked and whatever. So I was asked to present and everyone was amazed by my prompt! They absolutely loved it! I was so happy and I bet you I was slightly blushing. And then this boy I sorta like made a joke and we all laughed and then he actually complimented my prompt (except he is dating someone so I can only like him as a friend but it's fine by me)! And then, it happened... I was at my locker getting my things when I heard someone call my name. Three boys asked me all at the same time "Would you like to join the Newspaper Crew?" THAT'S HOW GREAT I AM??? Best day ever!!! *throws cereal in the air hoping everyone catches some* FRIDAY RULES THE WORLD (no not really XD). Oh, and invade you're wondering, Friday is the name I use so creepers don't steal my identity (not like you guys are creepers).
    ~KKF (abbreviation of all 3 of my users)

    1. I messed up towards the end. On the last sentence it supposed to say incase, not invade. And I like the firefighter hat. It reminds me of the Wildcats!

    2. Interesting life stories! Congratulations on the Newspaper Crew, you seem excited! ^.^

    3. -catches cereal-

      The Wanderer

  21. The Trivia Tree first started as a small normal-looking seed. That's what everyone who saw it thought. No one knows how it got there, but it appeared in the Temple Of Trivia one morning as Peck The Rabbit Alpha went exploring for new art materials. She told the other Alphas about it, but they all laughed. After all, Peck was only young. Such things would surprise a rabbit of her age.

    Cosmo however took notice to peck's discovery. He monitered the seed daily, checking it's growth. Soon, the small seed had grown roots into the cracks of the stone temple. Though it had been progressing well, Cosmo noticed the seed was starting to dry up. He ran out into Jamaa Township, and stood in front of the great Mira Statue.

    "Oh Mira, mother of us all" Spoke Cosmo. "We have found a small seed in the temple of Trivia. I don't know why, but with all my plant knowledge, I know this seed is special. Something must prevent it from drying up." The Mira Statue twinkled for a moment, and Mira's voice whispered "You are right Cosmo. I sent this seed. It is very special indeed, and I'll gladly help it grow." Cosmo went back to the temple, and found that a large gushing waterfall now flowed across the heavy stone rocks. He also noticed the seed, which had grown into a magnificent oak tree. Mira's voice sounded again " This is the Trivia Tree. It will help animals to grow smarter, and will give off it's knowledge crystals to the winners."

    By Ruby43 on Animal Jam :)

    1. WOW. :O (No offense to anyone else, but I think this is the best story I have seen so far!) SPECTACULAR JOB RUBY! :D I'm really impressed with your writing capabilities and your new levels of imagination! :)

    2. Epice story! I LOVED it!!

      The Wanderer

  22. awesome, Ruby!! that is so awesome!!!! maybe if you say that around the idol in Lost Temple of Zios, Peck and Cosmo will appear lol!! anyway still cool, Ruby! Wan 2 b palz?


    1. Yeah, I agree, Kiki! That was a great story, and it would be even better if Peck and Cosmo appeared! XD

  23. I osnt get how you write that much! >. < ☆★☆★☆♡♥♡♥♡○●○●○□■□■□•°•°•°◇◆◇◆◇《》《》《¤¤¤¡¡¿¿■☆•♡《☆●♡°¤¤■●》◆ ok enough of that lol bai jammers

    1. Lol! Yeah, I'm far too busy (and possibly to lazy) to write that much! But props to those that take the time to do so! :)

  24. Oops I meant dont up there lol whateves and can't wait for the raccoons! ^.^

    1. Me neither! YAY FOR RACCOONS! X3

    2. RACCOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. A long, long time ago Zios and Mira tried to make a landform to represent the loving for their people. Why? Because they believed that they needed something more creative than even the Temple of Zios! They called this tree "The Tree of the Temple" The river that runs through it is called, "The River of the Temple" These two are commonly known, and the tree is the only tree in Jamaa that grows off of correct answers in the trivia game and The River of the Temple.

  26. XD im gonna put a raccoon hat on my raccoon (when the raccoons come out)

    1. I was thinking of that too! XD I wonder what it'll look like! >.<

    2. Can't wait to try my raccoon tails on my raccoons. x3

    3. Lol, same here! I have a bunch from the Summer Carnival! :D

  27. Hey Snowy! Have you seen the new episode of mlp??!!??

  28. Back on commenting and my Math teacher is distributing test result now!

    1. Good luck with your test results, and glad to see you commenting! :)

  29. It really stinks that non members don't get rares on RIM (a.k.a. rare item Monday). Not much to say.

    1. Yeah, it really does. Nonmembers should rebel (in a peaceful and nonviolent way) XD

  30. Ur # of comments dropped.
    I mean no disrespect.
    But i dont think it was a wise move 2 add the word verication thingy.

    1. I agree (With all due respect, of course, Snowy) ^.^

  31. NOTE: Snowyclaw is Snowy, Goldfishypuppy is Goldy, and as for now on, MasterGharial is Ghari!

    1. Oh okay, this is news to me, so thanks for mentioning it so I don't call you MasterGharial! ^.^ (But don't get angry if I let it slip accidentally, my memory isn't perfect!) X3 Adios, Ghari! :)

    2. O.o I know this may sound rude, but I refer to Ghari as "Croc Man" :P

    3. Lol, it sounds kind of humorous, but I'd ask if he's okay with it first :P

    4. Why did you change the picture by the way?

    5. So it matches the picture on the Spirit Club Blog list! ^.^

  32. Okay, I kind of have a lot to say here, so I'll start off by apologizing for this long comment. Anyways, sorry for not commenting enough recently, I've just been SOOO busy and I'm having a hard time commenting and playing AJ while having to play hockey all the time and maintain a solid GPA. But, the good news is, Snowy added me to the "Spirit Club" list! :D YAY! ^.^ And also, it was good news for me to be back commenting today! :) However, even still, with all due respect Snowy, (which is a lot in my opinion ^.^) the comment verification thing really bothers me. Being an avid commenter, it's very hard for me to reply to comments and voice my opinion when I spend much of my time deciphering word codes to make sure I'm not a bot. I know spam is annoying, because I'm the first one to call someone out for spamming, but there has to be some other way around it! Ugh, I wish spamming just didn't exist in general! Well, there's my opinion on the new comment verification. If you think it's a valid one, then maybe you can try to find a different solution to the spamming situation! ^.^ Oh, and last but not least, (just so everyone knows) it's me, Help Endangered Species, I just changed my blogger profile picture so it matches the one on the Spirit Club list! :)

  33. What's a bot verification? I mean word verification? WUT DOES IT MEAN!!! PLEASE TELL ME SNOWYCLAW!

    1. Word verification means when your going to write a comment something pops up and tests you if your a robot or not. I think

  34. The Trivia Tree
    Chapter 1
    Mira flapped her great wings as she looked down at her unfinished work. Jamaa just needed water now, to give the plants she had made life. Mira searched the land with her keen eyes. Folding her wings, she shot down toward the ground like a shooting star. Right above the jungle trees, Mira spread her wings to aid an easy landing. This was where she planned to build a temple for her husband, Zios. She walked up to a young yet great tree that stood proudly above the others. The Jamaasian sunlight filtered like liquid gold through the tree's spreading leaves. "Perfect..." Mira breathed. She then used her talons to dig trenches winding all the way from the tree she had picked to the empty oceans awaiting to be filled with water. It all took a matter of seconds. In a flash, the riverbeds were finished. Mira flew back to the great tree and summoned her powers. Droplets dripped from her talons and soon they became a gush, flowing in torrents of white foam into the trenches. Mira watched the water wash down and fill up the oceans. The water's source, the tree, glowed and suddenly grew larger and stronger. The water continued to flow from a dark cave among the steadily growing roots of the tree, even when Mira stopped the flow of water from her powers. Now, she could let animals live in Jamaa. They would live off of happiness and they would drink the water from the tree. Mira was so excited. Everything would be perfect!

    1. Chapter 2
      Ominous black clouds loomed in the skies of Jamaa and blotted out any trace of the sun. Unusual zaps of lightning were emitted by them, and tension hung in the air. Something was about to happen. A snow leopard and a seal, best friends, were hanging out near the Tree, the source of all water in Jamaa, which was in the Temple of Zios, (which wasn’t lost at the time), and were chatting happily, only half aware of the darkness hanging over Jamaa. Only when the clouds came closer did they leap from their exchanging and flee into the cave of roots. They splashed through the wide river and ducked as the passed through the small waterfall the fell in a steady screen from the heart of the tree. There was a dry cave inside, where the two animals huddled frightfully. “Phantoms!” the snow leopard, Snow, whispered, shuddering. “They came when I was just a pup,” the seal whose name was Happy murmured. “But Mira sealed them away before they could destroy.” “It’s too late for that to happen now!” gasped Snow. There was a violent earthquake and suddenly phantoms came surging into Jamaa like a flash flood. They zapped everything and everyone they saw, and their eyes read plainly, “No mercy!” Snow and Happy huddled closer together. They both shrieked when a horde of phantoms burst into their cave, zapping the water and stopping the eternal flow. “No!” Snow yowled, lashing out her claws, but it was too late. Instantly, all of Jamaa turned bare, the ferns curled up in a dry swirl, and the leaves on the trees wisped into dust. The phantoms had come for this purpose and this purpose only. As soon as they came, the phantoms left. Jamaa was left bare and brittle, like a desert that had never knew water.

    2. Chapter 3
      The Alphas met around the fire pit at Sarepia and discussed what they should do. The animals of Jamaa wouldn’t last much longer without water. Something had to be done. “The oceans have not dried up,” Liza said. “But the water is too salty.” “We could go on a quest to find some water in another land,” Graham suggested. Liza shook her head. “It is the worst time to leave our fellow Jamaasians. They need us, especially now.” Greely spoke up next, “Perhaps we could build something magic to bring back the water and keep it safe from phantom attacks…” “That’s a good idea.” Liza said approvingly. “But what could we use? Our world is crumbling around us.” The blood red sun, which had started sinking into the west when the Alphas had started to meeting, was now gone. The icy glitter of stars shone from the pitch black sky. The night seemed refreshing, Sir Gilbert grunted. He’s just jealous he didn’t think of the idea, Greely thought. Suddenly, Pecks eyes glowed as if lit by the glow of fire, even though was no fire. No, there was. What had started it? “Mira…” Greely heard Peck whisper. The tiny spark of flame turned into a smoldering fire, yet it cooled the Alphas like a shower. A crane of blue smoke arose from blaze and Mira spoke in an echoing voice. “Out of stars and formed with crystal, place it in the gnarled roots and it will flow again…” A wind as frigid as Mt. Shiveer whipped across the fire and it was gone, along with Mira, yet her voice still rang in the Alphas’ ears. “We have to make a crystal out of ice and put it in the cave where the water fall used to be!” Peck squealed. “I don’t know where to find ice.” Harper barked. “But I have a feeling we should go in the topmost cave of Mt. Shiveer… It’s sealed with frozen rocks, but we could get in. We have too…” “But how do we get stars?” Greely growled. It didn’t sound that he liked the idea much, even if the sky mother, Mira, had told them to do it. He was probably just still jealous he didn’t think of it.

  35. Thanks, Gianni14! :) I'm wasn't done yet... lol! Here's the rest:

    Chapter 5:
    Soon, the Alphas arrived at the mouth of the snowy cave. At least, it used to be snowy. All the snow on the mountain had melted when the phantoms blocked Jamaa’s water source. Liza picked up a rock at the entrance and examined it. She put it down and began to try to pull out other of the rocks. They were all stuck fast, but finally she found one that wiggled loose, and the whole blockage was disturbed and tumbled down on top of them. “Well, that was easy,” Peck said. “She’s too optimistic!” growled Greely. Sir Gilbert rolled his eyes. They struggled up and walked into the cave. There was a bright blue-ish glow, coming from something inside. As they rounded a corner in the cave, they all gasped. The glow was almost blinding, but when their vision adjusted, they could see the source of the glowing. It was an ice-like chunk of crystal, but inside, the Alphas could see trapped life-giving water. There was only one thing that would free the water. Greely could tell it was magic, and if they put it in the Tree, water would flow from the crystal forever after. “We need a star from the skies of Shiveer,” Greely said. “But how are we to reach it?” Sir Gilbert challenged. “There…” Greely motioned with his tail to the mountain peak of Shiveer. It was the highest point in all of Jamaa, and if they wanted a star, that was the place to get it. All the Alphas followed Greely, who was carrying the ice crystal, out of the cave and past the miniature avalanche of rocks. Most of the glowing, however, stayed in the cave, and magic made the rocks go back over and seal the entrance. They walked right above the cave, on a once-icy path that led to the uttermost summit. There, the stars in the night sky shone brighter than ever, and they looked so close that you could almost touch them. Following his instincts, Greely lifted the ice crystal over his head, as far as he could reach. Sir Gilbert padded up to him, and could tell that something was happening. Greely reached higher, and the other Alphas were afraid he would fall, all except Sir Gilbert, who was too intently staring at the stars. By some unknown force were being pulled toward the ice crystal. The seemingly closest was brought fully into view, it was actually quite small but its rays reached far out and licked the ice crystal. Then, like a shooting star, it sprang from the sky and into the crystal itself. Greely gasped and fell back into Sir Gilbert’s paws. The ice crystal, which was now brighter than a star alone, was still clutched in his grasp. Greely peered up at him in a grateful sort of way, but still gave him the ‘I-Can-Do-This-Myself’ look.

    1. Chapter 6:
      Silver dawn light streaked the sky, breaking up the night. The Alphas had travelled back to the Temple of Zios. They all walked up to the Tree, bare and sagging yet still awe inspiring. Liza said, “Greely, you do the honors, you were the one who caught the star and held on, and you were very brave.” Greely nodded. Liza thought she could see the slightest hint of a smile on his rugged wolf face. Other animals began to gather around while the Alphas watched Greely pad solemnly up the wide creek bed and enter the cave in the Tree. He placed the ice crystal in the middle, and the light of the star illuminated the cave in a blue-ish dazzle. At first, nothing happened. Greely stepped away to the group of Alphas and waited. Peck hung her head. “Nothing’s happening…” Was our quest for nothing? Liza thought. Just then, there was a rumbling sound like thunder, and in the sky a wisp of fog in the shape of a crane appeared. “Mira!” a tiger from the crowd shouted. Mira flapped her wings and shot a bolt of lightning with her talons, hitting the ice crystal. It started to glow and shake, and a roaring sound that blotted out any other sound was heard. The next thing anyone knew, a burst of water flashed out and began to rush along the creek beds. Greely could see nothing inside the cave of roots, but when the water smoothed and the waterfall flowed again from the heart of the Tree, he could just make out the shimmering outline of the ice crystal, still intact. But there was no bright light anymore, for the smooth sheen of the waterfall veiled it. Then, there was one last blinding flash from it, and when the animals could see again, it was spring. Every tree was covered in new blossoms and every blade of grass grew up greener than ever. Clovers popped up everywhere, and roses bloomed by the waterside. The Tree grew larger and stronger as everyone watched. “Well done,” they heard Mira say, but when they looked up, she was gone.

      Today, the Tree still grows stronger. Jamaa’s eternal water source is safe from the phantoms ever blocking it again. At first there were guards assigned to watching posts on newly built stone platforms in a temple that separated the Tree and the ice crystal from everything else. However, when the Phantoms attracted again, the crystal warded them away from the water and the Alphas decided guards weren’t needed. The platforms and the temple around the Tree still remain, but now a game is played here among the ruins called Temple of Trivia. Whenever a knowledgeable Jammer wins, they are granted a chip of the ice crystal in the shape of a star, but it never runs out. The Tree was renamed the Trivia Tree in honor of the game. Next time you visit Jamaa, play Temple of Trivia and look at the tree. If you look closely, you can still see the ice crystal glowing behind the glass-like waterfall that falls from the heart of the Trivia Tree…

    2. This is an awesome story!!! I wonder who made it!!! It is so cool!!!

      The Wanderer

    3. Thank you! :) I'm the one who made it... my username is prestidigitation.
      I'm glad you had the guts to read the whole darn thing, LOL!

  36. Lukia26 (my AJ user)February 20, 2013 at 2:37 PM

    Okay, Lukia26 here! Here's my story, not nearly as long as that 6-chapter one, sorry XD

    Cosmo, the Protector of Plants, was wandering through the jungle one day. The blades of grass swaying, whispering to one another, and he hoped he didn't hurt them as he walked. He spotted a group of Jammasians gathered around something, and naturally went to see what it was.

    "Do you see that?" a wolf was saying, "It's unfrozen!"
    Cosmo pressed closer to the source of the commotion, and found himself on a cliff staring down at a straight, crystal-like waterfall. Now, this was when Jamaa was still forming, and not much of it had been discovered. Cosmo thought it was great, but someone's voice caught his attention. "All about the waterfall...of course...No animals care about us anymore..." it was sort of a rustle, a sigh. Cosmo wondered why nobody else could hear it. Then he realized it was a great tree, towering above the heads of all the Jammasians gathered around. Its branches swayed sadly, and Cosmo realized it was true as a seal and a bunny bounded past, without even looking at the tree, not bothering to appreciate its beauty and hidden wisdom. He turned to the tree, his eyes almost frightened. "I have to do something—make them see!" The tree's branches swayed once more, letting the breeze shift and twirl them. "Take this." The sound—or was it in fact a sound?—was barely audible. But as a strong gust of wind shook its leaves, a tiny golden seed fell from the huge tree. Cosmo caught it.

    That night, he wondered what he was to do with the seed. Sure, he could plant it, but what good would that do? Then suddenly an idea flashed through his head. Making sure nobody was watching, he crept out of his home and back to the waterfall. He told the vines of his plan, and they grew to the ground and over the waterfall, making a sort of bridge. Then Cosmo piled soil over the vines so that the water seemed to rush from the soil with no evident source. Finally, he dug through the packed soil again, and placed the seed among the vines and reburied it.

    The tree grew very fast (probably because Cosmo told it to), and he had yet another idea. He would build a temple around this waterfall and its tree, a temple in which Jamaasians could test their knowledge. He could make sure they still cared about the trees and the knowledge THEY held. And the Temple of Trivia was built.


  37. the tree is a magic tree planted by cosmo(all credit of the tree idea goes to lukia26).the river has good fortune and the stars are made from crystals from the river they bring good fortune to the winner,and thats why its a star.p.s. cool story lukia26!


  38. oh and maybe the next mystery monday can be the door in the tree,by the exit to jamaa township!!!



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