Monday, September 30, 2013

Rare Wavy Bookshelf

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Hey jammers! Despite being more of a spooky season, we got a brightly colored rare furniture item - the Rare Wavy Bookshelf!

I love that it's nonmember, and that the colors are so crazily quirky. ^.^ What books would you have on your jamaasian shelves? Anywho, here's a funny layering glitch with our recently arrived mustaches!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jellyfish Hat

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Comment every day to increase your chance to win!

Hey jammers! I'm sorry for not posting earlier, but for the past four hours I haven't been able to load Animal Jam at all, I'm not sure why. Anywho, if you spot my avatar doing anything strange, let me know! Today's new item is actually the returning rare Jellyfish Hat, which is being sold in Bahari Bargains. ¡Qué adorable!
Le Derp
And here's yesterday's additional item whose picture I was never able to post - the Studded Collar from the Diamond Shop!
Sent in by Ramon!

Sorry for not posting very well yesterday, I volunteer at my local animal shelter on Saturday mornings, it's quite fun. ^.^ If you'd like me to post about some of my experiences working with the animals there, let me know! Now here's a strange glitch...
Submitted by bunnyisb!
Not I don't think your clothing is supposed to do that miss fox. And guess what? Our music video was featured on Animal Jam HQ's Epic Fan Videos playlist! I'm so excited!!! *squee*
Thank you everyone who helped in getting it there!
Happy jamming. :)

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

A glowing music video from Wolfinery!
If you'd like to submit a music video,
add my channel to your list of featured,
and email!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mysterious Mustache

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Comment every day to increase your chance to win!

Hey jammers! Geez, why must my life be so busy right now? I need to get back into the rhythm, but my sleep seems to be lacking all the time. Anywho, today's new item is the Mustache!!!

You can buy a dashing stache from the Jam Mart Clothing shop. Weren't we talking about these just a few days ago? This makes me want the "face" category for clothing all the more. 

There are also Studded Collars in the Diamond Shop, and their picture will soon appear here. 

But now, a bridge issue...

Anna spotted the summer bridge peeking out from under the spooky one! Or perhaps the bridge painter was just in a bit of a hurry, and didn't finish painting. Also, a recent phenomenon...
Scary Bat Wings are now RARE Scary Bat Wings? Yes they are! And what does that mean? It could mean a couple things. And what are those things? I'll tell you as soon as I stop talking to myself.
Yikers, I must be crazy. Think I need a Doctor... Sorry. ^.^ The "rare" plaque might be a sign of the wings coming back in stores with different colors (like the spikes did) or it could mean they will be returning this Monday as an actual rare item for rare item Monday! And now, I leave you with an advertisement from AJHQ...
That's about all for today, have a good Saturday everyone, I'm hoping to get an author video announcement done soon. Be ready for a Monday author tryout. Happy jamming! 

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Spiked Mohawk

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Hey jammers! The Spiked Mohawk has appeared in Jam Mart Clothing.
I think that's the craziest thing I'be seen in a long time. ^.^ And here's how to keep you account safe! Thanks AJHQ, good tips!
Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Spooky Hive Wristwatch

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Hey jammers! So much new stuff in this update, and so little time!

Hardy har har, funny AJHQ, you're just mocking me now. ^.^
The new adventure is here, perhaps I'll release a video about it!
And elephants have returned! And pet tarantulas soon.
It looks like the Haunted Forest Party and the Spooky Party will be returning this year, as well as all the pawsome accessories! And look, pet bats! The Spooky Party has a hidden pet bat shop...
There's a new map so you won't get lost (good, I'm always getting lost). Meanwhile, news of a new animal... Hmm...
Spotted and fast, powerful hunters, cannot roar, but can "bark," and live on the savannah. I wonder what they could be! And it's an affirmative, it's party time! I can't wait to see these parties again!! 
And the phantom vortex is back! Exciting. ^.^
And lastly, don't forget the birthday code, use it while you can!
 What do you think of this spooky development?
Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

A jamtastic music video from NebulaStar!
If you'd like to submit a music video,
add my channel to your list of featured,
and email!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pirate Beard Follows

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Hey jammers! I think I'm going to move the first author tryout day to this coming Monday, so jammers have a weekend to prepare. Sorry for spring it on you guys, I just worried I'm letting you all down by posting late. Anywho, today's new item is the Pirate Beard, sold in Jam Mart Clothing, completing the set started yesterday.
I'm curious if AJHQ will ever bring back normal, beta age beards to Jamaa. Meanwhile, here are some more ghost pictures!
Thank you for sending them in Live1Laugh1Love1 and cookie! The first appears to be the lava glitch (muddy animal, going to the lava party, and changing your animal - it appears solid red to other jammers) coupled with the Spooky Party, where you can go in the fog to become transparent. But how did they get to the Spooky Party? The second picture has a yellow wolf with a bee from the adventures. Perhaps there is a changing color glitch that occurs if you have an animated part of the adventures next to you? Tell me if you guys find anything! Now, a post from AJHQ...
 For Written Wednesday, let's discuss something...

What do you think of the amount of features available for nonmembers on Animal Jam? Are their enough? Is AJHQ a little unfair with some things? Or do members get what they pay for?

Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

A heartbreaking music video from anna!
If you'd like to submit a music video,
add my channel to your list of featured,
and email!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Becoming an AJS Author

Hey jammers! Tomorrow (Wednesday) is the first tryout day for becoming one of the AJS authors. Read below to learn how you can enter! And don't worry, there will be other writing opportunities besides daily news posts. I shall explain more as time goes along.

To start out, make sure you have...

Parent permission.
An Animal Jam email and blogger.
Free time to write one article per week.
The ability to post at 2am AJS time.
Excellent grammar and spelling.
The ability to take screenshots.
Time to visit AJS daily!

Submit the article...

By 3am AJS time.
With a complete list of information.

Here's what you submit...

(1) Your username on Animal Jam.
(2) Your email, and permission from a parent (their statement).
(3) A short blurb on why you'd like to be an AJS author.
(4) Any blogging experience (include a link too!).
(5) The article itself, in which you include...
(a) the day's new item + location/description
(b) the daily explorer post from the day before
(c) a glitch or mini subject from around Jamaa

Don't worry about the Written Wednesday subject, I will provide those from suggestions you guys have made in the comments. ^.^ I plan to have three authors to start out, each one will have a day: Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. As I grow busier with life, I may have to hand the blog entirely to authors. But that won't be for quite a while! If you have questions, I'll do my best to answer them below. Come see the results tomorrow, and I hope some are interested in joining AJS authors. :) Happy jamming!

What style should I write it in?
Try doing something similar to mine in structure, with a balance between picture and words. Other than that, is totally up to you!

Why so early?
Animal Jam posts its new items at 1am AJS time, no idea why!

I can't post then, no fair!
Don't worry, there will be more article opportunities (think a fun, AJS version of the Daily Explorer News Crew!).

Pirate Hat Returns

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Comment every day to increase your chance to win!

Hey jammers! The Pirate Hat has returned to Jam Mart Clothing! My school year has been turning out to be a little more stressful than I anticipated. :( I was thinking if holding a one day author contest here on AJS for tomorrow morning's daily post. Check back later today for more information on how you can enter. Here are some details...

You need an Animal Jam email, blogger account, and name (username or made up).
You need parent permission. 
You will have to include the day's item, the day before's Daily Explorer post, something you noticed around Jamaa (be it glitch or something else), and a subject for Written Wednesday. Maybe an issue you'd like to hear others' thoughts on.

More info on submissions later. 
Happy jamming! 

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Rare Skull Helmet

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Comment every day to increase your chance to win!

Hey jammers! I'm terribly sorry, I had multiple essays and two different tests today, and I couldn't find time to post. This post is via phone! Today's new item is the Rare Skull Helmet, sold in Jam Mart Clothing. Be sure to buy one of these cool grey and purple color combos before they're gone tomorrow! They're a sure sign that the Day of the Phantom season is on it's way. Spoooooky! Tomorrow, more ghosts and possible explanations. Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Eye Patch

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Comment every day to increase your chance to win!

Hey jammers! I'm so sorry about my posting habits nowadays, I'm not sure why it's so hard for me to stay up late. Anywho, today's new item is the Eye Patch, just as we previewed so long ago!

Meanwhile, sent by Mia776, here's a funny glitch with the Cone Collar, a neck item, when you wear it with a head item...

Animal Jam has always had issues with its layering. And looky...
 Another ghost sent in by Zenni. This time it's a tiger! And what a cute pet ghost, I wonder when those came out, hmm...
And a pawsome article on the Bronze Alpha Statues. ^.^
Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

A firey music video from ArcticAlpha!
If you'd like to submit a music video,
add my channel to your list of featured,
and email!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Beaded Necklace + Ghosts

Click here to enter a Lava Glove and Bat Wing giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on YouTube.
Comment every day to increase your chance to win!

Hey jammers! Today's new item was previewed here a while back, as you might remember. The Beaded Necklace!
Sold in Jam Mart Clothing.
Meanwhile, it seems the Day of the Phantoms is coming early this year, because jammers have been spotting ghosts...
Sent in by weba.
Sent in by Snowflake.

What a strange and spooky glitch! I wonder how it's done. Now, here are a few posts from AJHQ, click for full!

I've also been brainstorming about fun activities that we could do here on AJS. I've thought of a few that might be fun...

Mystery Monday
Share an idea or object, write a story or explanation!
Written Wednesday
Give a current event or AJ issue, and discuss in the comments!
Friendship Friday
Ask a question about things you enjoy, and by reading comments of other jammers, you can find new friends around Jamaa.

So what do you think? Sound like a plan?
Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

A spookiful music video from Wando and Epicness!
If you'd like to submit a music video,
add my channel to your list of featured,
and email!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Cone Collar

Click here to enter a Lava Glove and Bat Wing giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on YouTube.
Comment every day to increase your chance to win!

Hey jammers! Today's item? The Come Collar!
Isn't it fun? Now you can pretend to have fleas or something! :) And here are some posts ftom AJHQ!
And the Wednesday contest?
The winner of the prize is coolchico! I'll get you the prize soon. ^.^
Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Phantom Cell

Click here to enter a Lava Glove and Bat Wing giveaway!
Click here if you can't comment on YouTube.
Comment every day to increase your chance to win!

Hey jammers! Today's brand new item is the Phantom Cell, sold in the Adventure Shop in the Base Camp! Looky...
And here is a pawsome post on jammer artwork!
Winner tomorrow, I must run to schoooooool! ^.^

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!

A magical music video from Bravepaw!
If you'd like to submit a music video,
add my channel to your list of featured,
and email!