Hey jammers! Looks like today is another day for sports themed den items. You can buy your own Baseball Gear in Jam Mart Clothing!

What do you think of the new AJ addition? Meanwhile, AJHQ has posted a new article on the DE about the Conservation Museum.
Kitcat352 sent in an all new Animal Jam ad that is seen all over the interweb. There have also been rumors of AJ TV ads. Hmm...

Just a little bit misleading eh? As a side note, AJHQ has told me what's wrong with giving a membership away - it's against the law! *EDIT* Please jammers! Don't get mad at AJHQ, they're just doing their jobs! They brought us this wonderful game, didn't they?
Speaking of suspension, mine is three days long. However, it has been five days, and it hasn't been lifted yet. Or, rather, it has been lifted, but AJ won't let me back online. When I try, I get this...
What do they mean I've strayed from home?! Jamaa is my home! ^.^ I hope AJHQ can fix this, I've been kinda down about all this.
Anyway jammers, hope to see you in Jamaa. Truly.
Wow. I think it's a glitch or something or AJHQ kinda forgot to stop the suspension, I got suspended only 1 time for one day and the next day. I can go online. Wierd how you can't come back...Anywho, the baseball thingy-ma-jiggy looks kinda cool! Maybe I'll get one or not.
I can't get the baseball thing, Im nm. ^.^
DeleteBut really, it HAS to be a glitch, either that or AJHQ is just being mean. Let's all hope she can get on tomorrow. >.<
3rd comment and HAPPY EARTH DAY PEOPLE!!!!!!.....
Delete1st comment
Please don't spam, it's not funny, because we are all sad right now.
DeleteCalm down that's not really a spam..... They can say what comment number they are
DeleteWell, they would technically be the 2nd comment. I got on really early, when there were only 5 comments, and I had just realized that snowyclaw had done something illegal. It's not much that surprising anymore, for weird reasons. Just saying.
DeleteKids will still act like kids whether people are sad or not. Deal with it.
DeleteI can see why AJHQ is mad with Snowy. Imagine you, selling some candy for 2.00, and a block away, someone is selling your candy for free and taking your customers. Still, the candy copier liked your idea, and did it. Get the pic?
DeleteWhat is it just illegal between AJHQ the government didn't make that law AJHQ is just stupid
DeleteI don't think it is spam...
DeleteNo that is not a a spam
DeleteOkay, okay, sorry..
DeleteThere probably is a law for that.. I'm not sure but this is a guess of what it might be,
The owner of a product (in this case AJ membership) is for them only to sell it and no one else without permission...
That is just a guess but I know there IS something across those lines...
You should remind AJHQ that you understand what you did wrong and that the ban was only a three day but it has not been lifted, and it is the fith day (or whatever it is).
Ik, this is a late comment, i can't sleep
Snowyclaw payed for the member ship if she did why would they charge other people and if she payed it already why can't she give it for free AJHQ is super mean I think club penguin is better :D
DeleteWhat if your suspended forever :(
ReplyDeleteShe won't be.. Or at least we hope... DX
DeleteI don't think she will be suspended forever... But it still sad right now.. D;
DeleteAJHQ probably would have used the word banned if she was suspended forever.... :(
DeleteI do not think Snowtclaw will be suspended forever. She is WAY too nice for that punishment,
Delete@Wolfypoof: "Suspended forever" actually means banned. And that won't happen, because AJHQ knows how nice snowyclaw is!
DeleteI got banned for one day and it said i got banned not suspended
DeleteI know it means banned.
DeleteLet's hope you get unsuspended soon.. It's not fair.. D:
ReplyDeleteGoodnight, everyone..
We all hope she gets un-suspended. More or less, doesn't get sent to jail! O.O
DeleteAgreed. I really wish AJHQ would just let her get on already. She gets it now. And they should have told her before.
DeleteSnowy, I know how it feels. I got suspended near Christmas 2011 for a MONTH I don't know how or why, but i just did. Im sorry for you snowy.
DeleteI one time got suspended for one of my BUDDIES DOING SOMETHING!!!!! I never even did anything. They just suspended me just because I was the persons buddy!!!!!
DeleteSnowyclaw isn't gonna go to jail xD
Delete^ No. She'd be more likely to have to pay a fine than go to jail. But I doubt even that would happen.
DeleteAaaaaaand good morning! :P
That's... horrible!
ReplyDeleteAren't AJHQ so NICE?! I was being sarcastic, obviously.
>:( Evil AJHQ! Banning Snowy is a no-no!
I agree! AJHQ, go sit in the corner and no cookies for a week! >.<
DeleteYes. I mean, I know they had to suspend her at least a day, but still, they should give her account back when they said they would.
DeleteI agree
I agree with Tallstar107.
DeleteIt's no fair that Snowyclaw has to be banned for a few more days if the suspension is already "over"!
What if you stop the video and delete it and then they will unsuspend you.... btw i got a worn in sky high and it is brown, what is it worth? Ive only seen red not brown worn... is brown worn like the rarest in jamaa?
ReplyDeleteThat might be worth a try, actually! Then snowy could e-mail them saying they took down the video, and it would be okay! ..Too much?
DeleteYeah, that might work.
DeleteUmm your lucky about the worn I have seen brown ones I think it's worth a beta fountain and nm wings just an estimate
DeleteI agree. I think just NM wings...That would be fair, because it is from sky high. So anyone if they work hard enough can get it. But I have never got to the top of sky high EVER (in my three years of playing AJ). Weird right? :P
DeleteI get to the top every time I play but I only got 4 good items
DeleteOMG!!! Snowy, the EXACT same thing happened to me!!! i got banned for 1 day and todays already the 3rd!!!! I havent done any membership giveaways or anything, its not fair... I have to go on wolf4ever88 instead T-T
ReplyDeleteI have e-mailed them and im going to heck for a reply now
Dont worry snowy im going through the same thing too so i know how you feel...
Now I feel bad for you too! AJHQ has serious problems, no offense or anything -.-
DeleteAww, I'm sorry that happened. Maybe try a different browser than you usually use?
DeleteYou see I think AJHQ only works an hour a day. They put in the item answer emails an leave. They answer the next emails the next day. That's what I think.
DeleteDont worry guys im finally unbanned!
DeleteSnowy my friend had a one day suspension three days ago , she still can't get on .. And gets the same message .. If you get it figured out could you mail me what the problem is and how to fix it ?
ReplyDelete~ foot
Snowyclaw! This was really strange! I was on AJ and it said you were ONLINE! I wonder if AJHQ is messing things up?
ReplyDeleteAJHQ was checking her file...... jeez
Deletei got the same message when i got suspended. but i logged on another computer and it worked without the message. if it worked jam a gram me my username is xxrileyawesomexx
ReplyDeletei got the same message when i got suspended. but i logged on another computer and it worked without the message. if it worked jam a gram me my username is xxrileyawesomexx
ReplyDeleteI tried logging on my phone it does not work... ill try at my friends house later on.
ReplyDeleteIf you're still suspended, it won't work wherever you go, sorry..
DeleteUGH!!! If im banned forever than thats peak >=(
DeleteWell, AJ doesn't work on phones anyway, so I wonder how you got onto the website... :P
Delete!Oh God! Snowy, it HAS to be a glitch! I don't know for sure, but I am just saying that cuz you're my fave blogger! And yesterday, when I looked you up to show my cousin your den, IT SAID YOU WERE ONLINE! AND WHEN IT CAME OUT OF YOUR DEN IT SAID YOU WERE OFFLINE! I sent you a Jam-a-Gram saying, OH MY GOSH! YOU'RE ONLINE! But AJHQ gets ABSOLUTELY NO happiness pixie dust from me. >=0
ReplyDelete-Princess Prettywolf
Snowy, are you very sad?
ReplyDeleteUhm.. not to be rude, but really? What do you think? >.<
DeleteYour negative crickette
DeleteCrickette, that's kind of rude to ask...
DeleteI know I'm being negative, I'm sorry for that, accept my opology? It's just this overwhelms me because I've been banned before, I know what it feels like, and snowy is my favorite blogger. My nerves are tense, and I'd the same thin happens to her I would get worse than I am. >.< Sorry guys.
DeleteI am VERYY VERY sad that AJHQ is being stupid and banning me for no reason!!! apperently I have used Inapropraite Behaviour and i have definetly not!!!
ReplyDeleteSnowy, if you don't get your account back, (which you will probably) you could create another account, and all of us will send you rares! I am feeling very sorry for you though...
ReplyDeletewhich you probably will get your account back ^ sorry typo up there. (my suggestion: Call AJ?)
DeleteWhy all AJHQ will say is explain it not willing to say they made a mistake and when their done they will talk about membership XD
DeleteIf I had rares, I would give you them! Honest, but I only have a few items, henceI just started. We all feel really bad for you! Good luck. =)
(That was meant for Snowy, I was just agreeing with you, skyways ^-^)
DeleteWow all aj cares about is money I doubt that giving away a membership is illegal like really! I'm sure their just saying that so snowy will stop the give away. So is AJHQ really that stupid to say that the president and government made a law saying that giving away a membership on a kids site that I bet they hardly know about against the law , really! I'm sick of all the money stuff I'm thinking about quitting its just not fun any more even though I'm a member and I know that they need the money to keep the site up but they might as well take it down :'(
ReplyDeleteYeah, I mean really, a LAW prohibiting giving away memberships from a kid site?! I bet AJ is making an excuse, playing dumb by probably meaning this: You can't have adults end up paying and trying to get us in trouble if they don't know that it was you! You need parent's permission first!
DeleteWell, this isn't even coming out of parent's pay. It's just a code that won't do nothing but give you membership.
And they mean Snowy, she would of obviously gotten permission.
It isn't THE LAW it's the AJ law!
DeleteI can't believe from only playing a game you could get banned o.o
DeleteI wonder what the ad is? Is aj thinking about making pets for Non members that would make me so hopping if that is true because its would make non members happy :D
ReplyDeleteNo it's a trick in small letters at the bottom it says that some something ( couldn't see that word) requires a paid membership. See all aj cares about is money.
DeleteOk the word I couldn't see was features
DeleteWell, I agree with you somewhat, but you have to remember AJ needs money to be here..
DeleteWell I'm starting to wonder if AJ is starting to become a scam. They make people feel bad about memberships too sometimes I wonder if it would be better if they took down the web site.
Delete@Anonymous above me - close the site down? A bit extreme over a rule mix up don't you think? O.o
DeleteIf you think animal jam is unfair, you are free to stop playing any time you want. And so is anyone else. They aren't forcing us to play. X3
Some of us enjoy AJ. Guess what? Every website you join has rules and conditions that can be broken on accident. You won't be able to run away from it just by saying "this is unfair I'm leaving AJ forever!!" 'Cause if you read the rules and terms of any other game, I'm sure there are similar rules for them too.
Peace :3
That's not true! AJ wants to make their players happy--if there weren't any memberships, there would be no money, AJ would shut down! So people who say that, do you want AJ to shut down? Forever?
DeleteExactly right! AJHQ wants to make us HAPPY! The money they get out of memberships can be used to bring new updates and items to Jamaa!
That's right! If you think AJ should shut down because it is getting unfair , we all have our opinions and that is yours. Some people, like myself, really enjoy playing AJ. You don't have to play if you don't want to!
Iiiiiiiiit's Bunneh!
Don't be rude to the other anonymous that was just an opinion it's a smart one to you guys probably don't care because you might be spoiled and not have to look forward to a membership expiring u probably have one paid for all the time by your parents for as long as you want and I'm pretty sure they don't care about our feelings so ya.....
DeleteAww does someone need a hug? :P
Deletebtw I wasn't trying to be mean. And I buy my memberships with money I earned myself. I'm not spoiled. Don't be so judgmental. =/
I really hope that this will get resolved soon :(
ReplyDeleteConsidering the fact that this is happening to more than one person this is probably just some sort of glitch. I hope. Hoping is all we can do.
Yea it doesn't really matter if you give free membership away. But of course AJ thinks if you give away free membership it will ruined them. Like yea in their own HQ they made up that for a "law" not the government. And snowy, please try to get your stress away. put up like happy songs or play with a friend if AJHQ is gonna get to you.
ReplyDeleteHeheh.. Yeah, don't think about it, I mean it is a suspension, and hopefully not for that long. You'll still be able to post, just not on snowyclaw! Just trying my best to help. =)
DeleteCome on this sucks! Its proof AJHQ reads the blog though. But seriously! Snowy didnt know! They couldve asked before suspending her without her knowing!
ReplyDelete-bunnel, THEY BETTER UNSUSPEND SNOWY -__-
and me...
DeleteDouble agreed
DeleteAJHQ really shoudn't be looking at blogs...
DeleteWhy shouldn't they look at blogs about AJ? It's a great way of getting candid feedback.
DeleteTriple agreed. =3 I mean, they should look at Blogs, just not frequently, and shouldn't comment. o.o They're not stalkers! x3
DeleteYup extremely agreed
DeleteIt's likely that most of the animal jam staff have young kids that play the game and read these blogs and might have seen snowy's vid and innocently mentioned the give away to their parents not knowing they were getting her in trouble. You never know.
DeleteWe all have to remember that this is (hopefully) just temporary, and when she is un-suspended, everything will be okay and there will be SO much celebrating! Look on the bright side. =)
ReplyDeleteAll the rest of the comments are going to be sad.... Snowys post was VERY sad... :(
DeleteThat still doesn't stop us from looking on the bright side, tho.. =)
DeleteSnowyclaw! Hang in there girl! Your fans are here for ya. :D
ReplyDeleteHopefully AJHQ clears up this ugly mess soon!! D:
I agree!
DeleteTold you they're stubborn... -_- And Rude. Urgh... They make me so, so mad. >:I Just... UGH!
ReplyDeleteSorry if this is advertising, but in partyanimalzz den there is a party RIGHT NOW!! If you are reading this, please come!
ReplyDeletewhat browser do u use! Same thing happened me! I was suspended 1 time i changed my browser and i got back online!
ReplyDeleteWhich browser do you use?
DeleteI'm pretty sure Snowy uses Chrome.
DeleteI use chrome
DeleteOk, so AJHQ suspended her for something that she didn't even do on the AJ website? i mean, she made a video on youtube, but why would AJHQ track her down and see the video she made and suspend her? And.. so i'm guessing the membership giveaway is probably canceled? Eh... it's alright i guess. I just got my report card with mostly A's and 3 B's so my dad may get me a 1 month membership.
ReplyDeleteI made the Honor Roll at school and my report card came in for the trimester. My parents owed me $40 bucks, XD.
I have gotten honor roll everytime and my parents give me 20 :(
DeleteLucky you xD
I feel depressed too. There was a jammer who's name is Baron, I think. (Or was that his pal?) Well anyway, he said I copied the looks of another jammer (which, by the way, I do not know) and threatened to report and make a video of me on YouTube! Seriously, guys, we all know it's ok to play twins or have coincidences like this. Now I'm sending a lot of angry letters to the AJHQ. I can't play right now. It's not safe for me.
Aw.... Poor you! Don't worry, Baron hit my head with a brick. You must have the same feeling snowyclaw has. Did you try to report him?
I'm so sorry to hear that :(. Baron is the meanest Jammer in Jamaa! Or probably one of them. I don't think baron even deserves to be called a jammer.
DeleteI tried like...a thousand times already!-_-# Then he told me what he was gonna do. I was so frightened that I logged off to defend myself. I sent a bunch of angry letters on to Animal Jam Headquarters. I'll warn my friends now.
Thanks Mia776! Have you gotten a close encounter with him?
Yea, thanks! He should be banned. Snowy should not be banned.
I don't like that snooty raccoon, Baron. I guess I will just comment around on this page of the blog!
DeleteI think so...I cant remember what it was, but I think so...It was awhile ago...like two or three years ago, in beta times...Well, not then, but right after beta.
Oh ok! After all those years, it is hard to remember all that!
I also think Baron is a teen trying to bully kids around AJ. But why can't he pick somebody else? Oh come on Baron, I'm already a fourth grader!
Yea I have never encountred Baron but I have heard of him and from what I,v heard... I dont THINK I would like to encounter him either..
DeleteIkr! Except I'm a fifth grader. But otherwise, I totally agree! A lot of mean people just get on kids sites like AJ and just decide to ruin their lives :C
@ sheep90882
DeleteDon't worry, you have lots of supporters right here! And since we are all different grades (I represent the 7th) we all have a specail areas of knowledge that we can use against Baron!
Who is baron? My wolf is named baron
DeleteHiya snowy! Partyanimalzz here... If your suspended from your main account why don't you just mae a side account? And how is giving membership away illegal? I mean, you can do what you want with your own money and AJ can't differ that. It's just a code that gives you membership, whats so important about it? (Membership is important i guess) I mean, it's not like it's a dimamond now is it? AJ ca be very nubbish at times. -partyanimalzz
ReplyDeleteAJHQ wants the parents to buy membership for their kids, and doesn't like it when someone gives away a free membership. Hence is is against the AJ rules. I am not saying that I agree with that. I think snowy should have never gotten suspended...All she was doing was a big act of kindness!
DeleteYea. Agreed to Mia776
P.S. Baron is trying to suspend me too.
Well, it's still giving ajhq money either way, so why should they care?!
DeleteYea! C'mon AJHQ, you still get the money!
I think Snowy deserves to use the membership on herself (since she isn't allowed to give it away, might as well). She could upgrade one of her storage accounts so she can send overflowing items to herself. :P
DeleteI'm glad I helped :)
Well, thats what I was saying I'm not happy snowyclaw was susppened, but i did say she (kinda) that it was very generous but tit's just dumb that Aj would susppened her, and aj still would get the money. And it never ever said that in the AJ rules at all so I think Aj should just quite crying about cuz the get a whole lot of money from their magazine let's not all forget they have a maganzine. And think of how many people play animal jam daily and how many of them get member ship DAILY. And they still get the money ANYWAYS. I doubt even if they didn't get the money whats' one little 1 month membership card gonna do? It's only 5 bucks and it's a code it's not like some priceless jewel or anything.
DeleteActually, it does mention it in the full version of the rules list. But so few people actually click and read them all because it's long. >.<
DeleteOk I would be freaked out if i were you 1. because you broke the law 2. beacause your banned from AJ. Why SHOULD it be against the law?? I feel a bit down too... I dont know why maybe its just because your banned and you were my inspiration and stuff but.. Anyway why SHOULD they care? they still get money I know what Mia said but still... they still get their money so it affects them in hardly any way. I just hope you get un-banned soon though..
ReplyDeleteThe same thing that happened to Snowy is happening to my account and I've been suspended for 92 hours. >:U
ReplyDeleteAlso I'm not much of a sports person... I think I'll buy the baseball gear anyways... :P
Everyone thinks I'm guilty! AJ isn't safe for me. I can't do anything about it. So depressing. Even some comments don't trust me anymore. Even somebody thinks I'm random anonymous person when I don't even know him or her! My mom thinks I should quit animal jam just for my own safety. Perhaps she is right...... Goodbye to everyone who trusted me! Pity on who didn't.
P.S. That means I can't do anything related to AJ either. (Including this blog)
Dramatic 0. O
DeleteDON'T QUIT! We love you :(
DeleteDon't leave!
Delete*stands with a desperate look on face but remains in place, as though carved in stone*
I just used my incredible vocab for you! Did I just brag when I should be tracking you?
I know. Everyone thinks I'm you when I'm only following you everywhere. And I'm a he. Oh wait... You can't use this anymore.
ReplyDeleteReally? Its against the law? Then how come some other people giveaway memberships for not just AJ but other places too! That does not make sence.
ReplyDeleteNot the law...It's the AJ law...
DeleteI would like to say something I don't know why but sone days I log into aj and it says im sudpended but like a few hours later I can log in normal o.o this also hapended to me on tfm (transformice) sayin im banned for hackin xp. Which i can say i never hacked but samething few hours pass and then i can go back on weird right?
ReplyDeleteSorry for typos was on my phone xD
DeleteThat is weird...
DeleteI am on meh phone also
Deletehm.... wierd snowyclaw hope to see you on a storage account :)
ReplyDeletewell im really worried!!! *makes sad face* what if you can never get back on?! but you probably will :D ajhq will probably have to fix this! i hope im soooooo sad right now!! i want yo back online your my hero!!at least you have a storage account:D
Ikr...Snowy is my hero :0
DeleteI don't like the baseball gear at all! I don't really like baseball in general...Well, it's not bad, but it's not my favorite...
ReplyDeleteMeh...it's a boy item. xD
DeleteYeah....I think so xD
DeleteI'm female, and I love this item.... But, then again, I love baseball (playing it, for fun) and of course, watching it. xD
Deletesnowy i checked your account and i tried to add u because you were on but it said snowyclaw isn't accepting buddy requests right now. then i tried to trade you but i could not. I think someone is hacking you!
ReplyDelete-Random Person
No one is hacking snowy. Its because she is giving away free membership.
DeleteI was suspended too! And the same thing happened to me. Also when it showed you were online,Your look changed!
ReplyDeleteYour look changed to this look, Your first and second color were the same. Your pattern was black and had the lava style. You were wearing light purple gazelles,rare black spiked wristband,and black mechanic wings.
ReplyDeleteSnowy does not deserve to be banned! Against the law? SNOWY DID NOT BREAK THE LAW
ReplyDelete1) She hasn't given the membership away yet
2) A membership giveaway is NOT the same thing as murder! Membership giveaways are nice!
So 3) Snowyclaw's suspension was unfair and unjustified!
DeleteI completely agree with you-Snowyclaw isn't a rule breaker.
However when AJHQ heard the words 'membership giveaway' they thought Snowyclaw was a bad person, sadly.
GASP! O me gushness! Snowyclaw posted my art on the Spirit Art Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you have time, please go look at it!
You say oh my gushness too? OH MY GUSHNESS!
It seems like AJHQ just doesn't like Snowy. It's AWFUL! Maybe they don't like her Jaamasian Movement, and they're were just looking for an excuse to get her off banned from Jamaa. Well, I just want to say to you, Snowy, and I know I speak for everyone else on the blog, that you are an amazing and awesome Jaamasian and AJHQ has lost every ounce of respect in our eyes since they did this.
ReplyDeleteThe Wanderer
Yeah I don't respect them much anymore either. Also, I think I'm getting more and more bored on AJ. I'm playing more and more on EQG (Equestria Gaming). I guess it's because I'm getting older and there are stubborn people all over in AJ and I don't feel like blocking them and well you get the point. Since more people are becoming stubborn, it effects me by playing less on AJ and more on EQG.
DeleteThat's not true. AJ is too professional to stoop to something so low and petty. They aren't doing this because they have some personal agenda against snowyclaw. They are just making sure she doesn't violate a rule that gets their site in trouble with other parents. =/
Deletehttp://www.animaljam.com/rules I really don't see why Snowy was banned for asking for email addresses, usernames, etc; She's not the only one do to a membership giveaway, but AJ doesn't ban other jammers who do so. I'm too lazy to type the rest of the stuff I was going to say in this comment, but it's long enough.... :I
ReplyDeleteThis is just a guess, that AJHQ might think Snowyclaw would've done, AJHQ might think that Snowyclaw would change our passwords and other things, but I'm pretty sure we know she wouldn't. You know how they are with that sort of stuff..
DeleteI think AJHQ should have warned you first. I'm sorry the membership givawat didn't work out as planned. Anyways, today were going to the closest big city to do some shopping and I might buy 2 Arctic Wolf giftcards for my other 2 accounts! My parents owe me $40 so I can spend $32 on the cards and end with $32 leftover! Does that sound reasonable? The new sports items are probably trying to motivate us to make more friends on AJ since we might say: SPORT GAMES AT MY DEN!!! COME FORM TEAMS!!! What are your opnions? Can't wait to see next month's member gift!
Do you know you can get arctic wolves in AJ outfitters?
DeleteAnd the add is very misleading. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for those adds.
you wrote a typeo
ReplyDeletethe word typo ^ there is a typo.
DeleteYeah! xD
DeleteA typo as a typo? That's something new! Anyways, my typo was ment to say giveaway.
Hello Snowy! I hope I can help.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was suspended for saying "Therapist" it was only for a day. When I tried to log in after the suspension, it did that. I went back, and it happened again. I refreshed and did it again and got in.
Maybe try more, or try refreshing?
eee? therapist? oh no me sees why AJ suspended you @anonymus ^ da las t 4 letters...
Deleteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~liontheman who is lazy to me me self log in
If you take the word "the" off of "therapist" it looks bad....
DeleteRemember that comment that I said I thought you were suspended because of giving membership away? Yes, I was right! But anyway, I am so sorry snowy, I really hope they get you unsuspended soon.
ReplyDeleteO.o i think someone guessed my password cuz it says im suspended for 1 day O.o time for MLP
DeleteWhat happens if you click the link to go back home?
This happen to me you click link then you go to the home page and you log back it then that page comes back (the one pictured)
It just brings you back to the AJ homepage.
DeleteSnowy maybe you should shut down the free membership but yea I don't see how its a problem lots of other players give out membership but its always a scam because like they say email me your user and past but you your just giving out membership choose s random person and email the code! WAY UNFAIR!!!!! I feel very sorry for you and I might want to help I know your storage snowyclaw222 maybe I could convince ALL of us could email AJHQ and they might get annoyed and then lift the suspension!
Lift? That means make the suspension last longer! I think you meant take the suspension away, right?
DeleteDoesn't lift mean take off? Like "the bird lifted off of the ground"?
DeleteYeah lift means to take off not last longer
DeleteSnowyclaw, I hope you can get to play again soon!
ReplyDeleteI think AJHQ will fix this soon, well, I hope so!
Whoops, I forgot to click reply @-♪BubbleKittens789♪-
ReplyDeleteThat reminds me of a CP horror story....
Banned: You have been banned forever.
CP? CreepyPasta? I'D
DeleteSnowyclaw, does that mean you can't do the membership giveaway???
ReplyDeletesnowy i think hq is useing your acct, cause earlier today it said you were on and your wolf (old frozenspirit) had its look changed O.o
ReplyDeleteJUMBO spams up there! All spammers off the blog! Oh and snowy, just keep refreshing the page when you go to log in.
Its not fair, i used to have a really great account with loads of good friends, but then just because i sent AJHQ an email asking them about paying for membership, they banned me permanently! D:
ReplyDeleteim leaving animal jam. Im growin up and its getting really boring. Though ill still post on this blog. I wont delete my blog (animaljamhistory.blogspot.com) im gonna ask my dad that he can stop paying and he can cancel my membership
ReplyDeleteoh my i didn't know that was bad i thought membership giveaways where good.Now i need to be more careful. Snowyclaw i hope you jam on soon! Your a awesome wonderful person
ReplyDeleteI saw some tv ads
ReplyDeleteSnowy, after I was suspended, animal jam did the same thing to me. I had to wait a few days until i could get back on so I recommend getting on an extra account if u just want 2 b on. Hope u can get on soon.