
Friday, November 1, 2013

Topaz Birthstone

Hey jammers! Today's new item is the Topaz Birthstone!
This is sold in the furniture orb of Epic Wonders! I'm sorry for the rather rushed posts lately. How was your Halloween? Did you go Trick or Treating? What did you dress up as? Friendship Friday discussions! ^.^ Happy jamming!


  1. 1st comment!! :D I went trick or treating with my friends

    1. I went out with my friend. Lots o' candeh! >:D I was a kitteh.
      And congrats abouve ^.^

    2. Congrats! I went trick or treating... I'm the rain. >.<

    3. I went trick or treating with my friends, but one dropped out halfway through, another had to go home, and i went home cause i had a really bad headache. DX

    4. Congrats on first! I went trick or treating with my sister... owo


    5. I went trick or treating with 2 of my friends and got enough candy to sink a battleship! Lol

    6. Guys I had the weirdest dream last night but it was full of ideas for animal jam which is strange. But anyways I had this dream where chameleons, hedgehogs and owls were animals ( not pets mind you) and there was a fashionable scarf item that looked exactly what you'd call it, a fashionable scarf. But anyways instead of different colors it came in different poses you can put on your neck. Like the double loop one, the infinity scarf one, the style where the scarf hangs round your shoulder, yada yada. Then I had a dream where there was this game where you served animals and the higher the level you got ( the fancier the restaurant of course) some animals ( very rarely ) would tip you with a diamond instead of gems. Wouldn't that be cool? And then you could play that waiter game with 3 other friends and it would be more fun because you could talk in the game to tell at each other to GET THE ICE CREAM FOR THE KANGAROO LADY or something.

  2. Replies
    1. I went trick o' treating, but during school, my vampire stuff got a little…. fooded? Yea, apparently some stupid 8th grader threw some mac n cheese, and foooooood fighhttttt lol :D Candy mania was too much for some people, some poor kid was caught eating Jolly Rancher during assembly ;( ANyway, I had some real competition, getting candy! Oh yea, I dressed up as a vampire, cuz I have naturally black hair, and my eyes are black tooooo, sooo yea :) I GOT A CANDY OVERLOADDDDDDDD, 3 pumpkins of candyyyy :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

      @Zarina: omg i love ur name, its sooooo cool!


    2. 7th grade sucks!!!!! No more parades XP


    3. XD I like 7th grade, at my school It's fun and I enjoy it. Though I don't trick-or-treat anymore. It's cool you go to a school with 8th graders I only have 6th and 7th grade at mine. Then 9th at the Jr. High.

    4. I have 6th 7th and 8th At my school

    5. Niceeeee, sry i didn mean 2 complain, I like 7th grade the best! But I just don't like the no parade part…. XP XD


    6. haha candy fight XD I went trick or treating in my school too, we have this little event were we go around to the classrooms and the teachers ask us questions then give us candy. The questions are easy, but I still worry that I'll get it wrong... especially on my own teacher, lol

    7. Congrats!
      I also went trick or treating-there were awfully punny foods in the cafeteria that day. X'D Food fights? Haha be careful. Some students got candy from special classes; but I didn't. My friend Mariah gave me a Jolly Rancher though. ^^ My neighborhood isn't very busy, but you should've seen the cluster of people last night! I went as a little brown bat-the smallest bat in the world! I got a lot of candy as well; but my stomach doesn't feel so well after eating it. ^^'

      I enjoy 6th grade, but it is too bad there aren't parades. D:

    8. I didn't go trick or treating cause Mum says it's unsafe, but I do have a halloween party to go to in a couple of hours! I'm sooooo excited cause literally EVERYONE in the sixth grade is gonna be there... Which includes the worst guys in the class and a couple girls who, let's just say, could be nicer to me, but haters gonna hate! All my besties are going so... Yeah.
      Oh yeah, I'm going as a black cat - original, eh?


    9. @Mimkid
      Yeah, SOOO original lol! I happened to go as the same thing! XD


    10. I was a black cat 3 years in a row once. xD

    11. Yup I remember being a cat one year lol

  3. I had a good halloween, I did not go trick or treating, I was a cat for the halloween parade and the flash mob at my school 2nd Btw

    1. O_O You got a PARADE? D: lucky you. :( I have never had a halloween parade before.

    2. I'm in band at my school and we get to play in my town's Halloween parade,we played Ghostbusters at the parade and I play clarinet.

    3. Congrats! A flash mob? Lucky; I've never been at one before.

    4. Our school never really did much for Halloween... only this one teacher dressed up as a pumpkin. O.o


  4. Sadly I was sick on Halloween spent my day at home in bed watching anime. A rather very boring day for me, I thought it was going to be more exciting. I don't trick or treat anymore but I was hoping to hand out candy this year. Guess not, oh well I still have next year~!

    1. Same here! I was sick and I just played animal jam

    2. Aw, that's too bad. :(

      But it is true-next year is well, a new year!

  5. 6th comment! :3


  6. 7th? xD anyway I was Hermione for Halloween and I went trick-or-treating with friends.

    Also, my computer broke so I have to comment from my ipad and go on AJ from my ipad for a while... :( :( :(

    1. Congrats! Do you read Harry Potter? 'You're my best friend now. We're having soft tacos tonight.' ~Catbug

    2. HERMIONE!!!! LUV Harry Potter, but you knew that already xD
      Is it weird that everyone says I look like Hermione from the movies? I'm going as a Black Cat, though. I'm a cat lover, and renowned for that at my school. You mentioned you were a cat lover before, too.... Hehe ^_^


  7. I am too old for trick-or-treating. x3 And the weather would have been too bad for it anyway...although we did get some trick-or-treaters at my house who decided to brave the bad weather. :P

    1. lol. Was it cold? my friend used to live in Canada and she said that this year in Canada people were having trouble trick-or-treating too.

    2. Eh Mia, do u read dramoine?


    3. I was a vampire on Halloween and.i went trick or treating.

    4. @Mia, there was a huge wind and rain storm sweeping across my state, and some places nearby actually postponed halloween for the weekend it got so bad. O.o
      It wasn't cold but the rain and wind made things a little dangerous. There are fallen branches everywhere, lol.

    5. Yikes! I'm not sure when to give up Trick-Or-Treat; I don't think I'm possible to grow out of it. XP

      After all... we all have an inner child... mwahaha


  8. I cant go trick or treating so i go to something at my church called trunk or treat. They decorate their trunks and hand out candy in the church parking lot. Lol its fun though

    1. hey! they have something like that in my church too! Only they use piniatas, lol, this is my last year going trick o' treating :) But I still don't wanna miss out on candy ;)



    2. @ Anonymous - i have Trunk or Treat, but instead of being in a church parking lot, it's at my police station parking lot Cx
      ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

    3. I don't go to church very much; though I'm a firm Christian and Buddhist. (if that makes sense.) It sounds like fun!

    4. I am a Christian too, I go to a Christian school, but I live very, very far away from the nearest church (except for the one where nobody's particularly nice and there's no other kids) so I don't go to church. My school does do chapel every second Wednesday, though.


  9. Yay!, Topaz birthstone is finally here!

  10. I didn't go trick or treating ;-; In Poland no one gives candy, people think halloween is bad here ;-;

  11. I didn't trick or treat... I'm already 12 and I hardly eat candy but I gave some candy away :) But I had something MUCH better on Halloween: I entered Julian's den! WOOHOO!!

    MythCat2907 XD

  12. i went tick-or-treating :D
    i did haft then i got an bad cough from my mask, got an little to warm... i drank like alot of water.... aleast i got same my fav candy

  13. Halloween was great. ;) I dressed up in a black scream robe (basically cutted ends, and long black fabric hanging from arms). I wore a black faceless mask, and everything was dull and dark when I went trick or treating, but I had full-view vision. My bro came trick-or-treating and he is 17(I'm 13), but we were dressed up in costumes that didn't show ourselves, so nobody could really tell that my bro was 17 ... idk about myself tho.

  14. I Dressed up as Mystery red. It was really fun to trick or treat in scarborough, even though it was POURING rain! I was glad i got my favourite candy, and we were the first trickortreaters in mah house XD! We threw out some unlabeled candy so that we werent in danger of being posoined, and suddenly i heard a load roar! Was it a lion? Someone screamed! I was like OMG. But when I came it was my dad's MP3 player making animal noises. we put it inside our cats tiny house, placed a red flashlight, and people came and freaked out when they heard it! Someone from my shcool loved it, another child asked where it came from, my mom said in a funny sarcastic voice: "THE MONSTERLAND SIGHT!" and he fell for that and said to buy it there. It was sooo funny! XD
    But then someone screamed and dropped their candy in front of our door 0-0they ran to their car, we couldnt stop him, so we gave it to the next passing person.
    I really hope anyone will reply!


  16. I went trick-or-treating too :D
    first at a small place, then trunk-or-treating! i love that part, and then, we went to my grandpa`s neighborhood and trick-or-treated. One of the houses gave away popcorn =3 it was awesome.

    Fav Chocolate: Hershey and kitkat
    Fav Candies: Nerds, lolipops, candy canes probaly


  17. I did go trick or treating, but I hardly got anything XD We had a cake, though. I was dressed as Scourge from the warriors books lol

    1. OwO Nice!
      I was just dressed as an ordinary black cat... mrp...


    2. The cake is a lie..

  18. I went trick-or-treating, and I got a ton of candy xD
    here is my secret: i went to this thing at my town called Trunk-or-Treat, it's a place where u get candy from these tricked out cars >:3
    i met my friend, Martha, there and her two brothers, mom, and dad (ok a ton of description srry ;3
    so maybe at the end, her mom asked me if i should stay with my mom, or go trick-or-treating with them. i went with them x3
    so we went around and got a ton of candy in her neighborhood. when we were about to leave, i sugested "why dont you trick-or-treat at my neighborhood?" they said yes excitedly and we went along our adventure. we didnt know it, but as we finished, a skunk sprayed and it good messy (luckily, not on US :D)
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~
    P.S. now onto my story which i am currently typing ^-^

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. hey, same for me too! ouo

  19. OH YAH! THATS MY JAM! THATS MY BIRTHSTONE! -does the happy dance- YESS!! >:3
    ~kiki51772 peace love spiders~

  20. I went trick-or-treating. I was a greek goddess and I had a matching mask, and went with one of my friends, then afterwards, we had a sleepover! There was someone next door and he had a telescope! It was sooo cool. I even put a phantom in my window. =)

  21. I dressed up as a schoolteacher from the 80's. I even had the nerd glasses, my hair in a bun, and a "rolebook" that I carried around. People appreciated my originality and somebody even gave me a king-sized twix bar as a prize for the most original costume.
    I don't think I've ever loved school so much :D

    1. That is original! XD
      Almost everyone who did dress up at my school was either a Disney character or a cat...


  22. All of you guys saying your 12 and think you're too old for Halloween you are not just go have fun and be awesome and fantaboulous ok? I went trick or treating and Im 13. Some of my friends who were like 16 went trick or treating as well. So did my 25 year old teacher. jUST HAVE FUN OK FREE CANDY IS GOOD NO CANDY FOR YOU IS BAD! I was a black kitten btw ^-^

    1. I didn't go trick-or-treating, but I am going to a Halloween party in a few hours! I'm dressing as a black cat too, btw :)


    2. Amen @anonymous

    3. LOL IKR! We must feed the inner child.... >:D


  23. Omg I got 75 pieces of candy and I was tribal spirit this is nat95201

  24. YAY! TOPAZ IS FINALLY HERE! My b-day is this month on the 23rd and it sometimes lands on thanksgiving, but not this year.

    -goldcobra (who is very excited for the maybe possible 3DS I might be getting :D)

  25. -looks at topaz happily- YES TWO MORE MONTHS UNTIL I GET MY BIRTHSTONE!!!!!!!!1

  26. I made a Phantom Watch den, like a headquarters for a group that watches the skies and studies phantoms. There's a dungeon (for all the trapped phantoms), a knowledge base (Where everyone uploads their knowledge on phantoms for future reference), two watch points (Where new research is carried out from afar, and where jammers watch for anything that may hint an invasion) and a recovery room (in case anyone is injured handling the phantoms). Everyone's welcome to check it out, if it gets popular maybe I'll hire crew members so we can all roleplay phantom invasions together. Sound fun?
    I'd make more watch points, but I only have two telescopes (Thanks Wackywolf81 for the second one!) and they've gone out of stores... pooh. I don't expect donations though. That would be rude of me.
    But yeah, I worked preeeeeetty hard on that den so please appreciate it until I decide to make another. Sorry for pointless and off-topic post, it's just I'm pretty excited about it ^_^


  27. 58th?
    Nyways I went trick or treating w/ a group of friends (5 pplz if ny1 wants. 2 no) but I wz Saki Hanajima from Fruits Basket (Japanese character from a bk) but wen pplz asked Id say vampire or witch :D.


  28. What was the birthstone for April? I think its a diamond but I can't remember >_<


  29. i was a ghost and was so busy i didn't log on yesterday.

    user ladykella

  30. Mrs.Dracula. Went trick-or-treating with my BFF since 1st grade, have so many M&Ms left!!!!!!

  31. Whoa!!! The blog turned orange! Great way to show that Autumn spirit, Snowy! ^.^


  32. Ooooooo I love the new design of the blog! Sooo, autumy :)

  33. I went trick or treating with my friends ^.^ i was katniss from the hunger games!! X3 i looked so different from what i usually do and it took my friend a few seconds to realize it was me XDDD it was really funny!!!


  34. NEW BLOG DESIGN ROXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  35. hey mimkid82 the littlest bat is the bumble bee bat not brown bat sry its just because I know a lot about bats. I don't celebrate Halloween because I think its kinda evil. instead I celebrate reformation day its when martin luther nainld the ninety five these on the church door at witten burg. so my family and I played games and handed out candy to trick or treaters. it was 'ok' so of the costumes where disgusting! hey I think we should start a lore club ON aj it can be at my den my user is hano313. send me a note if your interested. -hano313


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw