
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Fallen Leaves

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Hey jammers! Sorry to have missed yesterday, what a tiring week! My internet has been a little odd lately, but I'm here to post. ^.^ Today and yesterday's returning items are quite leafy!
In Jam Mart Furniture, and look Starfish!
And so many wonderful posts from AJHQ!
How are you all enjoying the beautiful Jamaa autumn season?
Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!



  2. 5th comment. ^-^

    Cool, the fall leaves are back. :D

    1. Did anyone notice the kangaroo room in the "great escape" hard mode? It comes after you open the monkey door, and you need both a monkey and a kangaroo on your team to get in.

      P.S. if you manage to get through the kangaroo door, bring boomseeds!! You'll need em....

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I meant, no wonder I can't find it!

      A jammer said there was a kangaroo cave, so I quickly leveled up for hard mode... and i was like "WHERE IS IT?" :P

    4. I also found it. I was a kangaroo and I said: "We need a monkey so I can unlock the other passage".


    5. Thanks Willaforce. :D

      @Krazy, I have a level 6 kangaroo and a level 8 monkey. If you ever see me online and need a kangaroo for the new hard mode just jam-a-gram me. I'll be happy to help!

    6. Kangaroo passage? Epic! Thanks for the information Manxy! :D Anyway, has anyone noticed when you host an adventure in hard mode a red circle pops up next to "Join Me?" Sorry if im bragging but I also finally reached level 10!

    7. Yep... I saw it... But I have neither a kangaroo, nor a monkey. >.<


    8. @Shadow Charizard

      XD same here! I'm currently saving diamonds for a cheetah, then a kangaroo. I already bought snow leopard and arctic wolf with real money (My dad paid for it lol), and I'm getting lion with money too! Sorry if bragging

      Hope to see you 'round Jamaa!

  3. I love your blog! It's awesome!


  4. ya do realise ya like not 2nnd. ya like 12th. sos to b a spoiler. check out my den! theseyo out. (my user is theseyo

  5. Snowy,

    I have a GREAT idea! For Saturday, we could have Story Saturday, where Jammers could write stories about certain lands in Jamaa, etc. :D. ^.^

    1. I was about to make a "new animal" story today. ^.^


    2. -high fives back-

      WOOHOO! :D


    3. That's a great idea! That way, since I can't get online during the weekdays, I'd be able to express my writing!

    4. @Sriha123,

      Thank you! :D And I'm sure your writing is awesome!

    5. Im currently working on a story about how arctic wolves came to Jamaa! Im gonna work really hard on it so its exciting and fun for jammers to read! :D great idea by the way!

    6. Story Saturday is a great name for a great idea! :D


  6. 7th? XD
    I got a glitched ring today! :D I couldn't believe it! I got traded for my red trapped floor phantom: Glitched ring and caged blue phantom! I was like OMZ! XD Anyone have good offers?


    1. @Rainbowcat1,

      Actually, I was 7th. :3. See up in comments :3

    2. Alright then 8th. :I


    3. @Rainbowcat1,

      Sorry if I was a little firm there. I feel kind of embarrassed when I have to be firm :(

    4. That is so cool Rainbowcat1! I'd love to see that glitch!

    5. or was it just glitched? o.o
      sorry i didn't really understand..

    6. Glitched ring is a turquoise ring that looks like it has an eye, it is no longer in stores. I bought one, but geez, I should have stocked up on more. If only I knew they were going to be this popular...


    7. I had one... and when my inentory went full I recycled it.

      I wish i didnt! Now they are so popular! If somone has a spare could you trade me it? Jam a gram me the fox card if deal! Thank you!


  7. Random: if anybody has a party or birthday in November, happy celebrations!

    1. I might even hold a Thanksgiving party in my den this month some time.... maybe next week or something...:)



      Ps. does anyone else do dance?

    3. it was for someones birthday . i crashed on donuts XD

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. My mom's b-day is in November... O_O


    6. Cool! My 8 aunts and 2 uncles on my mom's side (yes, that's how many sisters and brothers she has ) one of them probably has a b-day in November. Because my grandmother's b-day was last month, and she's immensely old (she's like, 92. XD

  8. I'm going to make a story about the new animal: deers/reindeers! Here I go!

    Chapter 1

    There was once a fawn named Autumn, who is a female deer/reindeer who grew antlers. Her father is the strongest of the herd, which is why he's the leader. He is hugely tall and very attractive to most does of the herd. Autumn got her name because of the colorful leaves she wears that her mother gave during the fall season when she was younger. Peace was there in the Alpine Forests of Timber Rivers (the unknown land on the top left of the map). It is always cold but easy to survive with many vegetation, which makes it easier for the herd to feed on. Also the water is very clean. The valley of the land is where the deer/reindeer are most likely to be in and they don't need to hibernate. But it was only the beginning of Autumn's story.

    Chapter 2

    Autumn's teen life got worse. Her antlers were very visible and they were huge. She and a group of teen deers/reindeers were playing a game of tag in a small plain. It is known to be the main deer/reindeer game of the herd. Many teen deers/reindeers laughed at her because she couldn't stand up with her heavy antlers. She tripped each time she tries to tag the others.
    "A doe with antlers? That's ridiculous", a doe said. She acts like she's the best of the herd and she doesn't care that she hurts Autumn. A buck stood up to her.
    "I think you're being mean to her, Bella. I think that doe is kinda cool", the buck said.
    "Just be quiet. Rudy", Bella said.
    Autumn watched Rudy protecting her. He might will be a good buck when he grows up. What beautiful antlers he has. He can handle antlers that are big like Autumn's.
    "I got a perfect game for you", Bella said. "How about you chase that bunny and never stop until you catch her and then we will stop being mean to you". Bella pointed to a horned bunny that was not faraway.
    Well, it will make me feel like I'm part of them, thought Autumn. She nodded. Autumn ran and tripped a few times while chasing the bunny.

    Chapter 3

    It took 10 minutes until Autumn tackled the bunny.
    "Hey! What in Jamaa are you doin'", the horned bunny got up. She has antlers but can handle it, too. Autumn almost fainted.
    "I wanted to catch you", Autumn replied.
    "Well we're faraway from where we were. Thanks, long necked horse", the bunny crossed her arms.
    "Wait, where are we", Autumn looked around. Bella, you tricked me, Autumn thought.
    "It's all your fault", the bunny said.
    "How about we'll work together to return back to where our home is", Autumn asked.
    "It's not my home, but I might help you, the name's Snowflake", Snowflake responded.
    "I'm Autumn", the poor deer/reindeer replied.
    A noise interrupted their conversation.
    "Quick, hide! They might be wolves", Snowflake said. They hid under a log. A deer came out of the bushes. Rudy? What is he doing here?
    "Autumn, I've been looking for you! I'm sorry about my sister. You look nice with those antlers", Rudy said.
    Autumn blushed.
    "C'mon you two love birds, we have to go", Snowflake impatiently said.
    Another noise interrupted.....

    Part 2 in the making.


    1. Chapter 4

      This time there were growling noises. A wolf pack emerged with a raccoon that is being carried by one of the wolves.
      "Let me go you filthy creatures", the raccoon yelled.
      "That's Shadow, a one-eyed-raccoon pirate. She always steals my gems", Snowflake said.
      "We have to save her, she might know the way back home", Autumn said.
      "She's right", Rudy said.
      "Fine", Snowflake murmured.
      The two deers/reindeers charged at the wolves. Most of them flew while some of them ran for their lives.
      "The wolves, they're going to a deer/reindeer herd over in that direction", Shadow said.
      "That's where our herd is", Rudy said. "C'mon, girls".
      The other three followed quietly to where the wolves are going. The herd was shown minutes later.

      Chapter 5

      An evil wolf stood out from the rest. It was dark outside. She pointed to the deer/reindeer herd.
      "These delicious deers/reindeers will let us feed for the winter. Get them", the wolf snarled. The wolves chased the deers/reindeers. Autumn, Shadow, Rudy and Snowflake joined the battlefield. Also the alpha wolf who spotted the antlered doe. The deers/reindeers including the leader attacked every wolf except the alpha wolf. She ran towards Autumn.
      "Autumn, look out" her father yelled.
      Autumn swinged her head accidentally at the wolf and she flew far away from the forest. Every single deer/reindeer saw everything. They asked if Autumn can protect the herd when she grows up.

      Chapter 6

      Autumn is now a young but grown-up deer/reindeer and she got used to her antlers. No one laughed at her. She was like a buck except she was skinnier but her antlers are more powerful. Bella was jealous but she realised that Autumn was a great deer/reindeer. Rudy became Autumn's mate who helps her protect the herd with her father also on her side. Snowflake and Shadow got used to each other and they went back to the real world of Jamaa and told the news about the strange animals in that land. That was when deers/reindeers are known to come to Jamaa very soon.

      THE END

      Autumn - My future deer/reindeer


    2. I LOVE this story!!!! It's more than words can describe! :D

    3. You are a great writer!! you should be an author some day :) i might be an author too :D

    4. You guys are pawsome! :)


    5. Nicely written story! ^.^


  9. Snowy the title sounds like Fallen Leaves of the ancient clans in the Warrior Cat series (btw, my fav series in Warrior Cats is Omen Of the Stars).
    ~guardiansofgahoole101 (btw again, nice sory, krazygirl95 :3)

    1. Yay! Thank you! ^.^ It's similar to the classic Rudolph story.


    2. your welcome :)
      ~guardiansofgahoole101 (nice ending, krazygirl195)

  10. 8th? LOL I like the fallen leaves!

  11. Can some jammer tell me the easiest way to get a cheetah?
    ~moliy104024 whos too lazy to sign in to her gmail account

    1. @ Molly104024

      I think, if you're willing to buy something, you could get an Animal Jam animal card, which comes with 10 diamonds, just enough to buy a cheetah!

      Hope this helped!

      Cheers, Sriha123

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The easiest way: Go to a store like Target or Wal Mart and buy a membership card. Then redeem it online when you get back. Instant 10 diamond bonus with your membership renewal. I live close enough to a Wal Mart to ride my bike there in like 5 minutes, so that is where I look for mine. :3

      If you don't wanna spend money.... then another way is to wait until you are lucky enough to win some from the daily spin, or if member just wait for your weekly diamond gift. That takes longer though.

    4. Quickest and easiest way:
      You should go to Walmart/target or a shop that sells Animal Jam Cards, you can find out where it sells them in your country by just clicking gift cards below on the homepage of AJ or you could just buy one online from AJ outfitters. After you brought one, type the code in AJ. If you brought it online you will get an email telling you what the code is.

      Or you could just try to get some from the daily spin or wait for the weekly diamond gift but it takes much longer.

  12. Hey guys! Awesome underwater cafe party at my den at 7:00 :D I'm Tootie2303 plz be there! :)

  13. I totally want a giraffe plushie in real life. It may be pink (I am not a fan of pink... :P), but it's certainly adorable! :)

    1. I have a giraffe plushie in real life! Well... technically it's my sister's.... but for some reason we got it from a doctor when we were little. random


  14. Would anyone read my blog, Animal Jam Dazzle?
    I post How To's, Blogger Tips, Animal Jam Stories, and more! It would mean a lot.

  15. Aw! Those plushies are adorable! <3

    1. I know right? Sooo adorable! :D
      My favorite one is the panda one i think!

    2. D'aww crocodile gets no love. D:


    3. I like them all, even the croc one. XD

  16. lol lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssspppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ~Whiteandblacksockz

    1. Dont spam please!


      {_______} OUT!


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw