Hey jammers! School can be troublesome sometimes, but it has to come first! Yesterday the Heart Necklace returned to Bahari Bargains...
And over in Jam Mart Furniture, the beloved Rose Bouquet!
Be sure to get these Friendship Festival exclusive items before they leave stores for another year. The fun thing about AJS...
Is that you can look back to years before in Jamaa's timeline and see when these very items came to stores for the first time. That's where I got these pictures, those old posts. If you can find them, leave a comment from the future - I may award mini prizes. Speaking of prizes, the number glitch has invaded the Claw Machine!
Thanks for sending this in NebulaNight! How very odd, I wonder if it's server communication problems or something. Lastly, a jamtastic little post of the News Crew - Savvy Jammer.
There will likely be a few more winners, and then the next contest will start! If we have a Spirit Crew, what kind of subjects would you like to see? Meanwhile, art!
What if we have Spirit Art posts on AJS as well, making it more convenient to see than having them on a separate blog? My sports competition season is wrapping up, so I will now have more time - time for an AJS change!
As a side note, jammers have been commenting on the addition ..., !!!, and ??? that we can now type in Jamaa. Go try it out! Happy jamming. ^.^

VICTORY!!!! Ok now my real comment..
ReplyDeleteI love the bouquet! It's really pretty :3
Yeah... Imagine if we traveled back to the time they came back and said we were from the future and we can give them future items... THAT would be awesome :3
Also, please visit my blog!
Love your post ^.^ I love that art
ReplyDeleteI also made a new blog, animaljamhail.blogspot.com :D
I read it everyday, but I wouldn't call it new if you've been posting for more than a month.
DeleteRonen lighten up! You don't always have to post mistakes and flaws in you comments :) I bookmarked your blog furry it's really good!
DeleteTrue, but it's still way newer than Snowy's blog.
DeleteIt's pretty cool xD
Congrats and I will look at your blog now!
ReplyDelete3rd! (or 6th, I dunno)
ReplyDeleteSo much member stuff o.o Imagine being able to go back to the past, to the beta days...
Since when did the first number glitches start? AJ still hasn't gotten around to fixing them...
Alas, more freedom in chatting! But you still can't type any faces :(
Such beautiful artwork from the jammers :D I wish I could draw like that....
Yep, you're third! :3
DeleteWhy did they take away faces!?
Delete@Wowgrab AJ
DeleteI honestly don't know... I can't think of any reason they would spontaneously do that without warning.. but it makes me very sad... XC
Thanks! :3
ReplyDeleteMaking a story! It will be posted later today
ReplyDelete~kiki <3
Coolio! ;3
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteUgh....this new filter won't let me give my account to my friends. Guess all those rares will simply go to waste now. On a side note, anyone know how to use GIMP? Just downloaded it 2 days ago, was still toying with all its functions. I'm having problems with rendering. While watching someone render a picture with photoshop, all they had to do was draw some lines around it or something. But on GIMP, I can't find such a tool. I have to cut it out using free-form select and then erase the parts I don't want. It's time consuming and also inaccurate. And I can't find a way to keep a layer on top or on the bottom. Eventually I had to go with putting the background color down first, then the render.
ReplyDeleteI downloaded it too on my sister's computer.. and honestly I went back to MS Paint. I couldn't for the life of me figure out that stuff XD
DeleteHappy firstness pink. :P
ReplyDeleteChapter One: Hidden Village High
ReplyDeleteKiki stood at the door of Hidden Village High. She breathed cautiously muttering to herself “Kiki, you can do this. Mom told you that it’s just like Dove Hill High.” She walked into the school and suddenly felt like a tiny ant in a picnic. Not that she liked everything, but everything was huge, like a castle! She thought it’d be impossible to build such a huge school, but it’s possible. As soon as she walked in, an Arctic Fox with mech angel wings and an airvator hat looked like a nerd, but to the looks of it, he was HVH’s schoolhouse bully. Him and a red Arctic Wolf with a top-hat-too-big-for-his-head and ice-blue striped was there bullying a cheetah. She had aqua-blue back and head with a pink belly and chest with maroon stars, a head flower, a princess necklace, and freedom wings on her. Obviously she just joined HVH like her. The fox sneered “Hey toddler! When will you be done with those Duploh blocks?” The wolf imitated a toddler crying “Wah wah wah! My necklace got scammed! Wah wah wah!” They both immaturely cracked up. As they walked away innocently as if nothing had happened, the cheetah started to cry. Kiki rushed to the scene, worried. “You need help? I can get someone to help you get to class, I bet it’s about to start.” Kiki comforted the girl. But she wasn’t done. The cheetah sighed “I should go back to preschool. Danist and Benzo are right, I am a baby.” She started to break out, tears like tiny faucets with the pipe broken. Three minutes have passed since the bullies left the cheetah, known as Kylie, in tears. But Kiki knew that Benzo wasn’t trying to be a bully but she didn’t know why he hung around with Danist and the title as a bully clung to him like a burr.
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Chapter Two: The Mystery Of The Framed Wolf
DeleteIt’s been a month since Kiki has been a student at Hidden Village High. The last period, History class, had ended and all the animals in Hidden Village High were doing their daily gossiping and chattering. A heartbeat later, all of the animals had immediately became dead silent. All had scooted as far as possible out of the center of the hall, as if it was a play, and Danist, with an aqua backpack and following was Benzo, with a red backpack with an ice-blue zipper and a flame design on it. A penguin with a tiara stood in the middle of the hallway, whimpered as the duo cornered the penguin. Danist bellowed “Where’s your iceberg, Mumble? Dance for me!” The penguin dropped her pompoms, by the looks of it, she was in HVH’s cheerleading squad. She squeaked “I-I can’t dance! I don’t know how to!” Benzo pounded the innocent penguin on a nearby locker and snarled, “Hah! Then you’re a loser!” He mumbled something in Danist’s ear. The fox barked “You have to! It’s either me, or Sasha gets it!!” Benzo squeaked with fear, “Yes, Danist. I promise to come tomorrow before school.”
The animals continued to make a path for the bullies. Kiki thought in her head “Why am I letting this happen?! I need to talk to Benzo and ask him why he’s acting that way! I know being a bully isn’t his true self, and he needs to escape that prison!” Kiki knew she couldn’t just follow the strong wolf to his den, so she decided to just leave him a letter in his locker. She got out her rainbow-cat notebook and her glittery pen and wrote:
Dear Benzo,
Meet me at your locker before school starts tomorrow at 7:30!
The next day, Kiki came to school early and scanned the school for Benzo’s locker. At last, she found the locker with the same fire stickers on his locker like on his backpack. At 7:05, A shadow loomed over the school. The reconiseable Arctic Wolf walked in and slouched his backpack near his locker. He stared at Kiki with bewildered eyes “What made you come here so early?” His voice was tender as honey on waffles, and the wolf’s gleaming ice-blue eyes shimmered with curiousity like diamonds were impossible to tell he was a bully. Kiki stammered “Uhh.. There’s a note in your locker, I need to talk to you about how you are.” He tucked his tail in as if he was being scolded at by Grandma Ellie. He yelped “I’m sorry, it’s just, you know-”
“Stop right there. Why are you doing this? I see your innocence in your eyes and soul.”
“It’s a long story..”
“I bet it can be told before school starts.”
“Actually, it’s complicated…”
“Nothing’s complicated!”
You see..
Part 1!
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Before you came to HVH, I was in love with an Arctic Wolf named Sasha. She was intellegent, kind, and gentle with any animal. But Danist made me lie to her, and..” He broke into small tears, not as desprate as Kylie, but these were love tears. Not sadness in general. Kiki cooed “What a sad story, but that didn’t sound long or complicated. Benzo perked “Oh no, there’s more to the story than that. Talk to my sister when you see her in Homeroom. She’s the orange and blue Arctic Wolf. She has blonde hair and her name is Starmy.” “I’ll find her.” Kiki whispered to herself. Right when she finished her sentence, the bells rang like gongs and the animals rushed back in, relieved to see their private belongings in perfect shape. A blonde wolf, just like Benzo’s description, had pranced the halls, relieved to see her brother. “Benzo! Isn’t that Kiki? She looks nice! Why don’t you as her ou-” Benzo clamed a paw on her chatty muzzle. “Starmy, don’t remind me! I’m not ready for another girl, ok?” He released his grip and stormed out of the halls to Science. Starmy sighed “My classes don’t start for another five minutes. I wish Principal Mira could solve the problem of Danist. I can’t believe i’m related to a bully!” Kiki squeaked, thinking of how tortured Sasha must be. “So Starmy, can you tell me the rest of.. your brother’s relationship with Sasha..?” Starmy turned her head. “I’d be glad to, but not now, it’s not a good time for rumors to spread like viruses.”
DeletePart 2!
Chapter 3 coming soon! ^.^
~kiki51772 peace <3 spiders~
Awesome-pawesome so far! I'll keep watch for the rest o3o
DeleteI like it too :3
DeleteAwesome I love it!
DeleteWhat happens next???
Thank you again :3
ReplyDeletei cant go anywhere in aj because it just freezes or kept on loading forvever!! am i the only one whose having trouble with this?
That keeps happening to me as well..
DeleteRefresh a million times. It happens to me A LOT! >.<
DeleteIs it the glitch where you log in but the aj screen just appears grey with no loading screen? Or the one where the world spins on and on and on and on... and on...
i can log on my account but i cant go anywhere like adventures and parties and dens.. and i refresh it a million times it didnt help it just makes my computer lag XD
Hey, I have the same problem! I thought it was just me! DX So I wanted to go to a party/adventure and AJ starts lagging really badly and endless loading screens. And I refreshed hundreds of times- with it taking forever to log in. So for 2 days I couldn't go to a party/Base camp. I feel the pain it is of how AJs not working. :P
O.O only 19 comments.... lol plz visit my blog and comment, i LIVE for comments. here is mai ajsurvivalguide.blogspot.com :D
By the way, on a random topic, I know why skull lies were removed. Well, they looked inappropriate on pandas when they played because they glitched and... Yeah XD. AnywYs, you're probably thinking "Why couldn't they just have fixed the glitch?" Well, it scared a lot of kids under 10 XD
ReplyDeleteAll in all, the item just didn't pass standards.
Yeah, but instead of removing it they could've changed it.. like made it something of a tail armor with two skulls or something? XD
Delete..eh well that's my opinion. In terms of coding it's probably just easier for them to remove it, lol.
I had a panda and would wear skullies all the time, I think I disturbed a lot of kids. O3O but I just changed to a wolf.
Delete+Goldcobra AJ do u play dragonvale?
DeleteYes, I do play dragonvale :D
Meow luv u all =3
ReplyDeleteMeow to you too ^o^
Delete@#$%^! only 25 COMMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS AMAZING!
ReplyDeleteYeah that's what happens with late-ish posts XD
DeleteCongrats on 1st comment, pink!! :D
ReplyDeletei really like the flowers :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
ReplyDeleteplz buddy me if my list isnt full :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DD:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D;
XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO LOL giggle and gives cupcakes!
My reply to that would be... another :D
DeleteLOL I can tell you're happy today! :D :-) and...
DeleteOoh cupcakes!! :P
Those flowers do look pretty :3 O3O
Well I've haven't been commenting much and I feel bad but I been having a lot of track practice so when I have time I will comment more......
ReplyDeleteSee ya guys later.
Live laugh and love huskies
And if u like plz send me something for my 1st mailtime I got a new YouTube account!!!! If u ask meh to send back i will if I can!
Good luck with track though :o
DeletePlease visit animaljamwonderlife.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteWow, pawesome orange background there! :D
DeleteI'll check it out!
DeleteThanks! :D
ReplyDeleteNice post, Snowy! :)
ReplyDeleteHey guys i have 9 diamonds well almost 10 diamonds im getting an arctic wolf! :D and how much diamonds you have?
Ok so first of all, Happy V-Day! I wanted to share this with everyone.
ReplyDeleteIn my middle school, we have this thing called P.S. I Love You Day! Everyone wears purple as a symbol of anti-bullying. The whole day we put purple post it notes with nice things written on them on people's lockers. I was thinking that maybe we could start something similar in Jamaa! Everyone could dress up in purple, and say something nice to each other, whether it's about their dens or their outfits, anything you notice. Maybe you'll even make a new buddy :)
Happy P.S. I Love You Day!
To all the authors on AJS: Really great job with your posts, keep up the good work.
- Chorus2010
P.S. - I love you!
I think the rose bouquet is cute but it is non member! Nice post today snowy!
ReplyDeleteLook at my blog gaby0099.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteYa uh well huh lol
ReplyDeleteDid you ever notice when you" say are you okay," you are just saying letters. R u o-k
ReplyDeleteLol I love to say random things, buddy me my username is poundpuppy04004
ReplyDeletePut your right paw in
ReplyDeletePut your right paw out
Put you right paw in and you shake it all about!
You do the hokie pokie and you turn your animal around
That's what animal jam sorta 'bout!
Why is it bat man? Why can't it be bat woman? Not many super hero's are gals! Lol funny right?
ReplyDeleteI am going to tell y'all a story...
ReplyDeleteThere was once sweet animal named darling. She lived in a small den with her 7 other sisters. They were quite nice that family. The first sister was the oldest one, her name was twilight. She was very strict. Her second sister was Bella, and she was just like Twilight. Those two,(Bella and twilight,) ALWAYS followed orders. The third sister was named fuzzy. She was very kind and pretty. Next is brownie. She was very bubbly and funny. She made things very fast. Last is snowflake. She was very special but she didn't now why. She had a feeling but no one believed her.
Read more to find out why she was special. :)
I am so happy you continued!
ReplyDeleteOk so let's find out why she was special. Unscramble these letters...
Hte owpre fo iec nad oclnesds
The answer is the power of ice and coldness
The last sisters names were day. For some reason she hated darkness but got along with night, her twin sister. Now Bella and twilight were eagles. Fuzzy was a fox. Brownie was a brown horse. Snowflake was a grey snow leopard with black leopard spots. She had white ears and paws. Day was a golden artic wolf except she was a sunny wolf. Lol. Night was a shadowy artic wolf with black and grey tie - die fur.
ReplyDeleteThey all lived in one little room on the top of the building on room 101! They got food by hunting in the woods at exactly 9:28am. Since there were 7 of the children, and two alphas, (there mom and dad,) they could get food easily. It was a busy day when .....
ReplyDeleteOh my, day and night escaped causing tthe family to get weak. Nobody knew it but without all 7 children they would weaken so bad they would disappear! They should have known. So they set out on a journey to find them........
ReplyDeleteDon don don!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They found a note saying....
ReplyDeleteDear mum and dad,
We have decided to run away. We have become danger. Day set something on fire and when I tried to stop it, it went into eternal darkness. If you want to find us we are in the.....
Caves across the milk river through the lollipop forest straight across the chocolate stream and under the secret beaches of handy. Beware the forest fires and eternal dark. Ok gtg bye mum and dad!
- dark and light aka, night and day
Ps. Please call
Us light and
Darkness from
Now on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my! Said mum. "they wouldn't" said dad! We have got to find them!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh to be continued? Aww man or....
ReplyDeleteAww.woman lol gtg bye!