
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Freedom Snakes

Click here to enter a Legend and Headdress giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on YouTube.
Comment every day to increase your chance to win!

Hey jammers! Gah, stupid vacation, I always find myself falling asleep before posting. >.< Anywho, today's new pair of freedom plushies are the Freedom Snakes, sold in the Sumer Carnival.
Aw, cute! With little tongues sticking out. ^.^ Well, happy Fourth of July, American jammers, and happy Freedom Day, international jammers! Hope you guys have fun celebrations today!
That's about all I have for today, I'll pick up on my videos when I return from vaca. I also should address the rumors some of my friends are spreading, shouldn't I? It seems many jammers are starting to believe them. :( Happy jamming all!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Replies
    1. Congrats ^-^! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY :3!!!!!!!!!! YAY YAY YAY YIPPEE X3!!!!!!!!!!!! Btw a good song for the Fourth Of July is Fireworks by Katy Perry :3! I also noticed that the smaller snake doesn't have the brown thing on it's tail but the bigger one does XD

    2. Yea XD
      I like the smaller one more though, it just looks so cute and cuddlebul XD (I just made up a new word)

    3. LOL I love your new word XDDD!
      Yay today I get to comment more, and I'm going to learn how to rollerskate with my dad helping me :)! I'm so excited, I can't wait to start :D!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Congrats cloudclaws!
      I never noticed that until you said it! Maybe the big one is a rattlesnake and the small one is a garden snake.
      I agree.

    5. Congrats!


  2. Replies
    1. This is Poprocks625 by the way. I love the freedom snakes! They are so cute! Happy Freedom Day everyone!


    2. congrats on first! I like the big snake better, because of the rattle, but they're both cute :)

    3. Yea they're both so adorable :O

    4. Congrats =(^.^)=!!! I like both of the snakes because they're so cuuuuuuute X3!

    5. I like the freedom plushies :3

    6. Congrats Popcocks625! My favorite freedom plushies are the freedom plushies. Of course, because I love cats!
      Poprocks625 was second :P. An honest mistake. I like both the snakes, but my favorite is the small one. I'm scared of rattlesnakes :P.

  3. Good job on first! ~Sudopretzel

  4. Replies
    1. Congrats :)! Freedom Party coming in 15 minutes :O!!!!!!!!!! IM SO EXCITED FOR GOING TO THE BLUE HOLE AHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHH YAY YAY YAY XD!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. I love the freedom party :D
      Except my favorite of all the parties is probably the New Year one... I love the pretty night sky in it ^_^

    3. Congrats! And the Freedom Party is over now... Wah... D:
      My favorite is the leap year party... even though I've never been to one! :P

  5. ..rumors? About what? :(

    1. Hey!
      No need for swearing!

    2. This is a friendly blog, so first of all that kind of language is SO uncool. Second of all..
      I think some people get a little jealous, and they make up unfair, untrue things about a person to make them look bad. Anon, you would be one of those people. Snowy has worked very hard for her items, and I don't believe she would ever, EVER scam anyone. Don't make random assumptions about people you probably don't even know.

      Thank you, that is all.

    3. I doubt snowy scams, I've seen too many dumb jammers making up poor ways to scam items. "Send me a rare and i'll send my bow!" Ya, like anyone sensible would really fall for those tricks anymore. I've has plenty of items scammed, my sister took them all, when she did I quit AnimalJam for 5 months. I couldn't do it anymore. Now, I just ignore obvious scammers; I have my own youtube channel for my AnimalJam and mail time won't be part of it for a long time to come. I just do shoutouts and its optional if jammers send me items for it. Bottom Line, I agree with RockyTop2, people get jelly and do things they know they'll regret.

    4. Lot's of mean people accuse poor and innocent Snowyclaw of scamming :( Snowyclaws really kind, fun, adventurous, and awesome :3! And you don't need to swear, Anonymous..... no one will ever believe you because your a person that tells lies, lies about Snowyclaw! That aren't true :P

    5. dont swear i have seen enough f words already >:O

    6. and snowy is not a scammer i have a worn and i got it my TRADE not scamming Snowy is the nice fun and awesome =D

    7. You all need to shut your mouth and look around , the proof is out there , just open your eyes and find it . And if you think I am some random player , think twice , I have known snowy longer then any of you

    8. Like you can make me shut my mouth -.-? I'm not listening to a bully or lier like you.... But I found the truth at least :3! The truth is that Snowyclaw isn't a scammer at all, I thought twice and your not a random player, your a mean player!

    9. If you have known Snowyclaw longer then us, ask her if shes ever scammed before in her life and you'll find out that YOU were wrong -.-

    10. Hey, dude Im only 9! :( Your lucky Im used to swearing (My bro does the middle finger XD) Julian2 PROVED that mailtime wasnt a scam! We WILLINGLY do it! Does Snowy trick us? NO. So shut YOUR ****in mouth dude. She TRADES. TRADES. T-R-A-D-E-S. Do you know that word? Good. I bet the rumors that Snowy is a scammer are NOT EVEN POPULAR. Millions, MILLIONS read her blog and THOUSANDS (or more!) want to be just like her! Stop believing rumors. Rumors are a waste of time. They start in ****in 2nd grade: "Oh you like ____ Lol!" Dude. Your probally a 1st grader who was some MENTAL PROBLEMS.

      ~pugzy™ Excuse my language D:<

    11. No your wrong , i am one that has been scammed by her . As I said the proof is out there , snowy herself said " my friends " why would friends say these things ?

    12. I don't trust a lier like you Anonymous, If I'm wrong I don't care ^.^! All that matters is that nobody will ever trust you Anonymous, because of accusing Snowyclaw of scamming when she didn't, swearing in your comments, and being a bully but for now lets break up the fight cuz fighting won't do anything XD! Change the subject: I'm commenting while painting on Untitled Paint :D

    13. Btw pugzy I'm 9 too XD!

    14. Snowy.. When you remove the swearing comment, can you remove this one and all the other replies too? Because it would just bring up more attention to this conversation and other Jammers would be curious and etc.. Well idk what I'm saying here. :P

    15. She may be a scammer, she may not be. Same goes for everyone. There, problem solved.

    16. I replied to comments with swear words before, and my reply was gone. So some peeps won't see what's going on.


    17. Your all stupid and wrong and if dear snowyclaw is any kind of jammer she will tell the truth


    19. ONCE AGAIN I SAY.....
      She may be a scammer, she may not be. Same goes for EVERYONE.
      Now stop arguing *_*

    20. Sadly, that IS true for everyone. But, hopefully, you would trust that MOST Jammers are kind and don't scam. (Snowy being one of them.)
      You would think it would be easy to tell from how kind she is on her blog and videos! Where did these accusations even come from?

    21. @Anon (2nd time)- Ok, so if you've known snowy for a long time..Why would you say these things about her? ^^

    22. Here is a question for all of you . Snowyclaw only really go on animal jam for updates right ? Or when she is online there are a million people around her , and in her videos , she never trades :S how did she get so rare ? MAIL TIME ! AND SCAMMING !

    23. Mailtime isn't a scam. A true scam is when somebody makes a phony deal with somebody, or holds a phony operation, gets their goods, but doesn't hold up their end as promised and runs away like a coward.

      In mailtime, nobody is expecting a reward ahead of time. They just do it to be generous. They already know they aren't getting anything. They were never lied to so it isn't a scam.

    24. I've seen these hate posts toward Snowyclaw, but really, we have to consider the fact on how she is always doing things to improve things in AJ. She is doing giveaways with rares a lot of people want, and just the way she talks to people online seems so nice. Some people are mean to her because she doesn't talk to them, or ignores them, but thats because shes making a video FOR THEM! It could be a giveaway or something, and these people are getting furious on why she isn't talking to them. Then there are imposters. It is super easy for someone who is Newscrew to dress up like Old Frozenspirit, and scam and ask for gifts in Jamaa Township. That is probably how people are getting photos of 'her' doing these things. We never see a player card showing that is IS her and she IS online, so we can never be certain on if she is there doing bad things like that. And besides, she never even asked for mail. It just comes to her because she owns a blog with like almost 2,500,000 views. So she is not scamming or being Greedy in any way, so your argument is invalid there, you haters.

      Happy Fourth of July to Americans! I wish e had an independence day in England. We were never ruled by anyone else, so we are stuck with holidays like the Queens Jubilee in stuff -.-

  6. pielover4ever who cannot sign in right nowJuly 4, 2013 at 7:20 AM

    Happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans! ^-^ I'm leaving for vacation right now, and I won't be back till the 13th, so I probably won't be commenting. But if we're able to get wifi then I could try.

    1. Have fun!
      Ik what you mean, I was on vacation for a week and sometimes I couldn't even text someone on my phone the wifi was so bad DX

    2. Happy 4TH OF July back to you :3! I hope you have an epic and fun vacation :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Nooooo! Have a fun vacation! I am going on my vacation in three weeks and 6 days xD

    4. Have a great, fun, and cool vacation to Mia :3!

  7. I uploaded my photos while on vacation... Check it out on instagram! @severusaj

    1. It's awesome that you uploaded them ^.^! I'll check it out asap XD as soon as possible XDD I don't know why, but that just makes me laugh XDDD

  8. sorry if this is spam but read my blog plz?

    1. I will if you check out my YouTube channel!

    2. i did but the youtube looks diffrent and i cant view any vids >:(

    3. I'll check all the blogs that I know right after commenting XD Btw Artemis your Youtube Channel is EPIC X3!

    4. i will mine is Animal Jam Howler

    5. Yay! :D
      Sorry you can't view my channel, cloudclaws :(
      But your blog is EPIC! I love it!!!! :O

  9. Replies
    1. Happy 4th of July to you too :D!

      =(o.O)= LOL XDDDDDDD

    2. XD I can never figure out how to do those faces!

    3. I can make faces in AJ cuz it's in a different chat bar. Lol


  10. 14th comment!

    Also here is a cool blog i found out about Animal Jam Sky Blog. I rate it five stars defiantly!
    Happy Jamming!


    1. Happy 4th of July!! This is Americas most important day! Thanks to all those soldiers who have fought and are fighting for our country! :D we are proud that u cared to risk ur life for many americans. Thanks! :)


      Btw my families party starts at four! We have so many freinds coming to our little farm! Yay i cant wait!

    2. That Blog is EPIC :3! Okay here's what I got to say XD: Happy 4th Of July to everyone, to the soldiers who fought bravely in battles, to the people who did their best for America, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY YOU EPIC PEOPLE XD! *Gives all of em bacon* YOU DESERVE IT :O!!!!!!!!!!

    3. :O
      That blog is REALLY nice!

    4. Omg I love that blog I can't believe it doesn't have as many views as snowy

    5. Yeah! But I really like it! They just started this March I think.....But anyway, I rate it even better then 5 starts! What do u? There is a little rating pool on the side of the blog on the right! =)


    6. Sorry not pool, poll! LOL!

  11. Hi everybody! :D

    As snowy said, happy 4th to American jammers and happy Freedom Day to everyone else!

    Darn, I thought there was going to be some awesome update today :( hopefully next week?

    Visit my YouTube channel everybody! I JUST posted a freedom wings giveaway on it, so go enter! Subscribe, like, comment!!! You could win FREEDOM WINGS! :D Don't forget to watch the other videos, too.

    I'm staying in this really cool house for the next 2-3 weeks, my grandmother's house in Rhode Island. It's really old, and there's no air conditioning so it gets really hot, but there's a ton of cool antique furniture! There's even a park, library and really cool shops in the town that are all in walking distance!

    Don't forget to check out my YouTube channel, Artemis22AJ :D I should be the first one to come up in the search box, just look for my blue arctic wolf!


    1. I know, right? I thought maybe an adventure or two would be added. D:


    3. @Artemis
      Maybe an update tomorrow? Idk.. :P

    4. AJ is probably building suspense or something like that...

    5. @Chihuahuas
      Yay :D

    6. I'll enter in the Afternoon because I wanna paint some Warrior Cats first ^.^

    7. @Mia776

      If they're going to update something. But if not, it'll be definitely next Thursday,


    8. I guess no update today. =(

      I think I may know why. A lot of business and stores are closed in America on the 4th of July. Maybe animal jam decided to give their staff a day off to do fun stuff with their families. =)

    9. Yea I guess so... We all need a break once in a while :D

    10. 4th of July can be a holiday for AJHQ. Hopefully tomorrow or next Thursday will be the next update.


  12. HI People! sorry i did not comment... it was sorta busy lifetime for me... So? whats up? any new thing in jamaa interesting?

    1. Well, Snowyclaw posted ^.^! Btw I have great news for me :O! A few more pages and I'm finished with Forest Of Secrets of Warrior Cats :D! YAYYYYYYYYYY I WUV YOU JULY!!!!!!!! (July is the month full of epic things to me :3, also all the other months but me 1st favorite month is Christmas)

    2. Cool! :D
      I'm so excited for the next Dawn of the Clans to come out!

  13. hello and I would like to tell everyone, no matter what country but it would be eaiser to understand if u were in America, what freedom day is all about. It's not about fireworks except those are fun to watch, its about independence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TODAY AMERICA CLAIMED THEIR FREEDOM!!! WE GONNA FIGHT!! FOR OUR RIGHT!! TO PAAAAAARTAY!!!!!!!

    1. I'm pretty sure most all countries have an Independence Day, so I think they know what independence is all about. AJ HQ made "Freedom Day" and not "4th of July" so that it didn't exclude international Jammers.
      Fireworks do seem to be a big part of 4th of July, though. What would it be without them? :3

    2. So there were 13 colonies and they were ruled by King George |||, and the people in the Colonies were tired of having a king over seas, so they started a war and blah blah blah.. I'm not going to explain EVERYTHING, okay. xD Sorry I just happen to be a history nerd so umm yeah... Sorry if this comment is any bit offensive to ANY British Jammer out there. I am truly sorry. I mean, it is history, but I will remove this comment if you like.

    3. Omg guys... I had to go through a year of learning about the colonies and politics in my civics class O_O I think I know TO MUCH about the early colonies DX

    4. @RockyTop2

      Well, Freedom Day has the colors from the USA (blue, white, red) so they excluded part of international Jammers such as.......... me! I'm north from the USA. And we have the colors for our Freedom Day (red, white). Only blue is missing in the color combination in my country! :O We're almost so similar to each other.


    5. Me too!
      When I'm older I might become a historian :)
      Or I might have some other job... Who knows? :D

    6. I love history too and yes I know what happened back then on this day so ya

    7. @Artemis
      Me too! After the Olympics of course... :3

  14. HI People! sorry i did not comment... it was sorta busy lifetime for me... So? whats up? any new thing in jamaa interesting?

    1. Hamsters are for non members. Well I don't know how long you've been gone... :P

    2. Ummm
      AJ made a diamond shop selling a lot of old rare items, ex. legends and tail armors.
      They also made an adventures game, but only members can play for now because it's still in testing :p
      That's about it! :D

    3. Here's a short cut of what happened ^.^: Diamond Shop came out. Adventures came out. Freedom Parties came out. Freedom plushies came out. And best and biggest of all, IT'S HAPPY 4TH OF JULY DAY YAY XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. And kangaroos!

    5. And non-member hamsters ^.^

  15. Happy 4th of July/Freedom Day everyone! I'm excited because my b-day is tomorrow. :3

    1. Happy soon to be birthday! :D
      I hope you get lots of awesome presents and lots of yummy cake! ^_^

    2. Happy Early Birthday, Rocky! It's ok to call you that, right? :3


    3. HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY ROCKTOP X3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      P.S I love your name :D I don't know if I said that before XD

  16. This is a bit random.. But if you wanna see my dogs heres a link! Lol! And Early B-day, Rocky!


    2. OMG! I love them! :3


    3. THEY'RE SO ADORABLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O


    5. awww! One is a golden retriever, am I correct?

  17. Happy 4th of July American jammaers! ^_^

    1. *throws red white and blue confetti everywhere* HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AMERICAAAAAAA! Lol :3

    2. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light
      What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
      Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
      O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
      And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
      Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
      Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
      O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

    3. YAY YOUR SINGING THE SONG XD!!!!!!!!! *Throws confetti in the air too :3* *Fireworks go in the sky and the song Fireworks from Katy Perry starts XD* YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!

    4. WOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Snowy Im so sorry! The rumours are all my fault! I thought you deleted someone and you buddied someone else.. But I am wrong! Please forgive me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks if you do,
    (P.s. Have a great day. I know who started it! It's not me though-) IM ONE OF YOUR EPIC FANZ SO I USUALY BARELY DO THESE RUMOURS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    1. I think the rumors are more about her being a scammer then her deleting someone...

    2. I agree with you Artemis. I don't think it's about "deleting" someone and then "adding" someone. We do that sometimes so I don't know what's the problem. Whoever spread the rumors about Snowyclaw being a scammer is the problem.


    3. I think Snowyclaw would make an excellent babysitter or even mother one day (like years later when she is "old" lol). Know why? Because she stays so calm and sweet even despite so many kids being mean to her and saying all these lies and will just calmly explain stuff instead of getting mad. I swear that is a great talent. I certainly don't have that talent. XDD I'd be a meaner blog runner than her if it were my job. :P

    4. Ikr O___O
      If some random person came up to me and called me a scammer I would go off on them XD

    5. lol@ Artemis. I'd be all .... "I BREAK MY BACK FOR YOU PPL AND THIS IS WHAT I GET IN RETURN?!?!! D:< "


  19. Hey guys! I'm finally aloud to share my email! Check out my blog!

    1. I really like it!
      Keep working on it, it has great potential!



    1. Well you don't have to celebrate... Be happy for us Americans! :D
      Personally I would rather be a Brit then an American :p

    2. I don't celebrate it so I only have a few items from Freedom Day. I'm a Canadian. AJHQ doesn't know a lot about events in other countries so their sticking with things they celebrate in the USA. Although, in the USA, there are peeps that don't celebrate Christmas when the Jamaalidays are here so why not put a catchy name about Hanukkah and items about it. But it'll be mainly Christmas cuz AJHQ celebrates it.


      P.S.- YES!! MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE! My throat is starting to feel better! It's still soar but it's not as bad as the past few days. Phew! I can finally comment again!

    3. Hey now... the Brits are our friends now days. This isn't 200 years ago anymore. We Americans don't act offended when it's a holiday for your country, so you should return the respect and leave us alone. Nobody is forcing a holiday on you. You chose to put up with it the day you signed up on an AMERICAN website. If you hate freedom day that much you should leave animal jam because they are an American website and will continue to observe our holidays.

      Also you don't speak on behalf of all British people. You are just speaking for yourself. My boyfriend is from England and he isn't offended in the least. XDD They don't care now days. It all happened so long ago that everyone alive today wasn't even born yet. It's like, how can you miss a country that you weren't alive to own? It's silly.

      Stop talking about things you have no idea about.

    4. Manxylion that is so true!

  21. Aww they cute happy freedom what u going to do? I going to concert to watch fireworks :3

  22. Happy Freedom Day! I would never believe those rumors D:<

    1. I would never believe any negative rumors (unless exciting rumors like updates) unless someone gives proof if the rumors are true.


    2. Idk guys... She may be a scammer and she may not be. The world may never know O__O

  23. Aw, I haven't heard any rumors, don't worry Snowy :3 And AWWWW! THOSE SNAKES! <3 Happy Freedom Day / 4th of July, everyone!

    1. Not me either but I believe Snowyclaw that there are rumors going on somewhere in AJ. Probably cuz of jealous peeps who thinks Snowyclaw is popular or has a lot of rares (I hate when peeps care about rares, sorry to be mean Snowyclaw but that's not what AJ is about).


    2. Some people collect rares as a fun hobby, not as a "social status symbol" like some. You can tell the difference because the ones who do it for social status will literally cry that they do not have enough rares to be cool and they believe they cannot make decent friends without them.

      The ones who collect rares for fun are equally nice to the poor newbies as they are to the richest rarest people in AJ. And they do not cry for rares or get desperate. Cause they know there is more to AJ and they know they don't have to be sad.

    3. Lol I'm sorta both of them

    4. Not me either but I believe Snowyclaw that there are rumors going on somewhere in AJ. Probably cuz of jealous peeps who thinks Snowyclaw is popular or has a lot of rares (I hate when peeps care about rares, sorry to be mean Snowyclaw but that's not what AJ is about).
      *Snowyclaw is rare and popular.Please read before you post something.

    5. I know. Most jealous peeps tell lies about Snowyclaw becuz she's popular or cuz she has a lot of rares. It depends what reasons why they tell lies to us.


    6. Being rare and popular isn't a crime. It's what you do with it that matters. You can be rare and popular and be a good example of sharing and kindness. Or you can use it to be a snob. The choice is always yours. It isn't the rarity's fault.

    7. @Artemis, I have been guilty of getting caught up in trying to get a rare item and getting stressed about it in the past. XD

  24. No prob Snowyclaw! You don't need to apologize for falling asleep! We all need sleep. :D lol

    Kewl, freedom snakes are back. :)

  25. I just got an awesome trade guys :O
    It was freedom wings and a freedom glove for my freedom helmet O_O And freedom wings are more rare then the helmets O_O So cool :O

    1. I thought the mech helmets were rarer. I never had a mech helmet but I've won both kinds of nm wings from sky high in the past.

      (I traded 2 of them for white tail armors before the diamond shops got here)

    2. Not mech helmets the normal kind, but freedom mech helmets

  26. Hey guys...=/ It's princessalicegal who seemed to have got suspended. I hope it is for a day.. because I don't want to miss the entire July 4th fun on Alice...It might be a week, day, or month, but I doubt it is forever now. It didn't say how much time, it just said I'm suspended. If you are my buddy and reading this, add XxBetaGurlxX, my phony user =P. AND YESH I'M XXBETAGURLXX

  27. *sighs* I think this is the rumor? Dunno. Heres the link They called you Snowyflaw =(

    1. *sighs* *sighs* I believe it's true,you only believe Snowyclaw because some of you kiss up to her and want to be popluar and since she has a well-known blog.

    2. Nobody except for snowyclaw can say if this rumor is true or not true. Sure, she may lie or she may tell the truth. But right now it's just a rumor, and that means there is no true answer yet until the person being rumored about addresses them and tells the truth.

    3. Everyone has their own side of the story.

      lol I kiss up to no one. I don't like being popular. I just treat Snowy like any other human, and I think everyone deserves a fair chance at telling their side.

  28. Can you please add me in the other blogs list? Mine is called Animal Jam Inc.

  29. Anyone on Animal Jam LIKE RIGHT NOW?

    XD sorry if this is spam, but I really want to play with someone.

  30. lolz. gotta go get fireworks. plz check out my blog

    im updating it alot

  31. Snowyclaw, I don't quite beleive this.. But I was snooping around on other blogs when I came across Meloetta385/Lovelost's blog. I was reading her post, about leaving, when she started talking about YOU. I like Lovelost, she was a great blogger, and I think you're great blogger, too. I am not (Definatley not) Saying I believe this- But she said you scammed her.. and a day after or something you were in her den and you had two friends, Mimi, and someone else and you guys were being mean to her... Then she said she rapidly switched lots of dens, when she stopped Mimi (Or something) Said That she stole that idea from someone else... I don't believe this.. Not really.. But - Is it true? Heres the part about you. 'Part 5: The Scam

    I also trusted snowyclaw. And that was a huge mistake. So here is what happened. After I was scammed, I went to snowyclaw's den which is where Curly was (it might have been Curly's den, not sure). I told them what happened. So many things were happening at the time. Most importantly, my friend needed help. (gingerpawz) At the heat of the moment I didn't know what to do. I made the horrible choice of ignoring gingerpawz and instead trying to get me a purple sword. And that is when snowyclaw (or as we call her now, snowyflaw) scammed L. In the crazy moment (it is all a little blurry other than the scam and stuffs) Curly accepted my trade for the sword. So I had finally gotten my dream item. But was it really worth it? Nope. Not one bit. I almost lost a friend, got scammed twice, and stoof. And for what, a digital sword that would eventually be available in AJ some way? Snowy had scammed my open sign (I think it was an open sign) spaceship gray walls, beta hood, and something else that I don't remember.
    ' That's exactly it, I'm pretty sure I DONT believe it, and please don't hate me for this or anything.. But is it actually just maybe a tiny bit true?

    1. .. I just remembered the time that Gingerpawz posted about you.. and you posted.. and.. Yeah all the Fights and stuff.. To be honest I don't know what to believe, Snowy, you're a really cool jammer, and an Idol to me.. and I
      I'm soo sorry If I'm making a big deal out of this and stuff but Now that I think I'm ot sure. That time with gingerpawz, I commented, and said I supported you..I meanI still do - But I thought Gingerpawz Did it only because she was jealous. But on Melloetta or whatever, I realy have NO CLUE WHO she is shes always changing accounts, she said YOU scammed her. I'm Not sure, she could have just tld Gingerpawz that because she didn't like you. But I'm just still not ure, Im 98% With you, And I believe whatever Meloetta says 2% I'm soooo sorry if you think I'm making a big deal out of it, And PLEASE nobody hate me for it, PLUS I really really hope you don't hate me either, Snowyclaw. I have met-ish well, no I have SEEN you about 3-4 times, And I was really excited about seeing you, Plus your still my favourite blogger, and everything, and I'm not just lying because I think your going to tell the truth if I'm on your side or something - - I really am. I just want to find out the truth, I'm sorry if I'm about to start up that thing again, I'm just a bit.. Curious.. AND I AM ON YOUR SIDE, REALLY. KINDA 98%.

    2. I'd like an explanation myself. Snowy said she'd clear it up when she returns from her vacation. I'm sure she's very busy right now so let's be patient and try not to jump to any conclusions in the meantime and just try to enjoy the blog for what we like about it.

    3. So.. Your kinda the same as me? Or.. what? It's notabout posts or anything, though I hope you read it all.. I'm still kinda confused about all Lovelosts accounts and what happened and I don't think Snowy would do that I'm just not sure and.. BLAH! Too much to say...

    4. I read your post. My point was, let's not worry until we have more evidence. I don't want to believe Snowy is a scammer either. :( I will accept it if it is the unfortunate truth, but there just isn't any proof. So why worry about it now?

    5. So I know there was some controversy going around that Bepper was actually teamed up with Dens as a scamming duo, but we don't have full evidence of it yet. It is the same situation here. We can't classify Snowyclaw as a scammer until we have real evidence, giving us clues that she really is a scammer. Until then, lets just Jam on and enjoy the wonderful things Snowy has brought to us today, and forget about this random argument on her being a scammer.

  32. Oh! She did say that! Umm.. Did she read my comment - Or did I just Randomly happen to post that without reading the last part of the blog and then end up posting about what she said she'd clear up.. Wha..?

  33. I have to go now.. I will check this later.. sorry I fI bothered anyone.

  34. Happy freedom day snowy :D hope your having a good time

    1. ANd.. Uh yeah hope Snowy's having a good time

  35. Ugh, yuck, freedom day/july 4. :P Filthy americans.. I'm not celebrating this ____.

  36. wow your nice... *rolls eyes* u don't have to celebrate it but atleast don't say things like that! Anyway other jammers, can you check out my blog? I hope this isn't a spam... It's Animal Jam Howler at thanks and please comment!


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw