
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Snow Suit Activate

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Hey jammers! Either blogger or my internet was acting a little off earlier, terribly sorry. Error 503? Simply crashed every time I attempted to make a post. Rather bothersome.
Anywho, we have so new things all over!

Pretty fun little outfit right there! Also have some AJHQ posts!
And the mystery of the feather seems to likely be...
An eagle feather! Do you think they'll be the next animal to come to Jamaa? Meanwhile, the number glitch is still going strong! Some jammers have spotted it in the oddest places!
 And here's a little outfit tip – try the unexpected!
Sometimes two colors that you don't think would go together make a jamtastic combo! They really stand out in a crowd, try making an crazy outfit today! Happy jamming.


  1. First comment -snow1334111

  2. o.o I am finally first :D-snow1334111

  3. Amg 3rd! X3
    It's nice seeing a new item, even though I don't really like the snow suit itself. I never liked wearing bulky coats, they restrict movement too much.. :c

    1. Snow suit? You mean the helmet and boots?

      Yeah, I'm glad there's some no clothing, but I'm not all that fond of these particular items either :P

    2. Yeah, I meant the helmet and boots. Snowy called them the 'snow suit' so I assumed you guys knew what I meant... XD

  4. 3rd! If eagles do come to Jamaa, I hope they'll be non mmeber, cuz eagles are awesome X3
    Great outfit idea, Snowy! :D


    1. They will probably be member... :( that's just how the stupid HQ rolls...

    2. I think you were fourth, but that's still great! Congrats! :D

      I agree, I think it's only fair that the first bird in Jamaa is for all Jammers

    3. Weird animal glitch: I was making another cheetah a few weeks ago, and I saw that a few savvanah animals are "traveling". Didn't they leave a year ago?

    4. They did. AJHQ forgot about them, I guess...

    5. Definetely. They've been focusing on adventures lately, which I do like, but I think they should have the animals come back with the eagles. :D

    6. They may open up something that was previously member for nonmembers, so even if eagles/owls/whateverthatfeatheris is member, nonmembers should still look forward to the update! c;

    7. @Helpendangeredspecies The first bird was a penguin XD Sinscerely, AJC PEACE OUT HOMIE

  5. oh mah gawd THERES ONLY 5 COMMENTS I CANT BELIVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  7. who here plays transformice? my user is hpseventeen

    ~hp17 AJ
    ~hpseventeen TFM

    1. I do -snow1334111 ps my user Tfm is snowypack :3

    2. I <3 transformice! Besides all the bullying of course ._.
      My user name is Gummypig on tfm

  8. :) awesome post I love that color combo, and I can't go onto Animal Jam yet, is your den locked snowy?

    1. Unfortunately she had to lock it because it was glitching.

  9. And yay I finally got a google account, so now I can comment on ur blog


    1. Congrats! But I think anonymouses can comment too...

  10. If they even are Eagle feathers, and if the new animal is coming than its for members. So if this animal is for members to and there will not be a non member ones i will quit animaljam

    1. Believe me, I feel like AJHQ needs to open up the Hive for nonmembers, at least. The Hive is almost glitch-less now, so I feel there is no need to go like "If you want the full storyline, GET A MEMBERSHIP" at this point.
      I would agree, but quitting doesn't help. They could just as easily make the diamond animals nm too, which would be a HUGE step in nonmember rights. Emailing or suggesting to AJHQ, I think, does help.

    2. Yeah, quitting doesn't help. They only care if your'e a paying member. :'c

  11. Omg omg omg
    I am the eleventh comment on snowy's blog!!!!
    Whoooooooo this is the closest I have ever been to the top! Oh ya!
    I think eagles will come out as a pet, because they have never had a flying creature, and have no world for them, also, the the 3 question marks could mean: ?1. P ?2. E ?3.
    Of course it could also be a seagull and or a land bird.....
    - rascalcat (sorry for babbling)

    1. Grrrrr u submitted ur comment. Effort me so now it's 12 thanks a lot :(

    2. Not effort before sorry

    3. Oh and it was supposed to be: ?3. T

    4. Oh boy, 3 letters for pet. Man, I was looking forward to an animal and that's a good point. But we could always be a pet in the play as your pet party? Even though there are already flying pets there, so it wouldn't be as fun.

    5. On the skyway glitches, you see more map that you can't normally access, and the elephant atop Temple of Trivia is a very nice locale to sit on. Maybe eagles could be in that area of most lands, like they can add a level of the map to every region besides ocean regions where aerial animals can fly. It's like the Play-as-your-pet party.

    6. That could be in the dens too, when you edit your den you can see more than when your just with your animal.

    7. Eggsactly! They could bring back beta nm dens, but those dens aren't default AND they require an insane amount of gems to get, which will have you playing lots of games to get enough gems, and along the way, you'll wish you were a member more and more. It benefits both of us, as flying animals could explore more in dens and lands, but can still access normal land areas, just floating above the ground.

    8. A poll from AJ Everloop showed what animals we wanted a week ago. The eagle was including in there. It won! :D So I think it's an eagle ANIMAL not pet.


    9. Or it could be
      1. O
      2. W
      3. L
      As someone pointed out yesterday... or the day before. I don't even remember. o-o
      *Dory mode*

  12. nope not an egale feather there not WHITE gosh.....the only birds it could really be is a snowy owl, duck, or seagull. But egale no way!
    Not even close.....

    1. @ Anonymous
      If it is an owl of some sort, im making mine look like a Barn Owl. Plus, there are 3 ?s. That proves there are 3 letters in the animal's name.

    2. Search up "eagle feather" and you'll see that the design of it will match the AJ mysterious feather.


    3. I agree with anonymous if you go to aj everloop it will show a poll and it says What bird animal would you like to see in jamaa? The answer you can choose are parrot finch flamingo and owl Owl is winning

    4. There were also three letters. O-w-l.

    5. That's cool a Barn Owl like the books! XD

    6. All I know for sure is that it is definitely a bird.


  13. Yeah 19 usually I'm like 50-150
    Ok now my real conment

    I've been seeing the number glitch to when I'm trading and I think eagles are coming to jamma

    P.s. That's my fav football team

    1. Can't wait for the eagle!


    2. I can't wait either. But it can be another bird. I do know that there will be a new animal!

  14. Wow like no comments today

    1. The post was late because Snowy's Blogger was crashing.

  15. I do hate those number glitches. They're so annoying. I hope AJHQ will fix this as soon as they can!

    Also, about the feather, I hope it'll be a new animal and "realm"/land! This does show that AJHQ is making something pretty exciting! Sadly, the eagle animal sounds more like they'll be sold in the Diamond Shop. It's like it will cost diamonds in order to gain access to the realm. If it happens then....... REALLY AJHQ?! I swear, I will hate the Diamond Shop if I see ALL flying animals will be in this shop. Let's hope they'll cost like the deer, or else I'll destroy the Diamond Shop if I have it in my hands. MUAHAHAHA!

    Here's a fact about the feather: Did you know that Native American headdresses have eagle feathers? That means that the feathers of headdresses in AJ ARE eagle feathers. I searched the feather up and I saw a real headdress with feathers on it. Pretty cool if you ask me! :D


    1. When I first saw that letter glitch I nearly had a heart attack since I thought I was getting hacked by Fman or something O.O

    2. Yeah, they are really using the Diamond Shop to torture us. ^.^ I get the number glitch on animal names! And they are in adventures. I think there will be a new animal AND sky realm. (Or I hope XD)

    3. I don't know but is fman causing the number glitch or is it just a bug, cause if it is fman that's scary!

  16. Hello Jammers, I have made a fun little blog that I would like to share with you ^-^ It is called Animal Jam Hail to get there faster copy this: and paste it to your browser search. I hope you like it :)
    By the way, LOVE your post Snowy, I had no idea that purple and orange go well together x3

  17. Snowy Claw,
    I think it would be helpful if you try using less really beta items in your outfit tips, no offense, but alot of jammers don't have as much rares and betas as you do. Maybe try using some store bought items, or small adventure rares like fox hats, and worns, and pirate swords.
    Peace, Love, Platypuses.
    P.S I'd like it if, this question needs to be answered by someone, that person should be snowyclaw. I would prefer (if you have time) for snowy to answer my questions, because I'm asking her not a helper.

    1. I know this isn't what you wanted, but I'm only making a random comment. If this is infusing a sense of abandoment and desolation to you, I'm truly sorry.
      If you check my user, roxy30000 , I use some rares like Clover Blankets and various gloves but I also use fedoras and other everyday items as fashion statements. Also, I don't want to be rude, but Snowy listens to suggestions, as I do, she just doesn't have time to comment.

  18. I hope eagles are ffotr non members so everyone can have fun with them!

    1. Btw its angelgal1

    2. I hope so too, but AJ is sadly becoming more like Club Penguin :(

    3. And why would it be more like Club Penguin?
      (FYI, I'm not fond of CP. For one thing, their promised new hub hasn't arrived yet, after years of waiting, as far as I know. Another thing is that the game itself isn't very good, and the owners of the game are just money-hungry people, not pure-hearted owners.)

    4. The funny thing about club penguin is that the first day my brother got an account on CP. He raged quit because almost everything was a member item

  19. I thought that was an Ostrich feather.

    1. It would be lame if it was an ostrich. I really want a sky realm and a flying animal. But I could imagine ostrich animals... And they look weird. And would obviously be for members. Every single new animal is for members!!

  20. Hai jammers! :D
    tomorrow i'm going to be going to the Microsoft store with my Girl Scout troop tomorrow, and i'm excited! But i am also worried because some of my Girl Scout troop members are kinda rude >.<
    ~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Deleted my original comment because I made so many typos XD

    But anyways, glad this post is up, I'd been waiting for it to come! ^.^
    No wonder it was late...Technical Difficulties! Silly computers! >.<

    1. Sometimes, lag is so severe on my side that I think the other user is frozen and mine is too when they are moving fine and are like "Hello? Hello?"

  23. PLEASE READ THIS. I want to aware everyone that someone is hosting a hack to log into our accounts and steal our items and possibly some other information. I was playing Chicken Smoothie just a few minutes ago and I noticed a few peculiar advertisements for Animal Jam. First of all, there's a large pink button with yellow letters on the ad spelling out "play now!" Second of all, the drawings and pictures on the ad are not the ones Animal Jam usually would ever use on their ads. One of the ads have a picture of Greely's eye. I assure you that Animal Jam did NOT draw it. The lines were shaky and messy, and not even in the style of drawing the artists of Animal Jam use. The other ad uses a picture of a monkey that Animal Jam artists DID draw, but it wasn't the normal ads, the picture was probably from an older wallpaper that Animal Jam used on The Daily Explorer. When I clicked on one of the ads it lead me to the normal home page. What I noticed different was the link at the bottom of the page. Definitely not normal, I even checked the real page and the links weren't the same. I logged into a not important side account and the link went normal when the game started to load, but I just KNOW the hacker will check the account I logged in on. They won't find anything good, thankfully. I just wanted to aware anyone who uses the ads as short-cuts to get to Animal Jam to STOP using them. Some of the ads are big hacks to steal your items. It would be a pity to have more Jammers hacked.

    1. Thanks a bunch for telling everyone. I go on Chicken Smoothie but I never use those ads to play. I go on the website by typing www. on the top, but my sister likes to play around on CS, and she MIGHT know my password. So thanks...

    2. Thank you for reading this. I know quite a few people will skip it because it's too long, but I couldn't really shorten it. I just wanted everyone to be aware because this is a hack that many people can fall for and never know how they got hacked in the first place.

    3. I agree, lots of people do that. Your welcome and let's hope no one gets hacked!

    4. Anonymous, I've heard of many hacks like this, and so I use different ways. I use either a trusted blog's link or simply just go directly to the website. Thanks for telling me, though, truly.

    5. I love your profile picture. It's soo cute! XD

    6. @Amy Jiao: Yes, I'm pretty sure quite a few people are aware of this, but it's still sad when some aren't and they end up being hacked. I wouldn't really trust clicking on these ads, even on a really trusted site, but that's just my opinion. I thank you dearly for taking the time to reading my post above and I hope others read it too.

  24. Has everybody forgotten penguins? People keep claiming this new animal is the first bird. Penguins are sad now :(

    1. I haven't, Ronen, which is good. But they're the first AERIAL birds, which is incredible. :D
      I'm thinking about a sort of Lion Pride den, which is a grassy den with rocks all around and borders where there are trees. It would be pawsome for warrior clans and simply Jamaasian living. XD
      The authors on AJS are so good that I sometimes think they're Snowy. 0.o
      Also, Ronen, if you're reading this, please check the signature on blog posts on my blog, . I'm trying my best to help Genral, one of my authors, feel at ease as a mod on my blog, and I don't think either of us likes it when we're mistaken for each other. .-.
      Sorry if I was being rude, I just wish to speak out to make sure that I can avoid that in the future.

    2. Your idea about "dens that are not about a house" is great! So we don't need to go to Sarepia all of the time to hunt! :D

      These are types of dens I want to see:

      -Wilderness based dens! :D
      -More Alpha/Shaman dens! :D

      Maybe email AJHQ about this? :D Hopefully most of those dens won't be in the Diamond Shop! D:


  25. Originally, since Animal Jam kept on making things that seemed to at least partially fit my stories (just how I like to think of it, XP), I thought they were doing an adventure on Mira's Feathers. If that really happened, I would've fainted from excitement. :D
    Then again, Snowy's anecdote (is that the proper word?) for it makes more sense.

    1. I hope. I sent an email to AJHQ recently, about a few weeks ago.
      Dear AJHQ,
      I'm emailing you guys to tell about an adventure idea that I had, that was too big to fit in the purple question mark. I hope you consider this idea, and even if not, I'm glad you created the Adventures BETA, I just love leveling up and help save Jamaa!

      The phantom's only goal is to cause discord and destruction. Ever since the bunny burrow attacks, they have not stopped trying to conquer Jamaa. They've tried releasing the Phantom King, but with no avail. What if the phantoms stole the most famous Mira monument, her statue? Without Mira, Jamaa would fall apart. If the statue was stolen, the animals would panic! I also had the idea of a statistic log. What if you guys host a promotion where a certain number of Jammers are needed to unlock a part of the statue? Like, 100 Jammers who complete the adventure unlock Mira's legs? or something like that. I think it would interest current players, and bring in new Jammers. Thanks for reading and please reply! Have Fun, Be Safe, and Game On!

      I'm hoping the go along with it.

    2. Ronen, that is SUCH a good idea! I'll send an identical email, if you don't mind, with due credit so that they are more likely to consider it.

    3. That's a great idea. Another idea would be if they captured one of the alphas (you could call them shamans) and held him or her captive. The adventure would be to save the alpha...

    4. I'll add your idea too, LongSilence, and elaborate on it. :D

    5. Maybe an idea of the search of Greely if he's still alive? I run out of ideas A LOT! XD

      Those are great ideas though. ^.^


    6. Any ideas are good ideas, Krazy. XD

  26. they took the glitch version of the turquoise ring away DX

  27. Anyone here like MLP? I'm bored and trying to start a conversation on the comments ^.^

  28. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Dear AJHQ,
    I'm emailing you guys to tell about an adventure idea that I had, that was too big to fit in the purple question mark. I hope you consider this idea, and even if not, I'm glad you created the Adventures BETA, I just love leveling up and help save Jamaa!

    The phantom's only goal is to cause discord and destruction. Ever since the bunny burrow attacks, they have not stopped trying to conquer Jamaa. They've tried releasing the Phantom King, but with no avail. What if the phantoms stole the most famous Mira monument, her statue? Without Mira, Jamaa would fall apart. If the statue was stolen, the animals would panic! I also had the idea of a statistic log. What if you guys host a promotion where a certain number of Jammers are needed to unlock a part of the statue? Like, 100 Jammers who complete the adventure unlock Mira's legs? or something like that. I think it would interest current players, and bring in new Jammers. Thanks for reading and please reply! Have Fun, Be Safe, and Game On!

    Another idea would be if they captured one of the alphas (you could call them shamans) and held him or her captive. The adventure would be to save the alphas from a special cage, and fight one of the King's lieutenants to free all of them.
    ~Original idea by ♫.LongSilence♫ and edited by roxy30000 .
    I would like people to post THEIR ideas for Jamaa here, where I'll email AJHQ for you, with a few edits. If this is off-topic, I'm just trying to start up conversation.

    1. That's a great email! If you removed the music notes and periods, it would be my username (you used yours and AJHQ would understand better it was me)

    2. Some ideas is that I want the old Crystal Sands back. That Crystal Sands was not humanized until now. We already have water slides on the water park den! Also the beta den. It will be a big den version for all Jammers. I know that we can't bring beta back but I think bringing back old features back from beta will be more of a Jamaasian game than a game of humanized stuff and also a few more rights to non-members. I want non-members to freely change colors for items and let them chat by Jam-a-Grams and get gifts from their friends. I always wanted AJ to stay as it was before (I know we need members, just a few more rights for non-members).


    3. Krazy, I copied your ideas, and I'm emailing them now. :) Thanks!

    4. Yay! Thanks! Let's hope AJHQ agrees. ^.^


    5. It would be awesome if they did. What if they gave us something for coming up with them? XD

    6. If I got to chose an alpha to be captured, it would be Peck She is my favorite alpha and only her and sir Gilbert are not in adventures. :(


  29. the feather could also belong to a common/indian mynah, but eagle is the most likely bird

    1. mmm true, true. but look ?. O ?. W ?. L OWL lol MAYBE idk

  30. My storage account is called Error6211 XD

  31. Im doing this from my tablet lol because my computer crashe gettinga new one though ^.^ pinkjay2

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  33. The info is great, can't wait for your next post!

  34. Ur so helpful ^-^!! I never look at the shops, because I come here.. turns out that either way I get to see the most recent items :)! I really can't say for you to improve anything, I find myself thinking about what u don't need to improve instead! I'll be waiting for your next post x3....


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw