
Monday, December 9, 2013

Rare Jamaaliday Top Hat

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I finished this darn thing on time... And then my computer didn't publish it. :( Sorry!

Hey jammers! For the AJ Jump Game Guide (how to get a pet kangaroo), click here! Now, on to the new items we have today!
On the first page of Jam Mart Clothing we have the Rare Jamaaliday Top Hat – I believe that is the first "Jamaaliday" item we've had in Jamaa. Will it be a new category, like "scary"? Meanwhile, today's daily Jamaaliday season gift is a rocking Inflatable Snowman.

Over on the Daily Explorer we are sporting a little gift card sale.
And to celebrate the arrival of deers to Jamaa, we have a fun little Monday mystery story idea, try responding to it?
Submitted by Madeline!
How did the deer come to Jamaa? Has it been here before, or was their arrival foretold? Why is Graham telling a story about them? What have they done in Jamaa's history or what role will they play in Jamaa's future? I'd love to hear your thoughts, happy jamaalidays!

Here's a jamtastic music video from heather!
To get your music vid featured,
add my channel to your featured bar,
and email me the link –


  1. first comment! ~snowy1262

    1. I made a Christmas den! Its not finished yet but please check it out! I love it when people come to my den!!!!! :3

  2. 3rd comment -goldcobra

    1. now for my real comment. It is the story of how deer disappeared:

      *Chapter 1: The Past*

      "Come on, Cinder- you don't want to disturb your mom. Let's play some games!" yelled Tsume. Cinder tried to follow Tsume, but she couldn't ignore the painful screams from her mom. Cinder turned around to look at her cave, but sighed and followed her friend. Tsume had the biggest antlers in the class, and he was smart, too. That's why Cinders liked him. "You wanna play Pinecone Frenzy?" asked Tsume. Cinder nodded, but didn't show any enthusiasm. As Cinder and Tsume reached the big pine tree, they took turns kicking the pine tree to make pinecones fall. As Cinder was just about to kick the tree once more, she heard her father's voice: "Cinder, come home!" Tsume said goodbye, and Cinder headed back. "Hello Cinder." said her father. "I'd like you to meet somebody." Her father moved aside to reveal a baby buck, who hadn't even opened his eyes. As Cinder was just about to compliment on how cute he was, and cry a few tears of joy, she heard a loud boom outside. Cinder looked to see what had happened. The sky started to fill with black little shapes. "Huh?" Cinder wondered. Then, she realized it. They were phantoms. The small little shapes swooped down and took the Deer Spirit Stone. Cinder watched as all of the deer started to fade away. She turned around and look at her sister, then cried until her fateful death.

    2. *Chapter 2: The Present*

      Graham looked around his tower, thinking of what invention to build next. "Hey Greely, what do you think I should make?" he asked. Greely grunted, then replied, quite annoyed. "I don't know, and I don't care. Graham, this is taking forever. Can I just go?" Graham smiled, and shook his head no. "Huh?" Graham said as he turned his attention to a glowing spot in the wall across the room. He walked forward, planning to examine it. He took out a hammer and a chisel, and started at the wall. "What?! Now you're going to spend- oh, I don't know- about an HOUR digging something out of a wall? I'm leaving!" Greely yelled, stomping out of Graham's tower. Graham ignored Greely's dramatic exit, and continued digging. When he finally chiseled the item out, he realized it was a spirit stone. "Whoa! Graham said. He looked at it carefully, and realized a deer shape was carved into it. Graham looked up and smiled. "Greely, with more patience, I pretty sure you could discover a lot more." He said to himself. "I should bring this back to the alphas. They'll be very excited." And then came a faint reply from the spirit stone. "Yes. Our spirits and trapped in here. They will be excited... indeed."

    3. I liked the story. The only problem I really had with it was the overuse of the main character's name. It's simple who's speaking at the moment, and I didn't think it was really that necessary. Maybe every four or three sentences? Other than that, your stpry was very creative.

    4. I give a 10/10 Nice job :3


    5. Commenting to myself from the future! LOL THAT COMMENT WAS FROM WHEN I DIDN'T HAVE A GOOGLE ACCOUNT. Plus. I can write much better than that by now X3

  3. Can someone please send me a Tophat? My user is SlyCooper12. I lost membership on thursday, luckily i got 2 hours of fun with my deer xD

    1. Sure! I'd be glad to. :)

  4. User nat95201 can some one send me top hat cause I can't buy any thing for rim

  5. I just love it how S-Claw can form her blog into something so simple and amazing. I realized you use the textures in the customization feature. You really have good designing skills. My blog is a little so and so, but I'm updating the whole thing to a new layout in January. I always get nervous about using light colors because of people who won't be able to read it clearly and the seizures.

  6. 12th!


    1. Dayum….. I forgot yest was rare monday! If anyone wants to send me one of those top hats, it would be awesome, and i will send a rare back.Ummmm i may or may not write a story, cuz I'm going to the orthodontist (aka house of pain) ;(


  7. sorry to be rude, but this is the second the first was jamaaliday bow i thinks~zipper787 oh and comment above Today is rim...not yesterday

  8. Ok. I have a monday mystery. oh no! I have to go... GRRRR THX MOM

  9. I missed rare item monday! I didn't have time... Can someone trade / send me the rare jamaaliday top hat?
    btw I'm gosiapi on AJ

  10. Replies
    1. Chapter One- Intro to the great ones
      Once upon a time in jamaa at least 500 years ago, there lived the Greatest Ancestors of today's Alphas. Sir George (Sir Gilbert's Ancestor), Dreily (Greely's Ancestor), Ether (Cosmo's Ancestor),Kep (Peck's Ancestor), and Ruby(Liza's Ancestor), And Henry (Graham's Ancestor), Bobtail, The Deer

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Chapter two- The news to the Great War of Doom
    When peck was painting, Graham was inventing, Greely planning, Sir Gilbert training, Liza Teaching, Cosmo planting and Bobtail meditating, A group of phantom came to them. At they thought they were there to attack so they attacked them fiercly. When all Phantoms were defeated the alphas found a letter written by The Phantom King. The letter read-
    Prepare to get defeated. This battle will be the gratest battle in the history of Jamaa

    -Phantom King"
    All of them left their work and ran towards the Alpha Hideout and started practicing...


  12. wow, the rare item is cool acctually :3 i love the color of it :) and the snowman looks cute :D hehe... hmmm maybe the deer come to jamaa because of migration or something? idk

    visit my blog:
    and, sorry if this kinda a spam :(

  13. many many years ago when jamma was first created the first animal there where deer. this was before alphas or phantoms. For jamma was an over grown wilderness and Mira had asked the deer to clean it up for her and Zios. of course they help and soon all of jamma was a hospitable place to day mira came down and told them that one day soon more animals where coming. but the deer where jealous and when the other animals arrived they left not to be seen for a long time thereafter. they left us long ago and who knows where they wandered but the strangest thing is that the legend goes that the deer and a race of large wolves mixed and had children. but sometime after but still long age a great calamity befell them and the deer/wolves where almost wiped out only two escaped two mates and their cub/fawn. what happen to the mates i do not know but the cub/fawn lived and she is among us to day help sharing and making jamma a better place to be

  14. Yay I can get a cheetah today! -hugs my dachshund and runs around yelling YESH- o3o

  15. Dat snowman doe.

    And that Wrecking Ball AJMV wasn't too bad actually. At least it wasn't like Miley's.
    Regret watching that... *shudders*

    Sorry :P

    1. Omg you wach vines?!?!?! I have found my people!

  16. Monday Mystery: Podward's Theory that took her way longer than it should have to think of!

    Graham was telling a story about Jamma's future heroes. Although the Phantoms are being held off by our brave Warriors as they risk their own lives in the Adventures, there will always be more of them. Deer came here with a mission, and one mission only. To save jamma. After their long, long travel here from Netellopian (Magic Deer's World) they hope to avenge the Phantoms once and for all... But will they?

    Only time will tell...

    :D pretty good, right?


  17. Once upon the time, the deer lived happily in Jamaa. They were just like any other animal there. One day, however, a curious deer named Eternal Spiritstone found a dark blob in the Temple of Zios. Sometimes the blob shot out lightning. What Eternal did not know
    was that, sadly, that is how a hibernating phantom looks. When she touched the blob gently, the phantom awoke. Seeing the sunny, happy Temple, the phantom became angered. Suddenly thousands of phantoms came seemingly from nowhere, blocking out the sky and making it black. When they came away the place was gloomy and dark, and the spirit of Zios, which resided in the statue, died. The phantoms made the old well into an entrance to the Phantom Hive. If enough animals slept next to the well the phantoms came out to pollute and corrupt their dreams. Anyways, Eternal Spiritstone came before the Phantom King. She was locked in the Phantom Tower and died there. There was a curse put on the deer, and they were chased from Jamaa by phantoms and could not return until anything that wasn't a phantom or alpha entered the tower. It was a long journey, but the deer came back once the Phantom Tower adventure came out. They took a while though because of the journey. Now the deer are back and can live in Jamaa once more.

  18. This is my reason hope u like ^.^
    A herd of wild deer were grazing in a forest when suddenly a phantom appeared out of know where. The deer had no idea what to do so they all ran. They were running what seemed like forever so they stoped. When they turned around a strange wolf alpha was talking to the phantoms then the phantoms left. So the deer found out where they were. So they decided to stay. THE END ~Coollwolf

  19. ok i only did this once so srry if it isnt rly good........

    long ago in jamma deer roamed free but they liked to stay hidden from the other animals of jamma but one day gram found the deer and the deer pleaded to gram to not reaval them to jamma and so gram made up a story about deer but never said they came to jamma anyways heres grams story............

    gather around young animals its time for a special story about jamma - everybody goes silent - long ago in a far away land there was a special animal herd living there - a tiger raises her paw - yes young cub? where was this land? oh not to far from jamma but it was a hidden paradise where only mira and zios ( zios is now trapped in the well in hibernation ) knew and the herd was not just any old jamma herd........ its was a deer herd! - every animal in the group gasps bc deer are myths and nobody has ever seen one - yes yes i know i didnt belive it either but i had to belive mira and this herd lived in peace heavens i bet they still do! anyways the deer were noble brave and good fighters in the art of deer ju jitsu and deer kung fu but it wasnt always peace full - gram brings out a bag of spirit dust - for phantoms invaded! the deer were so scared! but their noble leader snowyhoof ( lol i changed snowy's name :D ) told them to fight back! and the deer did and won their land! but the deer are a myth........... - a distant voice calls out - or are they? mira! - all the cubs and kids and other names for animal kid breeds rushed to mira and hugged her soft feathers - gram..... yes mira? we have something we need you to see, ok........... - gram wlaks over with mira - stay back kids - when gram looks over the ledge he sees the most wonderful sight - DEER! - the kids are surprised at what mira has found - YAY!!!! - they all rush over to meet the deer - and thats how the legend went THE END ( or is it? ) - littlestarm

  20. So this isn't a story but a theory, as you can see the deer is being chased by two phantoms. My theory is that deer once lived happily in Jamaa, but were chased out by the phantoms.

  21. forces
    Chapter 1

    Ivy Ivy! Wake up! said storm -ivy yawned- what storm? -ivy turned to see the buck storm- the fish are back look the river turn back to water! -ivy got up qiuckly and they both ran to the river- -Ivy look back at the other deer in the tribe- So Storm what do u wanna do? -Storm shruged- I dont know...Oh oh! lets go exploring! we hardly ever get to. said Storm

  22. as they go ferther and ferther the forest started to change this part of the forest the have never been to. -storm stops- why did u stop Storm?said Ivy.look! every where there are eyes watching us...-they looked around- lets just keep going said ivy -a few hours later- oh no! its time for school the other deer must be worried! exclaimed Ivy -Storm snorted- i dont care! all we do at school bored out of our minds! Storm said annoyed now lets keep going i sure we will get some were... said storm-8 hours later- the sun is going down its late! we must go back! said Ivy egerly. no its way to late by the time we got back lets just find a safe resting place said Storm.

    1. forces

      chapter 2

      back in jamma graham was in the forest telling a story or a prophesy about a grey buck and a brown speckled doe it went something like this

      once there was a buck and a doe they wanderd into jamma not knowing were they were they were met by a small bunny ....... -yada yadda yaddaa- they came back with there whole herd/tribe thing

      wow! the younge jammaians exclaimd deer in jamma!

    2. chapter 3

      when ivy and storm were done eating grass the started to go a little ferther into the forest until they were in mountains it was cold up there

      they started hearing voices... Ivy lets follow the voices! exclamed storm. nooooooo Storm you said we were going to go back to the herd when you found water! said ivy. ughhh Ivy they might lead us to water we havent found any yet! Exclamed Storm
      -they follow the voices for about 2 hours-

      what do you think the voices could be? asked ivy. i dont know said storm...i cant bealive that we are really following this voices! exclaimed ivy

      -they start hearing growling-

      what was that asked the doe sounding very scared

      nothing said storm

    3. they had been walking in the mountains for about 7 hours they had gotten tired but the voices hadnt stoped or the growling...the growling finally stoped but than something way hidden in the mountains... stormmmmmuh can we please stop and go back!?! please im hungery and ti----ahhhhh! what Ivy what is it?!? asked storm worried l-l-look ove-e-er there! said Ivy -storm looked- stay calm and stay low said storm he acted calm but his voice was scared easy for u to say said ivy your grey! SHHHHH! be quiet! storm snapped but than the animal turnd and saw them it started growlingand padding close to them

  23. So this isn't a story but a theory, as you can see the deer is being chased by two phantoms. My theory is that deer once lived happily in Jamaa, but were chased out by the phantoms.

  24. why deer are "back"
    chapter 1
    Long ago during the beta times deer roamed jamaa. and though you'd meet someone from the beta days they would never even mention the deer. why?
    sit back and relax for one long story...
    i my self was five when i lived in "old jamaa". there is not much to say, Marma, the old wolf who owned jamaart clothing was rolling up the blinds to the display windows as she did every early morning. And
    Teo who was the young horse in charge of jamaart furniture was sweeping the stones outside the door to his shop but what was spectacular about this is that this would happen around 4 in the morning... and i was five... so why would i be out in the middle of the township 4 in the morning. But how about my memory? How in the world did i remember this, i only wandered about the streets in the heart of jamaa only every once in a while. With this said I'm going to let you wonder about it for sometime during my story.

  25. The deer have been in Jamaa as long as the wolves have, to give them prey to hunt. Though while wolves could talk, deer had their own secret language. One day, the Phantoms heard of these easy prey. The phantoms gathered together in a group, like the ones they form to hunt Jammers. They observed a pack of wolves hunting, then copied them. They chased a single deer across the most remote parts of Jamaa, then attacked. At the first lightning bolt strike, the deer yelled, "Quit it!" The attack had caused this deer to speak! The phantoms were so stunned, they retreated. The deer returned home, to find all the deer could speak. The Alphas soon heard the news. Graham sighed. "All animals in Jamaa that can speak must become Jammers, with an Alpha." The deer that was attacked, Keera, was called to the Chamber of Knowledge where the Alphas gathered, and Sir gilbert made Keera an Alpha for the Deer of Jamaa.

  26. Snowyclaw, you're so lucky! You have Planet Walls! And maybe deer were chased off by Phantoms, maybe they're just returning.

    -Cat38876 (A Planet Walls Wanter)

  27. Expert Speedychamp (the horse)December 26, 2013 at 4:13 PM

    Chapter 1
    We were in my bedroom, dscussing what had happened.
    "People started falling asleep."
    "Around the Zios monument."
    "And they woke up and the Phantom's left.
    "With Gorgeous' memory!"
    So, King Magicgem and I began to look for someone who could bring it back...

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  29. Snowy, You Posted The Wrong Post...

  30. Snowy did the wrong post... I mean this is for jammalidays....

  31. Is this today's new item?

    -Kitty from

    1. No it's strange this is an old post from Dec 10th. What's going on?

  32. Im confused! This is from the Jamaalidays. Strange.....

  33. So confusing what happened even the daytes wrong this s from 2013!

    1. I know,, the post said it was posted March 18th.. But it's actually a post from December 2013! Confusing...

  34. ???
    Snowy, I think you accidentally posted an old post. I don't know if that's the case though, I'm not a blogger. Yup, a Monday rare from Dec. during Jamaalidays. As soon as I saw this post, I was like whaaaat?

  35. the jammalidays passed!!!!!!!! and u didnt even chose a story 2 post:( and we already did this


    1. Don't get so upset, it was an accident I'm sure.
      P.S. I'm sure Snowy will fix it later in the day.

  36. WHOA WEIRD! We time traveled back to day in December!

  37. ... hello Poster, but we dont care about December, please come back to March!

  38. XD Snowy, now how'd you do this? March 18th? I don't think so. More like December 10th!


    1. lol It's not April Fools yet!

  39. Weird....... The comments from this day in december are on this post but you posted it today... weird...

  40. Uh.....Snowy is this the post for today or did something happened?
    Meh it's still kinda funny this BLOG LETS YOU TO TIME TRAVEL :D

    1. Yeah, that's just weird. Why would she do a jammaliday post? Or...... yeah this is weird.

    2. Yeah, that's just weird. Why would she do a jammaliday post? Or...... yeah this is weird.

  41. Wait what the what? It's not Christmas!! It's either my computer is glitching up, or everyone has lost sense of time.


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw