
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Gold Rings + New Shelves?

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Hey jammers! Looks like our predictions held true, the Gold Ring has come into existance. ^.^ I wonder if there'll be a Bronze Ring though, hmm... Anyhoo, the ring is in the Epic Wonders clothing orb!

On an interesting tangent, the prizes in the hidden adventure caves (Arctic Wolf for the first, Fox for the second), sometimes give you prizes of items that are a few weeks from being places in stores!
Pictures of the Stake of Shelves and the Large Corner Shelf sent in by chorus2010. I can't wait until AJHQ adds these, they'll be so useful in jammers' dens. :) Look, a brand new News Crew contest!
 Here's an old vid I did, with some News Crew tips.

Hopefully it's a bit helpful. Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Replies
    1. Second comment!!!! THANKS snowyclaw for keeping this blog running. Since my membership has run out, I am waiting for my dad to renew it, so I'm not playing AJ until then, because if I do, all my animals will be resetted and etc. So yea, thanks snowyclaw!!!!! :D

    2. Congrats ^-^! The gold ring :O? Now many people in Animal Jam have a choice of which 3 rings DX But they won't get away with this -.-

    3. OK i will be in tigris server in flag shop at 11:00 am today if you can't make it on buddy me after 11:30am because i need to clear out my buddy list for people with no picture XD!!! See ya there!!!


    4. Report this person for telling smart, me, and another person to trade her rares or she will ban you -.- ayladagg66

      Spread the word, she thinks shes so cool >.>

    5. @ilovecute chihuahuas

      Maybe in the next day, they'll be a choice of 4 rings! D:


    6. Sarah, your animals won't be reset! They will only be put in storage!

    7. @Chihuahuas
      Okay I will. Geez... that person is horrible. >.<

    8. Does someone know how to ban or tell AJHQ something ^-^? If do, ban ayladagg66

    9. ayladagg66 made my friend cry :C

    10. @chihuahuas

      Want to do an adventure together? Me be a arctic and u be a fox? Or the other way around! But anyway that would be fun! :D i might not be able to have permission to get on. D: so we might have to do it another day. But i hope we both can! I will be getting my daily spin and then i have to eat breakfast and see if anyone needs help with anything at my house. Oh rats i forgot! I have to weed my garden. But around twelve we have to get out of the sun. So i might come on adter lunch! Anyway srry for the LONG message! ;D


      Also Mia can u come?

    11. Sounds fun that you're inviting my friends with you! I love playing and hanging out with friends. I'm already bored, which is a problem for me. Please AJHQ hurry for the new land! I'm dying of boredom! Sorry, I usually get bored when there's only 1 awesome thing released. You guys can have the fun. I don't know what to do but type replies in this blog. >.<


    12. Hay Wolflover, I'll do an adventure with you when your on and I'm on too ^-^! It would be fun if Mia came =D and maybe you too krazy X3! I wish it wouldn't take this long to wait for the new land :c I reawwy want to have an epic fun time in the new land, but being patient for a while? I'm not patient AJHQ, I hope you know that -.-

    13. Why does everybody hate rings so much? It's not a big sign that says "YOU MUST FIND SOMEONE TO PRETEND TO DATE" It's just a piece of jewelry.

      People will date on AJ whether there are rings or not. Nothing would stop them if they wanted to anyway. I'm pretty sure rings in a shop don't make it any worse.

    14. That's not what I mean XD but I see some people saying "if you think i'm cute say i if you like me come to my den!" An all stuff like dat.

      I don't hate rings, but I kinda have a question ..... XD

      Why bring rings? I don't see why :P! I'm not afraid to ask this question and I don't mean to be offensive X3!

    15. @Chihuahuas, exactly! It was already pretty full of dating cooties before the rings anyway. xD

    16. YAY someone understands X3

    17. Chihuahuas, I also don't have patience. The first day the new adventure came out, it was fun! But the next 2 days until today, I became bored and have nothing to do. AJHQ please can you make the land any earlier? :'(


  2. Replies
    1. All of these up here ^ are second XD

  3. Replies
    1. All these are third 6 XD

    2. I meant ^ not 6 :P

    3. Is all this necessary?.... XD


      Happy now? xP

    4. Congrats ^-^! X 7 I did a short cut of saying all of them XDD

  4. ok thats enough, but 16th comment.

    WHO IS 17TH!!!

    1. That's a little unfair to everyone else, Poppila.. :c All the first 17 comments have gone to you and it's not much fun when one person gets them all. Maybe next time you could claim one and then let other people have the other spots? C:

    2. First 16, sorry, but its still an unfair number

    3. Yeah it is. Snowy may not like this

    4. thats a bit unfair because you get the spots till 16th comment, also it is spamming so next time please don't do that C:

    5. I agree, it's flooding the entire page and I'm tired of reading more than 200 comments from you guys. Please don't flood the page again, Poppila. :)


    6. You guys do that everyday.She learned from the oh first comment oh I'm 2nd!!!!!!Not trying to be mean or stuff but she learns ....I know she spams but on every good blog has to have a first comment,which is not even anything useful of worth saying.

    7. I feel like a fried potato being eaten :C

    8. Lol! Chihuahuas and your silly comments! X3


    9. But I do feel like one reading the flood of comments XDD

    10. @cloudclaws
      Agreed. And I also agree with Bunnyfoofee all the way down there, it bothers me that she thinks it's funny when she spams... .-.

    11. Why did you put 3-16 that is taking up the comment space someone might have wanted to be in 1 of them

    12. Found out something :D Check the time Poppila said all those stuff. The only comment numbers she is is: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th ^.^! So her last comment which I'm replying to right now XD, is actually 6th :P Hope this kind of cheers you guys up :)! (No offense Poppila)

    13. No wait she is: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th cuz this is her 7TH comment X3, so i meant the one I'm replying to is 7th comment... AHHHHHHH this is getting confusing :c

    14. She got first, too.

    15. You guys have to chillax she can post whatever she wants! its her choice if she got 3-16 well too bad if you wanted to get it just try again tommorow its her choice. I am not reccomending doing that but if she wants to She can its a free country. You guys are sort of being mean!!! SO Just chill u guys its happens its not a big deal and to you who are saying you don't want to read it then don't read each and everyone of her comments! Basaically just back off if you wanted one of those try again tommorow!!! sheesh ppl and if you want it so bad then just stay up late today and do it when she posts stop being so mean to poppila i think if this comment box causes sooo much trouble then snowy should just get rid of it!! and i am staying anonymous so i'm not hated by you people who want these places so bad how does it even matter who gets first anyways thats all basically just back off and leave her alone!! btw your welcome poppila

    16. also i am the above comment thats really mean of you guys to call her annoying its just mean and you are being so bossy guys!

    17. I agree with the anon on top of me.So what if she spams?Lots of you write "FIRST COMMENT" on here everyday.First comment is nothing worth saying.Who cares if your first,Your comment isn't even worth reading

    18. Some people want a chance at it though! She shouldn't take up EVERY good spot!


    19. @Anons
      That is true but no one ever gets first 16 comments... They get one and then leave the rest of the spots for other people to get.

  5. Gosh U crazy or something =.=

  6. Poppila, please don't ever spam your comments what up got in a row. -.- it's really unfair to other jammers who want to try to get a certain number. Snowyclaw, can you delete Poppila's spam comments. PLEASE!!!!!!!!! It annoys me how she even thinks its funny too. :/

    Anyways, can someone so the new quest with me that has done it before? I haven't even done it yet DX


    1. I haven't done it too. And yeah she shouldn't spam!

      Really, you'll die several times in the quest, I guarantee it.

    3. Wow...that person who thought of a gold ring was right! I also wonder if there will be a bronze one but here's something I noticed: There are silver and gold gloves but the bronze one is missing! So here is a 50% chance that a bronze ring will be released. I'll try to do the News Crew assignment today if I can. :)


    4. That is NOT supposed to be a reply. I keep on replying too much so I sometimes make a mistake. DX


    5. @Amy Jiao Derp. Wanna help me? XD Cuz I do NOT wanna die several times. ;-;


    6. @Amy Jiao

      Actually I went with some peeps for the first 2 tasks (covering the pipes with corks and finding the key) but the finding-the-keys-to-save-monkeys part I did by myself when the others quit. I did the rest by myself without getting hurt by a single phantom! :) Since they updated the adventures 2 days ago, it became easier to get pass the phantoms.


    7. Sneaky time isn't hard, because the phantoms barely notice me when I get some of the corks XD there could be a Bronze Ring :3! I'm a comment later anyways XDD BA BAI BYE BYE

    8. It could be like the same thing with those gloves at Epic Wonders. They released gold and silver but not bronze. We don't know yet! :)


    9. I found a handy shortcut for the phantom portal adventure. If you have the key, but are far away from the monkeys, just let the phantoms get you on purpose and after you run out of hearts you are teleported back to the check point (which is like 2 thirds of the hike) in 3 seconds. xD And you still have the key!

      It saves a lot of time.

    10. i knew that, but I'd rather take the longer way even if the shorter one makes it faster X3 I wanna except something more challenging or harder....

      Good point ^-^! Maybe soon the bronze one will be non-member because think about it. The next ring which will be bronze, is non-member like the rest. The bronze brick is non-member too :D! Now it explains why the golden glove and gold brick and golden ring are member :D! i wish i could make this shorter >.<

  7. Hi, people post twice a day for me now that I'm an international Jammer! XD! Eh, I don't like the shelves much, I think beds and toilets would be a lot nicer.

    1. Should toilets but a little....human? I thought animals have their own way of "going out". XD


    2. be*


    3. You can make beds with the non-member couches :3 but... TOILETS!? *Is about to throw up when Fireheart passes by* :O I SHALL NO THROW UP ON THE DEPUTY OF THUNDERCLAN!!!!!!!!!!! How dare me D:

    4. Like I said, animals don't need toilets! It's too human for a game where there's animal avatars. Literally...


    5. I don't want beds or toilets... WAY too human for me... Shelves can go both Jamaasian or human because their purpose is simply to hold things, so it depends what you put on the shelves. And of course they look sort wood-zy as well do they could go with beta items. ^.^

    6. Yep I agree with you, Mia! It's not only human cuz those beta den items we had were mostly wooden. So it does kinda look Jamaasian to me! ^.^


    7. @ilovecute Chihuahuas - i'm on Sunset (Book 6;New Prophecy) IT'S SO AWESOME! what book r u on? =3

      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    8. The beanbag chairs look kinda like beds though! ^.^

    9. @kiki
      I'm on Dangerous Path :3
      Another thing on the toilets XD

      You can buy a gray Arm Chair to pretend it a toilet, or the Tree stump chair X3!

      For da beds :D

      Use the striped couches for whatever color, a beach towel, Plaid Couch, or flat couch for a bed :D! For da pillows, use the mats or pillows X3 There, it's settles =D

    10. I'm on the darkest hour, btw this is woofie202 sry can't log in on aj today or blogger :I

    11. I like the shelves, and the suggestion of beds, but toilets?!? No thank you!!!

      -Mimkid82 who is too lazy to log in at the moment.

  8. I guess I could say I got like, 23rd comment. XD. So, anything new guys?

    1. The glitches work again! I am having fun right now in Sarepia forest hanging out on the slide. xD

    2. Now I'm in coral canyons on the waterfall... Okay, you get the idea. Lol

    3. Yup, I noticed the glitches were working back again like 3 or 2 days ago ^-^! Now I know I can have an EPIC time when there's nothing to do or that I'm bored XD! Btw Amy Congrats :D

    4. I tried to do the skyway glitch in the Lost Temple of Zios. That glitch is still not there. :/


    5. Wait, can you move on the glitches? Or is it just the ones where you stay still...? :/

  9. epic xD man can't wait till I will buy it ^.^ snowy claw U R da best.


  11. And I luv AJ itz da best

  12. Anomous R u on now?

  13. xP add meh in AJ I am hoopsandyoyos (member)

  14. I am 32th comment DX

  15. The selves are really cool. I hope I can get one! c: They would be really good for organsising plushies, toys and other small den items! :D

    1. You're right! I wonder if we can put plushies on the shelf without going behind it. Or the shelves will be useless. The corner shelf is really useful for (beta) computers, too! I hope beta items come back cuz there's also books and race cars and something Jamaasian I would like to put on the shelf! :)


    2. I agree! I would like to put a couple of the small returning pottery pieces on there.

    3. Many small den items can fit in there. I also say a "tall shelf" from somebody's trading list. There's 3 shelves to get so far!! I wish I can save and send an image for it. :/


    4. Chihuahuas has a small shelf in her den. It's just one shelf.

    5. I'll go in the adventures and start to win one of those shelves! :O


    6. @krazy

      LOL XDD!!!!!!!!

    7. No luck.. :/


    8. I was on the new adventure as an arctic wolf, and I was with this really rude fox. And when we got to the cave part, she was all: "you should be happy I can unlock this" ...[awkward silence]...
      And I said: "well I have a fox too..."
      And she said: "next time I'm not opening this"
      ...[awkward pause and nothing happens]...
      *finally she opens gate*
      Me: "no one is making you open it"


      That was strange.

    9. Yeah that was manxy. O.O

  16. please check out my blog!

  17. chorus2010 tried to scam me with those shelves by saying its extrimly beta i was at the party with wootmoo he is my buddy now. ~hiimshane~ ps. she tried trading it for my robot. Hi snowy!

    1. Is it just me or are you dreaming? I don't which side I'm in! >.<


  18. LOLOLOLLOLLOL it's so funny guys..... i was playing the tutorial and when the phantoms... they were like.. OMG THAT WOLFS!

    1. What?! You mean those shocking faces when they see you? Yeah...they're like I guess.


  19. Hey can somebody that has a extra freedom wings freedom helmet spike or mech helmet please trade me. I have awesome things on my trade like fox hats and some betas. I I have something you want but isn't on my trade tell me. My user is icecreampants
    Thank you!


    1. I don't have any of those, but I wish a beta can come back every day with a new item coming out, cuz I miss them and I want Jamaasian styles on my animals. The beta rares look SO GOOD on each animal (most of them). I've heard that all beta items will come back while the new items will go on clearance soon. Is that true that they're going on clearance or are those peeps lying about that?


    2. Nobody knows for sure unless they work for AJHQ, and that is HIGHLY doubtful that they do...

  20. Jammers can use these rings for weddings:silver and gold ring.

    1. I find weddings in AJ against the rules. I'm positive AJ released that cuz it's a new Jamaasian item in my opinion.


    2. Many cultures in real life don't even wear rings as a symbol of marriage or relationships. To them, it's only jewelry. Perhaps this is true for the Jamaasian culture too.

    3. Yeah, probably that's why they have the diamond rings, too.


  21. TIP FOR BREAKING THE PHANTOM WALL: It goes faster if you're wearing a glove.

    ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, instead of -10 its -25

    1. Snowyclaw already talked about the suggested item 2 days ago. At least you're telling why it's suggested.


    2. When you're wearing a legend it does 35- >:3
      Please visit my blog!

    3. @ krazygirl95, she did??? 0_0

      @ pink200330, No, I was wearing my beta glove and it worked. WHICH IS ON TRADE IF ANYONE'S INTERESTED....

      ~papad91278 the 4th news crew member, THE ONLY REASON IM WATCHING TEEN BEACH MOVIE IS TO HEAR BEST SONG EVER. We knew every line now I cant remember... STOP YOURSELF THERE, ME!

    4. I didn't say regular gloves don't work, I said legend gloves do 35- =-=

    5. It's still good to repeat the tips now and then so anyone who missed it will have a chance to learn it! :D

    6. You have confused me but your blog is cool.

      ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, Um, One Direction?!?!?!?! :D

  22. 64th comment! I'm phychc O_O yesterday I wanted gold rings to come out and they did! Has AJHQ read my post or hacked into my mind to read it????? Anyway sorry if i'm going all weird XD

    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  23. Smart06703/Guide CpJuly 13, 2013 at 8:13 AM

    New scammer and bully found here is her username ayladagg66 she says she works for ajhq.

    1. Well, I have a friend who has a father that works for AJHQ. He told me what would be like in the new land. I'm not telling you peeps! >:3 And I wanted to know if he's telling the truth about the stuff he told me. I hope he is! :) By the way, should you show proof that ayladagg66 is a scammer and a liar?



    2. Darn, I wrote my user twice! >.<


    3. @Krazygurl, If you aren't going to share what you heard about the new land, then why even bring it up at all?

      Ugh pet peeve.

    4. Because it won't get exciting anymore but here's some hints: new pet, store.


    5. Your hint intrigues me... *rubs chin with paw*

    6. I know the pet but I'm not telling you or else it would no longer be exciting. I don't know what will be in the shop. Hopefully like what lpsblu aj said before: Tribal items. I would love to make some of my animals tribal looking! :3


    7. I guess I hadn't considered that. Oh well thanks for not spoiling. XD

    8. I'm happy that you understand what I meant.


  24. how should I make snowy mad this time or leave her alone -ninjaguyman?

    1. Please stop hating on Snowy! She is busy and tries her best! She doesn't deserve cruel treatment! :(

  25. OMG ilovecutechihuahuas what in the world is happening to you?!

    1. That's what I got confused. I thought: "Because chihuahuas won't stop talking about bacon"? Or is it something that happened in AJ?


  26. I made, a prediction of jammers making a movie of lord of the rings,the hobbit, and the hobbit two. O.o I just hope they will find some animal to do the trolls in the hobbit, oh wait, how about rhinos!-ellanicole2003

    1. I thought to myself. "AJHQ is starting to turn Jamaa into a world like Middle Earth"! Ha ha! Not really but what about the ring, will there be a volcano in the future? There's already a volcano den anyways!! X3


  27. That reminds me of what happened on one adventure. I was doing an adventure with three other jammers (one of them has an arctic wolf). After the arctic wolf opened the path to the cave, I went in the cave. I got a beta computer from the chest BEFORE it got sold in stores. Those new shelves remind me of that time. :P ~Keremel

  28. Pupp1266 and I have corner shelves >.< I got mine three days ago

  29. I got a flat shelf you don't have a picture of ot up there though.

  30. All hail Snowyclaw! :P by the way I got a tall shelf

  31. Hey peeps! I want to tell you some ideas I made that should come in the future! Check them out!

    -We should combine all dens into ONE WHOLE den! Like a neighborhood, instead of switching dens.

    -There should be a feature in the adventures saying how many secrets you found and how many secrets are in the adventure. For example: 1/5 secrets discovered

    -There should be a feature to make your animal a child, teen or grown up animal!

    -There should be a feature for hair styles for your animals! And make your own! :D

    -There should be adventures besides taking place in a forest. It can be in a desert, jungle, snowy land, etc.

    I'll think of more ideas after the next update comes! :3 Hope you agree with my ideas!


    1. Maybe the 4thidea is a little too human. But I'm tired of animals who look sorta bald, well they have little fluffs on their heads on most animals but I think it looks kinda boring. My idea might not be great cuz AJ will become a little too human. Just ignore the 4th idea I said! :3


    2. 4th idea* Sorry, typo. DX


    3. I like the idea for changing the age and size of your animal!!! I always thought that would be cool. Although I wouldn't want people to automatically think that just because I chose cub means I'm up for adoption.

      It would be awesome to combine all your dens. But you would need to have a fast computer or else it would be lag city.

      I have another idea too. I think it would be cool if they could make new animal patterns and colors for your animal, but maybe they would be special ones that you can only buy with diamonds or unlock with membership. Cause the nonmembers already get plenty of colors and patterns, I don't think they would complain too bad... :P

    4. The hairstyles feature could possibly work without being overly human, as long as they didn't just make it look like a wig, but rather made it like an extension of your full body fur but on your head, kinda like how you can change around the pet's hair shapes.

      Otherwise it would be a bit too much like petpet park...

    5. I don't think so either because they're already lots of colors and cool patterns for the non-members and for new patterns and colors that are for members only, it will attract them to buy the membership and get new things.

      I agree with you about the den thing, it can turn into a lag neighborhood. Or maybe there will a feature to walk around where there are dens are and go inside like the way what you do when you go in buildings around Jamaa?

      I wanted the baby to adult feature just to make the game realistic. Cuz I'm tired of peeps who are pretending to be "kits" but they're actually bunnies. Who would want to see a kit with long ears and can hop higher than their own parents? Lol! XD


    6. Bahaha, IKR? XD

      You come up with some good ideas though. :D I hope AJHQ reads blogs like these and sees all the cool suggestions the Jammers have!

    7. Or somebody can email those ideas! :D I don't really email AJHQ so does anybody here email things to AJHQ?


  32. So that's where those shelves have been coming from. o.o Strange, because I opened up the fox cave already and all I got was a croquet set. .-. I guess I'll have to keep trying. C:

    1. I tried but it's impossible for me to get one. :(


    2. I got a tall shelf! I'll put it in my den! :3

  33. Does anybody else think the rings look like a big giant sparkly toenail on some of the animals? XDD

    1. I noticed that just yesterday! O.O


    2. It looks like I over grown and forgotten that nail and painted it silver or gold :3 - ellanicole2003

  34. Hey snowy, I'm gonna quit animaljam but all meh friends keep asking for my spike and other stuff.... Plz rply!! ~ASPCAISAWESOME

    1. Well, spikes will come back, eventually. Please don't quit! I know there's too much drama in AJ but every rare will come back and it will be as normal as in the beta times. I promise! ^.^


      P.S.- I don't know if Snowy will get to your comment cuz she's usually busy and doesn't have time to reply to some comments.

    2. You should reconsider giving your old rares and spikes to your best friends! I mean if you aren't going to be using your stuff anymore than who else will?? :)

    3. I mean, unless you are thinking about returning someday in the future. Then it might be nice to inform them so they'll stop asking for your stuff.

    4. Tell them that they are special to you. They should leave you alone then. :P

  35. snowyclaw is such a asshole from ~quiet777~

    1. Go away. And she is not a hole in the ground shaped like a donkey. What a bizarre insult you thought of. XD

    2. What ever you say bad comes back to you and will be forever, then keep it up so you'll go to the lava when you die. - ellanicole2003

    3. No one would say that with their real user, it's probably that person that lies about being certain people...

  36. NO SHE ISNT SNOWYCLAW IS AWESOME =-= ~kenzie567~

  37. 0-0 WAIT A SEC QUIET?

  38. I kinda dont like snowyclaw also she can be a bit mean -Krazygirl95

    1. I don't think you are the real Krazygurl, I think you are the anon troll posing as other usernames so you can trick people into thinking more than one person doesn't like snowy. Stop trolling and leave if you don't like it here.

    2. Ok, snowy is not mean whoever you are. But if you think she is mean because of not listening to you, she isn't trying to really ignore you, she's just busy, a lot busy. But if your spamming I might the your the one who did the comment of snowy quitting, krazygirl195 - ellanicole2003 maybe snowy did something wrong before, but it doesn't mean she is mean!

    3. Also stop commenting and praise people of doing it, do it on my user but no one will believe I did it

    4. HEY! That's my evil clone! >:C I do NOT say those things!


  39. Hello.
    This is my first comment here,but i'm not a new fan just i don't like to comment. And i need help from you jammers. I have a big problem: my membership wil expire for 5 or 6 days and my parents will not buy for me new ones. Really they will not and there is no Christmas in my country. It's Azerbaijan(you can find it in google if you don't believe me). And here is no any Wallmart,Target or something like that, i need you jammers to write for me 1 code of any animal. Please please please please i need your help. You thing i'm scammer??? It took from me 6 years to learn English! but again i still write with some wrong words or don't understand some :( Please don't thing about me bad i just need help. I would be very thankfull for that person who will send me to code. If you really want to help me write the code to my email and your username so i could thank you for it.
    My Aj username: fuzzycuterose
    And THANKS for those people who will help me!

    1. Umm, to help your non member-ness, just go to It will help you live a happy non member life!!


    2. Sorry but i just can't live without it.....
      very bad :(
      i am just hoping.....that some one will help me.

    3. Membership codes count as personal info, and it's against the AJ rules to give them out. :( Sorry! I would help if I could...

    4. I don't believe you are a scammer.... you aren't offering to give anything so there is nothing to lose.

      But one thing to realize, even if somebody did generously donate to you a valid membership code by email, after you redeemed that code on AJ to renew, an automatic email notice would be sent to your parents by AJHQ, and they would know you got a membership somehow. If they see that email, they might become suspicious and worry that AJ is going to bill their credit card for something they didn't pay for, and email them about it and you might lose your membership. just something to consider.

      (I wish I could help you but I don't have any unused codes on me at the moment)

    5. Pink is right too, it is technically against the animal jam rules to give away memberships. (sorry)

    6. I understand u and about parents. I;earned english 6 years my parents dont know english and they dont have email yep its strange

    7. I understand what says Pink yes its against the rules.. once my friend yoshenka(he quited) bought for me 1 year of membership when i hadnt credit card(long story). It was very long ago and after that i again become nm.

    8. Accually it's not fair that we cannot get any of those cards from our countries. Even in Russia or in Turkey Ase JHQ dont sell these cards.... i thing they should take care about it. And do it as soon as they can

    9. You can buy it on AJ Outfitters. To go there, when you are logged in, click the shirts under the play screen.

    10. Well peeps said that they will giveaway kangaroo codes. I think it's against the rules, I went to their den to see if they'll do something that is not allowed such as trading a rare for the code. I just need patience for the kangaroos to come out, I have 30 something days left of membership and maybe I can renew it with a kangaroo or will it work only when you became a non-member? Not sure. Anywho, I would love to help you, but I don't think it's a great idea since AJHQ talked about it, sorry. :(


  40. hi where do u get to the fox cave?

    1. Its somewhere around that cave with the three green gem stone things :P

    2. She meant Alpha stones! :)


  41. I just will hope.... Maybe one kind person will help me


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