
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pinwheel + Brady Journey?

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Hey jammers! I'm sorry, I 'm late. >.< I know many of you like to look here before school, so I apologize! Today's brand new item is the Pinwheel, sold in the Jam Mart Furniture shop.
Dang, there've been a lot of member items lately. Anywho, keep voting for the Webby Awards, we certainly seem to be helping! Get your family and friends to vote, there's still hope, let's beat Disney!
 Also, my friend supermonkeys found something in the terrariums of Brady Barr's Laboratory  Simply go up and click one...
And then look at the icon on the bottom...
Will there be a Journey Book for the lab? How strange! Maybe it will be added in the next couple updates. :D Lastly, here are some articles posted on the Daily Explorer by AJHQ.

That's about it for today everyone. Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Could this possibly be the first comment? 0_0

    1. And that is SOOO cool Snowy! I wonder what sort of thing the prize would be! And at least the pinwheel is something new!

    2. I agree. Well, I hoped for something with the Alphas, but doing something involving Brady and his lab would still be pawsome! Maybe if there were Alphas in this quest, it would be possibly Cosmos?

    3. What do you mean 'in this quest'? And yeah, honestly I would prefer something with quests. We've been waiting for it for sooo long :(

    4. Yeah... Me too. Well, AJHQ has said that Quests were coming to Jamaa, so maybe the adventure is q uest? Just a guess lol

    5. Hopefully, they're certainly hinting at it. Also here's my gecko!!

    6. OMG! Your gecko is SOOOO cute! :D

    7. THANK YA SO MUCH! <3 You like her crests? :D

    8. Hi Lukia, Hi Mia!! I looked at your gecko too!! She is really cute!!

    9. And yes, Lukia. It IS the first comment =3

    10. Oh sorry I didn't see this before I asked if you wanted a pic XD THANK YOU BOTH :D

    11. Lol Its just like @ wackywolf Hi! Lol


    12. What is up with all these replies? 0.0

    13. This is a popular blog. Popular blogs get lots of replies. ;)

    14. WOOT for lots of replies! Whoops this is one of them :P

    15. So adorable!
      Most of my comments that keep me at the top are replies. =P
      I want a gecko so so bad!
      Aw... I have to go to swimming so that I get beaten down by kids younger than me! D=

  2. Snowy, did you get my email about the glitch?

  3. There is a phantom in the second chamber in the Chamber Of Knowledge on the far far left. It looks like the first style they had for Phantoms! It's interesting to see all the items in those rooms. ^.^

    1. What glitch was it? And thats cool!

    2. @Wacky--it's not a glitch, it's just a random phantom in a sort of glass cage. It's cool.

    3. It is probably a specimen Greely got and dissected to understand phantom anatomy.

  4. Yay im the 3rd person!

    1. Ikr xDD
      That word sure came out of nowhere o.O

    2. lol! Congesta is a type of bamboo. xD

    3. Hahaha Lol Congesta and I was Guessing that word came out of nowhere lol!

    4. Congesta? That's an interesting word! XD

    5. Congesta? A word with flair and meaning to it!
      Congrats, anyway, and that word sure was random!

    6. LOL! It was a typo. @Manxylion It is? O_O xDDD

  5. Just what is the Bhagavad-gita? The purpose of Bhagavad-gita is to deliver mankind from the nescience of material existence. Every man is in difficulty in so many ways, as Arjuna also was in difficulty in having to fight the Battle of Kuruksetra. Arjuna surrendered unto Sri Krsna, and consequently this Bhagavad-gita was spoken. Not only Arjuna, but every one of us is full of anxieties because of this material existence. Our very existence is in the atmosphere of nonexistence. Actually we are not meant to be threatened by nonexistence. Our existence is eternal. But somehow or other we are put into asat. Asat refers to that which does not exist.

    Read the Bhagavad-Gita online for free here:

    How to read this book?
    First read the Introduction, then start on Chapter 1, read through all the verses, then on to Chapter 2, and so on, until you finish all 18 chapters.

    If you have any questions about the Bhagavad-Gita while you are reading it, if there is some part that you don't understand, feel free to email me and I'll try my best to answer your questions.

    And in case you are not the philosophical type, a person who likes to read philosophy, then just try chanting the following mantra for just 15 minutes a day and see what the effect of it is in your personal life.

    Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
    Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

    In the end, what do you have to lose?

  6. LOL I usually view your blog AFTER school.. And amazing journey book!

  7. Hey Snowy! Long time since I wrote here, eh'? But anyway, I have this pawesome thing I need to tell you about! Here it is, in story mode .3.

    I was in the Chamber of Knowledge today, and I wanted to buy a few things from there. So,I made my way up to the 2nd stage. But, when I was through the door ,which was supposed to lead me to the shops, I went right out into Zios! What has happened to the shop, and why even? Maybe you could mention this tomorrow, about this strange thing?


    1. Wow! That's sure strange! O.o
      I'm able to go to the shop...Hmm, this is strange... o.o

    2. A glitch, but that means they're doing something with the Chamber of Knowledge!!!! I KNEW IT!!! WOOT WOOT! XD

    3. You think lukia? And yea, Same I usually look after school Lol

    4. That's so weird! Sometimes if a store or something is full it will teleport you (lol) to another place, or in this case, the nearest land.

    5. Heee hee I feel really giddy today =T

    6. COOL ITEM, aaaand I just made a song to my guinea pig :3 called piggy shrillex :)

    7. WW, sometimes I feel giddy too!
      LPS, that is cool! Can we hear it?
      Still, I wonder if they were tinkering with something...

    8. I look on this blog before and after school, and whenever I'm on the computer! But not at school, blogspot is blocked... D:::

  8. I like the pin wheel, and it would be cool if Brady Barr was added as a journey book page. I have completed all of them except Kani Cove because the snake in the barrel never seems to want to come out DX
    This week in school is AWESOME because I get to watch movies for the whole week and we have only a few days of state standards testing! It ROCKS!
    Right now we are watching Life of Pi, and I noticed something. Animals and humans are the exact same, we even are animals. Yet we treat them like they are our servants, when they can turn on us and attack at any time they want, but so can we. We call them uncivilized beasts, but they just live differently then we do. I don't get it. What do you all think?

    1. I partially agree, I think we are different from animals in some ways but not in others. It's not fair how people treat animals! >:( Humans underestimate them all, they're much smarter than we think, that's what I believe. XP Okay, Mia talking and I talking about geckos and now this...I'm gonna get Nandatil out <3

    2. Hehe...never mind...she's fast asleep in her leaves and refuses to come out XP

    3. lol yeah XD She hangs on tight and goes further in if I try to wake her up XD

    4. Awwww... I love geckos .. ^-^ And Uh- Yeah

    5. I would Love to have a gacko as a pet.. <3

    6. Mia, Do you have any buddy space left? Cause you seem pretty nice, even though I never got a REAL chat with you.. =D

    7. Yessss I love geckos as well! :D Would you care for a pic of her? I can post the link~

    8. We are not animals. We are humans, and we are above animals, but animals certainly DON'T deserve the disrespect some get. Like the cruelty and other things. But we are most certainly not animals.

    9. @Zoraz
      I'm sorry, but I think that humans are not above animals at all. We are all equal, and us too are animals. A human is just another type of species, another type of enemy to the wild. We were once an endangered species, but we learned to survive, like many other species before us. I'm not saying that everything is the human's species fault, I'm just saying that we underestimate our fellow animals.

    10. I want a gecko sooooooooooooooooooo bad!

    11. You guys are talking like the PETA, no offense, but I agree.
      I want a gecko pet in Jamaa and in real life so bad!

    12. Actually you would find we ARE animals. Humans are mammals so we are an animal just more 'civilised'.

    13. Wolfy, exactly. I would use "civilized", of course, because using it any other way would offend people.

    14. @Wackywolf81
      Yup! Aww thank you *blushes* :3

  9. When I saw the title "Brady Journey" I thought that it meant that brady barr made a video about the journey of the koalas

    1. I thought that something like the first quest started! Lol And it was about Brady Barr.

    2. Yeah I thought the same WW xD

    3. I thought the same Agentrohail, Lukia and WW!
      Hey, my nickname for her is finally coming into use!

    4. @WW81
      Amy's Nickname for you xD

      I thought the same thing x3

  10. The pinwheel is cool.. Unlike some of the items..

    1. I agree!
      I made a new storage account today:
      User: legendarymira

    2. Wow Amy! Your so lucky to get that username. At first, I thought you it said "legendarymia". And I was like "YAY! Am I really that awesome???" LOL! But then I read it correctly xDDD

  11. And You know whats weird?? Amy usually has about 97 comments posted by now (Lol!) But she hasnt got one today..

    1. Yeah maybe she found out something about quests and AJHQ kidnapped her because she knew too much! >:D lol x3 Also look above, I replied to your gecko comment!

    2. Lol!! And yeah I would love If you could post a link! Thanks Lukia!!

    3. I'm here! I love it how you guys compare me to the quests, because I'm working to find out as much as I can about Jamaa's mysteries!
      Meep Geckos!
      That was because Snowy posted too late, but I'm still keeping up! >=D

  12. Random thing... is it just me, or is sky high the most sleepy game ever?
    I like playing it, but about halfway up I always feel like I'm going to fall asleep and fail.

    Anyone else? xD

    All that cloud hopping is like counting sheep. O.O

    1. You know, I feel a little that way too! It's kinda weird 0_0 I think I've played it so much and the phantoms are so easy to avoid it really is like counting sheep XD

    2. LOL Same here! It's so rythmic and slow it makes me so tired. It's so easy to get up but it takes 5 min (aprox).

    3. Yeah... I get that feeling sometimes lol!! Xd!

    4. XD* well I guess It donsesnt really matter Anywayz XD

    5. Yeah exactly, it's not hard once you're good at it, it just takes so long!! lol

    6. Yerp Im trying to win a pirate (non member) sword in it!!! Its possible! Seriously! I read aout it in The Jamaa journal

    7. Jamaa Journal? Since when did that happen?
      The clouds always make me fail, its hard to keep your footing on the small clouds! The controls get a bit shaky after a few minutes.

  13. And, Lukia, I see your staying ahead of me on the comments XD I WILL catch up >:D

  14. Lukia, I would LOVE apic of your gecko! Hmm.. gecko.. its such a funny word.. a squeaky little short word...

    Holy sea cow what am I talkinga bout O.o

    1. Holy Zios, you've finally lost it, WW! Congrats!Lukia has showed me her gecko, so she will post an image link.

  15. @WackyWolf: Those are the ones I meant XD And YUS! GECKO GECKO GECKO <3

    1. wanna know why they're called geckos? :D

    2. Cause Tokay Geckos make noises that sound like "Ge-ko . . . ge-ko . . ." it's ADORABLE!!! Look up tokay gecko noise! <3

    3. I touched a gecko there bumpy :3 and they ARE like ge-ko :D

    4. Bumpy? Must be a Tokay or Leopard Gecko. Cresties are scaly but feel almost velvety. I go as far as to call mine "Fuzzy" <3

    5. Really? They make that sort of noise?
      I want a pet gecko! (squeals) Both in Jamaa and in real life!

  16. *breathing hard* I...think I'm safe least for now...118....

    1. Owe hehehh your not Lukia Im still going to pass yo out >:D


    3. What are you trying to spell JammamamaahHAHAHAHhahhhhaaaaaaaaAAAAAhahAAAA again? XP MWHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAH to you too cause I'm still ahead! >:D

    4. Safe from the random invisible comment eater you mean?!?!?

      *shifty eyes* ___<.<____>.>____

      Be careful, it's watching our every move!!

    5. I don't know...COMMENT EATERS!!! BEWARE!

    6. I am safe at the top, thankyouverymuch! I comment every day and reply to every comment!

  17. il be back in a while im waitng for your reply o.O

  18. Meh, gtg but I'll catch back up, just you wait >:)

  19. Ok I have to go too.. Owe... yeah.. Anyways I hope this dosnt count as spam or anything but please look at my new scammer watch blog. Im very sorry if its spam :(

    1. It isn't spam, because we need our scammer watch blogs to help us be on the lookout!
      Check out my blog, it has stories and funny stuff for everyone:
      I check my email several times a day, feel free to send me fan mail @:

  20. Wow, i hope theres a book for it. By the way, does it matter if someone is the first comment because, i mean, seriously everyone always wants to be first. See i dont care if im first or last, i really dont care.

    1. It matters to some people, respect that. They always put something useful in the replies, and it doesn't spam up the page. I hope there will be a page for it, but it will be way too easy to complete.

  21. i found a cool glitch, but it works in the beach den. Go to the hut and stand in the top corner. open the action bar and use your arrow keys to go to the top slide. when you are near the slide click the play action and you should swirl around the top pool and go down the bottom right one -XxMineCraftIsEpicxX ps sorry if this wasted your time

    1. No, that is an interesting glitch! No time was wasted, clearly! I will be sure to try it!

  22. i am a spambot we are bots do our job. and yes we do have lives.stop being so rude to our fellow workers

    1. Yes, I'm a spambot to I don't play animal jam but stop being rude to our workers

    2. Go somewhere else then ...

    3. No! Snowy hired us!!!

    4. Wrong , why would snowy want you to spam her own blog .....

    5. You guys are ridiculous! XD! Mr. "Spam bot", you're just a prankster because you actually sound human. Anon above me, you're right. =D

  23. CheshiireCat mentioned this glitch in the chamber of knowlege.... and Luckia said it might be that AJHQ is doing work there... so what do you guys think? is AJHQ doing work there? I will need to do a little more research into glitches and animal jam updates.

    1. Yeah, well here's what I think—nobody had this glitch before, and something's gotta happen in the Chamber of Secrets, what with the trapdoor and everything, so they must be tinkering with something. XP

    2. Ya, anymore reports of glitches in the chamber of knowledge ??

    3. They really must be tinkering in the place, because it seems like the cryptic "hiding from phantoms" message has something to do with it, which of course is more proof against Snowy!

  24. About the webby awards... my sister always goes on to play games there so this just got personal...Sister vrs. sister!BRING IT ON!

    1. Bing it on, I would say, because Bing and Google are competing right now too!
      The Angry Birds thing also made things personal for me.

  25. If there is a Brady Barr Journey Book thingy, we would need more inventory space and a LOT more animals. I think that Animal Jam needs to put more math in the game, such as the stats, because my mom doesn't want me on the computer all day. =(

  26. Any more reports of glitches in the chamber of knowleadge????

    1. Apparently, not, but we would be happy to hear them!

  27. My heart goes out to all people affected by the Boston terrorism. It was a horrific tragedy. Yesterday was a horrible day for me. No, I didn't know anyone affected by the bombing but my grandfather passed away. I hadn't seen him since I was 5. 😭😪😥😰😓😩😫

    1. My uncle... I never got to aquaint him. The last time I saw him was when I was 4. He died in a car accident a few months ago. We're in a similar situation, I guess.
      Yes... it was horrific tragedy. It affected many and was unbelievable.

  28. Snowy.. there was no new art today, why the link?

    1. Oh, and BTW, I'm so fast at commenting that the list just can't keep up with me!

  29. I look at your blog before my dinner or go to bed. (I live in Austrlia) I hate that tho. I have to wait ALL DAY for a new item. Then they come out at 5PM something.

    1. Don't worry, I may become an international Jammer soon, so you will have a Spirit Jammer that can relate to you!


    1. Wow, just some spam on the Animal Jam blog. Go post that on a Disney blog, please? Your opinion is okay, but please, don't do hater stuff on here!

    2. If you don't like it why are you here?

  31. Hey everyone :3

    I'm thinking of doing this little series thing in YouTube. It's called: Animal Jam in Real Life!! I use these little animal toys and pretend they are in Jamaa! I have Liza and Sophia (the horse alpha, I think that's her name) planned out already. But it might be a teensy bit silly... What do you guys think of it!? :D

    1. IIIIII liiiiiiiiiiiiike iiiiiiiit... 8D


      I'm kinda bored right now....

      Imma go play ACCF on the Wii. A.A


    2. The other main (some ish) characters inculde...
      Jasper/Bouncing Littlefoot, a rabbit.
      Liam/Handsome (me shall think), a wolf (who is actually a German sherperd XD)
      Fluttershy/Blooming Shyhorse, a horse (a actual Fluttershy toy will be used o3o)
      And that's all for now. There is going to be a scamming wolf but don't have a name yet. Their first actual names (eg. Jasper, Liam, etc.) will be used when spoken to tho :B

    3. I like it! I would really like to see that on YouTube, could you please post the video links if you make them?

    4. How about using my Snow Leopard? She would be a quirky leopard with interests in Jamaasian culture and uses the computer unusually often. Just look at my picture if you need clues.

  32. Please look at my blog, it's called
    And please comment on my blog!

  33. Please look at my blog, it's called
    And please comment on my blog!

  34. ☼pielover4ever☼April 16, 2013 at 5:34 PM

    I like ze pinwheel :)

    Oh, and I would just like to ask you guys, if you could please keep Boston and the family of those who are injured/dead in your prayers (if you heard about what happened). Its such a shame that someone so stupid would bomb the Boston Marathon. Get well soon/rest in peace♥

    1. I like ze pinwheel too. =3
      I agree, Pie, because it really disturbs some people. May Mira bless those who are recovering, everyone. (Change this prayer however you want.)

    2. Sorry I menchined it. I just have never lived through a tradgdy like that or had a family member die.

    3. Mira is not real to me , but i respect your belief.

    4. I do not believe she is real, and no god is real to me, but I was listing an example and trying to not offend anyone. Anonymous, I would agree.
      Its okay, hlyndzy. That was only one mentioning, and it is forgivable.

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    1. You didn't even list the companies, spam bot! >.<

  36. 100 comments for WW to catch up on! I need to really find a way to avoid this horrible fate! 0.0

    1. Visit my blog NOW or Jamaa will be destroyed forever by the phantoms:

    2. LOL! A horrible fate it is... x3 I can't comment on your blog, or else I would comment. I have visited though. ^-^

    3. Hello... anybody else on the blog? 0.0

  37. Snowy!I Saw You At Jamaa Township!I was the one Screaming "Im Silverstream XD"!

    1. Silverstream is a dead cat from Warrior Cats, you know that, right?
      I never got to meet Snowy despite the fact I'm a Spirit Jammer, you're lucky.

  38. Well... I finally get to comment becuase there are only 180 comments XD

    Well... Something really creepy happened to me on Animal Jam. I encountered a scammer/bully....
    I won't say her user, but at first she sent me a jam-a-gram saying "give me your wings, win free rare bow." (I was wearing light blue mech angel wings) I said no and that they are my favorite item. She said it was her birthday and said please a bunch of times and sent me pink angel wings (the kind at the horse party) I sent them back, declining a little more firmly saying that she cannot force me to trade. She started saying "Give me wings or else I block you" Then she went on about some sort of "red portfolio" and adding me to it. I questioned her about it, and she said hahaha look now. I said "look where" and she didn't reply. I was so scared, I went and changed my password. Has this happened to any one else? Also, thanks for taking time to read my petty story.


    1. That person must want rares above all else, and not care who or what they do to get them. That is plain mean!
      I can't believe there are only 180 comments today! XD

  39. lol the epic den is a clan den!

  40. Hello? Why aren't there more people on the blog? 0.0

  41. Peace out Jammers! I have to go D:


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw