
Monday, January 6, 2014

Rare Spartan Helmet

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Heyo jammers! Today's fearsome item is the rare Spartan Helmet!
Being the psychic I am, I predict next week's monday rare will be Spartan Armor. Hehe I just hope so, at least, because they would go really well together. Ah well, we'll just see when the next rare comes! Anyway this chic helmet with a black feather costs 750 gems, which is a little overpriced.

Okay, here are some odd little glitches…
It seems like the tree overgrew me a little…

And changing my buddy's name to 'Avatar Name' isn't exactly desired when looking through your buddy list!

It looks like my poor arctic wolf has lost it's eyes! 

Anyways, after mourning the loss of eyeballs, here's the Monday Mystery!
In Coral Canyons, there is a coyote you need to get for that Journey Book's page. The question is, where does it come from?  After howling, where does it jump down to? Is there a whole other land down there? If so, what is the land like?

Here's a pawsome little music video!
To get your music vid featured
add Snowyclaw's channel to your featured bar
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  1. Replies
    1. CONGRATS! -hands box of chocolate-
      -kitty 5748
      Live, laugh, and love huskies

    2. "Life, is like a Rat-Race, even though you win, your still a rat."

    3. Congrats!! -Gives giant gummy bear- incase you don't like that... -give 6 month membership card for AJ- Ok,
      First, anonymous above me, that's off-topic and not the nicest thing to say. >.<

      Monday Mystery: maybe it's a wolf, its a little odd that there would be a coyote.

      Ok, thats about it, make sure to continue your adventure on AJ and check out all the blogs you know! here is one to add to your collectoin:

      Make sure to check it out daily!! I'm new to the blogging thing, and if you loose the link you can search Animal Jam Blurb or go to the "more blogs" page on the sky blog. See ya!!


      **follow me on instagram for little compitions!! i'm just my aj user: countrygirlluv2sing

    4. Congrats Cloudclaws! :)

    5. Oops, i forgot my real comment. D:
      I don't really like the rare spartan helmet, its colors are too gloomy and dark..which makes it PERFECT for Halloween, but in New Year?! I think Monday's rare would have been better if it was more festive.
      About the Monday Mystery, i just can't seem to come up with a story. ;-;

    6. congrats -gives 10 rares and a 10 foot gummy bear-
      if thats not good here -gives julian2- XDDDDDDD

  2. Replies
    1. Cong
      Live, laugh and love huskies

    2. Really! 2nd Place?!?! Thats a place worthy of a prize! What was it you got? Nothing? Oh thats nice....

    3. If you don't have anything nice to say dont say anything at all^

    4. Congrats on 2nd! The prize is getting congratulated! ^.^

    5. Congrats! ^.^ Second is pretty awesome! C:

  3. Replies
    1. Congrats :D
      Live, laugh and love huskies

    2. 3rd Place. 3rd Favorite. 3rd Down.
      you might want to silently, congratulate yourself. It's nothing to be proud about.

      You have been, the 3rd ive humiliated.
      *Evil Laugh*

    3. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...that's weird anon

    4. Some people like to comment about their places on commenting.If you have a problem,just ignore it.Theres tons of people who hate about the people who say their comment numbers.Seriously though,please be mature and keep your opinion in your mind if you think other people think it'll be mean.

    5. There's a evil anonymous out there... o-o;

      Play Safe, Play Fun, PLAY WILD

      ~cheetahs80603~ (Not signed into my Google+)

    6. Congrats on 3rd 8D *gives peeps*

    7. Congrats on Third! Just ignore negative comments! ^.^

    8. Congrats on third! Hah, those mean anons are cowards. Why don't y'all make accounts and say mean things to the face, eh?

    9. Thank you! :)
      I wasn't saying it like it was an achievement, to the comment by an Anonymous. I was just happy because it's never happened to me before.
      It just happened to be luck. ;)

    10. Congrats! Just ignore all the mean comments, getting 3rd is a quite big achievement since Snowyclaw gets so many comments. ^.^

  4. 4th. Why are so many people complaining about the price of items. I say the economy is great :D Anyways, shouldn't armor be expensive anyways? It's to help aid us in battle to defeat the phantoms, sadly.

    1. I agree with you on the Gem thing. The prices are quite reasonable. And besides, the only people who ever complain are the ones to lazy to choose a goal of how many gems they want, and then play games untill they reach it.

      I'm STILL living on the leftovers of the gems I got from doing that! And I donated half of them who knows how many years ago to help the monkey. (From back when monkeys where indangered in Jamaa)

      It's a pretty easy way to get gems, pick a daily amount of gems that you want to earn, and earn them.
      (Or you could just keep playing Falling Phantoms till you get 100,000 gems)

    2. Congrats on 4th!
      Eh, the economy isn't bad, but it used to be better.

    3. They shouldn't have changed it though. Maybe if it was always this way peeps wouldn't complain. But they changed it from a better one (c'mon! Founder's hats back then were less than 100 gems!) so naturally there's reason to complain.

    4. Congrats on fourth! ^_^
      The economy isn't too bad, but it used to be better, so there IS still a reason is complain.

  5. 5th!!!!!!!

  6. Long ago, an old wolf lived in a castle In the valley between the forest and the mountain. One day, he went into a small phantom hive. He never returned, but the phantoms fled. The castle overgrew with vines, and coyotes moved in. They could feel that they shouldn't take the house without asking someone, so they constantly howl to the spirit of the old wolf, honoring him and thanking him for letting them use his house as shelter.

    Also, this helmet looks funny on a wolf, lawl. Plus, my wolf doesn't do armor. But yeah, I agree Ronan Jamaa. The armors are to help in battle with phantoms.


    1. Also, the castle gardens are beautiful, with a stream running through them of a melted glacier from the other side of the mountain. However, the gateways are crumbling, and vines with wonderful flowers growing up the gateways. "Nature always wins," says a coyote (In his secret language)


    2. Also 5 1/ :p XD
      Sorry for spamming up the replies..


    3. Wow, I like that story... :3


    4. Awesome story! That wolf was really generous.. I wonder where he is now.

    5. Nice story! ^.^
      I personally like naturey dens more than human-ish ones, so I totally agree with you, Fire.

    6. Cool story! ^.^
      Yeah, i agree. I like naturey dens too, i guess that's because i like nature. :P The dinner party den is a bit TOO human-ish..The Fantasy Castle is OK, it has a lovely stream, mountains in the background and vines, etc. The tree house, mushroom den, and Enchanted Hollow are the most naturey in my opinion, and are also my favorites. ^.^

  7. Yay! I have a snow day today! Also 6th!

    1. Yea buddy! Snow days rock!
      ~papad91278, the 4th news crew member, windmill guard, Through the doors and past the guards.

    2. Good for you, Meep! I don't have snow days since I am homeschooled...
      But it has been RECORD LOWS around here for December-January, like 19 F below zero DURING THE DAYTIME so yeah. Brrr.

    3. same around where i live! the high for today is like -5 degrees F and the wind chill will make it feel like -40 degrees!!! negative!!! Thats frost bite in minutes

    4. Lucky! :O
      Congrats! :)

    5. You lucky people.. I had one day of snow but it was thin and melted by the time I got home from school... So I didn't even get to play with it... *cries*

    6. You lucky, lucky people..
      It NEVER EVER snows here..;-;
      Well, only in the mountains in winter but that's still uncommon. *cries*

  8. The coyote we see is a mother coyote, who goes out to hunt along the cliff for her babies, and when she returns she howls greetings to Jammers, and then disappears into an enclosed valley behind the cliff, where she raises her kits. This is a valley that has some small plains with waving grasses and wildflowers, and a small copse with trees and soft moss with a spring and stream, and a hole where she and her babies live. No one has found this place yet, it is for this mother and her kits to live and grow up in, in peace and prosperity.


    1. Okay, first off, Wolves don't raise "Kits" they raise their "Pups". (Two totally different things by the way.)
      the "Vally" the wolves live in, is not for the Mother and her Pups, it's for ALL the Animals/Insects/Crearues and Plants that live there.

      Sorry for being rude, but your "story" sorta rubed me the wrong way. (I have a LOT of nature related pet peeves.. And Grammar related ones.."

    2. Personally I liked the story ^.^

    3. Great story, even though it wasn't completely accurate like anon said, I liked the descriptiveness.

    4. Great story, but i agree with Anon that it wasn't fully accurate. but it was still nicely written. ^-^

    5. I suppose I could have done a little better research, I guess I kind of rushed into this. Also the wording of the ending part there was a little exclusive... the valley would not be only the coyote and her pups, it's not like they own it, but it is not populated by other coyotes. Thanks for the tips, and I'm glad you liked the story. Next time I will do a little more research!


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The rare today looks pretty cool to me, with it's black and red colours :D Too bad I'm a nm....

    AJ HAS to fix some of the glitches! They're like, everywhere! GLTICHES GALORE!

    Random Monday Mystery story I made up quickly

    In a valley that no one, not even the Alphas, knew, there was a coyote. The coyote was a mother of 6 pups, and her mate mostly did the hunting everyday, while the mother stayed to look after the pups. One day however, the coyote's mate never returned from hunting. The mother was struck with fear, and left the den one day to search for her missing mate. She could not find him, and even worse, when she went back...

    Her pups were not there.

    She immediately went out to find her missing family, and climbed up the valley to have a good look around. However, she could not see her mate or pups, and went back to the den.

    Everyday, the coyote howls, hoping to hear her family howl back, but they never did. But to this day, she has not given up yet, and continues to howl for her family, before returning to her den.

    That story didn't make much sense to me, but anyway, hope you liked it!


    1. Yeah there's a glitch when you get a new animal,sometimes when you buy it look at the profile picture and its already colored and patterned.This sometimes happens when you Chang your patterns but when you get it it's different and if u move it changes back. :/ no bugs pls

    2. Great story btw
      Your story+mustache=100000 EPICNESS BD

    3. Great story! Kind of sad though :(

  11. The coyote
    By MythCat2907

    "And there's Eternal Wingedstar!" a wolf shouted. Jammers clapped their paws in delight as a young, shy coyote stepped on the stage. Eternal looked around, before speaking:
    "He-hello peo-people, she stammered, I-I am Eternal Wingedstar. I come from Tigris, and I-I will sing the song 'Timpaw' by Pitbull a-and K-Klawsha."
    The public shouted encouragement, as a koala in a tuxedo said:
    "Well, 'Ternal, are you ready to sing before AJ Idol?"
    "Yes." said Eternal sincerly. "Yes, I am." And so she started singing:
    "It's going down, I'm yelling Timpaw! You better move, ya better dance. Let's make a night, you won't remembah! I'll be the 'crtic wolf, you won't forge-eht! WOOHOOO, WOOHOOO!..." And so she continued. Every single jammer thought she was a gray wolf... Then the same wolf who shouted her name first yelled:
    "Hey!! She's no wolf, she's a... a... a... a COYOTE!!"
    Everyone screamed in horror. Why? Well, coyotes were considered "wild". Just like Snow Leopards, seals, giraffes et caetera before Liza found their Spirit Stones.
    Eternal gasped in horror. Then she got angry. This was it.
    What all wild animals fought against.
    Eternal Wingedstar ran past the croud. She went home... But she had no home. She lived in the cliffs beyond Coral Canyons. She ran there.
    Her dream was over...
    She couldn't sing anymore.
    She bit back a curse; her throat stang.
    But she sang.
    And she didn't sing a song from Katy Platapus, from Pitbull, from Imagine Dragons or from Klawsha.
    She sang her own.
    A song of peace in Jamaasian...
    A song of freedom.
    And she sang each morning, when the sun came out, praying that all animals will one day be unite.
    Whether they were Spirited or Wild.


    1. I love how you named superstars out of the singing!!!
      100000000 STARS! :DDDDDD

    2. That was insanely creative! Go Klawsha! XD

    3. That was an awesome, epic story! Very creative! :D *applauds*

  12. *WHO* here watches Dr.who?

    1. Sorry not me, but I liked your pun! XD


    3. SO PUNNY
      But I don't.. though I've heard lots about it from Snowy.

    4. Nope sorry, good pun though. :P



    1. Certain items only look good on some animals. XD

    2. Have you seen fairy wings on rhinos?! And don't let me get started on mech angel wing-wearing arctic wolves..

    3. I once weared mech angel wings on arctic wolves..Now don't remind me of an elephant wearing a chicken hat. XD


    1. Sure, take a look at mine as well! :)

  15. Gather my children for I'm about to tell a story...

    Long before the Alphas or even before Mira and Zios came together there was the Land. It was filled with all sorts of animals. Those animals lived together in peace all the time. The peace was broken when the Phantoms attacked. It was terrible. The Land was destroyed and all the animals scattered. Mira had to take position for Zios was now dead. Conducting an extensive search all by herself she found and named the Alphas. With their help Mira reclaimed the Land from the Phantoms and recreated it. However she noticed something missing. The animals were missing. Mira knew they must have been to scared to return. Knowing the efforts would be useless to search for them she sent the Alphas out anyway. They returned with Spirit Stones. Using magic, Mira activated the stones. Soon Jamma, as the Land came to be called, was populated with new animals, well all for one. The coyotes were caught in a death sentence. As new Spirit Stones were activated, their prey was drawn away. Jamma might have turned to a pacifist place but what surrounded it was still deemed wild filled prey and predators. When the wolves left it was an advantage for now there was less competition. But now the bunnies, the raccoons, and the deer were gone to. With such food sources gone there was nothing left. Each day the coyotes climb to the highest peak they can reach to howl in protest at the starvation. And each day Jamma refuses to listen...


    1. I hope that's not true, but good story!

    2. That's a sad story.. ;-;
      It was so rich in detail though...

    3. Good story, its very rich in detail. But its a bit sad though..;-;

  16. Maybe the coyote is a hint to a future animal? :D

    ....Not too likely.


    1. Yeah that'd be cool, but I doubt it... D:

    2. But there are a lot of canine animals already.. ;c

    3. There are wolves, and Arctic wolves, it would be cool but a coyote looks too much like a wolf. At least you could pretend to be one, right? :D

  17. Replies
    1. I agree! Awesome post! :D

    2. Snowyclaw would choose only the best authors.

  18. FMAN122 IS BACK AHH!



  19. The coyote is a wise animal that lives alone. He, though alone, craves to be not alone and goes out to look at us jammers respect others with love. He lives in a place called The Lone Place. The alphas saw it but soon thought Kimbara Out back was a better place. They are wrong.

    1. Aw, the poor coyote seems so lonely. I hope he makes some friends soon!

    2. That's sad. I hope he makes some new friends soon!

    3. Aww, i hope he makes some wonderful new friends soon!

  20. Anybody os not bother how aj did something dark..? In Greeley's inferno Greeley helped us escape in the end but didnt come back out.. And i thought he be dead right now >.< AJ WHY DID U DID THIS TO ME DX


    1. It's just a cliffhanger to make you want to know what happens next, it makes you want to keep playing.

    2. Yeah I thought that was a great ending.. Now I'm super excited for the next adventure :DDDD

  21. Here's my story!

    All Jammers had a friend. Jamaa is filled with Jammers that are nice to each other. But there was one who does not talk a single word. A mysterious animal known as the coyote was spotted on the cliffs of Coral Canyons. It was mistaken to be a wolf. this coyote is the only one of his species that live in Jamaa. This coyote had a beginning and his own land.

    This coyote had an unknown name. He was born in a faraway galaxy on a planet called Earth, but by accident, went to Jamaa. It started off when that coyote was a small pup. He was shy with other coyotes in the pack. The coyote was with his parents.
    "Daddy, can I go and get new friends?" asked the coyote, when he used to be a chatty pup.
    "Of course, son but don't go away from the mountains where those dangerous aliens live." (yes, animals call humans aliens, humans are foreigners of animal habitats, right?)
    "Thanks daddy. You're the best", the coyote hugged his father tightly.
    "Are you sure he'll be fine?" the mother asked to her husband. "Remember last time?"
    "Give him a chance", his father responded.
    The mother nodded and went to hunt for food. The coyote ran to other pups.
    "Hi", he said.
    "Hello", one of the pups said.
    "Do you want to play with me?" the coyote asked.
    "Sure, why not?" said another pup. She was beautiful. The coyote stared at her for a long moment. Keep cool, just act cool, he thought.
    "Why are you looking at my sister like that?" the other pup snapped.
    "Um.... let's just play", the coyote said, wagging his tail.
    And so the three pups played a game of tag. They had a fun time together, when they heard a gunshot.
    "The aliens are coming this way!" said the coyote's father.
    The mother quickly took the coyote and ran away. The two pups were running with their parents after them. But the mother tripped and it was up to the coyote to run by himself. While running he heard a gunshot from near where his mother fell. That's the fall of his mother. The coyote ran so fast until he found a blue light in the middle of nowhere. He was the last survivor of the pack. No sign of the pups he played with. He decided to touch the light, but he was taken away from the land into another. Jamaa.

    Since the fall of his pack, he lives on his own, talking to no one. He comes on the cliff of the Alpine Forest of Timber Woods (his land) to howl at his dead friends from the pack, which he learns from his father that if you lose someone, you'll always find them in the sky.


    1. Nice story!


    3. Epic story! I hope someday he reaches out to Jamaasians :)

  22. i like the music video

  23. I'm just going to do the Monday Mystery, because I don't have much time:
    This mysterious coyote comes from ancient lands, far away, with a huge pack of coyotes who rule the forest, However, one day, phantoms tricked the young coyote into a portal, like they did in Tunnel Town, and he came to that distant cliff in Jamaa, with no way to go back or to find his way to Jamaa. Every minute or so, he howls his grief for his lost pack, before jumping down into the unknown.

  24. Replies
    1. It's okay! Maybe you will get first some day! C:

  25. Here's my Monday Mystery Story:

    Before Zios or alphas, Jamaa was a world of canyons. Mt. Shiveer only used to be a snow land. But those were the only lands known, and the only animals were rabbits, snakes, wolves and coyotes. In the snow land, there were polar bears and penguins. One day, in the canyons, a coyote pup lived. "Mom," he began, "I want to see what's on that cliff." "You can't," she replied. "It's dangerous, and you don't know what's up there." The pup wanted to be an explorer coyote. But his mother always told him he couldn't, because no animal had ever been there- or at least, nobody THOUGHT there was.

    The coyote pup sneaked out at night. He wanted to see the cliff. When he got there, it was beautiful. There were plants and trees, and a flowing river. Anything could live here. Suddenly, the pup heard a rustle. "Who's there?" he barked. A giant emu jumped out of the bush and tried to attack him. The pup ran, back to his home, but it was following him.

    Everyone woke up at the sound of the emu yapping. The pup had chased it to their home! The emu attacked the coyotes. They ran through the world. The pup stayed near the cliff. Coyotes, polar bears, penguins and snakes ran away to a land that the present jammers have never seen yet.

    The coyote pup lived and grew up on the wonderful cliff. And to this day, he howls so all jammers can see him and let them know coyotes used to be in Jamaa. However, penguins came back to Jamaa. Snakes came back too, though as pets. But we don't know if polar bears and coyotes will come back. The le end.


    1. Awesome story! I hope coyotes and polar bears DO return to Jamaa! ^.^

    2. Thanks, HES (Help Endangered Species for short)! You know, polar bears might already have come back! They could just be pandas in disguise....XD


  26. Monday Mystery:

    Duh after the coyote howls it goes off to chase a road runner and ends up falling off a bunch of cliffs instead. XD

    ok, real answer: This coyote was an alpha. But when all the other alphas went to stop all the phantoms, coyote got scared and ran away. He ran and ran until he came apon a small bridge of rocks, that led to a place where their time goes by slower, much slower. When he crossed, he was scared the phantoms would get him, so he broke the rock bridge, trapping him there. After a few days (or seconds in Jamaa) he realized he had abandoned his friends, so he tried to go back, but of course, the bridge was broken, and he was trapped. He realized he had run away, and now was forever alone. And now every year, he howls his loss for an entire day, just to go back to his den.

    As for the alphas, they tried to get to him, but could never find him, and as law says, all types of animals must have an alpha, so all the coyotes had to leave Jamaa forever.

    1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this story! I was going to write something similar! This is exactly what I think happened to coyotes! :)


  27. The coyotes once lived in jamaa in the beta days but on if them had dreams if becomming a alpha but he was rejected his heart was crushed he rand away from jamaa and lived in the bushes unseen he would howl every night in hope that they would soon let him live his dreams of becoming alpha


  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. By on I ment one. Sorry


  30. Coyotes once lived in Jamaa, in peace with all other creatures. But when the first Phantoms attacked, some were driven out. Others were trapped in Spirit Stones and may be an animal that we will discover in the future. One coyote, named Pepper, managed to escape to the unknown lands beyond Coral Canyons.

    She goes out and howls each day, as a signal to her lost relatives and friends, hoping that they will hear her and know that it is safe to return.


  31. P.S, please do not get mad at me if the coyotes don't come. I can't predict the future--just a guess. Now you probably already know this, but just saying.



Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw