
Monday, May 27, 2013

Rare Angel Wings

Click here to enter a Legendary Glove giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on YouTube.
Comment every day to increase your chance to win!

Hey jammers! The rare colored items for today are Rare Angel Wings, sold on the sixth page of Jam Mart Clothing.

I must say, those actually have some pretty epic colors. Kind of difficult to make an outfit for though. Here's another one of those neat little ads made by AJHQ, what do you think?

Sent in by Connor!
I was looking through old posts and came across this old poll result post. Anyone happen to remember way back then?
It's like we predicted the future! OOOOoooooOOooo. ^.^ Now, our little Monday Mystery, a question with need of an answer.

In the mysterious Temple of Zios there is a symbol in the stone floor.
That shape had always been and always will be, but why? It's quite similar to a compass, a tool of a traveler, of an adventurer. Why would it be in a ancient temple? Is it to honor the animal who discovered the beautiful clearing in the jungle?
What was their story?

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Replies
    1. Btw this is Pollylacke! Omg I NEVER EVER got first comment! Cool post, Snowy, I like the colors. They are EPIC! ^3^ Mkay. I will ttyl. Bai! :D

    2. Congrats Anonymous ^.^!

    3. Congrats on first! :)

      The only time I was ever first someone was really mean to me. :( So I promise to never be mean to a first commenter. <3

    4. Congrats. I never get first comment and I dont worry about it.

    5. I'm so so so sorry Polly! I was in a rush because I was so hoppy that Mia told me how to make an account on here ^.^!

    6. Plz say something bout the post

    7. Hey Snowy you wondered what that thing was in the unknown chamber. Well I think it is a compass pointing some were.

    8. Snowy if you would like to see my blog its Mouse Chester@ I hope you love it! ^.^

    9. WHO CARES?
      You're wasting your life doing that!

  2. Replies
    1. Congrats hgirls2 ^.^!!!!!!! I love your picture!

    2. Congratulations :D I like your profile picture. It would be fun to go horseback riding one day. Maybe this summer :)

  3. Lol why are there only a few comments... HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!!! <3


    1. Because this was posted less that 20 minutes ago. Give it time. ^_^

    2. Mkay Happy Memorial Day, Manxylion!

    3. Thanks! Happy Memorial day you too!

    4. Happy Memorial Day everyone! In honor of the soldiers who risk their lives to save us I have made a monkey soldier. It's all random now but all I need is a helmet. If anyone has the gems, could you please buy me a green helmet from the Horses Only Party? i used most of my gems for the costume and don't have much left over. I'll repay. Thanks!

    5. I forgot my username is RonenTheGamer.

    6. Happy Memorial Day! And yes, like Manxy said, snowy posted late.

  4. DARN! I was fifth comment, just like :P

    1. Sorry I am flooding the page but I just am so excited that I got first comment! ^o^

    2. no polly lace anonymous got first comment i see it at the top of the page before you saying first comment

    3. I did not say first comment. I said FIFTH comment.

    4. Snowy claw... you're imitating Snowyclaw..

    5. D: trying to change my name it says in 2 years SORRY

    6. @snowy claw
      Anon was ME

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. FOURTH COMMENT!!!!~zipper787

  7. I've always wondered about that spot on the floor... what if you stepped on one of the tiles and a trapdoor opened? That would be cool.

    1. You just gave me inspiration for a story on my blog. Thanks OakfireRed, you're uber cool! I'll give you total credit!

      Animal Jam World Blog For All Jamaasians!

    2. That would be epicly awesome!

    3. How about entering a magical world?
      Your idea's cool!

  8. 5th! :3 Im rly bored and i wanna hug ._.

  9. hey everyone! My kit, Moonkit, was born today about an hour ago! She has a mom, dad (who left the family a month ago), and two 4-year-old sisters. Her other relatives are her aunt, uncle, twin 3-year-old cousins and 2-year-old cousin. She has been happy and doing fine today, Monday, May 27th, 2013.


    1. hay its you tigerstar26 that was BO saying all that bad stuff!!! you were with JC!

    2. Weird my warrior kit name is Moonkit and my dad was tiger star XD

  10. Replies
    1. I like the new color better than the originals.

    2. Yeah. I LOVE those colors. They are my favorite colors :DDD

  11. If. You buy more than one rare angel wings can you trade or send me some?
    I got banned for the whoule weekend :(

    My User is dragon5080

    1. Ok. I'll try and buy 3 or 4 and give 2 to you!


    2. Thank you! Token gamer!

    3. Sorry I spelled your User wrong

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. ok snowy, heres my story... a long time ago when jamaa was still a new land zios had built a temple in a old jungle he named the grand place The Temple Of Zios the place was grand and magnificent it had knowledge of every kind but one of the most inportant parts in it was the spirit star the spirit star was the magical barrier guardian of the temple to unleash the magic you needed five things a gold key with cryptic words on it, a spirit-stone of a monkey ,a snake,a vine from a giant jungle plant,and a rock from Coral canyons he needed help painting it with bright colors so he asked the best artist in jamaa ... a bunny named Peck she agreed to paint it and when she was finished a jammer named sparton came into the temple sparton was a inventor and he made some armor for the temple then zios said the progect was done and the place was now fairly populaur and the spirit star still lies in the chamber of knowledge~zipper787

    1. Creative. I like it, and I love the name Spartan and I also invent myself :) Just remember to put periods or else it could be confusing to the reader :D

  14. Anyone like my story???

  15. I can't believe I was scammed! D: I don't remember the username, but they scammed my solid blue top hat, my dark blue fox hat, my party hat, and my pink nonmember glove! D: Those were like my best rares!! And then I did a huge overtrade and traded my two two top hats and two betas for a solid black top hat, lol HUGE OVERTRADE! But now I'm wiped clean of all my good rares. If anyone could send me ANYTHING that I mentioned above, or anything slighty good (only if you're sure and if you have extras, don't just do it because I said so)I would be SOOOOOO thankful! Remember, only if you want to. D:

    1. I sent you freedom bands. I don't know if they are like those other items, but I hope you like them! :)

    2. I love them! Thanks you SOOOO much Mia! I sent you a little something in return. It isn't really rare, but I hope you like it anyway!

    3. I'll send you a small rare or beta as I don't have much either. I love helping jammers. I even try to turn scammers and hackers from good to evil.

    4. I mean from evil to good. I guess I typed it that way because I'm not used to vice versa.

    5. I'm sorry you were scammed, Tallstar. ): I'm sorry about this morning when I left. I was trying to answer a poll, and my computer started to lag.

    6. I'm so sorry! That sounds horrible!! =( I'll try to send you something.

    7. Thanks everyone! I'll try to send each of you guys who send me something a small gift, it might not be really rare, just like a heart balloon or something.

    8. I don't have much either I traded my legend for a epic plush and some other stuff, So I'll send the monday rare if it will make you happy :)

  16. a jammer named sparton came into the temple sparton was a inventor and he made some armor for the temple then zios said the progect was done and the place was now fairly populaur and the spirit star still lies in the chamber of knowledge~BoBTHEBUILder

    1. Copy cat.... Zipper787 wrote that........

    2. Please don't copy other people's work that they worked hard to write! It's not fair to them and it's really rude, too. It just makes you look bad.

  17. I have me on account!!!!!!

  18. I know I said fruit slinger was boring... but it's beginning to grow on me. xD

    1. It is rather fun, isn't it...
      I like Pest Control. That game's fun. ^.^

    2. Yeah! Now I'm addicted! XD

  19. Happy Memorial Day! I'm glad that the angel wings are my favorite colors. Also that JC isn't ruining our fun on the blog anymore.. Well I am really bad at stories so no Monday Mystery story from me! ~Tigris56048 out! ♥

    1. I think I found out what's going to be in/out Club Geoz! If you look there is a blueprint with the picture of a building and the tools. Maybe something special! ~Tigris56048 ◘_◘

    2. O.o
      The new Club Geoz looks like the white house! LOL o.o

    3. HAppy Memorial Day to you, too!

    4. @Tigris yay, good riddance to JC!
      @Mia lol it does
      @Marethyu I wonder how many of us are actually remembering the soldiers sent to war, dead or maimed, scarred for life...
      I just want to say to all who have and are fighting for our country, THANK YOU! You guys are incredible!

  20. Aiilil, here! here are the lyrics to a song I was singing on AJ but i have no free speech. This is Still that girl By Britt NicoleDreams, they come
    Plans, they change
    Yea, we're gonna break
    Yea, we're gonna break
    Things we face make us who we are
    Baby you're a star shining in the dark
    Let's go back to the summer, summer when
    We dreamed in love, let's go back again
    Let's go back again
    Yea, back again, my friend
    To the summer when...
    I'm holding a picture from seven years back
    I smile at the memory, it's smiling right back at me, and I see
    Brown hair and bright eyes, such a beautiful blue
    A heart full of laughter with nothing to lose
    That's how I remember you

    You were young, you were free
    And you dared to believe
    You could be the girl
    Who could change the world
    Then your life took a turn
    And you fell, and it hurt
    But you're still that girl
    And you're gonna change this world
    Woh oh oh oh oh oh
    You're still that girl
    You're still that girl
    Woh oh oh oh oh oh
    You're still that girl
    You're still that girl

    Sometimes life don't go the way you planned
    And we all have days when we just don't understand
    Searching for meaning, it's not always easy
    But your story's not over, it's still being told
    Your sunrise is coming brighter than gold
    Let's go back again
    To the summer when

    You were young, you were free
    And you dared to believe
    You could be the girl
    Who could change the world
    Then your life took a turn
    And you fell, and it hurt
    But you're still that girl
    And you're gonna change this world
    Woh oh oh oh oh oh
    You're still that girl
    You're still that girl
    Woh oh oh oh oh oh
    You're still that girl
    You're still that girl

    What if the picture is bigger than you see?
    And God has you right where he wants you to be
    Just listen to your heart
    He's telling you with every beat
    [x3:] You're still that girl

    You were young you were free
    And you dared to believe
    You could be the girl
    Who could change the world
    Then your life took a turn
    Don't you know?
    Don't you see?
    All you need is to believe
    But you're still that girl
    And you're gonna change this world
    Woh oh oh oh oh oh
    You're still that girl
    You're still that girl
    Woh oh oh oh oh oh
    You're still that girl
    You're still that girl

    I see it in your eyes
    I see it in your smile
    You're still that girl
    You're still that girl

    1. Uhh.... Okay then?

    2. Brit Nicole is awesome! Do you listen to K-love? She plays on there. ( 97.1 FM )

    3. thanks yeah I have listened to K-Love, don't anymore cause I moved out of the area that its in. now I know you live semi close to were I used to though! HAHA

  21. Would someone be kind enough to send or trade me today's rare?

    I got banned from AJ for the whoule weekend :(

    Thanks my User is dragon5080

    1. I sent you one! ;) I hope you like it!

    2. I'll send you the rare also. I love helping a fellow jammer out!

    3. This is like ur second time saying that! Scammer much

  22. I personally love the RIM this week! The colors are epic-looking, and I've always been a fan of angel wings. I only think they should be a bit bigger.I think it would be fun if any type of wings made us able to fly, XD.
    Those pets on the ad are ADORABLE! I wish our pets looked like that.
    Ooh Ooh ooh... You guys can predict the future! I wasn't commenting then :p. That's so amazing that the crocodile really did become an animal-in fact it's jamaasterious(I made that up at the top of my head and I admit, it is a little cheesy)...

    1. I was just saying that to my bro!! That if you're wearing wings you could like, when you click somewhere on the map you would take off, flap your wings/soar and then land wherever you went. It would be hard on the animators though. =P

  23. what are dark gray bows worth cause i reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllyyyy want one and nobody trades so ya. just wondering

    1. I have one--what will you trade for it?

  24. I am going to tell you a story about the symbol on the Zios Temple floor ^-^ it's on my next comment XD

    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders

  25. A long time ago, when the Alphas were children, Mira set out on a journey to find some treasure. This treasure, (only heard about in legends) had special gems. The first gem, called a Peacestone, brought harmony. The second gem, called a Lovestone, brought devotion and care. The third gem, called a Brightstone, contained the ability to make things happy. And the last gem was called a Magicstone. The Magicstone balances the three gems and anything that had had hard times. At this year, the Phantoms were invading. And they were destroying things fast.

    One day, a rabbit girl named Peck was playing outside. She was painting a picture of her friend, Liza the panda. All of her friends, Gilbert the Tiger, Cosmo the Koala, Graham the Monkey, and Greely the wolf were there. Graham, being the monkey one, disappeared into the Jungle. In spite of his obnoxiousness, he grabbed a banana and peeled it open. He was about to take a bite out of it when a loud KA-KA scared him right out of his pants! Graham fell to the ground, covering his face with his hands. He looked up, but instead of a monster he saw the Great and Powerful Mira! Mira explained why she was there in the trees.
    “I have come a long ways to find you and your friends. You see, a great and powerful force has led our land into Chaos. I need your help to find four gems to balance Jamaa to its normal conditions. If you and your friends succeed, I will make you heroes in this world.”
    And of course they went! Although they faced many hardships, (like fighting giant phantoms and climbing the Jamaa mount Everest) they found the treasure and brought it back to Mira.
    “ Where are we going to put the stones? “
    So Peck painted a compass on some tile in the Temple of Zios. They put the stones in some slots, which keeps Jamaa from harm to this day. We now have peace with everything, love and compassion with everyone, blue skies and a happy, gleaming sun, and balance between friendships and other lands. The compass on the floor represents always follow the right path for you.
    ~Dietcherry (dietcherry)

    1. The lazy chu714 eating hot Cheetos GAH HOTMay 27, 2013 at 2:03 PM

      Wow! What a fantastic story! I definitely think you will be the story chosen by Snowy. :)

    2. Thank you so much! :) I appreciate it.

  26. I remember way back then. :) I had just joined AJ and found the blog. :P

  27. Once, on the night of Zios' death, Mira had summoned all of the Alphas to bring flowers and animals to come to Zios' funeral. When Sir Gilbert had scattered the Alphas to collect animals and flowers, Cosmo and Peck decided to go together. When they thought they were lost in the mysterious land of a dark forest, a light shown between the trees. When Peck and Cosmo inched closer, they say a swamp. It was dry, but life flooded the swamp. The light came from a mysterious temple. Peck said "Cosmo, I think we shouldn't go in there. You don't know what might happen to us!" Cosmo thought Peck was right. She was just a bunny, he thought. Plus, bunnies are always afraid of places they never been to, he added. So he pleaded Peck to go and see what was in there. A hour later, she came out with a glowing rock. He asked "What is that?" The bunny replied " It's a piece of a map. It will lead us to flowers and possibly another route to Jamaa, without taking the dangerous path." He took the rock and it flew him to the temple they saw earlier. He picked a pawful of flowers and gave it to Mira. She took them and put them on Zios' grave. All of Jamaa watched the sadness unfold.

    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders

    1. That's a really good and creative story, Kiki!
      I was always wondering this though.... Was Zios killed by phantoms, or if he wasn't, how did he die?

  28. Hey you guys--I hate to sound like I'm begging, but my user on the computer is being weird and I can't get on to AJ! It's been doing this for about 4 days. I normally don't like the RMI but it's really cool this time! If any of you would be kind enough to send me one or more of the wings I'll repay you! My user is Zoraz. I'd really appreciate it, but if not, that's okay.
    Thanks, Jammers!!

    1. umm... i kinda think that's a scam... that's never happened before to anyone. also, Snowy Claw would know... she knows everything. and your account on animal jam seems fine

    2. That isn't a scam! I know Zoraz very well and she wouldn't dare scam o.o

    3. I did not say to send an item or else... I said please send! It's true, I used to scam, but I'm not scamming! Mia776--check my account. It should say I haven't been on for about 2 or so days. I got on my brother's computer user and logged onto Zoraz and it worked, but my user is glitching and won't load the game. I'm not scamming, and I'd appreciate you not saying "That's never happened before" because, yeah, it happened to my user! =( I'm very insulted.

    4. 1) That is NOT a scam! I used to scam ages ago, but not anymore and I wouldn't scam for this anyway!
      2) My friends can vouch for me. Mia, look at my user--it should say I haven't been on for about 2 or so days. I got on my brother's user the other day for just a second but wasn't even able to reply to all my mail on Zoraz.
      3) Yeah, this has happened to other people before and it happened [is happening] to me!
      4) Are you calling me a liar? And also how do you know that! Have you personally asked each of the 100,000 Jammers if they have experienced this problem before?
      5) Snow knows a lot, but certainly not everything, and if you asked her she would agree with me saying that this computer glitch it most certainly happening to others as well as myself!
      6) Just because lots of people scam and lie that they aren't scamming doesn't mean everybody having a contest or saying "send me, I'll send back" is a scammer.

      Sorry if I seem really mean, but that was very insulting of you to say that I am scamming and saying I'm a liar by telling me that nobody has experienced this computer glitch before.

    5. I'm pretty sure it's not scamming. Maybe the computer is slow or something. Maybe we should experiment with something that Zoraz might like and you are so so with. Besides, many people get framed with stuff.

    6. By the way, I think I have proof that she/he isn't scamming. Here is the evidence I think: If you read #1 in the comment Zoraz made above, it said that she/he scammed many, many ages ago, which I find quite truthful. If she/he came up with at least 6 ways that she is not scamming, she (I figured she was a girl after reading Mia's comment) should be honest. Also, she allows you to check her account to see if she hasn't been on a few days. You can still check it if you want because I'm gonna check it too. Still, I'm sure she didn't scam.

    7. Wow! There is a lot of people who support Zoraz (including me)

  29. (Story):
    Hundreds of years before Jamaa was found, other lands were being over-populated. There was barely enough room for new animals. Rooms were crowded to the max. Not a single street was empty. Every alley was full of bustling jammers trying to get to the market to get food. Finally, some jammers gave up. They wanted new lands, and they were determined to find some. Some just moved into the mountains, where it was cold and the nights were treacherous. It was too dangerous in the mountains, phantoms lurked around there after Mira banished them with her magic. Some were brave, but they never lasted long enough to survive in the mountains. It was a suicide trap there....

    Lindsey, a brave panda, had packed up everything special to her. Some old paintings of her family, a few gems, and a blue fur coat. Past the overcrowded land, she traveled day and night. The biggest problem she had was a shortage of food and water, and getting a thorn stuck in her paw. Finally, she stopped for a rest while sipping some of the ice cold water in the stream. It had gotten so hot that she just forgot about her fur coat and let it sink in the stream, where fish could wriggle around in it. The jungle was large and ferocious. Some snakes hissed at her, and crocodiles croaked in the ponds. She could vividly imagine a predator eating her meaty bones. She admitted it so all the predators could hear. Pandas probably did taste delicious, even better than the lactose-intolerant rice cakes she made.

    She had also packed a compass, but it was spinning madly. She could barely concentrate. It wouldn't say which-South or North? It was a question that even the smartest panda couldn't answer without a correct-working compass on hand (or paw). The best thing Lindsey had reminded herself all day was: She found this land. She was making animal history. With some paints in her pack, a flimsy stick, she had made a sign on the jungle's dusty floor which was a compass, except with explorer items.
    Years after, the legend of Lindsey still was in the beautiful air. She was real. Animals prayed to her, and they made a strongly built temple to pray for her. The sign of the compass was her symbol, and it was well known in Zios (the jungle). Even after many other shamans were worshipped, Lindsey was still founded before them, making her one of the oldest and most loyal leader of them all, and she is still honored to this day for finding the beautiful jungle.

  30. The runes of Zios, the great and powerful.

    Once upon a time, In ancient Jamaa,The Alphas Lived peacefully with Mira and Zios. One day, something unexpecting happened. The phantoms, after 400 years, wanted to fight Jamaa again. Zios was very weak at this time, and he didn't have enough power to defeat even 1 phantom! So All the jammers and shamans teamed up and made a plan. They needed all the inventors and all the artists and all the shamans the most. They Built The Zios temple, They painted it, and For protection the bunny of arts alpha Peck decided to paint a humongous compass. Each brick represented someone special, and in the middle, the largest brick represented Zios. All the jammers made a circle and the alphas said a spell for the compass to protect the temple of zios. When the phantoms came, they were defeated, but sadly they destroyed many parts of Jamaa. The most precious thing they broke was the statue of Zios. Today, when you come to the temple of Zios, it will make you travel back in time. even though The statue of Zios is very famous, The Time travel compass of ancient jamaa Is very known well for its powers.


  31. The Rediscovery of the Temple of Zios.

    Long, long, ago, in the Beta Age, The Temple of Zios was a great center of learning and a glorious tribute to Zios. Many Jaamasians flocked from all over the land to see the grand temple, to climb the Tree of Knowledge, to prove their smarts in the Trivia Games.

    Unfortunately, when the Beta Age ended, the Temple of Zios was lost to the trackless jungle. No one knew where it had vanished to when the Phantoms cast down the statue of Zios, destroyed the Tree of Knowledge, and drove Jaamasians out of their center of learning.
    Kwala the monkey was...different. He had never liked to go to Crystal Sands or to play in Sarepia Forest. His room in the family house in Jamaa Township was filled with strange plants gathered at the edge of the jungle, books of Jaamasian lore, and everything to do with the Lost Temple of Zios. He was fascinated by the The Lost Temple of Zios, that place that was said to be far out in the jungle, with no way of finding to it. All he ever wanted was to find it, to see the tree of Knowledge, to sit and learn in the Temple of Learning.

    Unfortunately, he was stricken by a strange sickness. In the spring of the year, he passed.

    However, his friend, Aurora the wolf, knew of his obsession with the Lost Temple of Zios, but she didn't know how much he'd discovered. He had actually pinpointed the location! If only he'd been able to journey there.

    Aurora decided to talk to the Alphas. It was hard to talk to the Alphas, (and it still is.) You had to know exactly what to say. Aurora, however, did.

    First she went to Greely and told him of Kwala's discoveries.

    Greely said, "We must tell Graham. The Temple of Zios was his home, you know."

    When they told Graham, he said, "But this is wonderful! We must go to it!"

    They left into the jungle, hoping that Kwala proved true.

    On the 13th day, at exactly 12:16 pm, they broke through into a clearing. There was a sapling that would grow into a beautiful tree, one that would rival the old Tree of KNowledge, a proud temple, a broken statue, and inside the Temple, there was a plaque on the wall that said 'Temple of Learning,' proving beyond all doubt that the Lost Temple of Zios was no longer lost.

    Inside the Temple of Learning, they found an odd compass on the floor. They studied the books in the Temple and learned it was a dream compass. If a Jaamasian that had a good reason for searching for something dreamed of it, it would give them the information they needed to find it. The main directions on it (where north, south, east, and west would be) are smaller, while the other points of it are bigger, as if to say that"Sometimes, it's the ones that seem unimportant that are the important." The compass is now called Kwala's Compass.

    The Wanderer

  32. Rare angel wings... hmmm.... well... they're rare... I cannot think of anything to say... XD
    Wow... spirit jammers are psychic? lol
    Indeed you did predict the future. They should have a snowyclaw statue for sale in the chamber of knowledge.


  33. Ok. My story, based on doctor who! Wait... aww fine i have to do season 2 stuff...

    "DOCTOR!" Said Rose. Rose found a marking on the ground, in Gallifraen. The doctor was scanning things with his sonic screwdriver to make sure they were safe (and in later seasons, spoilers) and not wood. "DOCTOR!!! What does this say!?" The doctor ran over and said "Remember the first time I met you, you were giving in lottery money, I was running like always..." Rose interrupted "DOCTOR! Off track! What does it say? Why do you not want me to know?" The doctor made a strange face. He read what it said. "Run Rose. RUN! ALLONZ-Y!" They ran as fast as they could until they were near the TARDIS. "Rose, that was my name. If anyone knew my name, well, I wouldn't tell anyone my name. But oh, if anyone knew my name, I am in grave danger." The doctor started taking all science like while walking into the TARDIS. "Well, if the nuclear power source was mixed together with those little bits of space dust, then someone could-" "Doctor, what's that?" Rose slowly pointed to the TARDIS door. "EXTERMINATE! DOCTOR! EXTERMINATE!" "DALEKS!" said the doctor. "Doctor, why does that thing have your name?" Said Rose. "Ok, rule #1, the doctor lies. That wasn't my name. That was the escape plan." Said the doctor. "What escape plan?" "Well, from a lunear view of the TARDIS, the daleks escape plan. I had to run before they found me." Said the doctor. "Now Rose, where would you like to go next?" They both grinned.

    1. Any doctor who fans?

    2. ME ME ME! Matt and David Tennant are one of my personal favs :)

    3. Add me on aj! I also like Tom Baker! "would you like a jelly baby?" LOL


    4. oh wait, SNOWY DONT READ THIS COMMENT PLEASE IT SPOILS SEASON 5,6,AND 7 OF DOCTOR WHO! You do know you just said to snowy while she is on season 3 or 4 that David regenerated, right?

  34. Hey pippleponle here. Um, whats your url..

  35. Can you subcribe to my blog? I subcribed to yours! :D

  36. Will someone please send me today's rate item my laptop is broken DX my user is catkin100. Ps can someone tell me how to make an account on here please email me at I'm also getting sk

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. The Circle of Jamaa

    The circle of Jamaa is a mysterious place, as none of the Alphas but Cosmo know how it was formed, or what it does... He was instructed to tell a Jammer who trusts and he told me...

    Long ago, in the early days of Jamaa, there were no alphas as you pretty much know, but anger and hate instead...
    Nobody listened to the Sky Mother and she became enraged! That was the start of the phantoms and the death of Zios, but nobody knows that.
    Cosmo said she showed remorse as Zios died and tried to banish the phantoms but there was too many! A panda (Lisa), went up to help her, a bunny (Peck) following soon after. It continued like that until one of each animal who joined up with Mira!

    Jamaa had joined together in peace!

    That was when the circle of Jamaa was created. All the alphas were in the Temple of Knowlage, looking though books to find the best ways to heal the other animals... They were all standing in the very spot where it is today, then with a bright flash it was there. None of the other Alphas remembered it had just been created or the battle except for Cosmo... But they did remember phantoms and think it was a dream!

    Was there a reason Cosmo remembered the battle and the other Alphas didn't?

    If so, what is the reason?!

  39. long ago the alphas would make a secret cave to protect the gifts from the gods, and each cave had one special shape to protect the cave from bad people who seek these gifts,each alphas power was in that shape. but when the war had started each cave was not strong enough and had broke down brick by brick. all though only one cave has not been found and even if the meanest people find it, they were cursed. this cave is only the most powerful cave, so each shape was mixed together to make this cave stronger and now this shape is now in the ground protecting its cave.

  40. Could someone please check out my blog and please give me your opinion on what I should add? Thanks. I'm trying to start a movement to bring back Jamaasian Culture. Unfortunately, my blog is not doing well. I really don't know what to do to get more readers, but you can look at your own free will.

  41. its monday ^.^ i had no idea i was at a hotel with my familiy im only 9 then i went to sea world ride nammed empire of the penguins its pritty cool only in sea world florida now im in tampa florida where i live its very close to florida bush gardens.

  42. nice blog Ronen Gamer its very good and tells me somthings snowy forgets like the movies , glitches , mysteries and of course STORYS.

    There once was a little rabbit named Peripeteia. Everyone called her Peipet most of the time. Peripet’s prized possession was her compass given to her by her grandfather when Peripet was just a bunny. One day, Peripet had a whim to go exploring. She took little food and little water, because she thought she’d return in a few days. Peripet adventured too far and ended up starving in a new place. She explored and found a canyon, a forest, an icy mountain, a marshland, a bamboo forest, a river valley, and a beach. She got water easily, but she starved until she found the forest. She ate a fruit that looked like a berry, but it was a poisonous fruit called fotiamouro. It was delicious so she filled a whole leaf bag with them. Little did she know that fotiamouros caused a disease called Fotiamouro Syndrome. A long time later, Peripet returned to her home very ill. She told the king and queen of her land, Mira and Zios, about the place she discovered. She led the Alphas to this land and died in the river valley later known as the Lost Temple of Zios. Long after her death, Zios wanted a library to be built. He built it on the site of where Peripet was buried. He later put a compass on the floor over the site where she was buried in her honor.
    PERIPETEIA- Greek for adventure, according to Google Translate
    FOTIAMOURO-Greek for fire berry, according to Google Translate

    ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, not bad, eh?


  44. One time, before Jamaa was discovered, the native wolves lived there. There was a young wolf named Αερπόρος( Ι-row-poor-os) who lived with his mother, ηαηά and father, παπά. One day Αερπόρος became very, very ill. He had φονιάς disease, a deadly disease no wolf had ever survived. ηαηά decided to go out and gather herbs to heal her son. She knew she needed the rare εκτός herb, but was almost sure she would not succeed. She ended up finding the even rarer μαγεία herb, but since it looked almost identical to the εκτός herb, she had no idea. She made it into a soup and gave it to Αερπόρος. He soon became faster, stronger, and jumped higher. Soon he could travel at nearly light speed, lift a tree, and fly. He took his parents on many travels through the land, discovering a beach, a forest, a swamy area, a cold mountain, and many other places in what we know today as Jamaa. But many good things have a price. One morning Αερπόρος's powers went out of control. He destroyed his parents, along with the wolves temple and all the wolves themselves. He was alone. He soared into the sky to meet the spirits of his mother and father. He wanted them to live on. So he turned them into Mira and Zios, Sky Mother and Father. He asked them to help him fix the land. And they did so, except they could not restore the ancient temple. So Αερπόρος cleared most of the wreckage away and, to remember the travels taken with his parents, placed a compass. He then went on to become Greely, the wolf alpha, and summoned a population for the land, selecting those privileged to be alphas. Yet even now, many years later, Αερπόρος, or Greely, still remembers the time long ago with his parents.

    Αερπόρος- Greek for Flyer
    ηαηά- Greek for Mama
    παπά- Greek for Papa
    εκτός- Greek for Save
    φονιάς- Greek for Killer
    μαγεία- Greek for Magic
    I hope you like this!

    1. By the way that was by wi1s jam a gram me if you like it or want to use it.

  45. Hope to see you in Jamaa sometime! :D

  46. Okay, my jamaa history is ttle rusty but here is gos.

    Zios was the Sky Something (I forgot, but it's SKY)
    The thing on the floor is a Sun.
    Make sense right? If it dosn't why don't you walk into THE TEMPLE OF ZIOS and find out why.

    1. Zios was the sky FATHER, who created Mira, the sky mother, and they worked together to create Jamaa :)

  47. If you go in a Jammers den that same symbol is next to their name!

  48. Thanks!

    -papad91278, the 4th news crew member, HELLO WORLD!

  49. I forgot to get the rare, can somebody send me one? I am Pandalove102.


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw