
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fruit Bowl

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Hey jammers! I hope you're enjoying your weekend. Life for me is rather hectic right now, but I'm doing my best in staying on top of these blog updates. Sorry to disappoint! Over holiday break, at the end of this year, I'm planning to hold a few author contests.

There are fun new items around Jamaa today...

A Bowl of Fruit, how tasty! Just in time for the Feast of Thanks as well. Over in the floating pet den item shop we have some high tech mini items for sale. They're so cute, so tiny. ^.^

If you happen to have a visible roof in your den, you could make a little pet area – I'm sure they'd love love it! Meanwhile, over on the Daily Explorer, Brady Barr has brought us some experiments!
The acid base one is quite cool. AJHQ mentions that it creates Carbon Dioxide (CO2), but it also creates water (H2O)! The Hydrogen ions (H+), which come from the lemon, and the Hydroxide ions (OH-), which come from the baking soda, combine. Neat huh?
Happy jamming!

New art is posted on the Spirit Art mini blog!


  1. Replies
    1. Anyway, for my REAL comment, I'm glad these items are coming back, but if headdresses come back, I have pros and cons for it
      I can FINALLY get one (it's one of my DREAM items)
      Scammers might stop scamming
      Juice (xD not really, just being derpy)
      People who HAVE headdresses will be angry
      They will not be worth as many things
      Wearing one won't seem as cool

      Another Question: Are headdresses nm items? I just became a nm.

    2. Sadly, They are member-only items.


    3. Congrats! ^___^
      Im not sure if headdresses should come back, it may cause a lot of people to quit like when top hats came out again, but people would FINALLY stop asking me what for headdress and people would stop scamming. What do you guys think? :)

    4. Um why not put your REAL COMMENT with your first comment instead of saying: first! It would make it alot easier

    5. Because they are in a hurry to be first.

    6. Yep! I also had a brainfart to type that with my first comment

    7. Yay acid! Now I can start dissolving that body in basement!

    8. Just kidding lol

  2. 3rd comment! :P


    1. Lol. Real comment!

      Nice fruit bowl! Adds a good touch to any thanksgiving decoration. I love the tiny pet stuff. So cute! :D


    2. Congrats!
      I like the fruit bowl too! Its cheap and nonmember and looks great on tables. ^.^

  3. I really don't understand how Science is fun. I'm not really a fan, and the only science I'm interested in are forensics. I still have the fruit bowl from last year. They seem to sell it during random times of the year.

    Check out my blog:

    Animal Jam World Blog For All Jamaasians!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Does anybody else notice the timing of AJHQ's postings on the Daily Explorer. Where I live, they always post the latest 7am. I really think everybody should check out The Daily Explorer. The posts are helpful and creative.

    Check out my blog:

    Animal jam World Blog For All Jamaasians!

  6. Oh I love Science! I just enjoy the interesting and fun experiments the most! I'm happy that AJ put on experiments so kids will learn how these work.

    I also love that balloon experiment. It helps kids learn about atoms and particles making force on things. CO2 (carbon dioxide) try to escape because the particles of that gas are excited which makes the balloon inflate. Also these info of diff particles are pretty cool: solid particles are stronger and they are attracted to each other. Liquid particles are slightly attracted to each other. I would love to see the baking soda and vinegar experiment. It's kinda similar to this. ^.^


    1. Did the do the Bouncy Egg experiment? :D

    2. I'm glad they came out with a way to make acid. Now I can dissolve that body in basement!
      Just kidding

  7. I just went to your den Snowy. And it was a weird glitch or something. The den was on land, but it was as if it was underwater. :D Penguins,dolphins,seals, and octopuses were swimming around and all the land animals were invisible.. and some tigers were hopping slowly, but it looked like they were underwater...


    1. after that your den kept switching and i think someone was doing that. then items kept moving from where they were! there was like a 100 people there.

    2. Yeah, but I think no one is changing it, its just the weirdest glitch in the history of glitches.

  8. snowyclaw is HORRIBLE she just neglects the blog now and never posts ew snowyclaw eww

    1. Dude she has a life outside of the computer. Besides got to remember snowy isn't a robot she is a normal human. Like you guys (me not included as I will not consider my self human after how much humans have ruined the earth)

    2. ya. i kno right

    3. she barely posts.

    4. Snowyclaw is busy a lot. HER LIFE ISN'T ALL ANIMAL JAM! Have a backup blog to find the daily item at least. I have a backup blog. My backup blog is AJ roar.

    5. Guys, Snowyclaw's life isn't all Animal Jam it's not like she is a robot, she's just a normal human like me and you! She goes too school like you! And plus, she's busy in real life at the moment so please don't be mean too her.

    6. Yeah, one person on AJ got mad because I didn't play ThunderClan because it was SNOWING OUTSIDE FOR THE FIRST TIME :DDDDDD

    7. I agree with Anonymous. He/she is right because snowyclaw lets us down and never posts that what the blog is for. she probably just not posting because she's crying because her stuff is gone LOL she is just a blog author so she has to act like one

  9. Please visit my blog

  10. oh hey guys i just wanted to pass on some good and bad news..
    GN: i finally discovered my true power: talking to spiders. i know this sounds creepy, but it's gonna be useful in adulthood. long story short, i found a tiny brown spider on my XBox and i didn't want to kill it, so i persuaded the little guy to climb down onto the napkin and then i freed it.
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  11. I love your posts, snowy! Unlike that hater-potater up there (XD!). I understand that you have a life out of animal jam, like the rest of us. Unlike, once again, THAH HATUR POTATUR! lol

    Buh-bai. :3


  12. Science is awesome! In Science class we once made volcanoes that erupted. :D

    1. That sounds really fun! In my seince class all we do is READ TEXTBOOKS! >:|

    2. And, our Science teacher which is also the librarian showed us these balls called invisiballs (don't know if that's spelled right) that because invisible in water! To make them work you had to drop them in the water and wait a few days then they will fill up with water and since they will be mostly made out of water, they will be very hard to see. Amazing right? :D

    3. lol invisaBALLS that sounds SO wrong XD

    4. I hope that comment doesnt get removed XD ^

    5. I love science! My school got an oppertunity to send a studen experiment to the ISS, sadly I didn't win one ofthe 3 that smithsonian reads, but one of the girls who did was rubbing it in everyone's face = - =

  13. Anyone wanna mert on Aj rigt now? :D

    Reply if yes lol

  14. Hi hi hi this nat95201 f w I does Anyone have a headdress to trade.

  15. I really hope headdresses come out ^^ I've had a few but I always trade them ;-;

  16. hi snowy
    hope your having lots of fun can you maybe do a video on how to make a blog

  17. Ok, I love science, but that expirment scrambled my brain more then that Spaceship ride at the carnival in real life!

  18. I think I blew something up. x'D Oops!

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw