
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mystery Tubes

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the Clover Tubes, sold in Sunken Treasures for 300 gems!
Sold at a decent price, fits in with the Lucky Day spirit, AND it's nonmember! 
Anywho, if you're looking to decorate your den with some Lucky Day spirit, here's how the Clover Tubes looking a Sunken Ship Den! (Notice the pet glitch is still present)

Over in Sunken Treasures... A little Renovation? o-o
Never seen this glitch before! How mysterious!
Speaking of mysteries, yesterday CuteGirl was stuck on ideas for Mystery Monday...
HES here to save the day! XD

(Late) Mystery Monday #1:
Could this Deer carving in Canyons Pathway be Sigurd the Deer Alpha?
(Late) Mystery Monday #2:
With the new eagles, we're now able to discover this mysterious cave at the Adventure Base Camp... What could this new cave lead to?
Speaking of Eagles, I've noticed that Gloves appear a bit different when worn by an eagle...
A black glove appears white! 
As a side note, the Epic Seasonal Tree has already changed since Snowyclaw took a picture of it just a few days ago! 
It seems to be budding! Guess the seasons are changing fast! 
Speaking of the seasons, click on the picture below to check out the latest Daily Explorer post! It features a seasonal outfit with yesterday's Rare Blanket, calling it the "Rare Damask Blanket!" If you're like me and have no idea what this reference means, read up on it here
(For those of you that don't feel like reading it: Damask is a type of fabric)

In honor of the Damask Blanket...

Trivia Tuesday:

What are some modern uses for Damask?
That's all for today, folks! Happy jamming! :)


  1. AAHH 1st time at being 1st!!

  2. Replies
    1. Real Comment: For Nystery 1: Maybe that drawing was carved by the old people/animals/phantoms of Jamaa, and it was like a story of their hunts cause old (I mean from te Ice Age) People, Phantoms, And many animals of Jamaa (such as Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Cheetahs, etc.) Eat ANTELOPES! When I first saw that Image, I thought it was an antelope rather than deer. Maybe it means that antelopes are someday coming to Jamaa

    2. Congrats on second comment! :3

      Hmm, maybe you're right? The antlers do look a little different than deer antlers!

    3. People.. so what if the phantoms actually are people, but they are in a reduced form where the animals actually took over the human world!!?!?!

    4. That would be strange but its possible.

      The thing is, though, humans don't fight animals...

    5. That's interesting! O3O

  3. now for real comment i dont think the pic in canyon pathways is a deer its Snowyclaw! The new cave leads to an underground path that you have to follow fighting phantoms, they might capture you and when all is lost greely coes and saves you.. or you might save him!

    1. thats a, wild imagination you got there..............
      It's not snowyclaw.... It's been there since before snowyclaw started her blog.

    2. It would be cool if it was though! XD

  4. Okay this is random.... Anyone else want a little tiny pet human? You could it look like yourselves and IT WOULD SO CUTE. It would do a hand stand for play and when it sleeps it looks actually human. And when it sits it pulls out a chair and when it dances its dance is disco

    1. I would get a little freaked out!
      Live laugh and love huskies

    2. What you mean like a pet baby? xD

    3. A mini human clone.? Umm... okay then. O.O

    4. ^^^^^
      I agree! That would be really odd... And a little creepy.

    5. I actually kinda want a human pet

  5. 7th! Yay! I would of been 2nd if my comment would publish! I hope the pet glitch never goes away!!!

    -jam52099 from

    1. Yeah, that glitch is pretty fun XD

    2. My mom says that companies fix fun glitches faster than annoying glitches.
      I hope AJ dosen't do that.


  6. Damask blankets are to keep you warm, but I don't think that's enough.

    1. All blankets keep you warm, lol
      Well then again, some of those really uber thin ones are for decoration, you know, just like those umbrellas people carry around even when it's not raining. xD

  7. Ooh something about textiles? I'm in!
    Damask is, as Wikipedia said, a rich textile silk with lots of patterns like birds, flowers or fruit. They were often used, I'm assuming, for tapestries and for the garments of the rich and royalty. Nowadays they are used mostly for tablecloths and upholstery, rarely for clothes because of the density.
    Also, I noticed BOTH of those mystery things before! I noticed the deer there and also that there was a cave thing with a severed rope bridge! I am nonmember so I didn't have an eagle to see it well but I did notice! It's cool that there was a post on them.

    1. I like Damask, it's pretty. The name sounds like "the mask" though... like da mask... o-o

    2. I didn't notice that. LOL. "Da Mask"--Damask. That's nice. ^.^

    3. If instead of Damask it was called Dabomb XD :333333

  8. the pet glitch works in revers be a seal or penguin go under water and put a under water pet one go to land or land den and you'll keep you underwater pet and if you go to a land den u can place under water animals ( works in reverse also ).

    1. Interesting... o-o
      I actually have never tried it, I don't think I have any of the hybrid land/water animals, only on my nm account. XD

    2. Yup. My seal currently has a jellyfish as its "land" pet. I didn't know you could put underwater pets in a land den- that's pawsome! Anyways, when I was at a "Pet-Only Party" I brought my jellyfish (so normal, right guys? :D) and gave my jellyfish a bath! .w.

  9. also you can do the water pet on land glitch go to the pets only party and get some snazzy under water pets

  10. About the mystery... I remember sending in the same mystery about a year ago, and snowy posted about it... But notice on Graham's loading page... There is the same deer in his blue stuff above his head! I was just saying, that if you look back far enough you can find it.

    1. Yeah I noticed that too... GRAHAM CAN PREDICT DA FUTUREEE

    2. O.O I just thought he was a monkey that likes gems and can only say "Yes. Monkeys do rule!"

  11. Btw does anyone have an extra RIM from yesterday that they are willing to trade/giveaway? I forgot to get it yesterday and I really liked it.. :P

    1. I have one. Just tell me when you are on and I can trade you.

    2. okay! :) I am on now. I am on congo in my den :D

  12. Ok guys this is part 2 of my story! Enjoy if u have not seen part one its on the comments of the rare Monday item post! Heres part 2 anyways.

    Greely couldn't find any words to reply to the phantom king. Him loving Mira was hard enough to take in... But crying about it? He just couldn't speak. He felt like screaming, though he knew that wasn't the most logic idea.
    "You're in love with Mira?" Greely spat the words out like his veggies when he was eating. The phantom king looked shocked that Greely knew even though it was obvious.
    "I am, we were good childhood friend.." His voice for some reason was all high and he start blushing again.
    "I want to see her, I want to talk to her... I want to meet her all over again" The giant phantom suddenly met eyes with Greely.
    ".. And if you don't help me my phantoms are going to have to take action."
    Greely actually laughed.
    "Good to have you back" He giggled like Peck did when he was trying to teach her about the phantoms. Even though phantoms don't have mouths (I don't know how they speak!) Greely could see that the phantom king was as happy as a maybe not-so-evil-anymore phantom could be.

    The phantoms untied Greely. Then it hit the wolf alpha.... He was going to have to take the phantom king through Jamaa....

    I will make part 3 of this story tomorrow! And I will tell you who I am on Animal Jam like I promised and I already said who I am, but anyways. Im rock8009 on AJ and please, please, please add me if u like my story!

    1. This is one of the coolest stories evar!!!

    2. I agree. It's a cool story. I thought something TOTALLY different was going to happen! :)

    3. I love your story! Please continue! c:

  13. The deer drawing on the wall, is most liekly the Deer Spirit Stone.
    (I hate it how AJHQ and everyone are slowly forgetting about the Spirit Stones, I mean seriously, their like the most important things in the game.)
    (If you don't know what a Spirit Stone is.... I would GLADLY insult you for a few minutes for how little you know about AJ...)

    1. I KNOOOOOWWWW..... They say.. "A new animal has GLIDED into Jamaa!" Its so annoying >.< Pls AJ.
      AJHQ, pls.

    2. Just calm down guys it's not that bad (well it is) but still AJ had been doing this for long now and we need to settle down and deal with it...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Seriously though, I've never heard of them. How can they be that important if they aren't mentioned?

    5. XD When I first read "Spirit Stone" from Anon's comment, I was thinking about those green and red/orange stones from the Adventures! Wow I was wrong. :P

    6. @Anon: I know, right!? AJHQ has forgotten about all the old rich history that used to be... Sad.

      @Manxylion: I'm in no way judging you for not knowing-you have nothing to be ashamed about! I mean it's kind of tough to know when AJHQ has done away with them!

      Brief description: Spirit Stones are actually pretty important but not to AJHQ I guess... They used to be in the Jamaa Newspaper when a new animal came-Liza discovered them and they're what makes animals come to life!

      To learn more go to this post:

    7. Thanks HelpEndangeredSpecies. :3

      Oh and sorry for my snotty comment earlier @Anon. I can be a little mean sometimes. XD I'm sure you were just venting and there's nothing wrong with venting as long as it isn't too mean.

    8. No problem, Manxylion! Just here to help ^.^

      Mhm let's all just be HAPPY! XD :) :) :) :)

    9. Yeah, they should really make the spirit stones part of the adventures! A replica of one could be a cool den item, maybe. XD

  14. I remember that mystery!

    1. the above should have been a reply to somebody else's comment. Well anyway, THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THIS MYSTERY HAS BEEN UP! What happened to the origonality this blog use to have? (Oh yeah, It left when Snowy hired those other people to update the blog...... ) (Sorry, but, it's true)

    2. Just leave Snow alone you honestly have no idea how hard it is to blog (trust me 0-0) she does what she can and you have to except that...

    3. You must understand that balancing blogging with a busy life is ridiculously hard and it just got to be too much for Snowy-you can't blame her for that.

      The authors aren't "hired." We volunteered because we wanted to help Snowy and share our passion for AJ with Spirit Fans.

      Also, is it that bad that this is a repeat Monday mystery? I bet a lot of Jammers didn't see that post and may not have ever noticed the carving. Jammers hardly ever go in Canyons Pathway anyways, and I figured that it would be interesting to do it again now that Deer have come to Jamaa and Sigurd the Deer Alpha was recently released.

      PS: Are us new authors really THAT bad?

    4. No the authors are AMAZING! I like that the Monday Mysteries return because you get to make a new version of your story every time! c:

    5. Aw thank you Pink :)

    6. My friend really likes Canyon Pathway. She just randomly goes there and then she asks me to tell people to come there. She agrees that it's very underrated. :'c

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Those of you who like my story, part 2 is on this page! You just might have to scroll up a bit because of the rest of the comments! If you would like to see part 1 if u haven't seen it yet, its on the rare item Monday post! Again you might have to scroll up a bit... And if you like my story please add me on Animal Jam, I am rock8009

  17. And by the way The story is written by me, the name will say Secret Auther!


  18. I was already going to write a Aj/mlp crossover fic today XD anyway I think I may be good at this comment will be the fic...

    1. Within the lands of Jamaa to be a cave lies still there to be seen upon the adventure grounds is where you peak to see a cave to wonder where it will seek let me tell you all of the story of the Alpha cave!

      It was a normal day for the alpha Peck painting as normal Greely being is self and so on but young Sir Gilbert felt sorrow within his tiger heart only to feel they to be missing from Jamaa all the years it seemed he needed to show them somehow and if any jammer dares to enter they will see lands more beautiful than anyone could ever dream of he wanting happiness to the jammers and it also to be a place to hide from the shadows of the phantoms he just say by the island wondering how such could he do that? I wish we could make this so many animals free within happiness and light yet how? how could this even happen? Mira? dearest Mira is it to be possible of you to make this be? The grand tiger heard a spirited voice within with ears Mira? he asked in curiosity Gilbert i shell not anything of your wish but you yourself is to do so but not so just you but all of you all of you to work together! Gilbert's eyes widened just us? HOW? the blue hereon only to reply you can.....
      Gilbert stopped as to think how is this possible? a new land? how to make it? Greely heard the questioning of the tiger and then to lay next to him Gilbert? Oh huh Greely? I-I was just Greely hushed him before leaving a long reply what is it you wish for? I will make sure young tiger we are alphas spirited animals from beyond Jamaa why us not too ? Gilbert sighed I guess your right Greely we are alphas and we can for sure do it Greely soon to change the subject what exactly is your plan young tiger? He soon explained fully of what he had planned Greely to soon reply with excellent youngling but this may just take more time than (one day) I shell let the other alpha know our plannings and this will be something for us to all remember from the first day Greely smiled and followed on to Gilbert soon after the other alpha had had it fully explained they all agreed to do so to most Liza after years of it's making it was finished it was actually finished Gilbert looked to the moonlight only to see a blue hereon to wink to him he smiled and Greely put his paw around him now this will be our own this will be our land of hope, Soon after the land to be finished Liza opened to the jammers the lands where it stands and soon a jammer to find and live in peace forever....

    2. Oh and I could not think about one for the deer but here is my one for the cave i guess :3

  19. Am I the only one who notices that HES made some of her screenshots extra large?

    1. no i noticed i thaught it was my computer
      ~FAaIz647 (check out my channel faaiz647 AJ)

    2. *his XD

      I apologize for that. I was in a huge rush and didn't have time to edit the photo sizes. I'll try to do so as soon as I have access to my computer! :)

    3. Hey I also noticed that 2 pictures were larger than usual. I thought my computer was acting up again! o3o

    4. Sorry Cutepups! I fixed it, though! ^.^

    5. Yeah, I notice it's back to the normal size. c:
      It's fine,


  20. To me that deer painting on the Canyon's Pathway wall doesn't seem right to me. Because deer live in the cold, Arctic climate (weather),but the Canyon's Pathway is a rather warm place-in between Coral Canyons and Crystal Sands (warm places). So why would the deer (an Arctic animal) painting be painted in such a warm place? Hmm....

    1. Wow, very good point! But I guess the Deer could've been carved by one of the other Alphas...maybe Greely? He's incredibly bright! He could've found the found a Deer Spirit Stone and carved it as a symbol to the other Alphas!

    2. You could be right too. ^-^
      'Cause doesn't Greely live in "Best Dressed" in Coral Canyons.? Or so I heard. (a wolf on Coral Canyon's "Best Dressed" door) so maybe Greely couldn't travel to let's say Mt. Shiveer.

      Wait... maybe Peck painted the deer, since she's the artistic one of the Alphas. Hmm..


    3. Deer dont only live in cold climates, they are very adaptable. We have deer in our cold winters and 100 degree temperatures in the summer.

    4. Oh you do have a point. c:

    5. Oh, I remember. I was thinking about reindeer. Whoops! Should've been more specific. :P

  21. Trivia Tuesday:
    I think Damask fabrics are used for table cloths and blankets. :3
    Sorry. I ish not a fabric expert. O3O

    1. Me neither, but I think you're right! :)

    2. Did you see my story? Are you on AJ right now? Do you like the color orange?
      Asking questions is funnnn :D

      P.S.: Snowy please clear up the "Ask Snowy" page because it's so very full and some people wanna ask questions! D:

  22. Monday Mystery story:
    "Mira, deer have been spotted trotting near Jamaa. They might be interested in staying." A deep but soothing voice rumbled.
    "Thank you for telling me, Sir Gilbert. But we must not tell the Jamaasians until we know for sure. We don't want to disappoint them by telling them that deer are coming, then the deer decide not to stay."
    A pink bunny jumped in through the open window.
    The other Alphas and Mira just stared at Peck.
    "Idiot." Greely growled softly to himself, but loud enough for Peck to hear.
    "No-brain!" Peck insulted back.
    "Stop it!" Cosmo yelled.
    "Stop what?" Peck asked.
    "STOP FIGHTING!" Cosmo yelled louder.
    "WE'RE NOT FIGHTING! GREELY STARTED IT!" Peck screamed at him.
    "PECK WAS BEING CHILDISH!" Greely howled back.
    "ENOUGH!" Sir Gilbert, Graham, Liza, and Mira screamed at once.
    The other three Alphas' voices hushed.
    "Okay, we won't tell the Jamaasians, but we will give them a hint. Follow me."
    "Canyons Pathway?! No one ever comes here!" Peck complained.
    "Exactly." Liza stated. "Not many people will notice it. Peck, paint a deer right at that corner."
    Peck did it quickly, but the painting was still beautiful.
    "There. Now we are all happy. Right?" Liza asked.
    "Right!" Peck and Greely fake smiled at each other.
    Mira sighed. You can't ever get Peck and Greely to stop fighting!
    "Hey, if you don't mind, I'll go make another hint in Jamaa Township." Peck quickly said, picking up the paint can and brush.
    "Ohhh no you don't!" Greely growled.
    Peck hopped away, with a fuming Greely chasing her.
    Cosmo was just about to go after them, but was stopped by Liza.
    "Let them be. They won't stop fighting. Ever. No matter what." Liza sighed.

    That's my story! Hope you liked it! :3

    1. Edit:
      The other three Alphas' voices hushed.
      "Okay, we won't tell the Jamaasians, but we will give them a hint. Follow me." *Liza had the perfect idea.
      "Canyons Pathway?! No one ever comes here!" Peck complained.

      Great story Pink!!! Makes the Alphas seem even more real...

    3. Awesome story Pink!! :D

  23. CLOUDBLAZE IS BETA AND BETTER AND NICER THAN SNOWY! SNOWY ysoorrry but u copy of cloudblaze!

    1. Does it matter who is more "beta". Peeps these days about beta rares. :I

      Well it's peeps' opinions about someone else that is nicer or better than Snowy but I still think it's an insult.... I mean, you don't feel sorry to say this even if you said sorry. Because you think Snowy copied Cloudblaze. I'm pretty sure she didn't. Snowy has her own talent and it's not because she has beta items but because she can make an amazing blog. I still don't understand what is wrong with peeps these days about rares or popularity, no offense.


  24. nice story! i love the new nm item! <3


  25. I no what ur saying anonymous. Didja know I've met cloudblaze. She's rally kind and sweet, and i believe she's better than snowy.

  26. cloudblaze is famous and ether no matter what they say.

  27. please visit my blog:


    1. I visited your blog. It's pretty cool! :3


  28. Visit my blog too! There's a contest going on that will end this Friday!!!

  29. I like how animal jam is doing more art now instead of taking screenshots. I know I shouldn't be so critical though.. I understand that they might not have enough time to do art with all the shading and sketching.


  31. Trivia tuesday: vintage wallpapers? ~w64867

  32. My new Animal Jam website-

  33. I've seen damask petticoats!

  34. Hey those of u who read my story and want to hear part 3, I need a recent post up otherwise it would be awkward if I made part 3 here and then suddenly a new posy came up and people will think its on the latest post as usual. What im saying is snowclaw plz make a new post so I can make part 3 and, just because its always nice reading a new post of urs :)


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw