
Monday, July 22, 2013

Rare Baseball Cleats

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Hey jammers! For some reason I haven't been able to find energy to post at the right times. >.< I think I'll have a few author tryouts next week. Now, today's items are the Rare Baseball Cleats!

You can buy your pair on the fifth page of Jam Mart Clothing. Plus, they match last week's rare baseball hat perfectly! Yikes... I've been posting later than AJHQ, that's not a good sign...

I'll try to stay more on top of it, everyone! ^.^
Now, for today's mystery...
Mystery submitted by purl123!
 Cosmo has been gone a long time, and many animals have traveled with him. What have his adventures been like? Where has he gone? What new land has he discovered? What will it look like?

Click here to enter the Anthem Art Contest!
New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

A jamtastic music video from WootMoo!
If you'd like to submit a music video,
add my channel to your list of featured,
and email!


  1. Replies
    1. Congrats =(^.^)= Today is the day hat Snowyflaw removes her Blogger Account, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

      *Throws confetti in de air :3*


    2. YAY! :D


    3. Congrats ^.^ its Tuesday in my time zone... O.O

    4. *that Oh.... well that's weird o.o


  2. Replies
    1. *3rd Congrats anyway XD


    2. sorryi was the 3 person but Iwill still not reveal my user
      hint !my user end with 425
      PS first person to guess rightly wins a fox hat and fire place

    3. :O (O.O) MUST. FIND. OUT. *Is desperate to get another color fox hat X3* *Thinks again maybe that jammer isn't telling the truth :O? WtZ (What the Zios) Idc I'm going for the contest XD*


  3. 1st yay I'm so happy Smart06703

    1. Actually you were third but congrats anyway! Unless Haven is your account? Idk. :P

    2. Meh... 4th but congrats :3
      @Mia I don't think shes Haven X3
      I'm having such a boring day D= I wish I could just have a drama party with chu and my friend at the Juice Hut, LOL XDD


  4. 5th comment i been looking at ur blog forever waiting for u to post

    1. Snowy is pawsome, isn't she? :)

    2. Congrats c=
      LOL I was kinda doing the same thing XD *Looks away guiltily :3*


  5. Replies
    1. Congrats (3 (Get it XD? 3=Happy eyes (=smile)


  6. Anyone else think that the next update is gonna be the new land? :P

    There's been something that's been bothering the crap out of me. Ok, so lots of times when someone offers me a trade and I decline, they start making that sad face. I DON'T FALL FOR THAT. IT'S SO FREAKING ANNOYING. Crying over rares is probably one of the stupidest things you could do on AJ. They're just pixels. No need to cry over pixels. It makes it look like you're desperate. Good gravy. -.-

    Sorry I felt like ranting.

    1. I hope so!

      I agree, but I would have said it in a nicer way. But I do agree with your overall point. :P

    2. Please read and reply what you think!!

      Ugh, I know, someone today was asking for my Lava Glove that my lil' sis gifted to me, and you know what? He was like, in a Jam-A-Gram, "Will you be Mine?" As if it was Valentine's Day. I told him we could just have a normal chat, and we went to my den. Then the guy says, "I really want a Lava Glove" And I say I won't give it up easily and he makes a dumb sad face and I'm like " I'm not a sensitive gal" Then he says "It's my birthday" And then he's like, "I'd give you lots of gifts" And sends me some Cave Crystals. WHAT?!? Does he expect them to give him my Lave Glove? For Free? Then he says "Well I guess you hate me. Bye" Really? As if not giving you a rare item that has sentimental value makes me a meanie? I gave him a letter saying he as acting like a child. Wow. I really distain those guys. This happened to me later when someone tried to convince me to give up my Fruit Bowl because he "needed" it. WOW GUYS!!

      Sorry.. Gotta Let it out sometimes.

      Cheers, Sriha123

      P.S. Remember to visit

    3. It does get really annoying .-.

    4. I don't know, they have been talking about the new land over quite a few updates now! But it could be next. :)

      As for the sad face thing.... it annoys the poop out of me too. But at the same time you have to remember, not everyone is used to being told "no". Some of them may be spoiled at home, and never learned to share or be a good sport. Or they might be very young, like age 6, and didn't learn yet. Don't be angry with them. Just ignore the tears, or block them and move on if they keep it up. They will get over it. Trust me.

    5. @ Sriha
      Yeah, it gets annoying when people add me or pretend to be nice to me just because I have rares.

      @ Manxy
      Hmm I guess you have a good point. I usually suspect them to be younger than me. If they cry then I usually just ignore them or tell them, "You shouldn't cry over pixels."

    6. @Mia

      I hope so. A friend told me that the new land is finished. He said that he works for his father, who's a member from AJHQ. True or not, I'm positive that the new land will come this Thursday. It said that Cosmo already discovered it and is now returning, so thereit shows that the waiting won't be that long anymore!

      Yes, I had a friend who did that before. It was like over a year ago. I had a basketball in my den. It was a beta item. My friend asked in Jam a Gram: "Can we trade?" and I was like "Sure". But then, this happened. My friend then asked a trade: "Your basketball for my plushie (not rare)" and I was like "Are you crazy? I'm not trading my basketball!" I know, it's kinda mean but my friend keeps on asking for my stuff so I had enough. She then thought that I was really mean. I started to be more kind to her and said that it's not a fair trade. She didn't listen to me, un-buddied me and left. That was when I hated trading with others.


    7. Nyeh heh heh. Whenever someone asks me to send them something or like what for your black spiked wristband, I tell them to go to my den and when they do I waste their time " thinking" and then I tell them to get out. It's so fun to mess with scammers.

    8. this person, sorry Jazzy21037 if you are reading this, but Jazzy21037 pretended to be my friend, then got her fake account called Ajmanagers and told me on that account they were from aj and for me to give them my rainbow cloud and my elf tail armour. of course i didn't believe them, so i said no but jazzy insisted i should. So i said "If you are lying, i WILL tell aj". She said she wasn't lying and because she was my "friend", i trusted her. Then she dissapeared with my stuff. A month later, i saw her on aj about to do the same thing to another jammer. I quickly told the jammer before they got scammed. Then jazzys bff poppyandlola came, and i confronted jazzy. They both laughed at me and said "WHO CARES". Well i cared. and i still do. As in the Taylor Swift Song, Mean, "All they are is pathetic,and mean, and mean, and mean".

    9. I'm so excited for the new land coming ^.^! I can't be patient anymore :D And, I found out something! In The Hot Cocoa Hut, they're no longer selling antlers or those wings!

      The jammers who trade chu and you decline, they might do something like an objection. It said in the AJ rules that chu can ALWAYS say no -.-. Don't let anyone force chu to accept their trade :3


    10. Ugh I KNOW RIGHT! People always send me jam-a-grams... "Put headress on trade" or "Give me those wings"
      Basically forcing me to give up items that are part of my animal's outfit...? Do they have no common sense? When I jam-a-gram them "no thanks"
      They just throw a fit and rant about me as if I were a scammer.... they say, I will report/block you! When I had done nothing wrong......


    11. A random person reported me once for declining their trade .-. I just sat there trying to be polite :p
      I did want to explode on them, but that would of just made things worse O__O

    12. @Artemiss22
      That happened to me before X3

      It's horrible, annoying, and angry when a random jammer does all these things that you think are annoying to you DX. Like, report chu and block chu just because chu won't give them what they want! Yesh it's really hard to be kind/polite back to an ANNOYING jammer >.<
      A lot of jammers go to my den just because they want something of mine :I That's why I luv keeping my den locked ^.^ XD

      ~^-^Chihuahuas~ P.S watch Annoying Jammer..... - Animal Jam
      Maybe that's what I mean by annoying XD

    13. that happened to me before with the foxhat .-.
      some person said "come to my den" so i did and asked him what did she want. she said she wanted one of my foxhats you have 3 already. i told her that i was going to trade 1 for a light blue foxhat and she said that she really "needed" it. it gets really annoying then she finally said: i guess you care about no one *sigh* its really annoying >.<


    14. "I guess you really care about no one *sigh*"

      Yeah Don't listen to those lines. They will say whatever they can to try and get under your skin just so you will give them what they want. Don't fall for it. It's just one of their tricks.

  7. Replies
    1. Congratzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
      hehe :3 XD


    2. congrats!
      *gives cupcake*


  8. Replies
    1. Chu mean 10th? Oh wellz congrats =)


  9. Why did AJHQ need to waste some of my favorite colors on my least favorite item... D:

    1. Ikr, Mia. I prefer good colors on Jamaasian items, not human items.

    2. Lol the colors on the cleats are my school colors XD

    3. @Sly

      I agree. Like what they did with the Jamaasian Mech Angel Helmet. It has nice colors like orange and yellow. They should sell past rares as a Monday Rare. Maybe Sky High Rares should be sold in the stores for one day only. Because peeps want to have a chance to get items you can get from Sky High. I'm lways lazy to play Sky High and I wanted to get non-rare worns. While past rares that aren't from Sky High should come back in stores and NOT a Monday Rare.


    4. Poor Mia =(
      One of my favorite colors are there too XD
      Blue :O Well not really XD. Dark blue :3 (But it's berry close to blue X3) Yea I agree wif chu krazy. Your TOTALLY right =P


    5. same with me Mia, my fave colour is ice blue but i love aqua blue the same D:

  10. 12 comment! Lol not really the best but i wanted to do it

    1. Yep XD
      Everyone likes which comment they get unless they complain =3 CONGRATS =D!!!!


  11. I got 10th comment or 11th or maybe 12th.Meh,whatever,doesn't make much difference to me.

    1. 13th XD Congrats :)!!!!!!!!!


    2. Congratsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss XD

  12. Author tryouts next week? That's just my luck..I'll be gone on a trip with no internet connection. D:

    1. I would try out if my time zone were juuust a few hours earlier. Like California time. Then I could be awake during each daily mini update to post "on time". But it's not a convenient time for me unfortunately. I know snowy will pick someone great though. :D

    2. :O! Yay! I'm in California :D

    3. Have a fun trip ^.^! At least it might be a special trip :D
      @Mia Then your one lucky ducky XD Not saying that I want to live in California. I love my home :3


  13. 15th comment! And visit you guys, it would really help. I finally posted again, and I made a new color change! Comment on my blog and here if you like it!!

    Cheers, Sriha123

    1. Ummmmmm how do chu comment? I don't see a white box to comment :O Can chu fix that mistake so I can say your blog is epicly awesome ^.^? Thanks LOL!


    2. Oh wait I see it now :3!


  14. 15. Ah well. Wowie. Author tryouts. I'll sure be entering!

  15. Here's my story:

    Chapter 1 - Preparing

    Liza, the panda Shaman/Alpha has been sick in the day when she has to leave to find a new land. She thought about Cosmo, the koala Shaman/Alpha. Cosmo is an amazing plant expert. He helped a lot with Liza. So Liza told Cosmo that he will replace her. The day before he will leave he announced to the koalas that they will help him go to his quest to find a new land for all Jammers. Cosmo known that koalas are as smart and clever as he is and he thought that koalas are a good animal to go with. He went to pack up while other koalas are, too. Cosmo wanted to find a new land that he can move in. He's been living with Liza to help her for a while. He doesn't even know where he belongs.

    Chapter 2 - Meet Peach

    The next morning, a koala named Peach ran so fast out of her treehouse. She's really young, like 12 in human age. She took her backpack and ran to Appondale, where Cosmo is waiting. She panted hard that other koalas can hear her.
    "You're late for the expidition", said her friend, Tina. Tina is older than Peach, probably a few months old. They look alike, but Tina doesn't have an orange headflower like Peach does. She's tinier, which that's how she got her name.
    "Yeah, I know", Peach responded.
    "Okay, koalas! Now it's time for you to go out of Jamaa for the very first time", Cosmo announced. He's standing on a rock. Peach dreamed of going to be like Cosmo. Her dream has finally come true! She's leaving Jamaa. She'll miss her other non-koala friends. She'll miss Jamaa for a while. Cosmo walked to a cave. The other koalas followed. Peach took a few tiny steps, and started to go in the cave with Tina.

    Chapter 3 - The Mysterious Animal

    Peach decided to stay last in the line. She's a little scared after they got out of the cave. Her brother told her about phantoms lurking around. Good thing her brother is more to the front, almost where Cosmo is walking. Some koalas started to study some plants they never saw before. It became hotter and hotter. Each koala started to drink some water from a river. Peach didn't, she usually use well water than a river that looks dirty.
    "What's that over there", Peach asked to herself, pointing to some kind of wierd figure. It has hind legs. It also has a bump on it's back. The rest of the koalas didn't see. Tina didn't even see this marvelous creature. Peach didn't continue walking. She kept on staring at the animal. It's about to hop off. Peach ran to it besides going with the other koalas.

    I'm making part 2 now! Hope you enjoyed it so far! As you can see, I'm starting to improve the stories I make.


    1. I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv your story :3 Can't wait fur Part 2 ^.^ *screams* SO EXCITED YAY!!!!!!

      ~^-^Chihuahuas~ I wonder if the mysterious animal is the kangaroo c:?

  16. everyone says we need more den item slots and clothing slots i think we need more buddy slots like 200 more that way it would be a lot easier for people who like to adopt to have more kids

    1. I agree with you with needing more buddy slots, but your reason on why we need more slots is sorta weird... lol no offense

    2. YESH someone who isn't againest animal jam familes!!! XD

      (NOT MATING I HATE MATING but i mean like adpoting kids and such)

    3. also i think we should have like 500 buddy slots 030

    4. We waste den item space faster than buddies or clothing items. I agree that it should be ok to have family. Sometimes they have animal families. Usually sometimes peeps do that cuz they're bored or stuff like that.


    5. It would be nice to have double the buddy slots we have now! :D

      But I would not be adopting kids. XDD
      (because I don't want to be somebody's slave in a game, no thx)

    6. The reason wasn't mine it was my friends she LOVES kids and adopts A LOT

    7. -.- WE SHOULD HAVE 1000 BUDDY SLOTS =D!!! Not wait... just 200 :I It would be hard to keep track of your 1000 buddies XD And maybe 300 clothing slots?


    8. i think 300 buddy slots would be enough! wait wait 200 would do.. maybe 400 den slots? ^.^

  17. Spam allert XD
    My Aj user is snowy1262 i reply to all jamagrams
    My email is
    My Youtube account is barbra ryan my moms name =-=
    My draw something account is snowy1262AJ
    My wolfhome account is swagwolf

  18. Hi everybody :D

    I'm so excited :O I'm finally going home after being away for a whole month of vacation O__O Just a few more days DX
    I miss my friends, my cat and everything about home :(

    I'm soooo nervous for school O___O I don't want to return to the prison I escaped from for only a few months DX

    Pretty weird colored baseball cleats :O

    I want to enter the Anthem Art Contest, but I'm a horrible artist so that's not going to work out XD

    Sorry if spam:
    Check out my channel, Artemis22Aj :D
    I just uploaded a new music video, Here Comes the Sun ^__^
    Like, comment, subscribe and tell your friends about me :D

    I wonder what the author tryouts will be like :O I'm going to enter :p

    I will probably write my response to today's Monday Mystery later on today :p

    Bye everybody :D

    1. I don't wanna go back to school either. I go back in about 4 weeks. 7th grade was awful. Just awful. So much drama, but I guess that's because everyone was changing. I sure hope 8th grade is much better.

    2. 8th grade was worse in my school. Math homework everyday. In 7th grade, I had no homework everyday. I went to a high program in grade 8 and it changed everything! I started to have lower marks because I was left behind from the others in the program. I wanted to quit the program. Good thing I'm quitting next year! :)


    3. YAY ^.^!!!! School is like.... yesh a prison O.O. A prison with best friends, some VERY hard math, good things, and bad things combined together. I'm going to 4th grade ^-^ Wish me luck that it's not TOO hard. My brother experienced it because now he's going to 5th grade XD I escaped that horrible prison 2 months ago :I

      I'm pretty sure your an epic artist =D Bad or good, at least it's a drawing/painting :)!

      I know Here comes the sun. It's a touching song! That has a soft sound to it c: I'll check it out ^.^


    4. XD I see my foxes name in dere :3 Dancing Spirit Fox YAY LOL XD


    5. @ Chihuahuas - Wow, your brother and I are the same age! Unless he has a birthday in the summer O-O Anyway, I like the item but I don't like the colors. By "I like the item" I mean I like the style :T Honestly, i'm not a fan of the "human" items in AJ. I really don't want it to become "Human Jam" O_O
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    6. Replies to everyone XD
      Thanks :D I'm going to try to comment a little more on here, I've just been busy because of family and vacation stuff :p

      I know what you mean DX I'm going into 8th grade next year and yes, 7th grade involved drama, bullying, new friends, new experiences, arguments, studying, stress, WAY to many final exams to keep up with, and plain annoyance >:p

      I had WAYYYY to much homework to deal with in 7th grade :O I hope I don't get as much this year .-. I'm taking an advanced computer class this year so I'm excited for that at least :p and I might quit my orchestra class... Idk it's just gotten so boring O__O I'll loose a lot of really good friends to talk to though... My cello buddies D: We can still talk at lunch maybe :p

      4th grade is fun :D Pretty much the same as the other primary grades, just different curriculum and new friends
      P.S. One of my foxes name is Dancing Spirit Fox :O Coolness XD

      Peace and Love,

    7. Fox-name-twins XD
      I hope I get to see my buddies in recess in 4th grade o.o. My best friends from 3rd understood EVERYthing, about me c: Just like sisters... I miss them :'c are favorite thing in recess was teatherball DX We would play it everyday..... *sigh* Yea this is... yeah pretty.. umm.. much going nowhere O.O XD


    8. school Is kinda like a prison.. O.O but sometimes fun, btw im in 4th grade =P

  19. Part 2

    Chapter 4 - Welcome to Red Rock

    Peach ran to the myserious creature and knocked it down. It was a kangaroo! She is wearing some kind of feathered headdress. That's when Peach thought that she is a member of some kind of tribe.
    "What do you think you were doing", the kangaroo said, angrily.
    "I....I was just curious", Peach responded.
    "You seem really shy", the kangaroo said, "My name is Chestnut!"
    Chestnut. Probably she got her name because of her fur color.
    "I'm Peach", the koala said.
    "Hey! Come! I want to show you something", said Chestnut. They walked for 30 minutes, without food or water.
    "Oh, here it is", she said, moving a bush in the way.
    There it is. A new land. It's a beautfiul desert with red rocks and steep cliffs in the distance. Other kangaroos are hopping around.
    "Welcome to Red Rock", Chestnut demanded.

    Chapter 5 - A New Friend

    Chestnut took Peach to a tribal camp that's across a clean river. Finally! Perfect water to drink on.Peach drank the river water, feeling like this is home.
    "This is our tride leader, Gunsi", Chestnut pointed to a kangaroo that's more uge than the other members. Gunsi looked at the koala and grunted.
    "Another of those creatures", he said in a low voice.
    "What? There's more", Chestnut told her leader. Gunsi is actually Chestnut's father. He's pretty tough and maybe not that welcoming but he lets anyone to stay in his tribe for a while. That's because of Chesnut's kindess to others.
    "They're over there", Gunsi pointed to a line of koalas. Cosmo and the other koalas! They probably discovered Red Rock (you know, the new land!) at the same time as Peach. Peach ran to the other koalas, while Chestnut followed. Gunsi went in his hut.
    "Cosmo! Thank goodness you're here", Peach said in relief.
    "Why did you leave us", Cosmo said in a whisper, "Can't you see it's too dangerous on your own?"
    "Cosmo, meet my new friend, Chestnut".
    "Hello", Chestnut said and gave Cosmo a friendly handshake.
    "This is Red Rock, the new land", Peach told Cosmo.
    "Yeah, those creatures like your friend here told me about this place", Cosmo rubbed his chin, "Ok everyone! Time to study the wildlife here!"

    Chapter 6 - Days turn into Weeks, into Months

    It's been 2 months since the koalas lived Red Rock. Peach, Tina and Chestnut became a group of friends. Peach's brother is still like he was. Little did they know that some kangaroos already hopped to Jamaa, curious about where the koalas came from. Cosmo made a small hut and lied down on a hammock.
    "I am home", he thought.


    Hope you enjoyed it, peeps! Get ready for exploring this new land in 3 days and celebrate. I'll bring friends to explore with! :)


    1. Great story, Krazy! You did a good job. :)

      Now I want to make a Koala that looks like Peach. xD

    2. Look at my koala! I put my koala in my story while my future kangaroo will be like Chestnut! I won't make a Tina though, since she supposed to be "tiny". That's how kangaroos randomly came into Jamaa. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Sorry the story was seperately, I forgot to put part 2 as a reply to my 1st part.


      Now I feel like naming my animals too :D


      you gave me a idea for my story ^-^

  20. i DONT trade i never trade i only play animal jam for the role play i don't even have many rares so i couldn't become some kindof rare trader even if i wanted to and HEY!?!?
    did you know animal jam was almost already half a year old before they came out with tradeing?!?! :D


    1. Yes. I barely trade anymore.

    2. Same, I barely trade anymore. Unless I need something. I no longer need rares to match myself. I wish no Jammer can care about rares. That's why there shouldn't be rares at the first place! If too much peeps quit AJ because of rares coming back, AJ will shut down and the other Jammers who love AJ so much won't be able to play. I mean...AJ won't have a lot of money anymore cuz half of the population quit because of this. Like I said, there shouldn't have been a trading system or sending system OR rares in the first place!


    3. Also, rares reduse scamming. Do you "rare" peeps not want rares to come back cuz you want you and others to scam and be popular? Would you just care about your friends instead of pixels? So you played this only to collect rares and not do other things? Think about the new land! Will it be more fun then just sitting there and wait until someone will trade you? I've witnessed how boring trading is right now.


    4. Yeah waiting for a trade is super boring but I still need items to complete the outfits for my animals and I have some unwanted items like a basketball which I don't need. I hope the new land is epic and amazing!


    5. Rares aren't the problem. Greed is.

      If more people were satisfied with what they have rather than always wanting what is hard to get and not appreciating what is easy to get, then there would be less scamming and crying and people quitting AJ for silly reasons.

    6. I trade for the sport of bargain hunting and the variety. :3

    7. I don't trade that much anymore because of the betas coming X3 @krazy Yep, I'm wif chu.
      Other then that, there's a whole crowd of ANNOYING jammers in Sarepia Forest server Adirondack dancing by the fire thinking they'll get RARES. I feel like they're stupid DX


    8. I care about my rares, I like my rares, I appreciate them and I am proud of them, but that doesn't mean I'm some snobby jammer who spits in people's faces because I have better pixels then them. People say Animal Jam isn't about rares, but to some it is so respect that. I used to only trade and nothing else, but then I got scammed really badly and all I did was roleplay. Then after a lot of work and dedication I became sort of rare, only a few good items. Then I was scammed again, and lost everything. I quit for a while, but then came on again to just hang out with friends. And that was all I did.
      Then I became very rare, and didn't talk to anyone, I just traded. Now I'm happy with my items, and I have wonderful friends that I talk to all the time and would rather have them instead of my rares.
      So maybe now you can see that Animal Jam is about all sorts of things, not just friends and mini games. It's about whatever you want it to be about. For me, it's a fun game where I can talk to good friends, trade for awesome items and pretend I'm some epic warrior.
      See my point? If not, that's ok. I'm just stating my opinion on the matter.


    9. It's very understandable :3
      But here is my wish list that I want gone in Animal Jam :P
      1. Scammers Reason: I hate watching innocent jammers get scammed, and fall for the scammers trick DX. It would be an easier life without wasting your time by catching scammers that weren't supposed to be here ^.^
      2. Bullies Reason: They're WORSE then scammers. They use VERY tough words and act like "I'm gonna call AJHQ if chu don't give me your spike" Yea and some are very mean, and they don't follow the AJ rules DX same with scammers and hackers :I It's painful to see jammers get bullied D=
      3. Hackers Reason: They take almost EVERYTHING from your account that chu worked SO hard for. It's unbelieveably sad :'(. The hackers should get banned, hacked or scammed :P


    10. I like wearing rares somtimes, but know what I like a little bit more?
      I love to wear sparkly epic wonders clothing. Rings/tiaras/necklaces/shiny skirt. I dress my animal in diamonds from head to toe, and it doesn't involve any trading for rares at all. =) Just good old hard work and gem earning.

      If those items became rare.... suddenly a bunch of people would bug me "what for it what for it??!?!??!?!" all the time. And I wouldn't like all the harassment. >.<

  21. -_- yeah. a friend of mine on moshi had reccomended AJ, and sent me a rare bow (i was nm at the time) so i was completely a begginer, when a person ran to me saying "what for bow???". i was confused cause i had just joined, and they told me to trade for their so called "beta table" (the table you get when you start) and i didnt want to, they started crying saying "your a meanie!!" and made their wolf sleep, trying to look miserable.

    I just sat there, confused and a teensy bit annoyed XD


    1. yup :T now im being overwhelmed by ppl aksing to buddy them >.< ima normal jammer ignore my kangaroo ppl!


    2. It is annoying. I always have peeps asking what for some of my stuff. I said "nothing" cuz anything that I wear will NEVER be for trade. I'll never trade again! Unless for another color, but I've found trading boring than hanging out with friends and talking about "coming soon" stuff.


    3. lolz ^
      That happened to me when I first bought the arctic wolf... and the snow leopard. Everyone wanted to buddy me because I was the new rare animal (this was back when no one knew how to get them yet).

      So now when I see a kangaroo I know to give them their space. XD

    4. @Faolan98

      I don't really buddy peeps who have a kangaroo. I just stare at them (not to be creepy to them or anything) cuz I love their actions, the stuff they wear and how they move and breathe. If I ever see a kangaroo in Best Dressed, I will vote for them ALL THE TIME! Cuz they're awesome! :) Also, cuz I WANT ONE SO BAD!


    5. Lol, im online :3


    6. Exactly Manxylion. I got the arctic wolf the day after it was released in stores, people started bothering me like crazy.

    7. I had that too with my Snow Leopard. I am happy it was sold at target because my family never goes to Walmart, and my mom needed to go to target they day the Snow Leopards came out so I was just like "YAY!" so I asked for one xD. But of course I had to pay her back to it wasn't perfect but hey! xD

    8. I was one of the people who got a lion early, and everyone kept asking " How'd ya get your lion? Where'd you get it? Huh, huh?!"

    9. Ikr ^
      And they act like just because we have that animal means you somehow have unlimited free codes for that animal.

      This fox kept bugging me saying "please send me a snow leopard code!!! I will send you any rare you want right here, just plz!" If I was a scammer I could have scammed her so easily. She is lucky I am not a scammer. I told her no I don't have a code. =/ She didn't seem to understand and I don't think english was her first language cause she used strange grammar. >.<

    10. I hope that fox that was bugging chu didn't get scammed o.o. It's epic when chu get a new animal that nobody else has, and jammers start crowding around chu XD. But later on, it just gets more annoying .-. Plus chu have more fun things to do then be chased by a crowd of jammers XD


    11. whenever im a kangaroo people always say: BUDDY ME WHERE DID YOU GET THAT??

  22. Please check out my blog! :D

  23. can someone please trade or send me a wide shelf? i don't have enough gems to buy one and i am going to try and save up for a item -_- my user is avabug01

    1. I don't care I'll be online in like a minute or so...

    2. yeah i'm on now if you want to trade me one

    3. I don't think I can since my dad is about to use the computer and all I can do is comment here..... but I would send chu one if I only had time ^.^! Too bad I can't D:.....


    4. I sent her one don't worry. :D


    1. What the-- -.- SPAM BOT! I AIN'T LISTENIN TO U! SPAM BOT GO AWAY, NEVER COME BACK ANOTHER DAY GRR I HATE CHU SPAM BOT DX! Chu should be called stupid bot :3


  25. I kind of like these cleats.
    When you put them on a (non arctic) wolf and dance, it shows the bottoms of your paws where they are purple with a bunch of little turquoise dots all over them! x3

    1. The same glitch happens when a panda dances while wearing snowshoes. :D

    2. Really? I'll try dat glitch out tomorrow, cuz it's night, and my dad is using the computer X3 Sooner or later I'll be sleeping in my nice, cozy warm bed c:


  26. Please help me I downloaded tunnel town and it keeps crashing.. ;_; i just wanna play..

    1. On my ipod. if this helps.

    2. That's weird... Idk why it keep lagging for other Jammers... Mine doesn't lag o_o

    3. Also, try restarting your device. Just hold down the power button, wait 10 seconds and then hold down the power button again... I'm pretty sure you knew how, but try that and see if it helps if something keeps crashing/lagging. Also if you have a BUNCH of apps open, it might now work very well. Just try closing some apps too if my first suggestion doesn't work. :P

    4. i stopped running apps and that didn't work.. im gonna try and restart my iDevice

    5. try what Mia776 said, and if it doesn't work, double press the home button so it shows your history. delete it from there, but not your i pod. then, try again. If this doesn't work, try deleting the whole thing and re-downloading it.

    6. I hope tunnel town will be available for other devices


    8. XD I hope chu have an epic and fun time playing it ^.^! I still wish I could D: And I just noticed something on the Monday Mystery ^_^ The stream/river is connected to the Mt. Shiveers stream/river. When the new land comes, will their water there be freezing? My decision is un-likely XD. Anyway, at the left side of Mt. Shiveer u don't even SEE water .!.


  27. Visit the Animal Jam Sky Blog for more on the Mystery!

  28. I can't wait for the new land! This is what I think it could look like:
    It would have small trees that you could climb on and on the ground there would be this golden grass.
    There could be a shop that looks kinda like a tepee that sells wood animal carvings like in the diamond shop the arctic wolf one but made of wood and all different animals. If the animal was non member the carving would be non member!
    There might also be masks like fox masks that go over your animals faces!
    You could find journey book animals running in and out o he golden grass and in the sky!

    Is this a good idea? Please reply!


    1. It does look like a great idea! Maybe the beta masks might come back if they'll sell tribal items in a teepee. A teepee is some sort of tribal hut thing. So why not?


    2. That would be an EPIC idea :D! @krazy Yea..... :D


    3. E-pic! Too bad that it HAS to have something to do with kangaroos... good idea, though.

  29. Hey guys!
    Pretty wacky monday rare o.o
    Can't wait for the new land ^.^
    If you have non member rares and would like to exchange for pretty nice member rares, visit
    (This is not spam, snowy said in one of her pretty old posts that you can advertise as long as it's at the end of a real comment)

    1. I can't wait for the new land, too! It'll come in 3 days! I don't find the item wacky. The color combination looks ugly to me. Especially when it's a human item.


    2. Wacky is my way of saying weird, I won't buy it anyway :P

    3. Lol. Ok then.


    4. It looks..... umm..... floppy XD? Meh, put it on a penguin and start walking around. Instead of having happy feet, now chu have floppy feet. YAY XDDDDDD!!!!!!
      I hope the new land has epic fun in it ^.^ Once it comes out, it'll be full before chu can say "GUMDROP!" XD I'm really looking forward to it, and I'm so angry and impatient because, THAT many days >.<? I know everyone has a hard life, but these are a MILLION lives playing AJ. Do chu accept all of them to wait THAT long? And how many are waiting for the new land impatiently? I bet a lot XD. Btw I'm writing a story soon =D


  30. Another message: My art easel for a pink worn blanket anyone? Thank you in advance ^o^

    1. Beta's are coming back, and pink worns are epic/rareish ^.^
      Maybe :3 cuz there might be hope in Art Easel's coming back ^•^
      Chu decide X3 and welcome!


  31. Here is the link for an epic buddy picture: C:\Users\Lyanne.Gloryanne-PC\Pictures\Buddy Pictures.png
    my real name is Lyanne -smart06703 ^.^

    1. copy and past it on another tab for the Hd picture
      smart06703 ^.^

    2. It says that the webpage could not be found. =c

  32. C:\Users\Lyanne.Gloryanne-PC\Pictures\Buddy Pictures.png
    C:\Users\Lyanne.Gloryanne-PC\Pictures\Buddy Pictures.png
    C:\Users\Lyanne.Gloryanne-PC\Pictures\Buddy Pictures.png
    C:\Users\Lyanne.Gloryanne-PC\Pictures\Buddy Pictures.png
    C:\Users\Lyanne.Gloryanne-PC\Pictures\Buddy Pictures.png

  33. Ponies are cool.
    And so are muffins.
    But cupcakes are evil.
    Daisies are evil, too.


  34. I haven't commented in a while. Hi!


  35. I don't like the rare it weird. By the way plushie store my den please visit.


  36. -_- i just logged ina bit ago, and discovered my art easel gone. i asked my brother if he took it, (he usually does borrow stuff from me) and he had recycled it, telling me betas were coming back anyways. :L now i rlly hope beta den items return

    Things I want to return:

    Beta Non member dens (why not?)
    Old Crystal Sands
    Medical Center

    I do know nm`s would just freak out that when they logged in and went to their den to see the bridge entrance and three rooms :3


  37. one solution to prevent hacking:

    go to parent acc, and lock the selected account. when ya try to log in, it wont let you until you go in the acc and unlock it c:


    1. Or don't share your password. x3

    2. @ Faolan98 - That's a good idea but that's now what I did ^3^ First I:
      - Told my password (because I was quitting at the time BTW It was winter so it really sucked for me .-.)
      - Got hacked (I know, I think I cried DX)
      - Told my mom to change my password (I can tell u my old password it was peanut :T)
      - Used my new password
      -TADA! x3
      That's how I prevented my hacking! Basically, I just changed my password :D
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  38. WOOOO i found a amazzing vid! this person played AJ along time ago, (beta times) and shows what its like!



    1. P.S. There is BETA PRIZES for my new contest...

  40. ill write a story about it when i have time ^.^

    1. o.o About what? The new land? I know chu might not reply, but I'm pretty sure I'm correct LOL XD!!!!
      I'm writing a story soon, too ^.^!


  41. Snowy, maybe you should have someone to do mini jobs. For example, Monday mystery or a finding pawsome videos! :D I think it would help you out A LOT!


    1. Hmm, good idea! I think I could do some updates and Monday Mysteries, and Mia could manage comments and do some updates, along with other authors! It would be a team made in heaven!

  42. Some nm had "ultra rare" mem gold bow on aj so I asked what she wanted for it and she said" a rare bow, 2fox hats and a spike collar!!!" so I realized it was just the one you can buy in epic wonders. I told her that and she went on a maniacle rant! She started yelling "YOU'RE A BIG FAT LIAR!! SCAMMER!HACKER!LIARRRR! YOU SHOULD BE REPORTED,BANNED AND BLOCKED BY EVERYONE WHO PLAYS THIS!" and then she ran away crying .... I can tell she was a older kid though... Kind of because of her user... Which I don't want to say out loud. I may be annoyed with her but I'm not going to give it out.

    1. Hmm, good thinking Ava. Eh, its just her choice, leave her alone and hope that she won't annoy anyone else. Besides, what can we do? Annoying people are annoying. *shrugs* They'll probably stop if you ignore them.

  43. Meh... the new item is.... well... meh... :\
    Author tryouts? Haha, I sleep too much, so I probably wouldn't be able to.


    1. I wonder wht authors really do X3. Oh well, I'll just go ask Mia tomorrow if I get to see her. Hopefull I will =D btw doesn't Snowy do most of the posting? Meh... I luv staying awake up at night, but I know I should get some good sleep :3


    2. Authors write posts. I am PERFECT for the job, as a temporary International Jammer I am usually the first to post the new item! I'm filling in for RonenTheGamer on his/her blog, but I can still manage AJS, no worries!
      Meh, Anon, Mia is more active than me on this blog but also has the hinderment of sleep, while I can post in your early morning! >=D Oh well about being busy, I'm going to read the comments.
      Please look at my YouTube account, I've started a Let's Play of Pokemon Reborn! Thx!

  44. I am SO worried... My bff is getting hacked D: her use is : katsumawhitefangbff

    Please help! btw my use is katsumawhitefang

    1. if you could help please reply

    2. Oh no D:!!!! I'm so so so sorry! I feel HORRIBLE for your bff. Chu must be berry nice friends ^.^ I wish I could help, but here is all I can tell you:
      1. Ask your bff their parent to change yours bffs password and make sure it's easy to remember but hard for any jammer else to guess
      2. Wish good luck to your bff
      3. Make sure shes safe for about.. 4 or 3 days and she'll be fine again ^-^!
      I could try to find out the hacker if you like... but that's all I can do... sorry :c


    3. Thanks for the help u seem so nice :D pls could u help me find out the hacker :)

      _ Katsumawhitefang

  45. Hey jammers! There is gonna be a big party at my den on July 23rd at 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time! I might even give away a few rares if enough people come!

    1. Oooooooooooh I might come ^_^ not for the rares, just to have an epic fun time just like the Drama Party me and some of my friends had XDD I bet it's gonna be just like dat :3 I might not come becaise of the time it's at DX If I don't come, I'm sorry D=


  46. Yay! Author tryouts! Finally! I would be elated to enter, Snowy! Sorry, I'm not commenting much again due to a busy schedule. DX

    1. Cosmo scavenged through the forest. He kicked through the leaves, and peered by the long, skeleton-like trunks. His eyes flickered, and gleamed with greed. He couldn't admit it, but the place was amazing. There was a waterfall that spewed sparkling water, clean enough to drink. The rocks were like diamonds, they were like white, not grey. He yipped in joy. Then, a clump of grass turned deadly black. Phantom venom. Only phantoms' can make the greenest grass a color like that, with their venom in their tentacles, they could make the strongest, healthiest tree fall over in a heap. He turned around, but he saw nothing. Suddenly, he felt a peculiar prickle on his back. It reached up his shoulders, and he realized it was fear. He closed his eyes, and counted to ten. "Mira, help me," He murmured, standing in jungle, which felt darker and more frightening than before. "Aaagbork snoborknl!" A phantom hissed. Their voices was like the wind whistling, or pages turning in a flutter. When they floated, it was like ink moving across the scenery. THey were hoenstly, a nightmare. Cosmo vaguely knew the Phantom language, but it was very confusing and complicated. It seemed like they had said, "we are the Snogmitten tribe!" Except less friendlier. As you might not know, phantoms move like a pack of wolverines. They aren't like a big heap of phantoms, they moved differently and more nimble. Some phantoms shoot lightning that's the darkest shade of blue, when they are born. That determines their tribe. The Bluesqueezers are the monsters that have the amazing ability to shoot blue lightning. Those who have rocket-like lightning, which is faster than a bullet, they might be in the Hssdvil tribe. There's hundreds of tribes, so it'll take days to list them all with brief details.
      To be continued...

    2. KatzKandy (i'm anonymous)July 22, 2013 at 10:27 PM

      Cosmo had not yet heard of the Snogmitten tribe, but it seemed dangerous. "Smeee smeeeg!" He gulped. His heart leaped into his throat, like an arrow. That was the phantom battle cry. He knew it anywhere. All he wanted to do is expand the animal area. Animals were reproducing, and quickly. Even the widest alleys were crowded with animals, squeezing through the crowd. Each day he got at least five complaint Jam-A-Grams, requesting a voyage to find new land. The phantoms could evacuate. The real, sweet, loving, and kind jammers deserved more. The phantoms would suffer today.
      Cosmo drew his spear. "No!" He bellowed. (Cosmo had a thick accent, similar to the humans' Mexican accent, except this is the monkey language). The phantom had blood red eyes, that were round as a baseball. They had small circular dots in the middle. The phantom swiftly glided through the forest, almost to where Cosmo was confidently standing. He swiped at the phantom, and it shot some venom at Cosmo. He ducked, and the spit-like poison hit a rock that held up a big crumble of rocks. If that one were to fall, the whole tower would. It would become an avalanche. Sadly, it did. Cosmo sprinted, and the phantom clumsily glided slowly. It had barely any energy left. Cosmo sprinted faster, and the phantom shot more and more venom. The rocks crumbled, and they raced toward them like waves. The phantom had one last shot of venom, and it had amazing speed and aim. It shot towards Cosmo's leg. The venom absorbed his baby soft skin. Cosmo yowled in pain, and tears brimmed in his eyes. He clutched the leg, and slowly listened to the phantom cackle in glory. (That is, until it was devoured by the boulders and instantly injured severly). He could feel the rocks roll to his place. He struggled to move, and he could feel the venom race through his throbbing veins. He couldn't die..not here. Not under the pressure of one puny phantom. It would be the laughinstock of town, and even the other shamans would look at him in shame. His final say would be he couldn't even watch one puny, baby monster be punished. A armor of sadness covered his heart like a cape.
      To be continued...

  47. OMG it's me predator28299! and can some of you guys and girls answer me... WHY ARE THERE NOT MONTHLY MEMBER GIFTS ANYMORE?! not that i am a member, i think it is starting to itch members!

  48. @KatzKandy
    That is such a KOOL story!

  49. Snowy, I am the hacker who is hacking your account beware I might steal your stuff MWAHAHAA

  50. oh so so so bored
    wonder if i have anything on trade

  51. May suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the clock, 9:30 AM. She was late.Late for the quest to discover the new land! As fast as lighting, May jumped out of bed and ran. Cosmo and his koalas where saying one last good bye before leaving. May caught up in them still panting and puffing. And then the koalas waved goodbye and set off, they first sent to the Appondale and traveled far till they reached a thick forest. May looked around, rays of sunlight shone between the long trees, nearby there was a freshwater river flowing the koalas were thirsty so they had a drink and explored the forest. Cosmo looked deeper into the forest, he say a ray of electricity which disappeared as quick as a flash. Cosmo went closer and closer wondering if that just could have been a phantom. He looked around and felt something familiar on his back, it tickled a bit. Cosmo quickly turned around, Nothing. nothing was there. Cosmo was starting to think that someone was playing tricks on him, but who could it be? Cosmo went back knowing he had to take care of his koalas. Meanwhile May had ventured even deeper into the forest, she was eating some raspberries from a raspberry bush when suddenly she say an eye, staring at her. "a phantom" she whispered, May had never seen a phantom before. She had no idea whether to run or stay. May crawled closer to the phantom, it narrowed its eye at May. When suddenly out of nowhere the phantom shot a ray of lighting at May's leg. May groaned in pain clutching her leg tightly.

    Chapter 2 coming soon


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw