
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Snow of the New Year

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Hey jammers! We have lovely new item today, the Snowboard, sold for 500 gems in the classic Jam Mart Furniture.
As you may have seen, the New Year's Party has arrived!
 There are lovely items highlighting this very full year of ours. Everything from Sky High items to the Lucky Day celebration.
We have a collection of collectable music...
And some highlight and this-year-only furniture available on the upper deck. Be sure to stock up, 2014 won't start over!
Jammers have submitted some crazy glitches! fluffcatz noticed quite a few extra jammers as she went on her adventure.
This seems to be a recurring theme in these worlds. It's as if different times and places collide into one. Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey. You know, that sort of stuff. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
No I'm not. (\^.^/)
We also have collisions of another kind, between a den and a land. This is likely a result of the many issues with dens recently. At the moment, there is a sequence of steps that allow you to switch other jammers' dens. I do implore you, don't change others' dens. It causes glitches for everyone involved. But anywho, Daily Explorer!
I now conclude my post, hope you have a splendid Sunday!
Happy jamming all.

Here is a summery music video from Tammy!
To get your music vid featured,
add my channel to your featured bar,
and email me the link –


  1. Replies
    1. Congrats on First ^.^ *Gives Waffle*

    2. Congrats! ^-^
      *gives a golden medal and throws confetti everywhere*
      About Freedom wings, i don't really care that they came out even though i have one. :P Im happy for the jammers who can finally buy them. ^-^
      And people who aren't happy, cheer up! They will become rare again soon. C:

    3. Gives everyone commenting on this blog a large slice of cake

    4. By what?! Do I get cake since I commented?! :P Just kidding! Congrats on first! -gives bag of chocolate-

    5. Congrats! ^.^

      And thanks for the slice of cake! XD

    6. -eats cake- thanks -hands pack of gummy bears-

      -Sunshineglade (cake)

    7. Congrats! You got first! :D - Hawkeyex

    8. Congratulations!

      P.S. Did I start this *gives* thing? I noticed it started happening when I gave medals and stuff...

  2. Replies
    1. So mad they came out with freedom wings....

    2. Congrats gives pancake with ice cream and syrup

    3. Congrats!
      And don't worry, they will most likely become rare again! :3

    4. Congrats! :) But it's okay, at least nonmembers have a stylish item to wear now!

    5. Congrats -hands pack of gummy bears- I don't think its bad that they are back because nms really need wings and they're hard to get, but now they can get them.

      -Sunshineglade (cheer up)

    6. I agree with Anon and Cloudclaws. The freedom wings can stay rare so trading can still be fun. But sometimes, peeps are frustrated to work so hard to get them, so AJHQ released them at the New Year's Party to celebrate, I hope more rares will return in that party.


    7. I don't really mind.. they will turn rare again with time, once they come out of stores. And those 2014 banners... o3o
      I have a 2013 one from last year! XD

    8. I am glad that Freedom Wings came out. Now everyone can enjoy them. :) Someday most rares will come out anyway... Maybe they will be rare again someday. In the meantime just be happy that everyone can enjoy them! :) - Hawkeyex

    9. Congratulations!

  3. I like freedom wings coming out because Aj is not all about rates it's about fun and meeting friends and learning cool facts

    1. Rares might be fun to collect and wear, but Jamaa is also about having fun, hanging out with friends, alphas, and learning facts. ^_^

    2. Yep I agree cloud and thank for commenting on my blog would you like to enter my 50 views contest

    3. AJ is about having fun and meeting friends, but a lot of people scam these days :(


    4. Look at the server Aldan. This is where the "cool" Jammers come and trade and bully non-rare peeps. Ugh! I might be wrong though, the rare Jammers from Aldan can be nice. The problem is that almost EVERY SINGLE Jammer is in to rares than anything else in AJ. I think only rares from Adventures should stay rare so non-members will feel like the others and equal rarity.

      Guys, this game is made by National Geographic, and this is the only online game from them that the most important part about this game is to be nice, learn facts, hang out or go on an Adventure. Trading is fun, but I think Adventure rares should be the only rares that exist in Jamaa (and also the Monday Rares).


    5. Yeah, U agree, Krazy. But the problem is, without rares, AJ would go out of business. And AJHQ can't let that happen. I suppose the best everyone can do is be nice, follow AJHQ's rules, and stay out of popular servers. Everywhere you go, on all games, there are going to be mean people. D:

    6. I mean I, not U.

    7. I wish they never created rares.. then they never would have dug this hole for themselves of rereleasing them...

    8. Indeed. It seems that most of Jamaa is all about rares. I have had friends quit or want to quit just because of rares! Rares have taken over... I hope that every single item comes out... Then about 90 percent of jammers would quit. :l Sad isn't it? Pixels do not rule the world! Does having them make you a better person? No they do not! The luckiest jammer, (In my opinion.) Has no rares. They have a bunch of kind friends that are kind, funny and loyal. Rares can not replace friends no matter how great you think they are! Krazy, I totally agree with you. - Hawkeyex

    9. I have friends that are nice. I'll tell you a story about a friend who cared about rares and also how she no longer became my friend:

      I had a basketball. It is known as a beta item. I loved it because it looks so decorative. I keep it and I don't trade it. But then, my mood changed when my friend asked me to have my basketball for A PLUSHIE. I refused but then she gone mad. I went to her den and I wanted to tell her that it doesn't matter but she unbuddied me and left. That was when I'm against trading and rares and I thought that AJHQ shouldn't have made rares in the first place.

      Why care about rares? It's not like it's your life. This is an NG game. National Geographic gives facts about nature and stuff, not about rarity of items. The beta times were way better, and I think protesting to get features FROM the beta times back (no rares, old Crystal Sands, more Jamaasian items, beta den, etc.) will no longer make AJ a dangerous game. Should the Jamaasian Movement must go on? Should some beta features come back? Do you think it's a good idea? :/


    10. Also, I want to talk about poor Jammers without any rares. I know that they sometimes can be scammers or unfair traders, but I realised from a few poor Jammers that they don't want to be left-out from rare Jammers. Some Jammers wanted to have rares so those Jammers and other rare Jammers can be equal. I want every Jammer to be equal but not equal about rares. They can be equal WITHOUT them.


    11. I agree! I have to say, rares are pretty stupid. I'm disgusted... I heard AJHQ's original idea was to keep everything in stores so it was fair, except for Founder's Hats, which were meant to represent beta testers.

    12. Rares aren't all bad, but I feel like AJ is too centered around rares.. Yesterday, I saw two Jammers openly talking about scamming and hacking. Now that DISGUSTS ME.

      Honestly, I think Nebula's idea is best, that way there would be less corruption in Jamaa and beta testers could get some recognition ^.^

    13. I was a beta tester but when trading arrived, I traded my founder's hat for something good, I don't remember though. XD


  4. Please visit my blog here!

  5. Happy New Year for everyone! Also, hope new items will release in the new items party :P

    Hope the next year will have less scammers, less hackers and less bully around Jamaa...

    1. I agree. AJHQ is making more items from beta or rares after beta back in stores. I really hope almost all rares or beta rares return to stores next year. Next year should be the "No Scamming Year".

      I also don't want AJHQ to make new colors for rare items, like they did with the spikes and witch hats that made me disappointed. Scamming will become MORE frequent if they continue doing that (because peeps can trade common colors with rare colors, which is scamming). AJHQ promised to stop scamming but that idea about making new colors is a bad idea. Sorry AJHQ, but I really hope that next year will be better than this. And rare-addicting and hacking should NO LONGER continue.


    2. Good point...
      My New Years Resoloution on AJ:
      Stop Scamming/Hacking/Bullying

    3. Hm.. they need better mods. People who actually return items to the scammed - this will tell the scammers that they won't get away with it.

    4. I think if you are if you are reported and you have done a bad thing the next time you go on Aj the world should be black and you are not aoud to trade , but you can onlybsee yourself
      Blueberryb who doesn't want to sign in

    5. I agree AJHQ should stop scamming, hacking and bullying. Bring it all back I say! I know most will not agree with me. I see rares as a bad thing more than good... - Hawkeyex

    6. Agreed. But the best part about rares are that most of them look so good on animals. They're also Jamaasian. If AJHQ ran out of ideas to release new items (besides human), they should bring back the beta ones instead.


    7. Happy New Year to you as well! ^.^

      Yes, I certainly hope in 2014 AJHQ will fix some of the corruption in Jamaa...

    8. Me too, i hope 2014 will solve some problems.
      I agree, the next time they login, they wouldn't be allowed to trade or chat. But the next day, it would be back to normal to it would be kinda like a mini ban. :P

  6. Can anyoen visit my blog please?
    It is:

    1. Sure, I can visit it! - Hawkeyex

    2. :D The mouse automatically turns into clouds!

    3. Cool blog, I like your header! :3

    4. I love your blog. :3

  7. Congrats on first, and this is veeeeery helpful blog, because when I cant play AJ, I still know the news. ;D

    1. I totally agree, sofia! :)

    2. It is helpful. It is nice to know what is new! - Hawkeyex

    3. I know right! It also prevents new item scams... one day someone traded me an ice phantom for a rare hat and I didn't know it came back to stores so I accepted.. BUT LUCKILY THE HAT CAME BACK TO STORES IN THE HATAPALOOZA XD

    4. I remember Hatapalooza. It was on during my first days on AJ. I never payed attention because I didn't know what it was back then. (Lol!) - Hawkeyex

    5. I know, this blog is great, I totally agree! It gives the BEST updates! :3

    6. I agree, this blog is very helpful and gives all the news in Jamaa! :3
      @Hawkeyex The Avenger,
      Hatapalooza was about 5 or 4 months after i joined AJ. ^.^


    8. Lol! One of my first memories of AJ were people yelling Top Hats have returned! It was literally my second day playing. I was like what is a Top Hat? I quickly learned what a Top Hat was. :P - Hawkeyex

  8. With the glitch shown up there, the den is empty, u cant edit it, and all the animals freeze in motions like action figures.

    1. O.O
      Awesome, scary glitch!

    2. That glitch is called the den-displacement glitch. It happens either from lag or by chance. - Hawkeyex

    3. Weird... it happened to me once. Before the little game thingy at the side of the actions menu was officially released, someone was doing the "join me" thing for a game of scooped. I clicked it and suddenly everything was laggy... then I went to my den and that glitch happened.

    4. That's a really really odd glitch... O.O

      It's never happened to me, which is a good thing, I guess. XD

    5. When you play games with the Join me! thing, everything goes glitchy.. o.o
      I remember when i was invisible and moved super fast, and there was no one in any of the lands after i finished a mini game. XD

    6. Oh and there was this epic glitch where you could switch animals without even stopping. XD There was green mist everywhere, it was so epic and fun! :D

  9. Er mer gerd! I love your DW reference! I just got a shirt for Christmas with that whole thing on there. "Most people assume that time is a strict progression of caue to effect, but from a non-linear, non-subjective view, it's more of a big ball of wibbley wobbley, timey whimey stuff."-The Doctor in Blink.

    Well, anywho, enough with my DW crazy. The Den glitch I've had happen before, and it made me confused, but I reloaded the page and it was fine. The adventure glitch is weird! It reminds me of... oh never mind. Don't want me goin' crazy again, DW fan girl.

    I am so excited for the New Years Party, see ya in Jamaa!


    1. Reloading the page will always fix the glitch. Also, I am super excited for the News Years Party too! - Hawkeyex

    2. When you first said DW I thought you meant that little girl from that Arthur cartoon... but I know it's Dr... who XD

    3. Hahahhahaha @ShadowCharizard

      And me too, I'm excited to see what other items come to the 2014 party! :P

  10. That second glitch has been around since 2011 and happened to me a few months ago.

    1. Yeah, it happens to me quite a bit. - Hawkeyex

    2. Never happened to me.. o3o

    3. I don't think it happened to me..o-o

  11. I like the items at the party. :) A lot. I also like how NMs can get a pair of NM wings without having to trade rares, or play adventures! :D

    1. I know right! Finally non members can have wings without paying a lot of items for them! - Hawkeyex

    2. Yaay! :D
      I love nonmember items, even though I'm a member.. because I won't have to worry about them being taken off my animals when I lose membership! c:

    3. Me too! Yay for nonmembers! :D

  12. non-members are becoming mean because if your a der they become a wolf and try to attack you.


    1. Some member wolves do that too .-.

    2. Yeah, it's not justNM's that do that. But we shouldn't assume that ALL nonmembers are nice- I mean, most are, but most members are nice, too. Lots of people, NM or member, pretend to attack deer. :)

    3. I find it annoying. What if you're a deer, chatting with friends and a lot of wolves attack you for an hour? It's a waste of time. I wish they can just attack imaginary prey.

      Is it just me or are elephants, rhinos, pandas, koalas and monkeys aren't treated as well as the other animals in Best Dressed? When I became one of those animals with he best outfit I can make, I get no votes. The arctic wolves, regular wolves and bunnies get more votes. Is that fair? I do the same outfits that I did with wolves or other popular animals in the same theme (for example, the theme is mysterious and my animal is pitch black with no eyes with black clothing items on if possible) and I still don't get votes.


    4. I see that a lot... just because what animal you are people shouldn't pick on you. :l So what if you want to be a Koala? Koalas are great! Pandas are great! Remember equal treatment everyone... - Hawkeyex

    5. I know right... giraffes get the harsh end of it tooo... I wanted to walk around as my giraffe because I came up with an amazing outfit for it... but NOOOO some wolf had to "sink teeth into long neck nn" -.-

    6. See, that's the problem with clans. Not all of them are mean, but lots of them are very territorial and aggresive. ESPECIALLY WARRIOR CATS. Whenever I'm in a wolf clan, I don't attack others. I just use imaginary prey.

      On the other hand, I think this "animal racism" is not okay. It's stupid and immature for others to think, "oh, you're a koala, so I shouldn't hang out with you!" Ugh. People need to grow up.

    7. Umm guys calm down its just a game with pixel animals, animal racism XD I'm sorry but that is funny. Maybe people don't pick those animals because most items might not look good on them. I think it's immature that you guys are complaining about "animal racism", are you guys comparing real life racism to a kids game with animals, because that is wrong.
      ~ dooda123

    8. It is just pixels. But still it is cyber bullying to pick on someone just because of what animal they are. There are very young kids who play AJ! I mean what kind of lesson is, -Eats you because you are a bunny- to a 6 year old? I think we should grow up and get past clan and other violence. Grow up everyone... - Hawkeyex

    9. ... I never seen that before really.. I mean really i never seen anyone who got attacked in random places other then the forest one..


    10. Okay, stop drink in that Hatorade... XD

      Members do the same, and just as often -.-

      Not all nonmembers are mean, that's just an assumption, and a false assumption at that. In fact, most nonmembers are fairly nice.

    11. Some wolf packs do that for some reason, both members and nonmembers sometimes "randomly attack an innocent animal." -.-
      I have noticed that too, when im playing as a panda or koala or any unpopular animal, i don't get any votes. >.< I mean, i don't get why koalas and pandas, giraffes are unpopular! Koalas and pandas and cute and cuddly, and giraffes are beautiful and amazing! I understand if you don't like a certain animal, but we should all be treated the same!

  13. I went to the New Years party but I wish Aj changed the some party's every year because it can get a bit boring after a while
    Blueberryb , who has just cleaned her sticky hands from making dog biscuits

    1. This is my first News Years Party. I hope that it is fun! - Hawkeyex

    2. It is very fun... but be sure to buy plenty of those 2014 banners and fireworks, because they probably will never come back. XD

    3. Fireworks come back every year, so I highly doubt that they'll never come back. And yes, a switch-up in the parties would be nice... ^.^

    4. It would be nice if some parties got changed a little. ^.^ The new year party still is very fun though, and even more fun when you have friends! :3

  14. Aww I'm disappointed freedom wings came back, they won't be as rare as they were since more people will have them, but I guess it's good for the people who don't have them even though they won't have to work for them. What do I care I've basically quit Animal Jam, transformice is the bomb XD there's no members or anything like that.
    ~ dooda123

    1. Transformice..... interesting....

      But at least non-rare peeps are happy to get the wings. But the party is open like twice or three times a day. >.<


    2. I see us all as equal no rare or non rare... I am very happy that everyone can have Freedom Wings now! They will become rare again in the future anyway. - Hawkeyex

    3. I agree hawkeye. Have patience, even a mere necklace can be super rare someday...

    4. Well I just don't see the fun of "learning about animals in a fun environment with friends." Because honestly guys how much do we accutally "learn" from Animal Jam. All I've learned is how to scam ( I don't really scam, scamming is horrible) and its ok to be friends with complete strangers, stranger danger people XD it's just my opinion, I think I've just outgrown AJ.
      ~ dooda123

    5. Yeah, I wish AJ stayed the way it was in beta... :(

  15. well i don't think the snowboard is that, exiting and in the party they added some new stuff but also not that exiting.

    1. They probably will add exciting stuff in the next few days before the new year.


    2. Hopefully some more neat items will come out soon! - Hawkeyex

    3. I kind of like the snowboard, and I think a new party is always a bit exciting, no? (:

    4. Well, for me, the new year party is always a bit exciting too. :)

  16. Was anyone else up until midnight waiting for the new years party, but then ten minutues before the party animal jam said they would be closing for a short update!!!!!!! I waited all night for that!!!!!

    -Sunshineglade (grrrrr)

    1. I can't wait until midnight. My parents don't want me on that late.

      Besides, why would you wait all night for a party? o-o (no offense, I'm just asking)

    2. I was up waiting for it with my two friends... Sadly we all missed it! It was my first time... I still haven't seen it. Oh well. :P - Hawkeyex

    3. There will always be other parties, but maybe Sunshineglade wanted to be the the first even 2014 new year's party!

    4. Errr, no.

      1) I wouldn't want to be up that late unless I absolutely HAD to.
      2) I didn't know when the 2014 Party would begin anyways. XD

    5. Don't worry, there will always be other New Year parties. :3
      Yesterday, AJ said it would be updating, but when i tried logging back in, nothing happened! o-o No update or anything..And people where like, Nothing happened!? O_O

  17. Please comment if anyone has that stack of books in which some books are upright and others are stacked, like an L. I'm offering a rare skull helmet and a rare scary cat hat. I've offered this to lots of people and none have accepted, so please comment if you happen to have these books.

    -Sunshineglade (isn't that a good trade?)

    1. Okay, so there are two types of stack of books the beta and not beta version. What does the one you are trading for look like? There is a big difference. If you are trading for the normal store-bought version people are being nice for declining. If not, the beta version is worth quite a bit. - Hawkeyex

    2. I'm pretty sure that the one Sunshineglade's trading for is the beta one, cuz I just checked the books in Jam Mart Furniture and it wasn't there.

    3. Beta version definitely.

      -Sunshineglade (beta)

    4. Then you may have to add. People really like the beta books. - Hawkeyex

    5. Yeah, beta books are very rare and popular amongst Jammers, so you must add.

    6. Beta books are very rare and popular since they are beta, so you should add more rares in my opinion. ^.^

  18. Wouldn't it make sense if all the parties were on a list so you could go at any time? Not all the seasonal ones like Haunted Forest or Friendship, but the ones they have all the time like Play-As-Your-Pet or Paradise? It would be a list of all parties going on at that time. This list would be a wonderful idea so Jammers don't have to wait for parties.

    ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, I brought out the writer in me for this.

    1. P.S. My point was it would be cool if you could go to all parties all the time.
      ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, wouldnt it be cool though?

    2. That would be a great idea! I wish that could happen. >.<

    3. That's a great idea! And I just remembered when AJ had one party going on for a whole hour! I'm so glad they changed that.

    4. Great idea. I wonder if AJHQ will think about that. ^.^


    5. That would be a great idea! I am impatient when waiting for parties. XD - Hawkeyex

    6. That's an awesome idea! Sometimes you have to wait HOURS for parties >.<

    7. That's a great idea! :D
      But maybe it would be a bit too glitchy though..?
      Well, there could be at least 2 or 3 parties on at the same time if it where. ^.^

  19. So about the New Years party... I haven't been to it yet, but people told me that you could buy wood floors! Does anyone know If this is true?? I'm so confused! >.<

    1. Well maybe it is the "today item" because I went yesterday and wooden floors aren't there. I never been in the party today.

      If it's not here, peeps are just trying to fool around.

      I wonder if AJHQ is bringing back beta items next year! 2014 might become a "beta year"! :D


    2. It is a rumor, there are no wood floors at the New Year Party, sorry!

    3. I checked and it wasn't true. But there is a chance that they might come back....


    4. It's a rumor. I don't think that Wood Flooring is there. - Hawkeyex

    5. It's a rumor! Luckily, because I REALLY don't want Wood Flooring to come back! D:

    6. Be happy about them if they come back. It is one of the 2 only nm flooring to buy. I want them back so nms can have a chance to have flooring on their own.


    7. well, everyone doesnt want the 'beta' nm floors to come backk so why cant ajhq just make a not beta nm floor.

    8. Nope, sorry. its just a rumor. >.<
      It would have been good if AJHQ made a NONMEMBER wallpaper or flooring.

    9. Oh wait.. there already is a nonmember wallpaper. :P

  20. My cell reception is finally back because when I was on the road there was nothing anyway I love the new years party it is so epic!
    Live,laugh,and love huskies

    1. I haven't been to the New Years Party yet but I can't wait! :) - Hawkeyex

    2. Yeah, I like the items, but the party itself is the same as last year, and the year before...

  21. Great post today! Snowyclaw I like your blogging style!

  22. I was at the New year Party yesterday and I saw two rare jammers saying REALLY AJHQ? Cause the freedom wings were in stock. I said Chill they will become rare again in the new year-.- (in my head.) Then I bought a curly wig and danced! :D


    1. Yeah, people need to chill about rares... If something came out so what? Be happy for others that can enjoy that item. :) - Hawkeyex

    2. I agree, but think if you worked really really hard to obtain that rare, and it came back into stores?

      A real bummer, huh? :C

  23. Only an hour until the New Years Party... I bet I have to go 10 minutes before it starts! :P - Hawkeyex



  25. Hey I have noticed a lot of people that like Animal Jam like nature. My BFF has a site called that not a lot of people look at, but has a lot of cool nature stuff.

    1. I'll look it up! - Hawkeyex

    2. I like Animal Jam and nature too. :P
      I will look it up too by the way! ^.^

  26. Replies
    1. A regular non member glove is worth a Shark Fin. - Hawkeyex

    2. You're welcome. - Hawkeyex

  27. I found out a glitch just now :3! If u go to da New Years Partay, and u ride da big slide and while sliding through it change ur animal, once u get off it u end up sitting and ur mouse didn't even click sit X3

    1. That glitch also works at the Mt. Shiveer slide and the Serpia Forest slide and also the Crystal Sands slide! It's a very fun glitch! - Hawkeyex

  28. I find that liking rares are okay. Creativity is one of the main elements of the game. I collect rare items as a hobby, and today I managed to earn a rare fox hat and rare scary bat wings in Adventures BETA. Animal Jam was created to inspire players to care for the natural world while having fun in a safe, online playground. Honestly, there needs to be more education in the game. Ever since November, the updates really have no educational perks. I think there should be facts at every party, so Jammers can get an in depth look at what the theme really means, and there should be an event where you take quizzes for awesome items, rares or new items.

    1. I find that one of the few educational parts remaining is the Temple of Trivia. It is my favorite game even though a lot of jammers don't play it. There should be facts at every party and posted all around every land. - Hawkeyex

    2. Yes, I agree, more educational aspects within the game would be a big improvement. And yes, Temple of Trivia is one of the best games, in my opinion! ^.^

    3. That's true- perhaps AJHQ should make the educational side of AJ a better. They should make it more intriguing. ^.^ Maybe, when you complete a page of the journey book, you have to do pass a quiz on the things that are in the journey book to win the journey book prize. ^.^ Idea...?

  29. Visit my Blog, The Animal Jam Aqua! ^.^

  30. Replies
    1. Congrats! :P - Hawkeyex

    2. It's not that much of an achievement. :P XP


    There's a mistake on the DE about the New Year's Party. "2013 is almost here"! AJHQ is a little too late to say that, and I mean WAY TOO LATE, 365 days late to be exact! XD


    1. AJHQ is only a year behind... :P - Hawkeyex

    2. Gee. AJHQ's really off schedule! :P Wow!

  32. My cousin also had a den glitch. In every place he went, he could put his den items in there. It was so wacky.

    1. Weird glitches seem to happen to me a lot... I could edit Jamaa Township once. :P - Hawkeyex

  33. Today I went through a volcanic eruption. Ashes were in the sky - everything was dark. Im glad I even survived.

    -Cold (cannot login because this isnt my computer, and i havent commented in a LONG time.)

    P.S Im in El Salvador

    1. O.O
      Must have been... Scary. And beautiful. Wow.

    2. Wow, that must have been an amazing sight! - Hawkeyex


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw