
Monday, February 10, 2014

Rare Friendship Bracelet

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Hiya jammers! Today, we have the Rare Friendship Bracelet in stock, priced at 850 gems! 850 gems.. Hmm a little pricy…
Yay, a friendship related item! Fitting, since it is the Friendship Festival. Not to mention that it's NON-member!!! Wohoo! A non-member rare finally! It's been a while since there's been one..  

Hehe here's a little fashion idea, the polka dot, top hat seal. 
Just playing around with outfits and clothes

Here's a nice little .gif from the Daily Explorer, about the new printable activities for jammers
Looks like you can really print out some cool gifts for yours buddies this Valentine's day! Be sure to check that table out! 

Now, here are the posts from the Daily Explorer:
There are hidden treasure chests all over adventures and like the article says, keep your squinty animal eyes peeled for any unusual-looking pathways or lanes, and you just might find a 
Now this post from the Daily Explorer is a little insight about the Winter Olympics, which is currently being held in Russia, and how us jammers can organize our on Jamaa-lympics :) Looks like a lot of fun to me, be sure to try it out!
Next is an odd little glitch, I opened my buddy's profile, and instead of putting the name, it just said 'tempAvt'. Now what do you jammers think it means? Or is it, like the past few number glitches, just pointless data, with no meaning? Let me know!

Now this isn't exactly a glitch, more like a random pastime. If you want your animal's profile to end up like this, you just need to wear that phantom hat. You know the one which makes your head a phantom, with a goggly eye and shoots out lightning? That's the one! 

However, this is most definitely a glitch. I don't think I've ever come across a room called 'Untitled Room' before ^_^ ;

Now, for the Monday Mystery!
Is it possible there is a land outside of Jamaa? Now I know this topic is very wide, but just think, where did Mira and Zios come from? Zios created the world of Jamaa, but where was he before this? Was he in a world of chaos and evil? Were there phantoms even before Mira created them with her tears? I look forward to reading your stories!



  1. Love your post snowy, I love that is nm :3
    Happy Jamming
    PS: I made a new blog :

    1. Not to like be rude or anything but Snowy didnt make that post, cutegirl2001 did.

    2. Maybe when the different authors post, they could start the post with "Hi, this is ___" Just so people know right away who it is.

    3. Sounds better than the picture at the ending of the post. :3

      I miss Snowy. She was an amazing author. She should consider writing a book.

      Tell Snowy we miss her, Cutegirl!

    4. :D i love the new rim! i got screen cats o matic! can someone please tell me how to take pictures with it? XD


    5. and yes, there is a land outside jamaa, at the edge its the phantom marsh a boggy gross place full of the purple slime that the phantoms make. every once in a while the alphas will go to part of the marsh and clean it out and its a new land. sometimes the phantoms are holding animals captive there. thats why some times when a new land is found, animals are also found/
      p.s. plz look at my blog:

    6. Congrats on 1st, and

      @Kkat: Snowyclaw is still posting on alternate days, so there's no need to miss her :)

    7. It's a nice post!

    8. Woah I did not notice that I'm first XD

    9. FURRY! I didn't know you commented on AJS! :D Oh and congrats on first. (:

    10. @Jzale
      Screen-Cast-O-Matic is for taking vids. Screenshots come with the computer. (at least on mine... :P)

    11. oh lol x3

      ~jzale314 who is signed out of blogger...

  2. Oh my gawd ( I don't like saying the real word) im so close to the top its a first :) and I thing Mira and Zios were born together as best friends got separated then once met again. Just an opinion ~ rainbowgummybear0503

    1. Cool ^^
      Congratulations on 2nd, too!

    2. if i need to say oh my gawd i say er ma gersh or er ma gerd x3


    3. Well, if you read the legend of Jamaa, Zios created Mira as a companion spirit.

    4. Yep, and some too mushy stuff which I would not like to mention. Starts with L, ends with E. In between are the letters O and V. Get it.

  3. 3rd? Hooray! The friendship bracelet is back!

    1. Wait I didn't read the post!
      *Hooray! There's a rare friendship bracelet!

    2. I love nonmember monday rares. They are the best way to transfer gems from a nonmember account to your member account. (think about it). ;D

    3. Yeah, so happy its a Nm item! Right now Important in Sequoia in the middle of nowhere X3 Mice that my dad has 3g. Welcome to the next generation Dad!

    4. Congrats on 3rd! XD
      I love them too... because my nonmember accounts have more gems than my member account lol
      For some reason my nm gets the 500 gem thing on the spinner A LOT. O.o
      It's a nice way to even things out.

  4. There must be another world. 1. Read the story of Jamaa, Snowy puts it on the stories blog thing. 2. In the new Welcome to Jamaa thing, the Blue Heron (the boat youre on) HAS to be coming from somewhere, since it is GOING TO Jamaa.

    go to zenowlzoeaj's youtube. Comment, like subscribe!

    1. I think it comes from the real world, that we're actually in. xD
      Because the animals start out normal-color when you start, lol

    2. What Shadow said ^^

  5. Have you ever noticed the stream that r,cuts through Jamaa? I think that is where the Blue Heron comes from aand where Mira and Zios came from.

    1. Yeah, it just ends. like that. o-o
      Wonder where it comes from XD

  6. My username is numnum13.

    1. And I have a friend who nicknames herself 'Miss Numnum'. LOL, right?

  7. Anyone notice that on the colouring pages thing, the owl is the only animal that is currently only a pet? It makes me wonder if they're giving us a hint that owls will come out as animals after eagles... I hope so!

  8. Actually, i saw a video about the mysterious untilted room. It's all black and sometimes has random things in the middle of nowhere. i think it's a room that's currently being edited. Like it can be the adventure base camp but they're editing it. You can still get into it, but somehow, people got in to the "currently being edited" version.

    1. I know! It's extremely odd and obviously unfinished. :| Every time my friend Kyr29 goes to my den and I follow him it says "Untitled Room" I get in a look around. I saw like a portalish/magic thing for some reason.

      And After that it said
      "Error. It looks like your in an Unfinished room."

      It was SO weird!!! I have some screenshots about it. So crazy!

      Replying to @makeyouhappy

    2. You should send those screenies to Snowy, I for one, would like to see them .o.

  9. Here's my story:

    Before Zios was a "Sky Father", he was born as a monkey on the planet Earth. But it was long ago. Zios was the most loyal of the monkey troop, which is why he became the king of the apes. The odd thing is that Zios has a symbol of some gem on his crown. This gem has a cyan blue color and stands in the middle of the crown. One day, Zios saw the gem glowing with cyan blue. He decided to break the gem with a rock and the light flew above him. That was when he started to have powers. He sculpted a golden mask and uses two pieces of the gem for the eyes. He made this mask as to show his appearance of being a Sky Father and won't appear as a monkey. The other monkeys were confused of Zios' disappearance but believed it when they saw a green and blue light from the sky. After Zios created some galaxies, he built a grey heron named Mira, They both nodded at the monkeys. They found out where their king is. Zios and Mira disappeared into the sky and that was when they made a new land called Jamaa.

    The statue of Zios' monkey form stayed there for a long time, because some of the monkeys from his time were there and they showed Zios' life before he became the creator of Jamaa. However, Mira decided that they should sculpt the mask of Zios as an idol as to show his new form. the gem was the same color as our present Mira. Before she became sky mother, Zios used his blue power from the gem to turn her into like the Sky Father....

    Hope you enjoy!


    1. Pawesome story! And it explains why that statue changed... XD

  10. I found another number glitch :3 when someone leaves an adventure their name shows up as like 20 numbers and a few letters.

  11. lol i wish i could go 2 the world Zoize was in LOL :D:D:D:D:DD


  12. TempAvt.... I believe that means temporary avatar. It shows a dark tiger shadow and I guess that is the temporary avatar when a jammer's profile is loading. Sometime in 2013, I stumbled across the "Untitled Room glitch". I don't remember what happened when I clicked the button that allows you to go where your buddy is. It was just weird. And the tempavt glitch, isn't ACTUALLY a glitch. Just something that happens when a jammer's profile is loading.

    1. Hmm, I thought the dark tiger was when a jammer didn't log in in a long time... idk
      TempAvt doesn't show an animal, it's just the swirly loading thingy ma bobber .o.

  13. Well... Here's my story

    Before jamaa, zios lives in the tallest tree. Then, zios got lonely he wanted a friend. So he created Mira..he put eternal life into her so they would live forever. Zios and Mira were happy together and wanted kids. So they led a pair of animals of all kinds to a clearing. Then they used their powers to make jamaa.


    1. But did Zios give eternal life to himself? In fact, is he still alive now? O.o

  14. DewDropReptile/Zipper787February 10, 2014 at 7:40 AM

    im really exited for the olympics im russian !!!! but im cheering for usa :D~dewdropreptile

    1. I am too, but I don't know who to cheer for XD
      .. so let's say may the best win c:

  15. Sorry I've not been commenting I have been busy. I think the TempAvt glitch just happens when your animal is loading. I hate the new chat *sobs* then throws computer out the window!
    The rare is nice today I think I will buy it......
    Live laugh and love huskies

    1. *sobs with you*
      *tries to type crying face into AJ*

  16. Hey snowy, sometimes there are problems with the spirit chat. There are guests who don't show their user who:

    .Rant about religious stuff
    .Be mean
    .Violate other rules

    Pleaseeee disable guests. (Or you could go on to chat while somebody is breaking the rules and you could be like "Hi guys!" And the person who is breaking the rules would be like "Oh... Shoot" XD)

    1. I haven't seen any of those things wrong with the chat. Sometimes people can be mean but that stuff doesn't happen very often, disabling anon wouldn't be very fair to those who follow the rules :)

    2. No, it has increasing by the days. Yesterday was just a disaster, as well.

      Maybe snowy could give the anon features to anybody who needed it, and who was trustworthy, to anybody who needed it?

    3. I'm not sure blogger works like that. It's either no anon or anon, not all these individual picks.

    4. I dunno about that chat, whenever I go on there's no one there. I thought it was dead, lol

  17. My story:
    Zios created jamaa as the Sky Father but he was very lonely. So he created Mira, a blue heron who became the Sky Mother. One day; that was when the Phantom King came with his phantom army. Zios died in battle, but Mira was eternally living and hid from the battle. When she came down to help the animals, in the Temple, she found Zios, dead in the old well. She cried and cried for many years, and her tears made more and more phantoms. The End.
    -pupdogjack :3

    1. That's a really awesome story! I think it's pretty spot-on from what we know. :D It's truly an amazing story, I hope you make more! :)

  18. I won't be able to get the rare today :( on weekdays I have homework in every subject and never have the time to go on.

  19. OMG! AJHQ MADE A TYPO! LOL They say "Give out free Anmimal Jam Valentines to your friends!" It's supposed to say "Give out free Animal Jam Valentines to your friends!". LOL haha AJHQ.. I think this is a first. xD

    1. lol aNminal. Took me a sec to catch that. xD Good spotting.

    2. XD Wow, I didn't realize that typo before. Anminal. Lol silly AJHQ! :3

    3. LOL
      Once I bought an AJ membership, they mispelled animal as aminal on the receipt. xD
      I still have that lil' piece of paper so now I can make fun of Walmart XD

    4. I think that was Walmart's mistake, not AJ's tho...

  20. I love today's item though. c: Very pretty color.

    1. ikr o3o
      It's such a deep sea blue, it's way better than the blandish blue sold on normal friendship bracelets. And it also has something to do with friendship day! :D

    2. i know raiiiiite? you could use it in freedom outfit instead of freedom bands -3-


  21. did anybody like my story????????????????????? :3333333333333 -pupdogjack

    1. I like your story. It explains how phantoms came to be .3.

    2. I didn't. Personally it was too short for my taste.
      Live laugh and love huskies

  22. I think the Phantoms represent Mira's anger, and sadness. Her emotions combined with her strong powers, I think she was very sad and mourning the death (or disappearing.. you never know... xD) of Zios, and her powers took her the wrong way. Her anger and sadness turned into little spider-ish creatures that were made to cause chaos and destruction.

    1. Also, about the Mira-Zios part of the question. According to what we know about Jamaasian Lore, Zios was lonely so he created a beautiful grey heron named Mira... and then there is this big disconnect in which AJHQ decides to not mention that the phantoms were Mira's tears, etc. they just show Zios falling, etc.... Anyway, I think there could be a whole "god's and goddesses" system in Jamaa that is yet to be discovered. Of course, the Alphas are kind of like that, but I think Zios could be related to other "gods and goddesses (ex. Egyptian Mythology, Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris)", so he was not the first of his kind, but he was more powerful than his brethren, more unique. I think he was from somewhere far, far away from Jamaa. But I think he got tired of his "brethren" and decided to flea. He traveled for many months across the abandoned part of his city, until he came upon a vast ocean. He decided to use his powers to create Jamaa, which then he later also used his powers to create Mira and animals because he was lonely. Jamaa was living in peace. Then the phantoms came (you all know what happens here [ i just explained in my first comment] so no need to explain again.)

  23. I agree Mia776 it IS pretty. Hey Mia776, u like my story????

  24. I like today's rare item: non member and having to do with friendship! More and more glitches keep popping up don't they? The printable valentine's are a cute idea! Nice stories everyone, all of them are possible answers! The Olympics are really fun to watch!

    1. I like the printable valentines too, they remind me of when I as in elementary school, and we had to give valentine's cards to everyone in the class XD
      Everyone always went home with tongues blue or green from candy, lol.

  25. Well, there kinda has to be another world. Think about it, all these new animals are coming from somewhere. Maybe Zios is creating all the new animals outside of Jamaa.

    1. Indeed there has to be... lol
      The deer didn't just magically *poof* out of nowhere, did they?

  26. Okies, about the Rare today. I like the color of that friendship bracelet, a nice dark blue (probably cuz I like blue :P) and that "tempAvt" happens almost all the time when I'm scrolling through my buddy list and opening a card. I thought it was becuz AJs lagging! The "untitled room" means they're on an adventure cuz when I click to go there it says " You can't join this adventure" :I but I also saw some vids of the "Untitled Room" where its all black with random flowers scattered about. So yeah.

    1. I did that too! I think the Untitled Room has to do something with adventures... XD
      AJ is full of glitches lol

    2. Yup AJ and its glitches! Also, about adventures, I think I saw you in the Adventure Base Camp once o3o

  27. Okay, now for the Monday Mystery! *-*
    I think there was a land before Jamaa/outside of Jamaa because on the "Blue Heron" boat (welcome to jamaa thing) you're going from somewhere else to present-day Jamaa. So you couldn't had entered the boat in Jamaa if you're going there... you know what i mean. And there are some completely blank spaces on the Jamaa map, like slightly above Mt.Shiveer and a few others. Maybe those places are where the phantoms came from to destroy Jamaa! or those are the places that yet have to be discovered. If so, I can't to explore those places! (:

    1. Maybe AJ could make a portal that leaves Jamaa, someday... .o.

    2. OMG that would be awesome!!! XD We could like go to a whole different world, like a different dimension. I can just imagine an AJ avatar walking around in a completely different place like it's lost ^.^

    3. *o* I checked out your speedpaint vids and whoa you are such a good artist :D I can't draw on the computer that well; I'm better with paper and pencil. :)

  28. Zios is like god, no one knows where he came from. 😛

    1. No one knows for sure, but that is why we all make stories about him. ^.^

  29. Hi people
    ~AnimalJammer or cynder53715

  30. I have a story for the Monday Mystery!!!!

    Zios and Mira were bf and gf and Zios wanted to create something unique and special so Mira would love him more. since there was only darkness and no land or anything he created a patch of light with land and animals, the land of Jamaa. And he created the alphas to protect the jammers from the darkness. He presented his gift to her and they celebrated with the jammers and alphas at Temple of Zios. An accident happened during the celebration and Zios was killed with a crash of a party decoration, Zios's mask. They left the mask as a memorial and changed the name of Temple of Zios to Lost Temple of Zios. Mira was deeply saddened at the passing of her beloved Zios and her sadness turned to phantoms. She could not control it so she left Jamaa, not wanting to hurt anyone more than she already did. Leaving the Alphas to defend Jamaa. The Alphas never found new lands, they created them out of the darkness hoping to find Mira and stop the phantoms.

    ~ snowfeather08

    1. Wow that's sad. .-.
      To be killed by a party decoration.

    2. Poor Zios.... ;-;
      Well that's my depressing story of the day. :*(
      Live laugh and love huskies

  31. Wow you guys stories are amazing ( or girls ) I'm not good at making stories but, I'll see what I can do ~rainbowgummybear

  32. Mira was a little blue heron with extrodinary talents although she never showed anyone. But, one day her mother left for an errand. She told Mira, " stay safe, I will be back." With that Mira's mother flew off. Mira paitently waited for her mothers return as hours passed. Knowingly Mira knew her mother wasn't coming back. So she curiously and cautiously left her home in search of her mother. Since she was only young she could not fly so she walked. Days and night passed and Mira found no sign of her mother until she came across another family of blue herons. She simply asked if anyone had seen her mother but nobody had. But one heron named Zios saw a special spark in Mira's eye and knew he had to help her. So they set off on a search. Night fell and the two heron's were tired and the only place around was a cold iceberg. ( they finally got to Antartica) so they slept on it. A icy cold draft came in and shook the ice berg then it CRACKED! The two heron's were split up. Mira eventually learned to fly. everyday to make sure she didn't go hungry she caught fish with her beak. She traveled a long distance and at that point she knew her mother was truly gone...... so she turned but did not know the way back and her only choice was to sit and think. She eventually found an island where she sat on a tree root and cried. " Oh Zios" Mira said, " if only you were here." With that Zios appeared. " Zios! I missed you so much" Mira said as she wrapped her wings around Zios. They flew up too a hill where Zios finally amitted that he liked Mira. " Oh Zios I love you too." she said with a glowing smile. As the sun set you could see their beaks touch and form a heart shape. At that very moment......... BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!! their land turned into a bursting land of joy which we today now call Jamaa. ( this is only part one ) ~rainbowgummybear0503

  33. ( part two ) Years passed and Jamaa was unique in many ways more animals came and friends were made until one day. another heron came as she found Zios and nudged her way up to him putting her soft pillow like fathers against Zios'. This made Mira very angry and she had every right to be. Mira flew to the far side of Jamaa where all animals are forbidden to go.( even Mira and Zios) There was hatetrid in the air so powerful that it could take full form. But being on the forbidden side of Jamaa just made it worse. Then Mira felt a gust of wind ruffle her feathers as dark clouds circled her the clouds soon got larger and lager and took form of what is now a phantom. but there was one extremely big phantom that was trying to take over Jamaa!!!!! Zios was a powerful young heron, but not powerful enough the Phantom King took Zios life. as he fell to the ground Mira flew down after him and caught him on her back. Gently setting him down Mira cried. Her tears rose and sank into the phantoms heart. Mira then created a team of alphas that we now know are Liza, Sir Gilbert, Peck, Cosmo, and so on. Knowing that this was all her fault Mira flew away as fast as her beautiful wings could carry her. The alphas finally finished the phantom king but, it ended as they all ended. the extrodinary alphas are now spirits that guide us protect us and watch over us. Even as spirits they seek Mira to help them defeat the phantoms for good. ( the end of part two) ~rainbowgummybear0503

    1. Oh wow!! Your story is so good! So is everyone else's!

    2. Wow that was a great story! So descriptive owo

  34. Thanks cutepups522 and your right the other stories are AMIZING!!! ~rainbowgummybear0503

    1. You're welcome and yeah jammers can make some nice stories!

  35. Hey guys!
    I have a story for what happened to Zios before Jamaa.

    Once, there was a land named Jummu. In the land, there was a creature named Zios. He was a very kind creature, and he wanted to make a land for lots of people to have fun. However, in Jummu, there were other creatures named Blackzoids. They looked a bit like phantoms now, but scarier and a bit more powerful. The Blackzoid King wanted to make a land too, but one where everyone was his servant and wasn't going to be like Zios's. The two had a big rivalry.

    One day, the Blackzoid King attacked Jummu. He tried to make everyone his servants.


    1. Okay I am sorry but that is just stupid. It would never happen.

    2. There are many things wrong with your comment rainbowgummy first "it would never happen" Zios was in the past before jamaa therefore we don't know what happened, this could have happened or not. There is such thing as imagination. Also if you have read the comment rules you should respect people ideas and opinions. It's ok if you think that but you don't have to tell them that. They could have spent a long time thinking of a story. I think it's good so far babygorilla.

    3. I agree with you Dooda. It could be an imposter, but still, who ever did that comment, that's just probably one of the rudest things I've ever seen on AJS. I think it was really cool how the Blackzoids look like phantoms. Like Dooda said, so many things wrong with that comment.

    4. Just don't continue the story because it sucks. Ugh...

    5. I think it was awesome. You're only saying this because your jealous and think that babygorilla is a threat because she might win. Just STOP with the bad sportsmanship!

    6. Jealous? Pfft! Hardly. Why, are you?

    7. Rainbowgummy, that hardly made sense. Pink has no sign of jealousy when you on the other do. Just be nice!

  36. You know how the chat has been acting strange in animal jam? It has really been bothering me...

    1. I think it was on purpose. You Know the Fake Clans that ALWAYS kills REAL jammers like bunnies? or always have clan fights? well AJ deleted it to make them stop. they dont know how mad good jammers are sadly...

    2. Yeah I get your point, but I don't like how you can't do faces anymore, and I don't think that all AJ clans are that violent.. But what's been really bothering me is the new Jam-a-Gram chat filter. You can't even say "friend" or "sorry" anymore, what's wrong with that! Every time a jammer offers me something that I dislike, I say," Sorry, no thanks." in the Jam-a-Gram. It's like AJHQ wants us to be less polite or something :T

  37. Hmm! PS a new code is friendship. it gives you 500 gems

    1. It's not exactly new, considering AJHQ re-uses the same valentines each year with the same code.. so it has also been used by some Jammers in previous years. I don't mean to be rude at all, I just wanted to mention that. ;D

    2. Actually, Mia, they make a new one every year. The first one I know about (2012) was BFF4EVER, 2013 was BEMYBUDDY, and this one is FRIENDSHIP. So Dark is correct, actually. Not trying to be rude.

  38. Maybe Zios comes from space since he also created many stars and planets

    1. Oh! And tempAvt means Temporally Avatar

  39. The post you put on a while ago and saw the land behind the broken thingys and saw that land mabye they came from there.

    <3 jazm4321

  40. Please visit my blog!

  41. i liked all the glitches and all kinds of other things about what is going on in jamaa i check the blog a couple times a week to get some good peeks on things and, when are eagles coming out? love your channel and blog and of course you snowy!!! -wolfsrock87878 (snowy's biggest fan ever!!!)

  42. hey snowy or one of her helpers!!!!!!!! ALERT ALERT!!
    i am glitching on this blog, when i try to reply it sends me to the top of the page!! somebody tell me what i should do please?
    -wolfsrock87878 (snowy's biggest fan)

      Lol joking, I rock dou. ^_^

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. @Amy Jiao
    Can you delete my roelplay character on your blog? I never roleplay there anyway. Thanks!

  45. O.O WHAT!!!! IMPOSTER I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THAT STORY!!!!! T-T( cries heart out) life can be so cruel........ I though it was such a great and creative story.... T-T why would anybody do that? and if you knew me you know I would have never EVER say that..... EVER! T-T please don't believe that person......... please ~rainbowgummybear0503 ( sadly turns computer off )

    1. Your probably just saying that because of the hate you were getting.

  46. uh snowy if you read these comments you can tell the difference between me and the imposter.... right? If not it's ok, and if you think it's me then I'll let you be mean to me and shoo me off ( looks down at ground sadly) I guess....... it's the last time I come or post on here ( not to be rude) avwah ( if that's how you spell it, I believe it means goodbye in French) ~rainbowgummybear0503 ( well who I though I was) T-T

  47. I wasn't..... fine don't believe me. I know I'm right and that's all that matters. ~rainbowgummybear0503

  48. I'm currently hosting a giveaway for rares and bricks. These Rare Friendship Braclets are in it.


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw