
Monday, March 31, 2014

Rare Gold Headphones

Click here to enter the Party Hat, Rare Bow and Cocoa Giveaway
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Heya jammers! Cutegirl2001 here! Todays rocking-out rare is the Rare Golden Headphones!
Now before you go hunting for gold (headphones that is), it is located in Epic Wonders, the green orb ^.^ Anyway, you can sure spend your Jamaa time rocking out to tunes with your DJ Headset! Speaking of tunes, which type of den music is your favorite, jammers?

Now I'm a golden-DJ-bat-THING!
Haha pardon my bad sense of fashion! 

Uh-oh, the neon animal glitch has struck again, however it let this fox keep it's cool eye color :)

And a little problem in trading, glitch-wise!

Okay! Now time for the Monday Mystery :D
There is a trapdoor in the Chamber Of Knowledge. Why is it there? What secrets could it lead to? What is it's purpose? I look forward to reading and rewarding your stories jammers!

P.S. Don't forget to send in picture of full plushie collections, if you have one! Happy jamming!


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Congrats on first!! :D -throws streamers over- lol

    3. my favorite den music is ether adventure base camp or sky high.. ;3

    4. Congrats!!!! I wish we could have Cosmo's den music from the Meet Cosmo adventure xc

    5. Hi ShadowCharizard. I saw you in Jamaa XD

    6. Congrats on first! Lol i wish that too ShadowCharizard! Also i saw you too at jamaa Wolfpaws4330 :D

    7. Congrats on coming first :D
      Yeah same, i thought i saw Wolspaws too :)

    8. Pardon my Spelling, i mean WolFPaws!

    9. YAY! CONGRATS ON FIRST! *throws confetti and shoves cake in mouth*

    10. i love the music train troting cus i have a horse animal and it fits the horse perfectly so if you ever get any music called train troting buddy me cus whoever loves horses is a country guy or gal.

      -bear2736 signing off.

  2. real comment:-
    i had that trading glitch too! it was so annoying! i like the headphones but i am a non-member so i cant buy :( and u look great in that costume!!!

    1. My friend had that glitch too... she said she wouldn't accept it because she thought the items were generated or something, but I think it's just bad lag... XD

  3. Interesting post! Can you change the color of those headphones?

    1. You can't change the color of rares, that would make them non rare. But if you want other colors, you can change the colors of the regular ones, just not the rares ones. Hope I helped! ~littelbunny24

    2. i think its funny how they are almost the EXACT same colors as the creme headphones in epic wonders! but whatever i got them anyways!

    3. Sometimes you can change the colors of rares, like the rare ''real musketeer boots,'' there were many colors of those.

  4. Hey everyone! Please visit my blog


    1. I'll visit your blog right away!

      Can some of you guys visit mine? The URL is

    2. Check out my blog please too! It's

    3. i have seen all of your blogs and i like them!

    4. huh swimmer, it says that you deleted your blog..

    5. Hey! I have a blog too! Its Aj sonic flame

    6. Mine is

  5. Hello, im going to do the Monday mystery with my level 7/8/9 fox named (of course hoody). Hoodie padded through the chamber of knowledge, looking through the books needed to get revenge on the phantoms. (BTW the chamber of knowlage is hoodies home for now.) "Aha!" Said hoodie, who was looking through a dark green book with no cover. "I found how to become an alpha!" Hoodie said. flipping page to page of foxes. "All I have to do is to: Heal jammers, be good and bad at good and bad times, And have to keep in touch with the alphas." Hoodie said. PT 2 Coming soon

    1. Interesting.. so there's a way to become an alpha? hmm...

  6. Awesome post! I expect the headphones will really be valued because of their price. My favorite rare is the Rare Necklace. It's pretty and non-member!

    1. For me.. I love the cupcake hat. So creative!!!
      Ugh.. I hate the price on those golden headphones... -.-

    2. My 2 favorite rates are the rare clover blanket and rare scary cat hat. I love the colors on the rare clover blanket and I love cats! I remember I bought my rare scary cat hat during the very first Night of the Phantoms didn't it used to be called DAY OF THE PHANTOMS? It wasn't rare then I don't think. Rare items.. Hmm... I don't remember seeing any rare items in April of 2011 (when I first started playing Animal Jam), OH! Non-members, guess what? Non member FLOOR was sold in April 2011!!! It's called WOOD FLOOR, I actually have it! I remember when I bought it.. I'm not going to tell about that though because if you are reading this, you are probably like..."Come on... I don't care when you bought it, just end the comment already," which is exactly what I am going to do.
      P.S. Sorry if I bored you... :P

    3. *rares not rates, auto correct.. I'm on my tablet
      (First sentence)

  7. 7th.
    Too tired. I'll come back later for the Monday Mystery.

  8. The trap door leads to the Phantom Dungeon, since I believe the building was taken over by phantoms when Zios fell. My rare-pink-winged-fox was thrown in there once. If you want to hear about my rare pink winged fox, comment on this and I'll give you the whole thing. It's an exciting story, but back to the trap door. We can't open the trap door so that we are safe. If we fell in, we would come out weak, or maybe not even come back at all. But, if your lucky, and it's the right time of day, the phantoms will close the dungeon and bring out there big, fancy.............. movie theater! Suprissenly, phantoms run GREAT movies! if you fall in and it's the movie theater, I would tell you to grab a seat! Phantoms are friendly when they are munching on pop-corn and watching a great movie (who isn't?), so get to know the enemy and chit-chat. It's fun, really. Once I met a phantom named Phoebe ( said Fee-bee) who had a little baby phantom. Nicest phantom you'll ever meat. Baby phantoms are so itty bitty and CUTE!!!!!!! Anyway, so ends the Monday Mystery.~ littelbunny24

    1. Lol. I would love to see Phantom like that. XD I would love to hangout with enemies while eating popcorn and watching movies that they make.


    2. i will post story later because i have no time now :3

    3. I always knew we would find a way to be at peace with the phantoms (kind of)! just don't stay in there after the credits or the phantoms get grumpy again, lol! your rare pink-winged fox story sounds interesting, tell me about it sometime :D

    4. ok this my my story:
      once the alphas were fighting the phantoms and they fond one that was not fighting but helping other phantoms. "i wonder why that phantom is HELPING and not fighting?" Mira thought. she knew that they needed a phantom to have an inside eye for them so she found Amilia, the fox alpha to help her. "Amimla can you dig a hole up to that phantom heliping the other ones?" "ok, it would be my pleasure!" So Amilia dug until she knew that the phantom was above her. Then she dug up and the phantom, competently surprised. She brought the phantom back to Mira who called Greely to use dark magic to knock the phantom out. All the alphas and Mira went to th losyt temple of Zios to force the phantom to talk. He finally did and when they heard all about them phantoms and there plans they wrote it all down in books."we need a safe place to put these." said Mira who did not want all of her books to be taken. "Maybe in the chamber of knowledge!" Liza piped up. "no... too easy to find.. i think we need a special place just for these books... aha! Amilia can you please do one last little thing! make a small cellar in the chamber of knowledge and lock it!" "ok!' said amilia and soon there was a cellar with all of Mira precious books. And the phantom.. nobody knows what happened to him..
      THE END!!
      I hope you liked it ;)

    5. Thank you for the comments! Yes, I probly shouldn't stay after the credits :D The rare pink winged fox story is sad, because she looses her family to hunters. I'll get it typed up soon!

    6. @littelbunny
      ahh so cute qwq
      @jzale, nice mentioning of the fox alpha. Good to get more recognition to the little used alphas...

  9. Ok here does my story:

    I was a tiger kitten when I went to that trapdoor at the Chamber of Knowledge. My friend, Lily, a another tiger kit was playing tag with me at the Temple of Zios. We always tackle each other whenever one of us got touched. The good days....but it was a mysterious day of curiosity, me and Lily were rolling towards a temple called the Chamber of Knowledge. No one goes here often since they thought it was cursed and full of secrets. But when we were inside I was too curious. I told Lily what we should do:
    "You take this door and I'll take the trapdoor".
    "But you know it's more scary underground. I don't want you to get lost", Lily said, full of fear in her beautiful eyes. I just realized that we're more than friends but I told her:
    "Be brave, I'll be fine, I promise".
    I was unlike Lily, because my friends say that boys are more brave than girls, but I don't think that's totally true because Lily isn't afraid to stand up for herself. My father was Sir Gilbert, but he's not my real father, I was adopted. This is probably why I'm brave, because my father's a courageous Shaman and Lily is unlucky to have parents that are always scared. I watched Lily go in front of the door and it opened automatically, showed me a face to make sure I'll never come back and she slowly went inside. I opened the trapdoor slowly, that was making creak noises. I accidently fell in and went to the ground roughly. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice farther in the room.

    Part 2 in the making....


    1. "Greely, you have to stop talking about those strange black spiders. You're just seeing things", a deep voice said.
      "Look, cat. I'm so interested in these things, and I call them Phantoms. They were created by Mira's tears and elements. Trust me, I saw them. I need to study them", a beautiful voice said.
      I was scared. Mira is crying? And how can these "black spiders" be formed from her tears and elements of nature? I needed to ask my dad but then a large tiger was walking towards me. Oh no! It's my dad! He saw me in the dark.
      "Son, you need to leave", Sir Gilbert said with his deep voice.
      "But dad, what is this place?" I asked.
      "Well this is our meeting room, whenever there's an event or anything, we Shamans come together here".
      A dark wolf was looking at me, raising an eyebrow. He was mumbling, but I didn't know what he was saying.
      "But it appears there's some sort of problem here in Jamaa", the tiger Shaman continued. "There are these creatures that Greely calls them "Phantoms". Everyday, animals get sick by some substance from purple goo".
      I was so interested in what he said. I realized that this "Greely" was the wolf that was looking at me.
      "We're putting studies from Greely here and we pretend that this room is cursed so no one can hear about the Phantoms, we just say to them to stay away from the purple substance that is polluting Jamaa. I don't believe in Phantoms but I'm sure that the goo doesn't look normal".
      He's right, I never seen such goo that can make us sick.
      "Does it hold mysteries here?" I asked.
      "We only take mysteries of bad things happening here", Sir Gilbert answered. "And also it's a place for us to meet and talk about things in secret, but please, don't tell anyone, not even you're girl friend of yours".
      I don't have a girl friend! I said in my mind. Sir Gilbert told me to leave and stay away from whatever that strange goo was. I went upstairs and hurried towards the door where Lily was.
      "We have to go back, right now", I said.
      "Come on, and stay away from the goo you find around us whenever we go somewhere", I said. I was trying to be protective. Lily didn't know why I was afraid about her, I was so scared. But she realized it when the Phantoms chased after us home but luckily, we're safe.

      P.S.- Keep your eyes peeled and stay away from that goo and those Phantoms!

      ~Sir Gevens, son of Sir Gilbert

      Hope you enjoyed!


    2. My full user is krazygirl95 if you're curious. ^.^


    3. Great story, I wonder if the shamans really did use it as a meeting place? Also, nice use of a real legend :3

    4. Wow awesome!!! Poor little tiger though qwq

    5. Wow, you should submit this to the daily explorer! ^^

  10. the trap door leads to were some phantoms are holding Mira captive, Then they can go into Jamma anytime, and mostly 4 the night of phantoms !!!!!! ^o^ :0

    love the rare XD


    1. Interesting... I wish we could enter the trap door xc

  11. The rare monday item looks so cool! Thanks for telling me where it is.
    P.S. Can someone take a picture of my complete set of plushies and send it to Snowyclaw for me please.
    I am xxajislegendxx

  12. I think it leads to the basement, and wen you enter the basement, you find something that has been lost to you. Ya know, whoever enters will find something lost from them?

    Anyway, thats just a idea. Does anyone know if we still can send in are plushie collection? i still need to more for mine but im just wondering. Thanks! ~aaoazja2001

  13. Can someone buy me a extra pair of headphones? If you could send me them it would be appreciated I'll send something back when I get the chance

  14. Hello! Here's my story for the trapdoor...
    I think the trapdoor is where the Alphas do there work and keep all there secrets, they might keep captured phantoms in there too.

    It was a cold night, Greely was out looking for the phantoms again. "Why would you look for them, there very dangerous!" Said Liza. "There amazing creatures, and I want to find out what there planning against Jamaa!" Said Greely madly.
    Greely was taking am evening stroll When he heard a snap. "Whose there?!" He said fiercely. Then, he saw it. "A phantom!" Greely said excitedly. He got out an oddly big bird cage and stuffed the phantom inside it.
    "Look what I've got!" Greely said excitedly. All the other Alphas gasped. "We must do an experiment on it!" Greely said with a grin.
    Greely, Liza and Sir Gilbert looked at it cautiously while Peck, Cosmo and Graham stared at them with big eyes. "D-don't you think that's d-danger-erous?" Said Peck nervously. "If you like it you may just go back up to The Chamber of Knowledge." Said Liza calmly to Peck. "O-okay!" She said happily yet nervously.
    Peck opened the trapdoor to see phantoms surrounding her. Peck tried to scream, but she couldn't. Her paws were tied up, and her mouth was covered in phantom goop. She knocked out.
    Everyone except Greely went to find Peck, he was messing around with all the sacred and rare items. He grabbed a diamond bust of Peck. He just rolled his eyes. "I didn't think you would be that cold blooded..." Said a beautiful voice.

    To be continued! I'm birdy12447! :3

  15. Hi, good post you done! Yes I love this item, so cool on my animals :)

  16. Is a party hat worth a spike wrist or short collar

  17. i like oet parade the best its calm and i get crazy really easily so it calms me down
    i only get crazy cause im silly, funny, and weird

  18. My Monday Mystery Story
    By Mysterimist

    Duke Magicspirit the fox padded through the tunnels of Zios's tomb, on his search for ancient artifacts he could use to trade for a yellow rare spike wristband and lightning necklace to match the day's rare item, the golden headphones. He stopped when he came across a small creek trickling across the floor. He sat down to watch it, waiting to see if anything came floating down. He sighed when, after 10 minutes of waiting, all he had found was a torn up witch hat. He stood up and walked through the tunnel, seeing dusty light ahead. When he reached it, he saw a opening that led to a room full of bright candles and lanterns. Silently he thought, "This must be Zios's tomb." He crawled inside, as there was a low ceiling. he gasped when he saw it; a mask larger and more powerful than anything. He threw a cloak over it and picked it up, unsurprised at it's immense weight. He staggered out, then ran quickly back through the tunnels, looking for an exit. He came across a trapdoor with one lantern hanging by it. Taking his rope out, he lassoed it around the handles, pulling himself and the mask up. He pushed with his free paw to open the trapdoor and saw the ancient "Chamber of Knowledge", where animals went to study and learn. Then, Duke realized "This must be what the trapdoor leads to. I must tell the reporters of AJ spirit!" And so, he quickly fled to his den, where he hung the mask up. Since then, the mask has brought him good luck and wisdom, and he shares it with the world of Jamaa.

    Hope you enjoyed :3

  19. The trapdoor of the chamber of knowledge... a long story to be sure. when Zios' original temple was destroyed by the phantoms, all the things that could be salvaged were rescued. there were books, statues, books, relics, books, fountains, books, decore, books, scrolls, books and other objects (and books). There were a lot of books. There were books about plants, books about animals, books about history, about science, old legends and...
    Spell Books. These Spell Books were classified, dangerous and powerful. So powerful even the weakest (magically/spiritually) could use them. in one of these terrible books was the very spell that destroyed Zios and his temple, causing Mira to cry and create phantoms. All of these horrific books were stored in a trapdoor in the chamber of knowledge, and the trapdoor was cast with a spell to make sure jammers couldn't even walk on it's surface, let alone open it! the chamber of knowledge was locked up and left for hundreds of years...
    But now, it has been re-discovered and opened up, even if you leave a donation of gems to the temple you may take to your den a statue, still amazingly intact... along the shelves lie not piles of dust but readable books, perhaps now, as eagles penetrate the spell and step upon the trapdoor curiosity will overcome one jammer and we may find someone opening the trapdoor, finding some dusty but amazingly preserved old books and reading aloud the fatal words...
    If anyone sees anything please tell me, my user is snow131313.
    The chamber of knowledge is one of questions and uncertainty too... maybe it should be renamed...

  20. Hehe, I actually like your fashion :3.
    ~ Midnight or tinkermia7

  21. My favorite music is Mystical Morning from the diamond Shop.

    Gold DJ Headset? What's the difference between the yellow one... oh well, I can buy a couple of them at least XD

  22. Hey guys! I'm doing a giveaway, check out my blog for details! It's

  23. i really wish i was a member or that the headset was for non members

    and you can look me up by snicket8419
    also visit my blog at it is also about aj

  24. I think that the door was the entrance to a cellar, perhaps the phantoms were too strong at one time and the alphas had use something big to destroy them,

  25. Hiya! ^-^ (Even though this has nothing to do with this post lol) I liked the Story of Jamaa post Snowy made, and the Milkshake hat is funny. :P

    'K on this post now lol.: The RIM is so shiny! It must be worth lots cuz it's made of gold! eh eh. I like the colors that fox is wearing too. XD And that trade glitch happens to me when somebody trades me when very laggy, and it takes me a while to accept or not cuz I can't see the items and the labels. DX -I'm always somewhat laggy on AJ. Super annoying.- Now the MM!: I think that the trapdoor in the Chamber of Knowledge leads to a basement (no duh! X3) Ok moving on now... I think the trapdoor is there for the Alphas to store some of their equipment because the Chamber of Knowledge has stuff like phantoms in jars, and Mira and Zios games (Mira Says and Gem Ball) so yeah. I think some items ,such as the items I just listed, are available for Jammers to see for them to be able to take a look in Jamaa's history- kinda secretly. The Alphas might of also put the trapdoor there. And I think the trapdoor (for reasons I listed) and the Chamber of Knowledge are in the Lost Temple of Zios because I think that is the most historical-based place in Jamaa. The Lost Temple of Zios has the broken Zios statue in that pit, as well as where you can access the Adventure Base Camp to fight the phantoms and meet the Alphas. well besides from the party list and world map. *I bet this is gonna be a long paragraph. XD

  26. its not called gold its called majestic budder (skydoesminecraft fan)

    minecraft is way more fun and popular then animal jam yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I'm like one of the only ppl who don't play MC, I really want to though :(

  27. and his is a little story that is about herobrine...

    I had recently spawned a new world in single-player Minecraft. Everything was normal at first as I began chopping down trees and crafting a workbench. I noticed something move amongst the dense fog (I have a very slow computer so I have to play with a tiny render distance). I thought it was a cow, so I pursued it, hoping to grab some hides for armor.

    It wasn't a cow though. Looking back at me was another character with the default skin, but his eyes were empty. I saw no name pop up, and I double-checked to make sure I wasn't in multiplayer mode. He didn't stay long, he looked at me and quickly ran into the fog. I perused out of curiousity, but he was gone,

    I continued on with the game, not sure what to think. As I expanded to world I saw things that seemed out of place for the random map generator to make; 2x2 tunnels in the rocks, small perfect pyramids made of sand in the ocean, and groves of trees with all their leaves cut off. I would constantly think I saw the other "player" in the deep fog, but I never got a better look at him. I tried increasing my render distance to far whenever I thought I saw him, but to no avail.

    I saved the map and went on the forums to see if anyone else had found the pseudo-player. There were none. I created my own topic telling of the man and asking if anyone had a similar experience. The post was deleted within five minutes. I tried again, and the topic was deleted even faster. I received a PM from username 'Herobrine' containing one word: 'Stop.' When I went to look at Herobrine's profile, the page 404'd.

    I received an email from another forum user. He claimed the mods can read the forum user messages, so we were safer using email. The emailer claimed that he had seen the mystery player too, and had a small 'directory' of other users who had seen him as well. Their worlds were littered with obviously man-made features as well, and described their mystery player to have no pupils.

    About a month passed until I heard from my informant again. Some of the people who had encountered the mystery man had looked into the name Herobrine and found that name to be frequently used by a swedish gamer. After some further information gathering, it was revealed to be the brother of Notch, the game's developer. I personally emailed Notch, and asked him if he had a brother. It took him a while, but he emailed me back a very short message.

    I did, but he is no longer with us.

    — Notch

    I haven't seen the mystery man since our first encounter, and I haven't noticed any changes to the world other than my own. I was able to press 'print screen' when I first saw him. Here's the only evidence of his existance:

  28. The tiger walked up to the old cobwebbed cellar door, he pondered what it was for, he seemed to struggle to open it. what he saw inside was a mass storage space filled will food, water, flashlights, and flares. A sign read "In case this day comes" this made him worried, what was so bad that they would need all this stuff, were the phantoms that strong?, Was there some kind of disaster about to happen?, what is to become of Jamaa? The tiger quickly ran out in terror astounded. careful to cause rumors and panic, ha dared not tell anyone what down there. In bed that he slept in bed. Knocking was soon heard. "Mira had made the shelter, in case of failure, in the Alphas lost" a voice said whispery and faint. A gust of wind blew over the vase and the door slammed shut. The tiger was now terrified, what would happen if the Alphas lost this war? He grabbed his sword and ran out to the training yards. He would not let this happen, he would fight, to the death in necessary, to protect the innocent. The cellar the locked itself and the sprit inside, waiting for the next brave and courageous soul to realize their job in the land.

  29. It's so stupid how mostly members get the rares. Besides, AJ isn't all about rares. But what I'm saying: All rares should be for everybody.

    1. Yeah i agree! Nonmembers actually dont have a lot of chances to get Monday rares!

  30. What if ruin was coming to Jamaa? what do we do? it will all over. No, that day will never come, but we should still....

    1. Thats like a mystery! Maybe all jammers would unite and fight the phantoms!

  31. (monday mystery)
    long ago mira and zios were building the temple.... * flashback time * "i think there should be a chamber here so the children of jamma may read abou their pasts". mira calmly explained to zios
    "that is a wonderful idea mira, but what will it look like"? questioned zios. "well there should be three rooms each one for a specific purpose" mira said proudly. "but what will the three rooms hold"? asked zios curiously. "well the first floor should be a small library for the future generations of jamma to read" said mira. "thats a wonderful start keep going please". continued zios "the second floor will be like a historical museum! full of items collected throughout olden jamma" mira said excitedly. "i do loe museums that have history" zios said happily. "and the last floor should hold the wonders of the heavenly sky!" said mira. as soon as this wonderful chamber was made zios secretly made a secret room that is locked tighter than any animal could hold. "whats this trapdoor doing here zios"? mira asked one day as she was adding newly found books on many animals. "oh! well um its locked" zios shly remarked. "well thats too bad i was wanting to see what was inside" mira sadly said. throught centuries mira hasnt been able to open the door...... but zios could for he built that trapdoor as a portal to many unexplored worlds, as a even more secret history books library catacombs, and as a resting place for the god of the moon and night........... zios. but soon jamma world war aka the first phantom war began and zios was traped into the well and as very very few know.... zios was the only thing that could open that mysterious and powerful door... decades past and then they turned into centuries, and the door has become slightly decayed but it must have a ancient spell on it for the door still remains untouched waiting for zios to return to open it.......................... ( the end ) ~littlestarm

  32. The trap door is there because AJHQ might open them up some day, and we can come in and see everything.
    AJ just might want us to think of things and they like making mysteries.
    Very short comment, sorry!

    1. Sometimes short is better, anyway I really hope it's opened up and secrets reveled

  33. My favorite music is the Play-As-Your-Pet Party music. c:

    Monday Mystery:
    Peck's favorite holiday, April Fool's Day, was the next day!
    "I wonder who I'll prank," Peck thought to herself. "Maybe Mira? No, I don't wanna get her angry.."
    Peck tapped her claws on her desk in a rhythm. Then the thought struck her.
    "I should prank Greely!" Peck almost shouted as she leaped out of her seat. There was a small area of flooring that no one used, nor needed. She had the perfect idea.
    Peck walked into the first floor of the Chamber of Knowledge, holding wood, nails, and a saw. She went over to that small area of flooring right by the stairs, and started using the saw to cut a hole into the ground. Once the hole was there, she made two swing-open doors with the wood. The placed the doors on the floor, and looked at them in disappointment.
    "Oh no! These doors will never work! They're all crooked!" Peck whined to herself. Then she remembered someone who liked to prank as well, someone who was good at building...
    Peck knocked on Graham's door. The door swung open.
    "Why, hello there Peck! You're not here to cause me trouble, are you?" Graham joked. Peck took that seriously.
    "Well, no, not YOU, you're part of my plan." Peck explained, and started telling Graham what she wanted to do.
    "Pranking Greely with using trap doors?" Graham started scratching his head. "With April Fool's Day coming up, I don't think it'll be too much trouble."
    Peck bounced into the air with excitement. Her plan was going to be perfect!
    "Meet me at 5:00 PM later to day, that's when I'll be finished with the trap doors." Graham put on a smile that was almost as mischievous as Peck.
    ~To Be Continued!~

    1. Two hours of pure boredom later, Peck raced to Graham's den.
      "Follow me!" Peck exclaimed, leading the way. Graham was holding the two trap doors.
      A few moments later, they were finally there! Today was the most exciting day in YEARS!
      Once they got there, Peck pointed to the hole she had created.
      "Right there!" Peck smiled ear-to-ear. Graham started installing the doors. Once he was finished, he gave Peck simple instructions.
      "Okay," Graham started, giving Peck a wooden remote with an oversized red button on it. "Lure Greely onto the two trap doors, then when you're ready, press that red button for Greely to fall onto the next floor. Don't worry, he won't get hurt. I put pillows down there, so I'm sure that he won't get hurt, at all."
      Peck just nodded her head, and thanked Graham.
      Luckily, Peck knew Greely's weakness: Phantom Vine plants. She stole some Phantom Vines from the Phantom Hive, and put them into a pot. She then put the pot onto the trap door.
      The next day, Greely walked into the first floor of the Chamber of Knowledge. Peck was hiding behind a bookshelf.
      "Ooh, what beauties do we have here?" Greely started wagging his tail and walked toward the Phantom Vines. Right as he was fully onto the doors, Peck pressed the button. Greely let out a surprised ear-splitting howl as he plummeted to the basement. Peck jumped down beside him.
      "APRIL FOOL'S!" Peck started laughing. "Don't be mad, you could keep those Phantom Vines."
      Greely didn't seem to notice what just happened. He glared at her, and sighed. He growled and carried the Phantom Vines into his den.
      The end. XD

    2. hehe that Peck is always getting into trouble...

    3. I'm glad that someone was finally able to trick Greely he's never that easy to prank, I mean you know he's a pixel (sorta)

  34. Here is a very random (not weird though XD) comment:
    Does anyone know what a howl plaque and/or an artist plaque with or not with a 2013 banner worth on AJ? Cuz I really wanna know and I see too many people on AJ asking for another Jammer's items! If you know what it's worth, can you tell me and thanks! c;

  35. My FAVORITE den music is well..... Mystical Morning, and Appondale

  36. i LOVE the new pictures that aj draws with outfit ideas for rare item Mondays!

  37. Please visit my blog:

  38. Jammers maybe this will lead us to secrets of the alphas or the phantoms. or maybe a key to locked secrets like the ice

  39. OKAY so clearly you have been in the room, i honestly have been in there, it For real leads to a cave with white walls moss growing and vines. you had to keep walking, and you would see a kind phantom, not like in adventures!!! it looked like a little regular phantom but in giant size, and if you touched it you would go back to jamma township. Sadly, you cant go there anymore, this happened in the summer of 2010

    1. also you could see the bottom of the zioz thing that fell in the ground, it was so cool


  40. *Part 2: The Battle Begins*
    I waited then waited some more. The Phantom King was in his "office" again now. Then, I charged at that door and opened it. "Wow," I breathed. There was a grander than the other phantom desks, phantom desk for the King in one corner of the office. Lots of towering bookshelves surrounded the room. "At least it's neater than the room outside," I muttered very quietly to myself. There was a big blank space it the middle of the room though. Where to fight HIM- that evil Phantom King. I sat in the blank space in the center with my tail wrapped around my paws. Suddenly I was unexpectedly standing up and a power of electricity shaped like a lightning bolt- light neon blue, from my "special powered" heart locket I was wearing- struck the Phantom King's back. Before he didn't know I was in here; now he did. The battle began shortly after.

    "WHO DARES HIT ME!" the Phantom King exclaimed clearly frustrated at something. "Probably Freddy," I thought to myself. Freddy was one of the King's workers, but he accidently opened an animal- a bunny's- cage and escaped. The King got furious at little phantom Freddy that he no longer worked for the King. The Phantom King ordered Freddy to never come back. Now I stood bravely at the place where a battle would happen in only a matter of moments. "OH LOOKIE HERE! A WOLF CREATURE! I'M LIKE SO SCARED!" the Phantom King gazed at me laughing a laugh that hurt my ears. He was being sarcastic.

    I answered with my voice not shaking, surprisingly. "I am here. Now we can settle this peacefully, or we can settle this the other way." My claws left a thin scratch on the middle blank floor. It showed that my claws were sharp. "Leave Jamaa and stop threatening other lands. I know you are. You and your phantom empire are ruining everyone's lives."
    The Phantom King just smiled at me. "Ah, well I'll like 'the other way' where we battle each other. Since you asked ME. Wise choice huh!" The King turned away. On his back I saw a scar- a lightning bolt shaped scar the same color as my heart locket. I had attacked him. I shot an arrow from my rare blue bow at the King's head. He sorta stumbled, then he raised his arms and legs and spun around in a strange kind of fashion. Dark brown, gray, and purple dust mixed together and rised all around him. Then it zoomed to me; I nearly dodged it except a bit on my tail tip. I dodged it so fast that I was now on top of the Phantom King's back my teeth in his neck like I was scruffing him.
    All of a sudden, I saw white mystical mist. No it wasn't Zios or Mira or any Alphas/Shamans. I saw my parents' sillouettes faintly in a mist cloud and their voices cautiously low. Yet I heard them fine. "Help us." they both began followed by a series of coughing. I asked if they're all right. I cared about them even if they did lie to me my entire life. "Precious," my mother continued. "Please don't use you powers for too much violence. Please. Sir told us everything he has told you. It would scar your mother and father for life if you kill that gruesome Phantom King guy. Just let him stop torturing you and the rest of us for good. Please Precious." My father spoke. "Oh Precious, please we beg of you that you please forgive us. We beg of you! I never knew this would happen- especially to you. Just never back down, you hear me young she-wolf! You will save the world and we're sure of it."
    A tear rolled down my cheek. "Thanks Mom and Dad. I never thought I would speak to you again. Of course I forgive you guys. Dad, thanks for your advice, and Mom, thank you too. Oh yeah, I won't kill the Phantom King, however I'll keep on hurting him till he stops what he's doing- why I am fighting him." I hugged their misty sillouettes in the mist cloud.

    1. Continuing (NOT Monday Mystery was commented earlier)
      *Part 2: The Battle Begins* continued cuz it didn't let me finish typing it before :I

      Now, I was back in the office and could see me and the King. It was way different though. The Phantom King was on me and I was underneath. He was shooting his dust weapon at me. He threw tons of his phantom dust at me. I now had one large dust mark on each of my back paws' heels. I dodged most of them because I bare only three: one on my tail, and one each on my back paws' heels. I threw three arrows from my bow at the King, aiming for his heart. I believed that if it was there, the King wouldn't have such an evil heart full of hatred anymore.

      Before I understood what I was doing, I raced past the Phantom King, opened and slammed shut again the office door, and sat underneath a phantom desk with my head low. I then heard quiet knocking and a voice that was vaguely familiar. No it wasn't the Phantom King or my friends or family. "Hey, I'm here to help you." they said. I knew he- the speaker at the door- was referring to me. Slowly and carefully, he opened the door not to let the King hear. I was shocked when I saw who it was. The little phantom Freddy. Calmly, he entered. Freddy was forbidden to come here, so why was he here? I just knew he was talking to me as he continued. He floated up ,his purple eyes gazing into my blue eyes. "I'm here to help you fight the Phantom King," he declared. "Oh yeah, my name is Freddy." A phantom was going to help me!

    2. Wow great story! And its weird for a phantom to help jammers O-O

  41. Hey jammers, please visit and sign up for my Jammer of the Month for April! Please sign up, I'll pick who will win tomorrow!

    1. Nice blog! I love the details! I'll try too sign up as jammer of the month :D

  42. Cool!! i think i know what is behind the trapdoor.. maybe someday animaljam will open it. its me again just checking the blog. Bye!!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Hey guys! The has an all-new Roleplay post! More will come, obviously, but we have a good deal!

    If you roleplay on the post, you get two free phantom blessings!

  45. Play as your pet party or appondale music 😀

  46. The trapdoor leads to a series of tunnel ways that the alphas created. A long time ago the phantoms lay siege to the land. The alphas had burrowed under jamaa a tunnel in which the animals would use to esca

  47. Hehe sorry about that

  48. Anyway so they burrowed a tunnel in which the animals could escape in. As the phantoms lay waste to the land Liza led the animals through the trapdoor while Mira fought the enemy. Once the enemy was defeated (at least retreated) the animals returned. However some bunnies got lost and founded their own colony- Tunnel Town. Years later the alphas built the chamber of knowledge. They were going to destroy the door and the tunnel, but Liza didn't see it as

  49. Sorry didn't again. Liza didn't see to it as peck had convinced her that te door was the only way to tunnel town. Eventually the civilization grew past it and only a few elders and the alphas remember it. Many a jammer has stumbled upon it but payed it no attention. More years later a kangaroo named Blooming Desertrose bounded into the chamber of knowledge hoping to hide from her friend baroness bravebelle the cheetah whom of which she was playing hide and seek with. When blooming came in she was out of control. She had gone too fast. She crashed into the trapdoor which opened beneath her large feet- much to her surprise. Screaming, she rolled through a labyrinth of tunnels until she popped out of a hole. Around her she saw beautiful lands and BUNNIES! She had stumbled into tunnel town! The bunnies eagerly surrounded her and began bowing down to her in worship. Blooming was bewildered. Not to mention baroness who was still up there staring awkwardly at the hole. The bunnies showed her the ancient tale that a giant rabbit would pop through the hole and lead them back to jamaa. Obviously the rabbits had been gone for too long to know what kangaroos were. Blooming laughed as she explained that she was no bunny, but that she knew the way to jamaa. The bunnies were overjoyed. "This way!" exclaimed an excited bunch of baby bunnies followed her. Baroness sat agape at the sight of her friend leading a troop of rabbits as she came out of the hole. "Where'd you get the baby kangaroos?" She asked. Now baroness had only recently moved to jamaa and had never seen a bunny before. "Wait till you hear this baroness!" Blooming exclaimed…

    1. Btw Blooming Desertrose as well as Baroness Bravebelle are both existing animals in Jamaa. They are two of my animals, and I decided to base the story around them. Search me up I'm Arcticstar8404 :D blooming is my main animal, baroness being my second main

  50. Good, But I love the New rare Monday rares, but please search me up on animal jam im queensnowydaisy18181, and I think I know your user, is it snowyclaw?
    Cause I love your name snowyclaw, don't change your user cause if u change your user I cant know who u are, but bepper, moved on her other account called Kosho?
    But Forget about that dudette,
    And Wootmoo is a scammer and Dens,
    Do u know dens, he got banded forever on his account,
    but idk if he got another account but
    I love the new headphones of the rare Monday headphones rare
    They are like this Golden Color Of Yellow
    with sparkles around but

    Bye Snowyclaw.

    From Queensnowydaisy18181

  51. Hi Snowy! I'm entering for your latest contest.
    1. My Username is sweetflower1010.
    2. I am a Member.
    3.Party Hat, Pirate Sword, Rare Bow and Cocoa Machine.
    4.Expensive item I would like is a Black Pair of Headphones
    And I hope Anonymous XD
    Bye Snowy! And Thanks for reading this!


  52. Here is my story for the mystery, i hope you enjoy it. I love writing, this sounds fun!

    The New Adventure: Part 1

    By Suzi00

    Princess Arcticspirit, (my) Arctic Wolf was in The Chamber of Knowledge reading the magazines. Princess went up the ladder and looked at all the books and crystals wishing she should click them and be able to learn more. 'What Animal Jam needs is a good, player-written novel or two to read here in times of boredom.' she thought. She formed a message for a suggestions box in her head. She then walked over to the trapdoor. In her head she made all sorts of crazy stories, 'Maybe thats where an alpha lives, or Mira is hiding.' She thought. Just for kicks, she put on a blue eagle mask and blue faire wings as well a blue necklace and blue tail armor. She smiled, she made her look just like Mira. 'I am Mira, and i command thee to open, good trapdoor.' she said in the chat. Suddenly the Liza-Pulling-Frowny-Face screen popped up. She tried to log back in and found she could, the loading screen went as soon as it came. 'That was a very, very, fast update' she thought. She spawned in Crystal Sands and for fun she walk to Mt. Shiveer, then to Sarepia Forest, then to Lost Temple of Zios. 'Its much more fun to walk around then to use the map.' she thought. She played a game of Temple of Trivia and headed over to Adventure Base Camp, a new adventure popped up called 'Mira's Return.' It was non-member, which surprised Princess even more. People were crowding around the adventure base camp, many members trying to host 'Miras Return' Princess popped up an 'Join Me: Mira's Return" adding a custom text "Brand new adventure, maybe we'll see Mira!'. Immediately four people joined, the adventure being so popular and Princess started it. When she started it, she realized that her costume fit the adventure. The adventure took place in an area similar to temple of Zios, jungley but much larger. Strangely, the area had no Phantoms. Princess began talking to her fellow adventurers, a wolf with a spiked collar and a fox hat, named Queen Prettyjammer, a bunny with a head flower and clover blanket named Baroness Cutebunny and a golden seal with a Zios mask named Little Sunnyseal. The adventure took place with Liza coming up and saying, 'Maybe we've finally found Mira... I hope this isn't a phantom trap. Everything seemed to point in this direction.' suddenly the Zios Statue glowed and a gate opened, it lead to a area with a river, similar to Return of The Phantoms. There was also an Arctic Wolf door, but a weird one. Two arctic wolf statues were side by side by the entrance, wearing THE EXACT SAME MIRA OUTFIT THAT PRINCESS WAS WEARING. Even the wolf emblem on the ground had the costume, the emblem was also flanked by two Mira emblems. The little Arctic Wolf picture had the outfit too! ''Hey guys, come over here. I found a really weird Arctic Wolf door!" Princess said in the chat. Only Little Sunnyseal came. With Sunny watching, Princess opened the door and together they walked into a cave. The cave had a few crystals and another Arctic Wolf statue, covered in vines but other than those two things it was just like the Return of the Phantoms's Arctic Wolf door. In the cave was a treasure chest, but when the chest was clicked, no item appeared. Instead, the chest disappeared and was replace by the portal. Princess did the member's question emoticon. "Shall we go on?" Princess asked.
    ''Ya!" said Sunny, the smile emoticon popping up. Sunny was ready for adventure. They walked through the portal and found themselves in... the chamber of knowledge.


  53. The New Adventure: Part 2

    As the walked through it Princess randomly clicked a book and it opened 'The Alphas's Guide to Stopping Scammers' it read. ''Neat! We can open the books." said Princess. But what caught their attention the most was the trapdoor, it was opened and a ladder led down into it. Sunny and Princess walked to it and found themselves in a long hallway. It was similar to the Chamber of Knowledge but it was different too. A long carpet showed several different animals, in order they came out in. An Cami's Frog and a Mira Statue (the beta one) were right next to each other against a wall. A pile of opened presents lay in one corner. The nametag in the right hand top corner read ''The Chamber of History.'' Sunny and Princess walked down the hall and saw several portals and large signs over them. ''The Beta Stage'' one read, ''The late Beta Stage'' another read. Then it listed years. ''2012'' ''2013'' ''2014''. Under the signs were portals, with places under it. Kimbara Outback and the ocean areas were farther down the hall. There was also a ''Jamaa'' portal, if one wanted to visit the whole of Jamaa and go from place to place. Princess looked at Sunny. ''I always wanted to go to the early Jamaa Township and early crystal sands, no scammers, no rares!" said Princess. Sunny agreed. "I always wanted the old den." They dashed into the ''Jamaa'' portal under 'Beta' and found themselves in the old Jamaa Township. Everywhere were people wearing betas or rares. Sunny and Princess had a lot of fun, decorating a den ''Beta Style", observing the "Clanners" in Crystal Sands and Sarepia Forest. Seeing peoples conversations ''I wonder what things will come in the future?" Princess grinned. After a while though, Sunny and Princess missed their time. Loaded with fox hats, Cami's Frogs, Beta Basketballs, Fountains and other things they clicked the map and there was a shimmery button that said "Leave Beta", they did and found themselves back in the Chamber of History.
    "Wow! Animal Jam has changed. But i got really annoyed when my Arctic Wolf suddenly turned into a wolf and all my future clothing disappeared. And we lost all our beta items!" But both of them were surprised. AJ beta was different, but it didn't matter. The new Animal Jam was better, and both the Seal and Arctic Wolf were glad Animal Jam today was not like Beta. Together they walked up the ladder and out of the Chamber of Knowledge and found themselves in Jamaa Township. They went to adventure base camp and the ''Mira's Return'' adventure wasn't there. They were sad, but they had a taste of Olden Days and they enjoyed a time sliding down the slides in Crystal Sands (NEW!) and Kimbara Outback. But, since there weren't Scammers in Beta, the Princess and Sunny decided to help stop scammers and help other Jammers make the best of the Animal Jam
    of today. Princess Arcticspirit even got herself a fox hat, but she decided she didn't need or want rares and gave it to a New Jammer and also came to another conclusion, it was better to give rares then to have them. And the waterslides WERE fun. Fun didn't need Betas, Rares or even Glowing Zios Statues or time-travel portals for Animal Jam to be fun....
    But Princess still missed the novels. (AJHQ was bombarded with a flurry of ''PLAYER WRITTEN READABLE NOVELS, PLEASE PLEASE PLEAASE!")

    The End.

  54. I think the people on aj was planning on making another room during the Beta Stages, but never got around to it and left the trapdoor a mystery for us to figure out, just like the seal engraving at Mt.Shiveer! Does anyone else agree? Or is it just me..?

  55. DigiFlip BH002 Bluetooth Headset is one of bets headset which can buy online. Where it is available at best prive.

  56. Thats cool I never knew this until now are they really really rare?- partyrocker274

  57. this is going to be cool cuase i am going to win!!!!!!!

  58. It leads to another room. You walk through it. :sighs and leaves:

  59. I would upvote you but yeah, you can't spell so yeah uh-huh byeeeee!

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Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw