
Monday, July 8, 2013

Rare Kelp Skirt

Hey jammers! Today's rare item is a pawsome colored Rare Kelp Skirt, sold on the first page of the Bahari Bargains shop!
AJHQ has also posted a fun list of Jamaa's events and holidays!

And I finally have a new giveaway posted on YouTube!
Click here to enter, and click here if you don't have YouTube!

 I always find myself wondering what happened to Mira's head feathers. She looks kind a bald without them. ^.^ A little?
The Monday Mystery... What has Mira been doing since Zios was lost? Where has she been? Why has she left us, or has she left us at all? Does Mira still reside within Jamaa? How does one find her?

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Cute! I like it! Anyway first!

    1. No offense but hearing about Mira's bald head XD? I was laughing my paws off XDD!!!!!!!!! XDD Congrats =(^.^)=

    2. Pwease don't delete this comment :C my fun, friendly, kind, funny aunt told me this ^-^
      Starts off in a spooky voice: One bright day, in the middle of the night, two dead men got up to fight. Back to back they face each other, drew their swords and shot each other. If you don't believe this stories true, ask the blind man, he saw it too. It's just a joke but please don't delete it :CCCCC

    3. Funny everything is wrong! please check out my blog and comment! It's Animal Jam Howler link: thanks hope it's not a spam (and there seems to be a glitch were it goes to Freedom Bunnies instead of the regular post)

    4. Hey guys, Hershey87 here add my website ( to your list it has a pawsome animal jam part and an epic club penguin part and much much much more and to all you jammers reading this visit my website i am hosting a rare fox hat giveaway! And tell all your friends about it well thats all for now
      Happy Jamming :)

  2. Check out my blog:
    Hope this isn't spam ^.^

    1. Can you see my blog?

    2. It's not ^.^! People just ask people here to visit their blog because Snowyclaws is visited the most :P

    3. True. Can anyone check out my blog it's Animal Jam Howler

  3. Replies
    1. Congrats X3! Too Mia XD: Dear Mia XD, I know this sounds weird saying dear XD, but I'm not yet finished with the story X3 XDD. Can you please wait? I'm almost done :3

      -Dancing Chihuahua

    2. Dear Mia XD: Okay Part 1 is down there in the comments pwease read it thanks XDD

    3. @Chihuahuas
      I'm sorry, I cant find your story. Did you perhaps forget to click publish? Lol

    4. It's wayyyyyyyyyyyy down there Mia ^-^! If you didn't see it XD, I'll copy paste it right here :3! Here's my un-fished story, with parts ^-^!
      Dancing-Me :3 Bouncing-Mia
      Part 1 The Lost Friend
      It happened long time ago, and I still wonder where she is. -Dancing
      Outside, in Sarepia Forest two fox warriors were play fighting. The moon shone on Dancing's icy blue fur, and on Bouncing's ginger fur. When Dancing pinned Bouncing to da ground, suddenly the sky turned darker then usual. Lighting flashed, and Dancing was gone.

      Bouncing was desperate to find her and bring her back home. The next night, she asked Mira in the fire where she had gone. The wise heron replied firmly but gentle, "You will find your friend locked up in a phantom cage, near the phantoms castle and four will be guarding your friend; as well as the castle. I wish good luck to you, but I must go now". Mira disappeared, and Bouncing thought as she still had more questions. "Where is the phantom castle? Will I have to fight the phantoms? Is my friend safe"? She decided to prepare for the journey.

      Early morning she went out hunting. She caught her friends favorite prey, and hers too. She buried the prey to collect them later, and that's where it began. Hope you enjoyed and loved the first part ^.^! I tried my best to make it real X3

    5. You are a great writer Chihuahuas :D :D

    See my latest story on Jamaa lore club! :D

    1. ERMAHGERD XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY TOMORROW BIRTHDAY, IBP YOUR ROCK YAY YIPPEE YO AWESOME YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Gives ibp Fun Dip* Enjoy :3! I promise to send you something :D

    2. Happy 1-Day-Early Birthday! :D


    3. Happy Birthday! :D!

      Happy Birthday to You! (Cha-cha-cha!)
      Happy Birthday to You! (Cha-cha-cha!!)
      Happy Birthday to You Dear ibp911! (Cha-cha-cha!)
      Happy Birthday to You! (CHA-CHA-CHA!)

      Hope you have the best B-day EVA!

      Cheers, Sriha123

    4. I'll try to send ya something :)

    5. Happy birthday! Not trying to be mean, but asking people to send you gifts isn't really the way it works. You gotta wait till someone offers you a gift first! :)

  5. The colours on the skirt are really nice though I don't think I'll buy it. I don't go underwater very much, not very exciting down there.

    Eeeeee, my cat just walked in. 8D

    1. XDD Eeeeee, nothing walked in but I'm afraid the Evil Moon Hat will O.O.

      I been scared to death from DA EVIL MOON HAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O Whispers in everyones ear, save me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *voice starts fading away and is gone* All da animals say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THE EVIL MOON HAT TOOK HER AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH D:!!!!!

    2. @ilovecute chihuahuas please stop spamming!

    3. She's not spamming. Spamming is when there's a topic that doesn't related to AJ. That scary moon hat that was sold in AJ is a related topic to an item that has been sold 2 days ago.


    4. Sorry. I'm just scared of Evil Moon Hats XD Cuz if you put one on and I see you, I'll be screaming my life away like I did yesterday :P

    5. @hlyndzy
      She was not spamming! Now please go read Krazy's comment above. >.<

    6. Hehehe @ ILCC. I thought that was you the other day who said it wasn't scary. O.o maybe that was someone else with a similar avatar.

    7. Yay! *throws confetti everywhere in celebration of is not spam*


    8. @Manxy
      Maybe your getting mixed up with her feelings about the Star and sun hat? :)

    9. its not a spam >.< and also Manxy she said the sun hat was cute not the moon hat :)

    10. Oh okay sorry. And P.S. krazy that was rude.

  6. Replies
    1. Okay :P Btw does anyone know what kk means XD? I heard lots of people say it, and it sounds like they say okay okay.... anyone know? THANKS X3!

    2. IT DOES *Gives Pink the cute curious puppy eyes :3* O.O

    3. Yep. I sometimes say "kk" and it's the same thing as saying "k" or "ok"


    4. Usually girls say "kk" when they're being girly or something lol.

    5. yep. i sometimes say k but rarely say kk i usually say ok.

  7. Part 1
    I groaned, my feathers brushing against stone wall. "Where am I?" I muttered. I was in a cave. Hostage. This couldnt be good. "Mira..." Soft voices whispered cruelly."Miraaaa...." "What?!" I cried. "Welcome!" They muttered. "To your eternal home!" "No, no." I cried.The phantoms! They trapped me! That must mean that... The Jamaasians need me. No..

    Back at the base camp.
    Liza stared at the other Alphas with a look that pierced them onto their tree stumps. "We have had many wars. Without Mira. But we simply just CANT fight this war without her! She is our only hope." The Alphas nodded. Greely looked up from the rat he was killing. "Yes we need Mir-" "Let that poor creature go!" The rodents eyes were swelled up in fear.
    "Fine!" Cackled Greely as he threw the rat behind him. "We need to find Mira.
    The phatoms are keepin her captive I think." "Where would they keep her???"
    The ALphas shook heads one by one. Each one muttering "Dunno." "Jamaa Is huge!" SHe whispered. "We'll use the Jamaasians!" Peck squealed."Hand me the calligraphy brush! Pecks gonna make us some Wanted Postaaaasss!!"
    "I hate her high-pitch."Greely muttered. "THATS NOT MAIII HHIGH PITCH THIS IS!!" She squealed intensly. Sir Gilbert swiped a paw at her. "Miiiiissseedd!" She cried.

    1. Lol peck is hilarious! " Do you wanna hear my low pitch?" - pecks voice goes very low- Helloo, I'm greely and I have a very low voice. BOW BOE BOW ( make sure to read that in a low voice )

    2. I wuv yo story :3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm working on one XD and almost finished :D

    3. The story is good so far! :D


    4. Its a great story, but you need to say "said..." Because im confused
      On who is saying what .

    5. But overall, very nice story. :)

    6. Hilarious!! GO Peck! I'm a wolf but I'm not like Greely... I'm more like Peck!

      Cheers, Sriha123

  8. can someone plz check my blog out and read my new legend?

  9. Yuck, a kelp skirt. Wouldn't it be all slimy, stinky, and yucky with barnacles growing on it and little sand fleas in it? I mean who knows where it's been!


    2. I agree wif what you said Hayluc XD! I forgot what to call you yesterday, sorry :P

    3. Its color resembled that of genetically mutated green lettuce. By the way, call me Guac

    4. Well, you would be a turtle or something, and turtles have barnacles on their shells! lolz! But I personally don't like the kelp skirt color, and I like my outfit now, and if I buy it I will have less than 100 gems!! >.<

      Cheers, Sriha123

  10. Please come visit my blog! ^.^

  11. Here's my un-fished story, with parts ^-^!
    Dancing-Me :3 Bouncing-Mia
    Part 1 The Lost Friend
    It happened long time ago, and I still wonder where she is. -Dancing
    Outside, in Sarepia Forest two fox warriors were play fighting. The moon shone on Dancing's icy blue fur, and on Bouncing's ginger fur. When Dancing pinned Bouncing to da ground, suddenly the sky turned darker then usual. Lighting flashed, and Dancing was gone.

    Bouncing was desperate to find her and bring her back home. The next night, she asked Mira in the fire where she had gone. The wise heron replied firmly but gentle, "You will find your friend locked up in a phantom cage, near the phantoms castle and four will be guarding your friend; as well as the castle. I wish good luck to you, but I must go now". Mira disappeared, and Bouncing thought as she still had more questions. "Where is the phantom castle? Will I have to fight the phantoms? Is my friend safe"? She decided to prepare for the journey.

    Early morning she went out hunting. She caught her friends favorite prey, and hers too. She buried the prey to collect them later, and that's where it began. Hope you enjoyed and loved the first part ^.^! I tried my best to make it real X3

    1. Here what I think what happened to Mira X3:
      Long time ago, the lands were filled with war. The phantoms were attacking, and many injured. Zios and Mira were loosing strength, but did not give up. When the war was over which almost lasted for 1 day, Mira kept went searching for Zios. She couldn't find him, and found him dead. She cried in pain of the one who she did everything with. She went to The Temple Of Zios, and looked into the lake. She saw him watching on her. Tears came out of her eyes, and suddenly phantoms with poison came out. She knew she wouldn't let her companion (Zios) down, and she fought. After that, more escaped but dare not fight since their defeat. Cosmo cured her, and her wounds healed. The jammers started growing beautiful plants everywhere, building, writing newspapers, it became a happy place. Mira returned back to her safe home, up in the heavenly sky. There is a statue of her, for us to remember what a great blue and wise heron did for us. But yet some phantoms prowl around in Temple Of Zios, waiting for revenge. The end
      ^-^! Like my story :3?

    2. Also another suggestion on Monday Mystery XD! Go to and look at Graham. On his back he's wearing a backpack strapped on to him. In the middle of the straps, there is a green ruby/diamond/thingy X3. Who knows what it is? Why is it there? Does it have power in it? Just saying :3

    3. Nice story that is starring you and Mia! ^.^


    4. Thanks krazy ^-^ :3!

    5. No prob, buddy! :D


    6. YAY! I found it :D :D :D :D

      You are a great writer. Should I post my story again today? :D

  12. Can anyone tell me if this was a fair trade? A black rhino helmet and a nm wood floor for my cream worn blanket. Is that fair?

    1. I don't know but I don't have a love of worns, rare or not I don't want any XDD! They look to fancy to me is why :3

    2. @Anonymous
      You probably could have gotten a better color worn... But I might be wrong too :p

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sorry I was gone awhile, I'm busy on my blogs because I have comments to moderate and others to reply to, and I was gone without computer access at Lake Itasca! >.<

  14. Replies
    1. Yay! :D *throws confetti everywhere*


    Mira lives far far far far far far far far far far far
    (CHUTES: Get on with it!) far far away in an unnamed land. There is a rundown castle, where she lives. The only thing she brought from Jamaa was Zios's staff and a portal. The portal goes to the fire pit in Sarepia Forest. If four jammers dance (I think) around the pit, then Mira will show up and flap her wings. Will Mira ever return to Jamaa? Somedaaaaaaaaay......

    CHUTES: Aaaah! We are hanging on a cliff!
    PAPAD: It's called a cliffhanger. 0_0

    ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, WE GET TO TAKE MY CAT TO THE VET AT 8:40 PM CUZ HER TAIL IS LOSING ITS FLUFFINESSSSSSS

    1. Good one ^.^! I hope your poor kitty is aw right!

    2. We shall find out! in about 2 hours and 40 minutes!

      ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, I HOPE IT DOESN'T RAIN WHEN WE TAKE HER OUTSIDE, CUZ MY CATS ARE INDOOR CATS

      Thanks by the way.

  16. 46 comment ^-^!

  17. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH says in a tiny quiet voice im blind :'(

  18. Hi Yo Silver guys! Haha! I hope you all watched the new Lone Ranger movie, starring Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer. Anyways, it's predator28299 here. First, my den invitations, i hope it's no spam cuz i worked hard for my den and i can't wait to see you all's dens,
    Username: predator28299
    Level of amounts in den:
    Plushies and Pets: Medium
    Banners and Plaques: Medium
    Food: Okay amount ;)
    Water: Not much, unless you want holy water from the phantom fountain! XD
    Beds and Mats And tables: High
    Games: Just Sky High Dx

    Done... Hope you like it....
    An a reminder: Don't forget that the animal jam birthday cake code, ajbday, is still working and it might not be working soon, so it'd be rare for some!

    1. Aww The cake code worked but I didn't get a cake :C

  19. Lol i saw a gang of turtles just now with th rare kelp skirt screamin' out, Kelp me!!!! Kelp me! i decided that was it decided to hide lol

    1. LOL XDD!!!!!!!!!!! Well that makes sense XD! KELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -HELP ME!!!!!!!!!

    2. LOL! That was in a show called Good Luck Charlie.. I love that show. Lol. :3

  20. lol ilove cutechihuahuas yes and pls accept meh buddy request

  21. Here is wat I think happened to Mira.
    One year ago Mira awoke from the cloud palace in the sky. Then an evil phantom dressed as a pet dog came. The dog froze Mira in the statue and no won has seen her til this day. But the key that unlocks the statue is in the sky so wat do you think? If you said birds and sky lands well your right. Soon jammers will be able to be birds and bats. That why hummingbird packs are leaving. The hummingbird will be available in a birds only party!!!!


    1. Awesome idea :D! I'll be thinking soon of an idea of what happened to Mira :P...

    2. A good idea to make a sky realm! Maybe they should have the same items as the land ones. In underwater, it doesn't make sense! Lol. Maybe they should, that's all! :)


  22. ....and? Why shpuld we care spambot?

    1. Are u callin me spam bot
      I'm sensetive :,( goes into corner and cries


    2. Your not da SpamBot :3! *Hugs Bella and gives her her favorite food evn though I barely know you XD*

    3. Yeah, you're not a spambot! I find you awesome! :D


    4. Guys, I think that person meant to reply to that spam comment by Mariam Baurice.

  23. Ok, here's my solution to the mystery:

    Mira, a heron and the sky father named Zios, who's figure is unknown, were great friends. It was peaceful in Jamaa. Animals chatting with each other and no thieves. It was the best time period to have in Early Jamaa.

    But something happened. Mira was flying to the skies to meet Zios. But Zios was nowhere to be seen. "Zios?" Mira called. "Zios? It's me, Mira!" But he didn't respond. What happened to him? Did he left without telling anyone? Was he taken? Mira sat on a cloud and sobbed. "Zios, why should you leave me alone like this?" Her tears fell with full of sadness and fear. Little did she know that a black force was created in the shadows. They appeared to be created and shown inside the idol of Zios, which had fallen. It was the heart of Zios. He was destroyed by those pesky little phantoms. "Oh no. What have I done!" Mira shouted.

    The phantom problem spread all over Jamaa quickly and animals were being attacked. Most of them hid in their dens so they won't see them. And had to stay there for a few days. Days passed by and Mira looked at the Jamaa it had became. The Shamans/Alphas have seen what happened. Mira sighed but then a huge phantom came behind her. "Ah, Mira. Zios's friend I see?" She said out loud. Mira doesn't see a mouth. How can the phantom talk? "I challenge to a war, if you win, we will leave. But if we win, we will shatter Jamaa into pieces. If you want Zios back, you'll have to accept and win the war." The Phantom Queen said. Mira accepted.

    I'm making part 2 right now! :)


    1. Mira accepted the war. The Phantom Queen disappeared into a midst. Mira pretended that she hadn't talked to that giant phantom. Mira secretly talked about the war to the Shamans/Alphas. "WHAT?!" Shouted Sir Gilbert. "You have talked to one of those pesky phantoms?!" Sir Gilbert stabbed the table with his dagger. "This is the only way that Jamaa can be peaceful again." Said Mira. "If I refused, then Jamaa will become a huge disaster, and I'll get Zios back!" "You know that maybe the Phantom Queen might be lying." Cosmo said. "Maybe Zios might not return." The Shamans/Alphas agreed to fight the war for Mira. But Mira is not as clever as the phantoms. Cosmo might be right. At least Jamaa will be peaceful, but she'll be creating worlds without Zios.

      The next day, the war had begun. Mira was in the back. She wanted to fight the Phantom Queen. While the Shamans/Alphas were in the front and some armed animals behind them. Phantoms started to appear in the shadows, ready to fight. The Phantom Queen shouted: "Let the fight begin, I'll take the bird!" The phantoms started to float at the animals and the animals ran to them. Mira waited for the Phantom Queen to charge at her. The phantoms were winning. They were so many of them and most of the animals don't have skill. "Look at your poor animals, they're falling from my little babies!" She wanted to make Mira have full of anger. Without shouting, Mira started to charge at the phantoms instead. She didn't want the animals to fall, neither the Shamans/Alphas. The phantoms decided to fight Mira instead. They went right her but made a huge force field for all of the animals and Shamans/Alphas. The phantoms started to disappear from the force field Mira made. The animals won! Mira flew and was about to recover Jamaa, until... "You can't win the war, Mira! Now without you, you won't be able to help your animals!" She electrocuted Mira and made huge powers on her. The Phantom Queen made a finishing move on her and floating away, making the animals miss her while they're trying to attack her. Mira lied there, weak. Jamaa didn't become as safe as it used to be. The Phantom Queen has to be stopped before she can lay eggs and make more phantoms! "My dear Shamans, please stop that phantom!" She weakly said. "Bring peace to my world, OUR world." She closed her eyes and drove to a peaceful sleep.

      We don't know where her spirit is, but it is somewhere in a far away land where Mira, herself, can have peace. She appears in the campfire, trying to tell Jammers something, to help her. Months later, the Shamans/Alphas decided to find her spirit and what she's saying. The Jammers forgot all about Mira and the Shamans/Alphas when the Shamans/Alphas left. We'll never know if Mira and Zios will return...

      Hope you enjoy!


  24. ok heres my story... Mira lives in her palace , the palace of Jamaa and Mira has not left us for she sent Liza to guide us on adventures . every week the alphas and Mira have a meeting. You can get into her palace with a key,the key of Jamaa the key of Jamaa is the key members have on their player card . When Mira cried she lost her head feathers because of her deep deep sorrow. now.. to take that key off the player card P.s anyone like my story~zipper787

  25. You are :0


  26. The great sky bird had been lost for as long as she could remember. It was in the cold, dark corners of space where she dwelled, surrounded only by millions of stars that taunted her night and day, just those blinking stars, that was all she could see. She had thought time after time of her going mad, but as long as it had been, she was still surprisingly sane. When Zios gave his life for the land, Mira was in ruins. She had cried for as long as she could remember after his death, and even though the Great Land was safe for a little longer, Mira knew that more dangers would come. So she fled one day, to dwell in her sorrow and pity so she could one day return a stronger leader. But as time went on, Mira stayed in the starry gap of space for longer then she thought. She could see in the stars of her and Zios' land, Jamaa, changing and evoluting into a bigger city, and becoming more modern each passing day. Mira was just a legend now, same with the other Shamans for they came when she came, and she had not come in years, so the Shamans were ignored as well. But on some days Mira did show herself, bursting out of a fire in one of the many forests of Jamaa to tell her children she was still safe. One day she tried to return, but got lost. So now she watches Jamaa through the starry skies of her prison, and continues trying day after day to get back. The shamans seemed to forget her too, and came back as Alpahs when the phantoms started arising again. Mira was strong now, and so was her land, so one day she would return. It was just in a matter of time.

    1. In my opinion my story was ok, btw. Ik a lot of you guys like stories with action and lead characters in first person point of view and all that fluff, but I like to explain mysteries of Jamaa in the form of 3rd person and in a way that makes it sound like its a myth that someone is telling, because that's exactly what it is, a myth. So deal with it O____O

    2. You are a very expressive writer! There was so much vivid detail in this story, and I love how you incorporated the stars that "taunted her night and day." Haunting but lovely at the same time. <3
      (I am in love!) XD

    3. Lol thanks! =D

    4. your an awesome writer i love your story so much detail in it

  27. i want you story cutechihuahuas! ;)

  28. So many words O.O DX

  29. ok heres my story... Mira lives in her palace , the palace of Jamaa and Mira has not left us for she sent Liza to guide us on adventures . every week the alphas and Mira have a meeting. You can get into her palace with a key,the key of Jamaa the key of Jamaa is the key members have on their player card . When Mira cried she lost her head feathers because of her deep deep sorrow. now.. to take that key off the player card P.s anyone like my story~zipper787 sorry if this is spam...

  30. Thats it... i gotta post my own story....
    Once upon a time, Mira was a very great heron..... One day, the phantom king, Tonto, kidnapped her himself..... And the next day the alphas were looking round town for her........ Then sir gilbert said she might have been killed, but one day, they found Mira with the phantom king, they were going to the chamber of knowledge... All the alpha's used books and statues and stuff to throw at the king, finally they formed a power called, crystalising.... they used the crystalising power to harden the phantom... the kings legs, dropped on by one.... until mira was released and vanished into the thin air.... finally, the alpha's turned the phantom king into a solid rock, which that time, was out as a prize in the game Phantoms! in the day of the phantoms... it is called the phantom fountain... (view it at my den)
    So? what happened to Mira? Well... she is out to find the spirit of the phantom king and forgive it, or imprison it!

    Lol i hope you like it ;)


  31. "I never left you, my children. For years I have guarded you, and yet you still do not realize that I am here. You ask of my feathers, dear Snowyclaw? Child, please listen. Every feather on my head was a wish, a wish that would be granted to those who would use it wisely. At that time, Jamaa had become a land of hatred and hurt, and I wished for it to disappear, however, it was to no avail. I was desperate, and so I plucked every single one of my feathers, but yet none of it had ceased. Though do not worry for me, my children. I just want you to listen. Who lights the stars up at night, or decorates the sky with hazy ribbons of shimmer? Who blooms the flowers and greens the trees when spring looms near? Who shivers the ground with white, crystallized snow when Christmas chimes its happy chorus? And finally, who lovingly changes the land in ways that are always unknown? I have done it all, my children. All I wish is that you realize that I have always been here, and forevermore I will be." -Mira (CometCatcher109)

    1. AWESOME story! :O
      I love how it sorta sounds like a "bible" verse, except instead of Christian religion it's.... Wait a minute, I just noticed that Jamaa doesn't have a name for it's religious culture! What do we call the worshiping of a great blue heron and a sky father that is now dead, and the listening to the guidance of our alphas and the fear of the phantoms? Sorry if your not on the same page as me, but if you are, what do you think? I know the citizen's name for Jamaa is a Jamaasian, and ik how we have our own culture and everything, but we don't even have a name for it O___O
      I hope you got what I just said D:

    2. Haha, thanks! And yes, I'm Christian, so that's why it kind of sounds bible-ish. I totally get what you're saying, though! Having a name for our "religion" would make sense. It seems that we worship mostly animals or gods, so maybe we could include Greek mythology into the mix? Like...the name Ziosian or something. (Since "Christ" is a "father" and is used in "Christian, "Zios" is the father and could be used as "Ziosian.) But other than that I don't know. XD

  32. can anyone check out my blog? It's Animal Jam Howler

    Thanks! please comment

  33. Bye guys bye ilovecutechihuahuas gotta go now and it's bed time!

  34. Part one: when the phantoms first attacked, and Zios was killed, Mira had fled from the remaining phantoms after she had found the alphas, because she had been weakend, "Mira u must leave, or the phantoms will kill you!" Liza had begged. "Mira don't worry about Jamma. We, the alphas, are here to fight the phantoms and save the animals!" "All right." Mira had muttered reluctantly. "But one day i will return to watch over Jamma."
    And with that, she flew off into the forest. (Now from Mira's point of view) I woke up from blackness that had seemed to have swallowed me up. Had i crashed into a tree when i was flying in...i groaned "oooohhhhh." i hurt all over! But what was that horrible black mist, which was getting darker by the second? I wanted to hide from it. Where was I? I looked around myself. I was in a small hollow with small trees and some shelter. "Oh where is something to hide in!" I whispered in a small sqeaky voice covered in fear. I scanned the hollow over, looking for the slightest place to cover myself in. There! I saw a small cave i could fit in for now. It was very small though. Once i had dragged my sore body into the cave, i heard the faintest sound of zapping. My eyes opened in fear. "Phantoms!" I managed to splutter out. How, oh how, had they managed to find me? I quivered in fear and looked up. Wait, can they, can they actually not get into the hollow? I looked around. How could they not? Aha! I saw some thorn bushes that had covered the edges and had kept growing and bound together from the sides in the air above, making a safe place that nothing could get through! There was only one opening, "The cave." I whispered. No wonder it was so small! That phantoms couldn't get through and also other big animals! "Oh Zios." I murmured "Thank you for this safe place u have lead me to."
    I was hungry, so i crept to the end of the cave and poked my head out the end. Hmmm...was it safe? Well i just had to try! I ran out taking a look behind me for a second then wham i hit something from the front! What was it? I slowly turned my head.....

    Well part two will be ready in a while. I am kinda busy so itll be 2 or 3 hours. Sorry!

    Btw suspense is good fur u..........


  35. And one more thing, can you buddie me amy jiao? first, jamagram me your aj user name( just, if your aj account is not named amy jiao, send a jamagram saying your name: amy jiao) an then i'll buddy you! ;) and may i asked wheres lake..... what was that lake again? itacsca? or itscasca? or something?


  37. Yay 90th comment!! Lolz


  38. oh mira, the mother of us all, you may all think she left right? WRONG! i got news for you all my humble jammers, that this tale you've been told is a lie. Here's the real story. Back in Jamaa, around the time beta days was still around, the phantoms came and took over zios, zios was in danger and hasnt been seen since the phantoms first attacked, the alphas who defeated the phantoms couldnt stop them from taking zios away, it was then they relized that zios and mira had control over jamaa, and with their power they can take over jamaa and all of us, Mira had been very sad of the lose of Zios, but it was then the alphas told mira her time was up, as long as the phantoms are still out there, they will come after her next, they told mira she must be hidden underneath our dear jamaa, where no one can find her, As much as Mira didnt want to leave jamaa like this, she knew the Alphas were right, so she left, leaving a statue of her in Jamaa central, sometimes she comes into the statue when jammers are around her asking her for help, though mira has been hidden for years now, it doesnt mean she is not with us, for she still roams through the Forest watching over us from the fire that lies there....

    1. HI FUZZY! amazing story, only its the truth, love it!

  39. Hey guys! This story's isn't gonna be my best, but oh well. I'm REALLY sorry if I accidentally copy a plot or two, it's probably because your story was so good I couldn't get it out of my head. I'll try including a fun adventure...

    The Quest Part 1

    The skies were beautiful, and Mira laughed as Zios told her another joke. Their kites flew up in the air, side by side. Down the hill was the meadow with beautiful wild flowers. And in Mira's head feathers was the flower clip made from those flowers. And with all of these at once, Mira wanted the moment to last forever...

    Mira opened her eyes. For a minute she was still filled with joy. Then reality struck. Mira stared at the empty part of her bed for what seemed like eternity. Finally she started the day's chores, with robotic movements. Make the bed, while trying not to stare at the empty spot, dust up the parlor, while trying not to think of the wonderful conversations they used to have, eat breakfast, while not looking at the empty chair opposite, and so on. Then the chore that for some reason, ached her heart the most. The watering of the plants.

    Maybe it was the Big Tree. Zios was like a tree, strong and there for her. So many days of chattering, and Nights of observing. But what she saw surprised her. The tree was... BLACK! Then Mira looked around. Why was the rose garden Indigo? Why were all the vegetables rotten? Where were the birds singing? The sky was like night, and the sun dial seemed to be broken. Then Mira saw something in the distance, and heard crunching with her incredible eyesight and hearing. It was what was soon to be the phantoms.

    Mira flew to the top of her Sky Castle, and went into the library, for the first time since Zios' death. She pulled out the key that Zios had given her. She remembered Zios' words. "Do not use this key until times are dear. It's entrance is in the library." Mira turned the key, and heard it click. In it's secret compartment was a note. And the note said: "Mira oh dear Mira, I knew you would come to me. As our new land is a peaceful place, it is fragile. Even the slightest sadness will break it. And create something unimaginable. Yet there is only one solution. You are too take a quest, one that will determine the fate..of Jamma.

    Stay tuned for Part 2

    1. nice story cant wait for part 2

    2. Hey guys! Next part!

      The Quest Part 2

      In. And out. In. And out. Mira tried to regulate her breathing. An adventure? On her own? Impossible! The only adventure she had ever taken was the one that led her to Jamma! And that was with Zios! But Mira knew she must. So she packed her one leaf pack, and dagger, took a last good look at the Sky Castle, and head off.

      Mira was almost tempted to head in the opposite direction. But the fate of this new land was in the balance. And the trust Zios had put in her. So she set off. Flying at high speed got her to the phantoms in no less than 3 days and nights. They looked like a black eyeball with legs, only it had an eyeball and seemed to float. And of course. There were thousands, and slowly multiplying, falling from the sky. Everything they passed turned into an even darker shade of black, if that was even possible. Yet this was Mira's quest. She could not let Zios down.

      Mira scanned the ground in a 25 mile radius. And what she found surprised her. A tunnel, 'bout 5 miles away. It was hard, but in Mira went.

      The tunnel glowed uncanningly. Mira pulled out her dagger. It looked normal, but it started to heat up. The farther she went, the hotter it was, so hot that she had to put some of the glowing soil on it.

      Within an hour she heard rumbling. "Ahh, the Phantoms. They are here. But what was the thing that was very bright a few feet away? Mira walked into the cavern. There stood a treasure chest. Mira walked up to them, and they opened, each revealing an animal. Wolf, Bunny, Tiger, Koala, Monkey, and Panda. They stood. Mira looked at them, and knew that they were destined to be together.
      They seemed to know too, and each pulled out a weapon. It was the Panda who spoke. " We have been waiting for you. We know what has happened. And we shall help." And with that she bowed, and the others did too, with the wolf and tiger seeming to go last.
      "Let us begin" Mira said.

      Stay tuned for Part 3

    3. Hey guys! Part 3! Hopefully it will be short!

      The Quest Part 3

      One by one, the animals crawled out, Mira last. One phantom saw her. It made a sound that is too hard to describe. And the battle begun. It was hard, and none of them seemed to die. Then Liza nodded. All the animals raised their heads. And started to glow. They chanted about themselves, and the ground seemed to explode. Many types of the animals came out. And All the Phantoms died Except one. Mira knew what she had to do. She said, "Children, I love you now, even though I have just met you. But I know what I must do. You will see me again." And with that she burst into the colors we know as the Northern Lights, and the phantom died, screaming "NOOOOOOO" and Mira dissolved, with only her head feathers left.

      "NOOOO" little Peck wailed. But Mira's disappearance was not for nothing. The land turned beautiful again, and all was well.

      The Afterword

      Mira did dissolve, but she dissolved into the land, turning all well. In some places she is able to come up, like Sarpeia Forest. The animals she met, the shammans, still hold us true, and all is well. We must fight to keep her spirit alive.

      THE END! I hope you liked it!

      Cheers, Sriha123

  40. 110th comment! I found one of my friends with the "6 Pack" armor that you posted about, Snowy. Wait, never mind, it's just the 3-Horned-Armor on penguins O_O I didn't know it looked like that on penguins!

    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  41. Hi Snowy! I sent you a picture of you! ^.^ I also sent you a pokecard! ^U^

  42. A kelp skirt.......... meh. I don't think they should do underwater rares anymore.

    Hardly anyone uses them.

    Not a bad color though.

    1. I hated most of the Monday Rares cuz the color combinations are wierd and ugly but this is one is not bad.


  43. Hey guys, Hershey87 here add my website ( to your list it has a pawsome animal jam part and an epic club penguin part and much much much more and to all you jammers reading this visit my website i am hosting a rare fox hat giveaway! And tell all your friends about it well thats all for now
    Happy Jamming :)

  44. cool colors! I love AJ parties! yeah Mira kinda does look bald.

  45. Interesting colors on the kelp skirt.

  46. :L some one hacked my gmail, and now my blog is gone DX and my youtube , basicly everything i had on it including my gmail...

    ;~; i could use some cheerful news


  47. Want a fast way to earn gems? In the training grounds the first fly trap will give you 250 gems for trapping a phantom in there! I have done it four times already!


  48. i noticed there is a house in Jamma Township,but i couldn't go inside, that could be where Mira lives.

    -purrclaws(my username, please add me)

  49. I'm going to the beach today! Today's RIM is great for me XD

  50. Ermahgerd I won the giveaway! :D I'm so happy. C: I feel special. XD

  51. Part one: when the phantoms first attacked, and Zios was killed, Mira had fled from the remaining phantoms after she had found the alphas, because she had been weakend, "Mira u must leave, or the phantoms will kill you!" Liza had begged. "Mira don't worry about Jamma. We, the alphas, are here to fight the phantoms and save the animals!" "All right." Mira had muttered reluctantly. "But one day i will return to watch over Jamma."
    And with that, she flew off into the forest. (Now from Mira's point of view) I woke up from blackness that had seemed to have swallowed me up. Had i crashed into a tree when i was flying in...i groaned "oooohhhhh." i hurt all over! But what was that horrible black mist, which was getting darker by the second? I wanted to hide from it. Where was I? I looked around myself. I was in a small hollow with small trees and some shelter. "Oh where is something to hide in!" I whispered in a small sqeaky voice covered in fear. I scanned the hollow over, looking for the slightest place to cover myself in. There! I saw a cave i could fit in for now. It was very small though. Once i had dragged my sore body into the cave, i heard the faintest sound of zapping. My eyes opened in fear. "Phantoms!" I managed to splutter out. How, oh how, had they managed to find me? I quivered in fear and looked up. Wait, can they, can they actually not get into the hollow? I looked around. How could they not? Aha! I saw some thorn bushes that had covered the edges and had kept growing and bound together from the sides in the air above, making a safe place that nothing could get through! There was only one opening, "The cave." I whispered. No wonder it was so small! That phantoms couldn't get through and also other big animals! "Oh Zios." I murmured "Thank you for this safe place u have lead me to."
    I was hungry, so i crept to the end of the cave and poked my head out the end. Hmmm...was it safe? Well i just had to try! I ran out taking a look behind me for a second then wham i hit something from the front! What was it? I slowly turned my head.....

    Well part two will be ready in a while. I am kinda busy so itll be 2 or 3 hours. Sorry!

    Btw suspense is good fur u..........


    1. Part two: the forest stranger

      What was THAT?! My body had just suffered a blow from something that had banged into me. I bared my teeth and turned around. There was a blue-gray heron laying awkwardly on the ground. I waited a moment and saw its chest rising and falling lightly to the rhythm to of its breathing. I was about to drag it away under shelter when it blinked and whimpered "please don't hurt me!" Its eyes stared into mine trying to find a bit of mercy. I started to relax but in my head i argued with the feeling. One side was saying"Don't! You know they are an enemy! Fight!" And the other was saying "you are NOT a savage beast! Calm yourself and help the poor thing!" I was staring off into the distance deciding what i should do when the heron spoke again only this time, with confidence in its voice. "Who are you?" The heron demanded. What does it look like? I silently thought. "I'm Dawnpelt. Who are you?" This is MY part of the forest! I wanted to yell but stayed silent. "I'm Mira. I need your help. Will you help me?"
      "Depends on what it is." I growled.
      "I don't help many animals. I'm a loner."
      "Well," Mira began, "my wing is sprained. I need it to heal so i can fly." Obviously! I yelled inside. She was saying it like she was explaining it to a baby animal who didn't know anything yet."Hmmm.. Fine! I'll help u fix your wing." I snapped. "Follow me."
      I started off towards my hollow. A few minutes later we reached the cave entrance. I stopped and sniffed the air...hmmm...she was here before. I could smell her scent. Fresh. About 20 minutes ago. Is that how her wing was damaged before she crashed into me? Did she crash into the thorns? "Is something wrong?" Mira asked. "Why are we stopped?" I looked over my shoulder. "Nothing." I replied. We came to the end of the cave. I leaped out and walked over to a sheltered spot. "Stay here." I said. "I'll be back."
      I walked into another small cave and grabbed some comfrey, marigold, and poppy seeds. I walked back out with my jaws stuffed full of herbs. "Here." I said after spitting them out of my mouth. Mira started fidgeting. "Hold still!" I snapped because i didn't want to take care of some heron i had no clue who it was. I sighed. "There." I said after putting the herbs on her wing. "Thank you." Mira sighed. "Oh that feels much better." "Welcome." I muttered not really caring if she thanked me or not. "Oh Dawnpelt, why are you out here all alone?" Mira asked. "Long story." I sighed. I slumped down on the ground. "Well," i began " i had a family once, we were happy all together, but one day these black creatures with one eye, came and attacked us. I was the only survivor. I don't know WHY they attacked us!" I wailed. "There was only so much we could do to fight them." I whispered. "After they attacked, i came here. Sad, lonely, with nowhere to go. I found this place and stayed here." I sighed. "And thats what happened. Now i'm just a lonely Snow Leopard which has suffered a lot. " "Oh, i'm sorry Dawnpelt." Mira whispered. "My place has suffered phantom attacks too." "Phantoms? Is that what you call them?" I asked. "Yes." Mira answered.

      Part three is coming up!


    2. Part three: Phantoms!

      Its been about four moons and two sunrises since i met Mira. You remember who i am right? Yep! I'm Dawnpelt! You remember me as the grouchy snow leopard right? Haha :P i'm nice now! least to Mira! If i don't know someone i'm always threatening because, well, animals i don't know are strangers huh? Yeah i know, duh Dawnpelt. Anyway the alphas are going to tell their story now. Greely is going to speak for all of them. I remember Mira was dangerously injured. "She will probably die if she stays any longer."
      I argued with Cosmo. I wanted to knock him on the head to get some sense into him! I growled inwardly. He was being a coward. He was afraid we would all die if Mira wasn't here to save us."Cosmo"...i said slowly, "Do you even CARE if Mira is fine?" I dug my claws into the ground waiting for the answer. Cosmo was silent for what seemed for seasons. He glared at me and finally spoke. "Do you really think that i don't care?!" "Well you sure are acting like it!" I snarled, my eyes slitting. Cosmo sighed. "All right. Its true. She needs to leave. She is too weak to fight anymore." I glared at him one more time and padded out of the den. I sniffed the air. Wait. Did i just hear? "Phantoms!" i gasped.
      Dark mist filled the land, and lightning cracked across the sky. The evil bodies came floating in the sky, zapping and yelling taunts in phantom language. I growled and leaped at one, biting it and falling back before it zapped me. Another one came up behind me. Just then a shriek filled the air.......

      To be continued

      Part four coming up


    3. Part four: Mira's flight

      I looked around for where the shriek had come from. There! In a corner of the forest a small fox was cowering as a huge phantom was coming up on it. "No!" I snarled " You will not hurt that animal!" Yowling with rage i ran up to it and clawed it until i felt flesh tearing beneath my claws. Suddenly the phantom whirled around and tried to zap me. I dodged and yowled to the fox "Run! Now!" I ran faster than i ever had before. Then, Liza killed it with her alphas powers. "Go to Cosmo!" She urged. "You need strengthening herbs!" "But-" i started. "Go! Now! I will make sure the fox is safe!" Limping i ran to Cosmo's den. I collapsed to the ground, panting. "Liza...said...for you... To strengthening...herbs!" I managed to gasp out. Cosmo stared at me with wide eyes. "Now! I have to go back and join the fight again!" "O..o yes! Cosmo finally said. Cosmo came running back with herbs. I lapped at them gagging on the horrible tastes. "Thank you." I sighed as i felt strength seeping into my muscles again. Howling, i leaped back into battle. I saw Peck beating up a phantom twice her size. I looked around wildly at all the battling animals, my heart beating wildly. Where was Liza? I needed to have her tell Mira to leave, for her own safety. There! I ran over to her. "Liza! Tell Mira to leave! Now! She is in danger because she was weakend from the phantoms first attack. Go to her now!" Liza ran off. I saw her talking urgently to Mira. I heard Mira say "one day, i will return to watch over Jamma. Then she flaw awsy into the forest.....-the end-

      I hope you liked my story! It was so long right? Haha anyway thanks for reading! Happy Jamming!


  52. This spambot is marketing black magic on a kid's blog. xDD

  53. Spam bots are now a little bit harder to detect on my system! O_o

  54. Does anyone want to learn about the old Jamaa? Well, I made a blog for that! C:

  55. Mira will never leave us, she is probably watching us from the clouds. Looking down at us, watching making sure everything is in good hands. Jammers have always tried to summon Mira by dancing by the fire pit. Her spirits are still with us and she is too. There is no know way to actually summon her. But I'd say the best way to summon Mira is by having a good time and doing great deeds. Mira will surely be very happy when she hears, or sees about that. She might even make a visit to Jamaa someday. That's what I think. ^^

  56. Hey Can anyone check out my blog? Its animal jam howler! Please comment! I post every day

  57. Has anyone noticed that none of the freedom furniture items came out this year? It was only clothes that came out.

    And, I've been wondering this for a long time. Ok, so Mira is a blue heron (or something like that) and she was married to Zios. What exactly is Zios supposed to be? A tiki sun-head kinda thing? And is Zios even considered an animal-god? Cuz why would a bird marry him lol. That's always been a mystery to me. If he wasn't lost, I could imagine that tiki sun-head floating up above Jamaa and saying, "How are my little jammers doing today?" XD

    1. I don't know, I think that's his mask... because I had the same thought... Why would a bird marry a sun-tiki thing? o.o
      Lol, I can imagine that last part, that would be scary...


    2. Well, true love comes in many forms! (Even if it's a Sun Tiki thing!)

      Cheers, Sriha123

  58. Merp.
    I miss talkimg to everyone. :I

    1. *shrugs* I'm mostly on Transformice these days.

  59. bleh!So sorry for my spam!!!!x3

    Please check out my blog if possible, that would help me alot. :)

    ~ Coz/ Margo00 on AJ

  60. Snowy, what season of doctor who are you on?

  61. i may not be here for a while cause there is a flood in a subway near my house, so my power might go out. D:

    1. i pray for you and the people who live, and hope nothing worse happens to you! Remember, God is always with you! again, i pray nothing else bad happens, and have a great day! ;)

  62. Can anyone check out my blog its animal jam howler

  63. can people check out my new wordpress blog? heres the url

  64. lnfiniteSoul and Reapersoul, best of friendsJuly 8, 2013 at 6:45 PM

    Sorda want to know, anyone plays maplestory here?
    And if you do, what world and job/class and level?
    I'm a Ch1 El Nido player, and a level 80 Angelic Buster owo
    Maplestory's pretty great, so if you can download it, you should try~ owo
    I heard that Cash Shop boosts really help you... That's probably why I'm only level 80 since the Maplestory Tempest event... D:
    And also... I'd really love to be in a party if anyone is interested owo
    A few new friends wouldn't hurt? ;w;

  65. Lol derp it's purrrple :D
    I really don't know what to say -.-
    Wait I just noticed, I said purrrrple Oh yay a cat is purring lol
    Mira, maybe you should check your shampoo make sure it's not Nair XD


  66. Jamaa was being destroyed. how could i protect this land? thought Mira. she was weakened and almost powerless she knew Jamaa was facing its fate but she couldn't let this land that she had struggled to protect for so long be destroyed by the phantoms. The shamans and jamaasians where fighting the phantoms but many jamaasians were injured, Cosmo healed them in a cave but many of the injuries took days or even weeks to heal. Mira suddenly got shot by a beam of electricity, it was the phantom king. Mira clawed the phantom king with her sharp talons but just then, the phantom king trapped her in the statue of herself that Liza had made, only a tiny bit of her spirit escaped never to be seen again leaving just a key behind.

    Years passed Graham was walking in jamaa township when suddenly he saw something gold sparkling in the sunlight. he went closer to it and found out that it was a key, it had a carving of Zios on it. Graham knew it was something important that would unlock something in jamaa but he had never figured out what it was for so he tied the key into his tail keeping it in hope that someday, he would find what it was for. And as for Mira, she sometimes come out of the flames in Sarepia forest. Mira is just a legend now but we must keep her spirit alive.

  67. Hahahaha mira stupid mire there are no mira and also it's a stupid blog ever i seen people say snowyclaw snowyclaw snowyclaw you are so cool he is not he is just a stupid Jammer in jamma thinking that if he .sy graham he is cool people never go on this stupid jammar ever and he is really a scammer and hacker he scam people to be cool that's all he use his parents money oonly for coolness if you agree add me popisik09 bye bye stupid blog Hahahaha

    1. Your mean. Good jammers unite!
      Go to my den at 10 on The tenth of August. It's rainnya. I have a good jammer meeting once a month. This months was yesterday though

    2. can.... i go to the meeting? i have never been invited to anything like that. it might be cool. can i please go? i have been through hard times, and i have been nothing but nice and good to other people. please let me come?


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw