
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Clovers, Parties, and Pups

Hey jammers! Still trying to fix up the blog, blogger is being problematic. Now, the new item today is the Clover Skirt!
You can buy your own in the underwater clothing shop, Bahari Bargains! As you might have seen, the monthly member gifts of March, the Arctic Wolf Pups letters have arrived to all jammers.

Members, congrats on your complementary Arctic Wolf Pup!
The following are items available in the Pet Shop. If you'd like to send in photos from the Pets Only Party, please do!
These little guys really blow the house down! No, really. . .
To make more of the monthly pets, members, you can go to the pet menu. It sure is getting crowded in there, right?
As you might have noticed, I've been to the Lucky Party!
 It's pretty much the same as last year's festivities. Here is the Lucky Party's little furniture stand, same items as last year,
 Rainbows on the clover leaf valleys. . .
There is also a neat little music shop!
 This music is own of my favorites, such a cheerful tune!
There is a fun Small-House-like den with a pawsome place for hangin' with buddies. Gather 'round the clover leaf table!
There is also a super fun clover leaf round-about (click the clover for your own little lucky one!). Here I am with a bunch of jamtastic jammers, doing a fun little jig out on the green.
Also, AJHQ has posted the latest News Crew Assignment! This one is in honor of Brady Barr's laboratory renovation.
Finally, I posted my very first YouTube video. It's rather silly, I'm still pretty new to YouTube, but here it is!
I decided to record my own voice mainly because I know it's a bother to read all that type. ^.^ Be sure to subscribe to my channel, I'll likely be doing rare item and membership giveaways, and perhaps some Spirit Mail (thanking you guys for the gifts you send in, it's so kind of you!). 

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog


  1. Love it snowy and first comment

    Tootie2303 enjoy ur raccoon buddies!

  2. 2nd comment :D I hope they make new Lucky Day Items

    1. Me too! I hope they bring back Leprechaun Hats even though they were sold in the HataPALOOZA celebration.

    2. Awesome video snowy I'm going to use those tips from now on!


  3. Cool den :) you should check mine some day if you have time

    ~ footclan

    1. Omg. This is proof snowy is a girl. Tht may sound weird its just that alot of ppl wonder about that stuff... But anyways ur voice is beautiful <3


    2. Congratz on being first comment! =3

    3. How come every one thinks you are a guy? Anyway can you subscribe to me on youtube? I'm lissie amy ; D thanx

  4. *gasp* You sound...American... O.O (duh

    1. Oh Kiny. ^.^ Yep, I'm American! I forget how pronounced accents are sometimes. :P

    2. Meep! :3 I knew you were American lol ;)
      Btw that was NOT meant in a bad way. NOT at all!! I have nothing against accents AT ALL! XD

    3. OMG! I am American too snowy :) I thought that everyone who plays this game was in the UK(no offense intended if u do) just cause on Club Penguin everyone who plays is like in the UK... but anyway i hope I didn't offend you if u live in the UK sry :P

    4. i had a british accent, but i lost it because im in austrailia now. Sad sad sad, P.S this is out of topic, but why are we talking about accents? -crocicicoco

  5. The arctic wolf pups are very cute but I wish AJ would give us items..
    And I just have to say... SNOWY, I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR VOICE!! :O I think it sounds pwetty! x3


    1. Aww, I'm glad you like my voice bunnyrockerz! I'm a pretty quiet and shy person on Earth, so it's nice to escape to Jamaa once and a while. :)

    2. I know what you mean, Snowy! I have this friend from school that plays AJ and somehow I feel better talking to her on AJ. I'm really shy in RL, too. (And Snowy, I thought your voice was very pretty too! I just KNEW you were a girl, LOL!)

    3. Lol I'm shy in school because I have this thing where if a person I don't know comes over to talk to me in class or in the hall, I have a serious panic attack and breath really fast. So, my mom told the teachers and principal to tell all the other students to only smile and wave at me. No one can talk to me now :(

    4. I know what you mean Snowy. I'm really shy and quiet too.

    5. I'm shy and quiet, at least I think so. Everyone in my class except for me is a blabbermouth, maybe except for Kajsa. She seems a lot like me, and even has my uncanny voice.
      When I share a story orally, I get a small panic attack and grow really quiet.

    6. Also, I feel like I'm depressed at school, so Animal Jam is my best escape.

    7. im shy too snowy ik how it feels, there only 1 video i have my voice in i dont usually let my voice out on youtube

    8. I have to be the most open person in the world! You guys can always come to me whether I listen or talk. What I really am shy about is talking to guys. I always need a friend for that...

    9. I hate my voice (just saying) :( people that hate me (from last year so far, they are long gone now) said that I sound like a boy.i can't stand listening to it DX

    10. That happens to me too, Wolfypoof. :(

    11. This might seem strange but sometimes I'm too shy to talk to my parents lol.

    12. Lol, me too sometimes.

    13. lolz i am probably the biggest chatterbox in my class :D cant - stop - talking :P

  6. Wow, I've got to go to that party! It's my first lucky party, since i'm on Animal Jam!
    Does anyone have the rare raccoon plushies: the blue and red? I have the brown and I'm collecting them. .3.
    ~ anncis

    1. Happy first Lucky Day! I think mine was...whenever AJHQ started celebrating it!

    2. This is my second Lucky Day Party in AJ

    3. Same, it's either my second or third...I cant remember x3

  7. I was the yellow wolf with antlers in the picture!!!
    - IvySnow -

  8. Cool, you should definitely make more videos, this one was an awesome start! XD

  9. Snowy you sound so kind! Wow! Yay clover skirts are back! Cool idea for Spirit Mail. How many Jam A Grams do you get daily?

    1. Oooh! That's a cool question :3

    2. Spiritmail? That sounds like Julian2's mailtime, ah well. We all have rights!

  10. Wow! I KNEW Snowyclaw was a girl! She sounds 13 or 14, though. Heres what i think she looks like

    Hair: brown
    Eye: blue
    Skin: white
    Age: 13?
    State: Colorado (just a guess. Im guessing she lives in mountain time zone)


    1. Hey! I was just saying my freaking opinion, jerk!


    2. Ignore, but I think she's eastern time zone because before she had ajhq, it was eastern.

    3. Also talking about this is not nice and I don't think she wants us to know..

    4. Anyone else notices theses rude comments only seem to happen on weekends ?
      It got so bad on AJ cookiez we had to turn off the anonymous setting

    5. so many people are mean to snowyclaw... she must be hurt =.=

    6. I don't mean to do anything mean, Tigerstar, but...That could not be safe for Snowy....Please don't call me a j__k :(

    7. Yep, Mira.
      Aj Jammer, these comments happen MOST OFTEN on weekends, but they have happened on weekdays too.
      The Anonymous above Mira, you are presumably correct. Just two mean comments made me insecure, and those were on my own blog. I hope that Snowyclaw can resist these haters...

    8. Guys, they're just sharing their opnion! You don't have go be mean about it, but if you do know information about Snowyclaw that she doesn't want you to share... DON'T SHARE!
      ~Friday (ask for my users)

  11. YAY!! You can buy the snow wolf!! I'm so happy because I deleted mine by accident :c But I guess it's ok I can still buy it. I wish I had the card though.. Not to complain…..…

    BTW Snowy you have a nice voice!! Better then mine at least :|.


    1. Sorry I ment arctic wolf!!

    2. Definetly better than mine!
      I wish that AJ would make more space for other pets... and I like how you can put nice frost on their pelt.

    3. I have bad news... When i went on AJ and went to the pet thing where you can buy the pets......... I DIDN'T SEE THE ARCTIC WOLVE!!!!

      -bunnyfoofee :(

    4. Did you get the pet yet? You need an A. Wolf pet to see it.

    5. Sometimes the letter comes in slowly so just wait a little while

    6. I don't have the pet. @Gianni14 I deleted the letter with the animal by accident if you didn't hear.

      I check in the pet thing (where you choose what pet you want). IT'S NOT THERE!!!!!!! That's what I'm trying to say!!! >:( I'm so mad that I can't get it!!! I reload lts of times and if never comes!

      I'm sorry but I'm just so mad I cant get it!


  12. Hey! Nice video! Your lucky.... my mom won't let me have a youtube account :( Snowy, could you also put comment moderation on? too many ppl on here are cursing......

    1. She recieves an email whenever someone comments.
      If you have a Google account, that is enough to use Youtube.

  13. Snowyclaw! That is a really good starting out video! I like your voice! I don't know how to subscribe to a YouTube channel so if some could explain...


    P.s Im on my phone and It doesn't let me log in right now. :(

    1. Far as I can tell you can't subscribe by iPhone I tryed :P had to do it once I got on my home system
      Hope you fine away

    2. You look under the video, and when you see the uploader's image click Subscribe next to the image.

  14. My favorite part of the video was when you said "oh, here's a trade. Took a second to look at it and said no thanks. I do that too but some jammers will just plain yell at you for a b ad trade. You have really good manners and I think that is the best part of this blog. Nothing mean or rude has ever been posted.

    1. Yep, I wish I was that polite. I feel like sometimes I'm a bit harsh to Christians... and I've been a bit of a bully to Sir Tiny-Tiger, too.
      It is just that because of Christians, I have suffered so much..
      Yesiree, I wish that I was as kind as Snowyclaw..

  15. Awesome video Snowyclaw! You have an amazing and beautiful voice.

    ~hlyndzy (I knew you were a girl!)

    1. Me too Lol. Or, at least I guessed so. At first I wasn't sure, but then when I heard Snowy liked MLP, I was like "Yup, totally a girl! :D"

    2. At first I thought she was a boy, then I changed my mind when someone said she was a girl. The MLP post comfirmed my suspicions.

  16. I love the video snowy! And the blog looks cool!

  17. Snowy, great first video! You are great for a begginer. I can't even figure out how to take videos from my computer or use a flash drive. Your vocie is beautifal. I did always think you were a girl. You have the heart and spirit of one. I bet in real life your really pretty, unlike me (Sorry for my moaning and groaning, i'm not the kind of girl that feels that good about myself). You sound a lot like me. I think we would get along very well! You did a good job!

    1. I'm sure you're pretty. I just hope you're not depressed that your not pretty. Sometimes I don't feel pretty, but I remind myself I am pretty-- in my parents' eyes, God's and my friends.

    2. That's a good thing to do, Pac10 :)

    3. NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU I feel alone in the world...
      Try using Screen-Cast-O-Matic, or use a smartphone to upload.

    4. Thanks, everyone. I just downloaded screen-cast-o-matic, it's great! Thanks, pac10. I'll start thinking that. :)

  18. Nice video i lovee your voice and finally furgured out your a ( most likely) pretty girl!

  19. are you British? you have a nice voice ^.^

    1. No, Snowyclaw's an American. You can tell pretty easily, actually! No offense (if you take it as one), Snow, I really do love American Accents. I have a weird British accent, I've been told, even though I live in Australia!

    2. sometimes (i know who posted that, she's my sis) she doesn't hear right. but snowyclaw has a really nice and pretty voice! my voice sounds like a frog croaking :(

  20. Your voice is very nice ^.^! Yippee for the clover skirt!


    1. The clover skirt is WAY cheaper thsn the designer one. AJ makes no sense at some points...
      ~Friday (ask for my users)


    1. She will delete the bad comments

    2. Well, Snowyclaw is very busy, but when she gets the email that someone has posted a bad comment she deletes them. That means, no matter what there is always a form of moderation.

  22. Can yo ushow your clothes on your next vid? I bet you have a lot of rares. BTW you probably need to delete a couple comments....
    P.S. My ipad won't let me log in to my accout. Don't get the wrong idea. (when all of the anomynous stuff was going on)

  23. Hi Snowyclaw, you have a beautiful voice, and I have been following your blog for a really long time! I'm the same as you, I have male and female animals, and I'm going to try these den tips!

    1. Yea, she does.... You should defiantly do more videos Snowy!

    2. I'm going to try them too :D

    3. Me three.
      True, CM.
      Very true, Metropolis.

    4. You should give tips on cloths and patterns on different animals!


  24. Wow. You wouldn't have believed how shocked I was to hear your voice. You're so gracious, Snowy, and it isn't really too-too silly. I am happy to be the first one to view your video. (What? I gotta have bragging rights!) Good job Snowy! :)

    1. I was shocked to hear her voice too. Like Wando said, she's always been very quiet, and keeps her gender a secret. I'm sure most of us were pretty excited...

      And congrats on your.... achievement? Yea, I
      ll just call it your achievement. :P

    2. Me too :)

      I think that word fits! :)

    3. Hehe. Thanks. Sorry, but a gal's gotta have bragging rights. I can't decide whether Snowy's voice sounds like a ten year old's or a fifteen year old's!!

    4. I think it sounds like a fifteen-year olds, Pac10.
      To me, my voice sounds like a misprogrammed robot, and I don't like to talk much.

  25. Hey. Im tigerstar26. I know who the guy is that posted the.....disturbing comment. I saw him on Animal Jam last month. His user is hfb300. He said,"CLUB MY DEN!" I went there and saw torches on the beds, a bar with waitors, and a dance floor with people saying stuff like,"KISSES BUT!" and "Pours beer on girl" and in the bar, "Gets drunk", "Drinks 10 beers" and "passes out". And on the beds people were hopping. Then the owner (hfb300) came in and jumped on an innocent little bunny that didnt approve of the place at all. He said,"Time to get horny." And started jumping on the bunny. He yelled at me,"JUMP ON ME!" I dont like to be yelled at, so i did. While i did, i reported him 10 times. Then he went to the bar on the 2nd floor of the treehouse (the beds were on the 1st part on that deck thing) the area was big. A DJ yelled,"Put ya hands up!" These guys in the bar were goofing off, saying stuff like,"Dude i so drunk" and "i wanna shot myself" and "i danced with a bikini model". Then hfb300 said,"Gives guys 3 beers." All those guys were non member but there was like 5 members on the dance floor and 4 non members. It was all non members in the bar and only like 2 members on the beds and 6 non members. We need to report him! He pretends to be a girl sometimes.


    1. oh my GOD! Thats some SICK person! Im breathless after reading this. Poor bunny :(


    2. That is sick D:
      Do you remember their user? I want to report and ignore--multiple times...

    3. His user is hfb300

    4. OMG that is not very good! I cussed on AJ to see what would happen and got suspended... Stupid me, I should've known.
      How did that alcohol talk still let them play? hfb300 must be a teenager who thinks that bars are cool, but they aren't on a kid website.

    5. tigerstar26 is my buddy. good thing snowyclaw deleted those bad comments... how come people use my user? i dont know why... they dont go on my acc or anything... and yeah those ppl how did they say drunk? he should get suspended. bars are bad on a friendly kid website. why cant ppl just be nice??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? -thun8902

    6. too many question marks... cant stand it

    7. Um...yeah thats just taking up space

    8. Anonymous, I know the whole world wants the world to be nice, but not everyone else in the world is nice, and we just have to handle the truth. On the other hand, putting too many question marks is considered spam, and snowyclaw doesn't like it when people spam on the blog, so I kindly ask you to not do it again.

    9. wow... i think some ppl are rude to thun8902... they say they are thun8902 when they aren't. i actually think the person who isn't being nice and did the spam is (aj user) pigstoe1034. thun8902 wouldn't do that. i think... no im sure, that it was pigstoe1034. she looks like an innocent nm, but she isn't. in real life she is rude and mean. it wasn't thun8902 who posted that, so don't report her or anything. -shark04

    10. athough she sounds nice... i get it

    11. and she maybe even thinks she's thun8902... thun8902 is a member with all animals that have original colors and pigstoe1034 (the bad person) has a all rare colored koala and a black bunny with a light gray blob pattern... oh and the real thun8902 has one animal that isn't original you don't need to pay any attention to this this isn't shark04

    12. o.o pigstoe1034 spammed... mean.

    13. and she lied! don't forget she lied about who she really was like two times!

    14. lol alot of Anonymous are posting now... including me

    15. People these days...
      This really doesn't belong on a kids' website!

  26. wow.. snowyclaw i love your voice O.O

    1. So do I! When I hear anyone's voices, I can picture their hair color in my head. I have NO absolute reason why. But, from the pretty voice snowyclaw has, to me, I think she has brown hair.

      And this is sort of off-topic, buuuuttttt...

      I had a dream that I was in snowyclaw's real house, and she had brown hair about the length to her shoulders, and she had a real snow leopard hat on her head, and parts that went down her shoulders. IT WAS WEIRD.

  27. I always knew snowy was a girl.
    No offense to boys or anything, it just seams more like girls have blogs other than boys. I mean boy doing a blog.... wierd dtill no offense boys.
    I like the new item but it should be a land item, BEbecause it look more safistacated on a fox.

    1. Eh. True. For me... just the way Snowy acte-- acts and the way she blogged it just made me think of her as female.

    2. Me too. Even if my username were different, I think that people would know I'm a girl a bit younger than Mia776.

    3. Well, I think that boys still blog, like TrickerTreee, but they aren't as devoted as girls.

    4. Well, this is NOT being rude, or prejudice or anything like that, but girls do have a more intelligent side in life, and they have a lot more educational interests in life than boys do for video games and zombies. BUT, a lot of boys/men in the world are extremely intelligent! But you're right, Anonymous, it seems like there's more girl bloggers than boys.

    5. @Amy Jiao
      Are you 10 now, turning eleven this year? That's my age ^_^

    6. Wow, I'm going to be 13 in October.

  28. Oooh! Snowy! I love your voice so much :)

  29. Awesome new background/header too.
    Cool new item! It's a great way to ring in the Lucky Day :)

    1. I wonder where you get all of those neat AJ backgrounds. Is it on AJ's page from Everloop?

  30. By the way I was powerpuff3 above me

  31. Where is the pet menu? I only see shop and clothing store.

    1. You click on an empty paw space

    2. Click on your pets button (you have to click on your portrait first), then click on an empty pet tab, then click on the pet you want, and your done! :)

  32. maybe you should do a video on how to dress nicely on AJ? Like, your opinion.

    1. I think that would be a great video! Many people don't dress their animals well...

    2. Me too. But, Amy, that could be hurtful to some people...Now I have a feeling that I dress my animals bad :(

    3. No, I didn't mean that! I just said that some people might need or want some advice. I'm sorry...

    4. Oh, I didn't know that lol. I forgive you. I guess I just took it the wrong way xD

    5. i only have clothes on one animal... lol

  33. is snowy in high school?

    1. Maybe, but I think so since I can recognize age in a lot of voices since I've heard many voices from many people on YouTube, and most of the adults I listen to sound a bit like Snowyclaw. So I would say that she is at least 14.

    2. I've always thought of Snowy as a 13 or 14 year old girl.. Mainly because she has good grammar and some other hints throughout the blog.

      Snowy, do you have a dog?

    3. Random question. =P
      I'm not sure, that will be left for Snowy to answer. I think that your supporting details are correct, CM.

    4. I have horrible grammar but i am not his or she's age

    5. Snowy has a good imagination

    6. You guys just made me meditate on my life. 7th grade is changing me. I'm more resposible and I'm finally recognizing how pretty I look when I laugh. I think of my glasses as a part of me and my freckles compliment my personality. I see the difference in my wardrobe and how it compliments my figure. I see the changes. Do you?

  34. well snowy youtube is cool and i been their along time but i think that if you see those number thing its how many people seen it and my dads song got about 5000 >.< HE COULD BE IN A BAND!!!!!!!! well you might get comments their to snowy - from ellanicole2003

  35. I have a YouTube channel too, but I've never ever recorded my voice because everyone knows I'm female and I stutter a lot and mispronouce a lot of words... Still, I'm working on getting my den unclumped since I can never decide what rares I want to show! I'll open my den up later today as Open House.
    user: roxy30000

    1. I wont be until monday but i will check it out soon also im your buddy i always can check it out XD

    2. Hi Imani Apple! 0.0
      Did someone hack you? You were cussing a few weeks ago.
      Oops, I just really liked it...

    3. Oops, I forgot that I got suspended. Maybe tommorow?

  36. I also have a YouTube. It's iSea Masacre (my username is iSeaCupcake). Anyway, I subbed you snowy! I can't wait 'till the day that you get more subbies!

    1. What did you mean by "sub"?

    2. I love your channel! I have already seen it, but it's awesome! My youtube user is AGInParadise(not AJ related...)

  37. I just uploaded a video that shows my job as a Spirit Jammer.

    1. Me 2 but i uploaded a music video

    2. My talent is writing. Maybe I'll make a video where I show you guys my story! Look up iikady4.

    3. I have a huge talent at writing, too! :)

    4. What is your channel @Amy?

      Me too :3
      You can read my story blog...Well, my mom said I was good at least :P. And my mom is a writer x3

  38. I want Clover Blankets, Clover Tridents, Clover Balloons, and Clover Earmuffs to come back. I also want some new items, like a Clover Necklace.

  39. I'm sorry if this is spam, but can you guys please look at my blog? It's called the Legends of Jamaa. If you want to be a author, leave a comment on the blog ;)

    1. That's no spam
      Only people that advertise random blogs are spams

  40. ☼pielover4ever☼March 2, 2013 at 12:20 PM

    Nice video snowy! I had a feeling you were a girl! lol and hmm i can't wait for tomorrow because my choir is auditioning to sing the national anthem at a baseball game.

    1. At first, (around a year ago) I thought snowyclaw was a boy, but then I got a feeling that she was a girl. ^.^

      And, good luck at your audition! I bet you'll do great!

  41. wow, snowy your voice is so pretty!! wow, my vioce sounds like a hippo eating a cactus

  42. Greetings citizens of Animal Jam. I am Anonymous and I'm back in action.

    1. The bad anonymous...?

    2. Saddy it is the BAD anonymous!

    3. Everyone, ignore the anonymous comments. And, I am not the bad anonymous :P

    4. i dont get it

  43. I am just going to say, that the door of The Chamber Of Knowledge, there is the sign where you change animals, and on the window next to it, it shows the button where to change the animals with the monkey in it. o-o i just saw that right now, so I just wanted to share that with somebody ^^

  44. Hi snowy! remember me from yesterday? I'm in your den right now ^.^ I was thinking if i could use it for a RP with my friends? (not video :( ) the costume i was wearing was for a Feathered dream dragon. Your den is reaally nice, so i thought we could use it for this "Happy place" :) ~Crocicicoco, the one you met yesterday.

  45. What screen recorder did you use?

  46. Wow good job with your fist you tube video =)
    I havnt commented or talked to you for a awhile but hope to see you soon on AJ

  47. Pawsome video, Snowy!
    Do you think you could maybe post a Music Video? MV's are genius things, and I think you could make a totally epic one!

  48. Wow, the new blog banner looks wonderful! Very nicely done!

    Speaking of which, I just redid the entire Daily Howl, if anyone wants to take a look:

    1. Pawsome blog! I don't know what it used to look like, but I like the way it is now! :)

  49. Snowyclaw please dealete the spam posted with like a million question marks... it was a waist of space. Please dealete it. Ok?

  50. Hey its tigerstar26. I have something to admit- im in love with Mitt Romney. If your his grandkid or something, tell him i love him! Ok that sounds weird when you say,"Grandpa, someone on Animal Jam is in love with you." Tell him what i said. Pleeeez.


    1. LOL! I started laughing so hard when I read that. I'm sorry... But it's only true! Wheww... 'Cause like, you were all, "Grandpa, someone on Animal Jam is in love with you."

    2. Tigerstar 26 these are 5 reasons why to not LOVE mitt Romney 1. Obama is way better 2.gross u love a man older than u 3. Nothing to do with the reasons just a fact) mitt Romney is not a old man .4 no one possibly on this blog could be in romney's family 5. Ur so crazy !!!! Commment AGREE with flower49150 bolow me if u agree if u do not its ok. :/ not really

  51. did you vote for him? i met someone, and we were playing truth or dare, and he said "dare" and i dared him to go tell people to vote for mitt romney. he denied it because HE SAID THAT HE VOTED FOR BARACK OBAMA ISNT THAT DUMB!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    1. Um....No? I voted for Obama...Lets please not get into politics. That's for grown ups. Besides were kids...Like me, I'm 10 >_<

  52. could u do a music vid on the song "DYNAMITE" its like the best song ever! whos with me!? :)

    1. No it's really boring I watched music videos of it 2 much :/

  53. Check out mah blog, or you know, don't............ Yeah well you should, so here's the link.. Sorry if this counts as spam, but I could really use some more views.. So yeah.

    (saramo with a lisp xD)

    1. It's definitely not spam! I love looking at other people's blogs and I really am enjoying yours!

  54. OMG you know Curiosity Quest? Well, Monterey Bay Aquarium from AJ was just featured in this TV show. :D

  55. animal jam is boring now, nobody is looking at my blog anymore!

  56. ikr! disney create is SOOOO much better

  57. Could not post on my blog because blogger wouldny work!

  58. Dear snowy, I love ur voice it's pretty and soft and calmed down your like a calm cat asleep but way more better when did u get such a beautiful voice snowyclaw? -flower49159 my aj username-

  59. I hope the Giant Raccoon Plushie comes out soon!!

  60. How do you get those plaques?

  61. What wallpaper did she use o_o


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw