
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cowbell and Giveaway

Click here to enter a Legendary Glove giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on YouTube.
Comment every day to increase your chance to win!

Hey jammers! Before I get to the new giveaway, today's newest instrument item is the Cowbell, sold in the Jam Session furniture.
Picture thanks to Kinyonga!
I finally got the results of the last giveaway up, and there is a brand new one posted with it! This time you can win a Legendary Glove, a Headdress, or a Rare Headdress. Exciting right?
Be sure to enter in the comment section on YouTube or the contest blog post comments (click here). Speaking of contests...

Sounds like fun! Maybe I'll enter. ^.^ Happy jamming everyone!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. 6th comment! Aww, darn :P. That derp head JC is back... :(

    1. I am smarter than to listen to that, you know. If JC makes in insult like that one to any Jammer out there, ignore it. He just wants attention.

    2. Stop being mean to my friend JC :'(! Shes not the bad word you called her! She a best friend and your NOT JC :C! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

    3. Aww thanks for standing up for me!! *hugs*

    4. when snowy deletes all of JC's comments you will have first comment so congrats on first comment mia :)

    5. Very true Rosey. x3

      Congrats on first not-gonna-be-deleted comment Mia. :P

    6. Yay! All of JC's comments are gone. Good Job Snowy! :)

    7. Mia just ignore JC snowy removes them

    8. Welcome Mia and YIPPEE JC's comments are all out a here ^.^! Congrats on first comment Mia and like you, you love helping jammers, I love standing up for my friends C:! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

    9. Mia you got first comment! :)

    10. I did? Well I didn't when I posted it, because JC got first so it got removed.....yay...I actually did get first comment! :DDD

  2. Replies
    1. Snowy cursing alert!!! I have to remind u JC that KIDS visit this blob!! Please try to get this problem under control or I sadly will have to prevent my little sister from visiting.

    2. Congrats on 10th comment! JC's comments are all gone now! No worries! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

    3. Congrats on 10th comment, now second comment!

  3. I love the cow bell! When I was in kindergarten my teacher used to play the cowbell and the guitar and stuff. I miss my old school...

    1. Idk. I think the school district didn't want the school to be there, they replaced it with a science only school. :|

    2. A science only school? I wouldn't like that.... ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

    3. I remember when I used to be in 1st grade, my teacher Mrs.Kreiger , would ting a cow bell to get our attention. Good ole memories! :3

    4. @ilovecutechihuahuas
      Yup. I left that school. I don't go there anymore. @GerryGiraffeTV/ Ikr...

  4. The comment list is being glitchy again... Sorry for three comments. I was in your video, Snowy! :D

  5. I need a legendary glove or headress (rare or normal) just plz I'm desprate my user is bonniebeebunny

  6. Cool update :D

    I'm so going to enter the giveaway O_O

    I want to enter the jammagram contest, except I don't know what to draw DX Any ideas out there?

    Anyone know when AJ will release it's update for the "Adventure" that was announced weeks ago? I'm really looking forward to it and I hope this Brady Barr expedition thing isn't the real adventure :p like you said snowy it's really cheesy XP

    1. Hmmm....Maybe Crystal Sands? What I decided to draw yesterday was an elephant and a bunny having fun in the pool part of a Water Slide Den. :)

    2. That's cool :O
      Only problem is I can't draw for my life XD

    3. Don't worry, my drawing isn't very good...

    4. I can't draw much well on a computer :P! Makes my hand go crazy and it feels like it says: I'm not drawing on a computer until you give me ice cream, HMPH!!! XD that's what it feels like to me.. ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

    5. Maybe u could draw a animal surfing? Or a sandcastle?

  7. I think JC is gone. Yay ^.^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !ilovecutechihuahuas!

    1. Be careful, it seems whenever someone says that, he somehow comes back. But yes, I hope so...

    2. He's gone for the best :)! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

  8. Oh a cowbell, intresting... cool spirit mail today by the way. I still wish I had more rares. AJwolf31784 scammed some of mine :( but good thing AJwolf dodnt find that I have a silver legend glove...anyway my rant thingy is over. Hope to see you in jamma! :D

  9. Wait. I drew my picture on Aj then printed it. It has the NG borderlines on it, and the first one I printed, the scanner won't scan it. Will they accept if it had the NG borderlines?

    1. wait that was supposed to go under the first comment! sorry no effence anonymous! wait why am i apollogizing to my self? im serios i posted the scanner problem

    2. sum 1 apparently keeps posting as thun8902 maybe its pigstoe1034. very mean jammer

    3. oh and your a mean person! thun8902's smarter than you'll ever be!

    4. snowyclaw delete snowy claw's comment please

    5. The worst thing you can do to a troll is not get emotionally worked up over their post. It will wreck their little day if they don't make anyone mad. ;)

    6. please no I try to get my name away but I cant so I try to get the name snowyclaw away -smart06703 *sorry snowyclaw*

  10. Hey guys. I'm back. Snowyclaw, just to let you know RIVER RACE is back on AJ. thx

    1. that was already posted :/

    2. It is? :D


    3. To me when it came back I was like yay yay yay and that was all I said O.O! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

  11. Never seen a cowbell with a stand before. :P

  12. When Jamaa was still young peck was a small bunny with her parents. The phantoms took her parents and peck and too them to their castle. the phantoms made her as a jester, and she was not happy with that.

    One day Mira appeared to her in a dream." I give you the gift of dance and singing." said Mira," When you grow up you will become a Alpha, just like the other young ones i have chosen also." "But what if i stay here forever?"Peck said. "Use your talents to escape", Said Mira. Peck woke up and wondered what to do. she was then called to entertain the king phantom.

    "Your majesty, i have made a special dance for you all",Peck said,"you can join along!" She danced and sang and all the phantoms joined in. she slowly moved towards the the exit door when she finally reached the exit she ran out the door still singing. "keep singing peck!"the phantoms commanded. But peck was long gone. -XtraBluNova

    1. hope you liked it!

    2. Cool story :D

    3. I like his or her story... It's nice.
      No need to be discouraging. Thank you.


    4. Nice story! Keep writing! ^.^

    5. Loved the story, it was pawsome C:! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

  13. Okay... This is for Ilovecutechihuahuas, here is the like to the picture I drew of you! :D

    1. That's a cute drawing Mia! ^_^

    2. Well, everyone has opinions. You shouldn't be so hard on Mia though, I think it's a wonderful drawing... However, if you aren't fond of it, than perhaps say it in a nicer way.. No need to be harsh...


    3. Love it, Mia! Adorable. ^.^

    4. Thank you! That was probably JC doing that bad stuff, correct? Well...If it was. I'm going to ignore whatever he said. And I am glad it was removed.

    5. wow thats amazing mia!

    6. I saw it Mia ^.^! Thank you so much for painting me! Happy painting! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

    7. @ilovechihuahuas
      Aww no problem! :D

  14. ☼pielover4ever☼May 25, 2013 at 11:48 AM

    Wonderful, the cussing anonymous returns. -.-
    Snowy, I really think you need comment moderation now...

    1. Though not taking away anonymous please D: maybe just get some spirit jammers to help out?

  15. The cowbell seems like an interesting item... Seems perfect for a Jammer to play, so I think I will be getting one. Haha.

    And the giveaway seems cool, Snowy. I shan't enter it though, for I feel other Jammers should enter to win these short of prizes, than me. So, good luck jammers!


    1. It's nice to see somebody step back to give others a chance. I think that's really nice of you, Goofy8966. =)
      I'm entering, but only to give my winnings (if I win) to one of my epic friends. =3

    2. Aww that's just so kind! Congrats to anyone who wins one of the items! I entered so I hope I might win by a chance but it's not about winning. It's about being a kind jammer! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

    3. :D

      Okay... this is comment is sort of spam, sorry Snowy for spamming up the page with my comments. I wonder (since I know that you receive emails when each comment is posted [I know because I have a blog]) how many emails you wake up to each morning....

  16. Also Mia keep up the good work on your website and thanks for meeting me on AJ 2 days ago or yesterday. I love your blog mia. Manxylion I like your outfit its very pink and matches with everything.Skyways I love your blogs they are very good keep up the good work.artimis22 like your blogs pretty cool and you are an amazing jammer.Amanda buttner *I think that's how you spell it* I like the art you made for your pic its very nice and creative I think no one else would get the idea of drawing for a blogger pic.Jammer with a heart welcome back and I like your picture its the arctic wolf in the dailey explorer when it first came out.

    1. Nice of you to complement everybody! ^.^
      Nice people are so epic. There's too few of them around anymore.

    2. Good to see some positive comments round here! ^_^

      And thanks, other snowy claw. :P
      I have a confession though. Those items in my pic aren't that intensely pink on the game. I tweaked the color saturation with an image editing program to make it look even pinker!!! :)

    3. Thanks! I like your avatar too. =D

    4. Wait, was that directed at me or Mia lol

    5. I was complimenting your avatar Zoraz. :3

    6. Thanks :D
      Your pretty awesome too ^_^
      Not as epic as me though XD

    7. I think every jammers avatar is great :)! That was nice of you to say all those things to those jammers smart06703/ snowy claw! ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

  17. Hey guys! This isn't a Jamaa based story, but I was wondering if you guys could all give me some feedback on this short story?
    It's not the full story (that's nearly 28,000 words long currently) but it's just a short clip. Basic info: Haku and Kasha are shapeshifters (basically, werewolves). Haku WAS good but now he's turned traitor. Kasha is on the "good team".
    Thanks, everybody!!
    Kasha scented the air. She could smell rabbits not far off and her stomach growled loudly. Luckily she was many yards away from Haku. She felt unease growing in her. Either Haku was being careless or he was purposely leading her along with him. Though she had already traveled this far trailing him she felt her instincts telling her to break trail and head direct east like she had planned. She eyed a rabbit further ahead where Haku passed by it seemingly without noticing. She scowled and turned back towards the mountain range instead of Haku’s trail.
    “What a waste of time,” she muttered under her breath. Trailing him for at least a half hour just to turn back away. She glanced over her shoulder at Haku who had broke into a steady trot and smirked.
    “You think you’ve got it all, don’t you, Haku. We’ll see who triumphs in the end. I won’t spoil it by saying I win though.” she laughed to herself. She ignored her hunger. Kasha would have to find food along her own trail instead of risking a gang-member trailing her.
    Haku forced himself to pass by the rabbits without hunting. He was hungry- but luring whoever was following him was more important right now. He wasn’t sure who it was--they were too skilled to let their scent be known or to be seen by staying to close behind him. But they were definite shape-shifters and they were in wolf form as he was.
    Haku glanced over his shoulder and then stood up, shifting into human form. His hair was jet black and he had a scar crossing from his right eye down to his jaw. His eyes were yellow and he had an unnerving look He was dressed in a black long-sleeve shirt with dark camo pants and black combat boots.. Around his neck hung a plain chain with a silver dogtag that only he knew what was written on it.
    He rolled his shoulders and stretched, shaking his hair back and forth like a canine. He then walked over to the stream that was still beside the trail he was following and dipped his hand it. He brought it first to his face to wash the soot from it and then to his mouth. The shape-shifter drank deeply, pausing every mouthful to glance around the perimeter of his vision and then drinking again.
    So far everything was going exactly as planned.

    1. EDIT: His eyes are a piercing GREEN not yellow!

    2. I don' t think I can read it sorry my eyes Zoraz my eyes hurt I watched a lot and it's night time, anyways even if I haven't read it yet, I agree with Mia :) ~ilovecutechihuahuas~

  18. Wow snowy just deleted like 30% of the comments. o.o Way to go!! She needs mods or something.

    (Sorry for replying to the troll so often snowy. I can't help myself sometimes. I'm a smart alec at heart, but I try to use it for good. I guess I got carried away!)

    1. Oh gosh, me too, Manx! I automatically pop off witty comments at home. It's hard to ignore the anons. lol.
      Glad she deleted them though.

  19. How do you enter a contest?

  20. I think Snow should nominate one or two Jammers to help with the moderation. I vote Mia776!!

  21. That is so true! I agree with you, Zoraz! I'm a little concerned with JC's badness. Snowy claw is do awesome to take their comments off; it really offended me! From IPod 656 on aj.

  22. This is IPod 656 again, and I wanna know how to make a account to say things and put up my pictures. I would genuinly appreciate it if you bloggers and jammers can help! Oh, and sorry for taking up most of your space, SnowyClaw!!

  23. I havе only seen one or two articles but аm аlгeаdy
    hοоked. Need to put asіdе а
    good evenіng goіng through the foгums on here.

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    1. We get allowance from our parents, and plus we just do chores for them not get mixed up in this credit/and other stuff xD

  24. hey people, pippleponle here. :D i'm here for the contest. I'd like to have the legendary glove or anyone headdress because i'm not a rare person and would like some rares or betas.

    1. Um... Aj is just pixels, a game kids play and socialize, not for rares. Some people trade for fun, (this does not include scam trades) but too much people look through the purpose of rares.... And their purpose.

    2. I kinda messed the last part next to the ...

    3. Work hard and trade fair. :) You will get rares if you keep at it.

  25. Hey I think the new land is going to be one of the lands in Braddy Bar (sorry about spelling) that where you should search for constictors habitat it's just a guess is I am right I'm going to scream :3

    User: Silvergoldcat
    Reason: I like so want another headdress but I really want a legend
    I'm a member <3

  27. Hello everyone,
    I would like to say that...
    There is a new channel named SilvergoldcatAJ. Subscribe to her. Send her gifts for mailtime. I am friends with her.
    Her username is Silvergoldcat.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. No, Silver.
      You are a true fan of I. And I'm a true fan of you.

  28. I GOT 10,020 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  29. theres somthing really wrong with it..
    the colours are diffrent O.o

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I am so happy for my friend she just became a member!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^
    Now I can finally communicate with her through jam a gram lol. And I can send her gifts! :D


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  37. Today's new item is a SPORTS JERSEY. You've GOT to be kidding me, HQ!

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  39. Another comment from me :D i'm just booreddd..


  41. Jammer499858 is my username. Please buddy me. I LOVE THIS BLOG!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Add me on AJ! Im animal55577! I love this blog, and read it almost everyday :3 Please buddy me Snowy x3


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw