
Monday, March 24, 2014

Rare Shark Search

Click here to enter the Party Hat, Rare Bow and Cocoa Giveaway
Click here if you can't comment on YouTube

Hey jammers, cutegirl2001 here! I'm so incredibly sorry for the delay! Today's sharp monday rare had me hooked on it! (Get it, sharp? Hooked?) Sorry, I'm a terrible jokester ^_^) Anyway, it proves to be the first rare on the first page of Jam Mart Clothing! Here's the Rare Shark Fin:
For 450 gems, seems affordable, but it's a tad expensive, for a shark fin, though the colors are very April-Fool's-Party-like! But yay! It's non-member!

Here's a cool Daily Explorer post on it!
Wait a minute… it looks like there a mishap with the name, because unfortunately it doesn't state rare icy shark fin! Though I hope they fix it, rare icy shark fin suits today's rare better :)

Also, here's a glitch:
:O Two eagles have disappeared on the Eagle Island! Now jammers, do you ever wonder about glitches, whether the glitch works both ways, whether only you can see the glitch or what not? Let me know!

Hehe, I just caught a moment of the phantoms, looking funny
One horizontal, one vertical hehe ^.^

Now, for the Monday Mystery!  You may have guessed what topic we will be doing, who knows ;)
It's Greely's Search! 
Well technically it's about the Phantom Beacon. What are the phantoms up to?Will Greely manage to decipher the phantoms next move to? If so, how? Will the beacon be useful? Is it more than just saying where the phantoms' fortress's location is? I look forward to reading your stories (and possibly rewarding the really pawsome ones!)

P.S. Don't forget to send in picture of full plushie collections, if you have one! Happy jamming!


  1. 1st! And cute girl your a wonderful jokester and the rare is so cool I want one!-silyseal2

    1. Congrats on first! And lol cutegirl that joke was funny

    2. Hi I'm an animal jam sky blog commenter
      And did you know there is a frozen dinosaur on mt shivver? It's a pleasoar or whatever you call them it might be a great mystery Monday thing!

    3. @3berrygirl,
      Yes, i had noticed that. o-o
      I thought i was the only one who first noticed. XD
      (well not really since i made it a mystery in my blog..)
      I sometimes read the Animal Jam Sky too, its a cool blog. :D

    4. @silyseal2
      Congrats on first! =3
      Yes, I saw that too! I always wondered what it was doing there. :|

    5. That head makes me think of a bobble head.... li66144

    6. real comment-my story: Sir gilbert couldn't believe it. Greely obviously made it to trick us! Why couldn't the other alphas see that Greely was a fraud? Well, sir gilbert would have to try hard to catch Greely. More to come soon! li66144

    7. Congrats on 1st, silyseal2! c:
      That is very true, Sir Gilbert is very distrustful of Greely. I also think Cosmo has something against him too.

  2. 2nd and i love the fin! I cant wait for the April's Fool Day Party!

    1. Congrats on second! I also cant wait for the Jolly April's Fool Day! I cant wait to troll my buddies X3

    2. I never tried trolling. :P
      Me can't wait for the party either! :3

    3. Trolling is hilarious, but be sure not to take it too seriously... and sometimes it doesn't work and you end up making a fool out of yourself TwT

    4. Lol i won't take it too serious! Btw this is my first time trolling so i guess i will start by doing knock-knock jokes or do some surprise videos on others!

  3. Congrats to you all

  4. 5th! Btw didnt a Rare shark fin exist already?

    1. Yeah it did back at the BETA days and on the 2012 leap year....Just so you know,the rare leg armor is also been exist and brought back on this year with a different color

    2. wow i have not commented in a long time... (i am on vacation now..)
      i like the new item

    3. i shal host bunny shark party! XD

    4. if you search up my username them look at my bunny it has an outfit with today's rare :3

    5. Aww i luv your outfit! Its so cute :3

    6. Aww its soo cute! I LOVE it! :D
      And i bunny shark party would be cool. :P

    7. True, there was a pure black rare shark fin, now that you mention it. C:
      Oh well, there is always room for more. ^.^

    8. Ya, I guess AJHQ couldve called the ol one Rare Black Shark Fin an this one Rare April Foolz Shark Fin

    9. I have all the shark fins now (TYSM anon angel!) And I have a black one, but its not rare, so it must have been so that AJHQ removed the rare sign off it.


  5. Ooh! I should start buying the shark fins. Lol funny picture Cutegirl!
    And the Phantom ray... I don't know anything about it. XD

    1. Yeah, i picture in funny. :D
      I didn't know king phantoms could be so stretchy. :P

  6. So there I was trapped in cage with too bunnys accross from me asking for help I asked what's your names one was blue and the one was white there name were icy and splash brother and sister taken by the phantoms at a young age they were thrown into a cage and tied against the wall they wear used as slaves a few time and almost eaten by the phantom king the phantom king ate a few of the helpless animals before them and he was full so he did not eat them. As I tried to claw my way out of the cage to save them phantoms walked by so I had to stop every once in a while. I Finley got out and picked the bunnys lock she got them out and hid behind a big black purple blob when they were hiding all of a sudden i big white eye opened and the bunny screamed the eye closed up for a minute or too as they ran across the phantom fortress too look. For the phantom beacon. They were getting closer and closer too the kings room of darkness were the beacon was hidden if they got it they would be able too get the rest of the animals taken by the phantoms. They found a weird looking key on the floor and picked it up it turned out too be a trap they fell under ground into the phantom kings room the king was sleeping and did not notice them the found the beacon and found the way out of the room. The came to the door and openend it too see the hallway they fell in how weird the fell down but it was write infront of them the went through the door and found the real key the picked it up they did not not fall they went too find the other animals. As they looked they wondered what is wrong with this place the found the slavery of animals and freed the animals! To be continued

    1. Wow great story! Its sad that the phantom king ate the animals ): But i love the reactions! Hope you continue it :D

    2. Whoa, the phantoms are really cruel to the animals in this story T^T

    3. Reminds me of Fat Lemongrab from Adventure Time...

      "I DID IT!!!"

    4. So there I was trapped in cage with too bunnys accross from me asking for help I asked what's your names one was blue and the one was white there name were icy and splash brother and sister taken by the phantoms at a young age they were thrown into a cage and tied against the wall they wear used as slaves a few time and almost eaten by the phantom king the phantom king ate a few of the helpless animals before them and he was full so he did not eat them.

      is all one sentence?

  7. My user is fuzzy218 same person up there ^^^^

  8. o-o...You're not allowed to say that, Papad. Clearly you need to scoot away from here if you're going to say THAT. No. Just no. Anyway, I think your a great jokester Cutegirl :) And I have no ideas of what to type about on the beacon.. o3o. Oh well.

    1. OK o3o


    2. I agree with you, Cutegirl definitely has a sense of humor, lol

  9. 6th :3 -snowypackontfm (luv all of u <3)

  10. Yay the rare is no member and since that i think is possible that the next monday ''that i will be offline because i have a school trip'' will be member and i will not lose the rare since will be member. :D

    1. Thank AJHQ they didn't put it for members! Recently lots of things have been for members :I

    2. Yeah, i agree Eternal. WAY too many stuff have been nonmember lately. ;-;
      Im just so happy its nonmember! ^.^

    3. Me too! ;w;
      Nonmember items are so reassuring, you can always wear them even when your membership expires..

  11. Yeah i was noticed this glitch before. when i go to An Adventures base camp, all players was dispaiered(escept me) , i was seen only name tags. Thats sooo weird!

    1. That happened to me and I felt left out XD -LilSmile-

    2. ditto

    3. It never happened to me. :o
      P.S Cool profile pic FactoryDash! :D


  12. I'm starting to think later on the phantoms will turn good and jammers will be able to play as phantoms this gave me the thought because (SPOILERS ALERT) in the adventure of greely's search YOU become a phantom to open the gate and etc that could be a hint.

    1. Not a spoiler to me cuz I played the adventure already :3 -LilSmile-

    2. I like that idea, I really enjoyed playing as a phantom.. AND SCARING THE MONKEYS AHAHHAAHA

    3. I had a dream I was able to leak the new adventure through a skyway glitch! o.o

  13. I used to be able to play any adventure but then I got rid of the animal that had a super high level.Is so sad!

  14. I want my membership back soooo bad now! I had a beautiful snowleapord. *sniff*

    -smilehearts (I have a google account but i'm too lazy to log on.)

  15. Hi CuteGirl, I'm zzz72012. Great post!

    Please buddy me when you have the chance!
    My user is zzz72012!

    I'd love that so much!!


  16. Where I am, it technically was a blizzard on the 20th, now we have to deal with snow and cold winds instead of the spring life T.T

    1. Aww i hope that silly snow melts away! I had a blizzard once and didn't have internet D: But now all of that has passed away and spring has come (Well mostly Summer but still XD)

    2. Yeah.. The snow hit hard a while ago where I live..
      P.S. Awesome username! :3

    3. It hailed two days ago where i lived. o-o
      For me, Autumn is coming. ^.^ Autumn is my favorite season with Spring. :D
      I love summer too.. and im sure i would love winter too if it snowed here. But it doesn't snow here so winter is boring. -.-
      Its weird how you wish it where winter in summer, and you wish it where summer in winter.

    4. Thanks pink! Your username is awesome too! My sis LOVES LOVES LOVES pink! She even put her whole room pink XD

    5. I would LOVE to have a blizzard right now.. o3o

    6. Yeah, I'd say I have about 3 feet of snow, but it's so icy you can just walk on the surface without sinking. And, you can slide down the hill on your belly. It's been as low as like... 16 below zero.

  17. I'll type my story later, because I'm on my phone.
    I like today's rare item! :3
    Hehe, those Phantom Kings.. They look so funny! XD

  18. Also i posted on my new blog! I hope some of you guys can check it out :D

  19. Btw its the

    Enjoy :D

    1. I visited! :D I will read the story later, i don't really have much time today.

  20. Im collecting rare item mondays but it is super hard to get them all. I need 34 more. I already have 63 and i need help getting them. I already know no one will help me but i was a nm when most of them came out i made a list of the ones i need.
    -Rare head feather
    -Rare skull mask
    -Rare arctic hood
    -Rare arctic coat
    -Rare sailor hat
    -Rare King crown
    -Rare lei
    -Rare dragon mask
    -Rare skull bandanna
    -Rare coral necklace
    -Rare butterfly mask
    -Rare hood with feather
    -Rare elf hat
    -Rare backpack
    -Rare sombrero
    -Rare fox hat
    -Rare sand dollar necklace
    -Rare anchor ball cap
    -Rare star glasses
    -Rare astronaut helmet
    -Rare knight helmet
    -Rare knight armor
    -Rare antlers
    -Rare bat glasses
    -Rare snowman mask
    -Rare stumpunk glasses
    -Rare clover blanket
    -Rare star cape
    -Rare freedom mask
    -Rare mech angel wings
    -Rare spiked hair
    -Rare seaweed wig
    -Rare mech angel helmet
    I know my dream is impossible but im already 3/4 the way there. ;-;

    1. Im snowy1262 btw

    2. I have some rare mech wings I could try to trade you! :3

    3. You could get some of the nm rares in Adventures or in Sky High. :3

    4. well i could trade you my blue fox hat

    5. Wow lots of rares to collect! And dont worry anything is possible! :D I could trade you some rares too! My user is EternalMyth1 im always on Tuesday 2:00 - 4:00 Or sometimes on always on Sundays, Thursday or Friday :D

    6. I'm sure you can get all those items! Some of them even pop up in adventures, if you're lucky. c:

    7. Hi, I have alot of Monday rares on that list, including lots of fox hats! Jam-A-Gram me when you get on!

    8. Thanks for all the tips and offers! I played the adventures and got a freedom mask and rare spiked wig! Im gonna play more and then see what i have left to get! I think member items are not in adventures on hard mode. Thx everyone!

    9. Oh! I have a rare lei, if you want one! Im skyways.


    1) I don't think it's ever necessary to apologize if you think your post is late. Chances are, some people haven't read the post yet. It just shows that you're not a punctual author, and they'll be more confused. This post was shown on my Blogger dashboard before I even came home. Just go with the flow.

    2) That is not expensive in my opinion. Last year, the rare cupcake hat sold for 777 gems. Plus, there are so many easy ways to earn gems. How can anybody call anything expensive?

    3) AJHQ won't fix it. In their Rare Item Monday posts, they always add a word to the title to make it sound good. Like with the rare flag. The name of the original item it was based on in Jamaa was the flag, but in that item's DE post, The title said, "Rare Black and Red Flag". It's just to add more description, and they took out the icy part now.

    1. Its not expensive in my opinion too, its kinda in the middle. :P
      I kinda agree with number one, but Cutegirl wouldn't want to seem rude so yeah..

    2. I agree with you, now the rare tuxedo though, THAT was expensive...

    3. Okay, thanks for this feedback! I'll take it into consideration :)

  22. Chapter 1 (or mini-section XD)
    Lime, a happy-go-lucky rabbit, hopped happily to his underground den with her friends. "I'm hungry, let's have a snack." Lime said with a bounce. Her friends, Violet and Ripple, agreed. They sat down on the grass, munching on carrots when a sickly smell crept up on the 3 friends and dark purple fog surrounded them. Ripple's eyes widened and opened his mouth to tell the obvious, but it was too late. A phantom patrol had crept up on them and the rabbits were soon covered in phantom web and were kidnapped by phantoms.
    "Those pesky jammers." The phantom king growled under his breath. He floated down the hall of the fortress to reach mountains of web;like cages. Suddenly, the phantom general, Toxic, arrived in front of the phantom king. "We have collected another three jammers." Toxic reported. The king managed a smile. "Put them in Cage 726." He said. "Perfect test subjects.", The king thought to himself. Toxic floated away as the king traveled to his private study room.
    The phantom king marveled at his own work; an invention that would transform a pesky jammer into one of his minions. He could not wait to visit his new prisoners.

    To be continued..

  23. I actually have been seeing A LOT of invisible people in the base camp

  24. My answer to the Monday Mystery:
    When Jamaa was new, Greely began to study the Phantoms as they appeared. He didn’t know what, if anything was creating them. But all of a sudden, the course of Jamaa’s history took a dramatic turn: The Phantom King was up to no good as usual. So Greely began to commune with other Alphas, discussing plans to have Jammers aid them in their struggling quest. Three of the bravest, Victory, Daredevil, and Medieval, were officially taken in as students of the Alphas. But as time went on, Phantoms began to overwhelm Jamaa, and soon threatened to destroy it with their mighty volcano. The Phantom King was plotting and plotting, but Vic, Dare, and Medi were absolutely prepared. They raced into action, stopping the volcano’s eruption, but also witnessing Greely’s disappearance. Vic was devastated, and he pressured his partners into working harder and harder than ever before. When, finally, the Search for Greely began, he pushed his partners to doing what none other had done before: Entering the Phantom Vortex in search of his teacher. They witnessed each other turning into Phantoms, and they even sadly examined the broken cave that the Phantom King had battled them in. “We must move fast, because I can already tell something’s going on!” Vic urged. The three floated into the Phantom Portal, and they landed themselves in a strange glowing-purple place with tall, skinny Phantom Pods and spooky music: The Phantom Vortex. After hunting down the Keys, Vic and Dare stared in horror as Medi ran to attempt to defeat the TWO Phantom Kings. After freeing Greely, the three Jammers saw what almost none had seen: The Phantom Beacon. They stared and stared, gaping. And then Greely gave them a hurried lesson, and they began to think.
    Later, Vic began to think that the Beacon was used to trace the Phantom Fortress because it was constantly moving. He thought that Jamaa would be overtaken if it reached where they were. He thought that Greely would decipher the Beacon by trying to locate the ever-moving Fortress, and he believed that the Phantoms were gearing up for the biggest invasion yet: To destroy everything in Jamaa.
    (I was rushing to get this done since I have limited time after school before dinner on the computer. Sorry if it's not good...)

    1. Oh, by the way, sorry my story is so long. XD. I was typing it up on Microsoft Word, and I wasn't paying attention to how long it would be... Lol...

    2. It's me again... Ha ha, XD. I just have one more teensy thing to say... I tend to make my stories long, since I really get into the topic, and I tend to ramble and ramble and ramble... Blah blah blah... Oh, XD, sorry...

    3. Your story's so interesting! :D
      Oh, btw your story is fine to be long, but you should see my story. Its so long! XD
      Oh and, are you going to continue it? :)

    4. I don't really know if I'm going to continue, but I might! Look forward to a part two... Maybe... (To be, maybe, continued?)
      (Feel free to buddy me on Animal Jam, user is above (Pandapaws30025 is my user).)

    5. Thanks, guys for reading my story... I didn't have much time, and this is what I whipped up. Heheh... ^.^
      (Feel free to buddy me now. Buddy requests were turned off before. So I'm open to them now!)

    6. By the way, ShadowCharizard, awesome profile picture!
      (P.S. I don't have a blogger account, so I'm commenting as Anonymous :( So sad...)

  25. Here is my story. Sorry if it's long theres no parts to it.

    Graham finally understood the Phantom Beacon. "Look closely, theres letters. 'Edge Of Jamaa.' Is that the location? At least we know what it looks like."
    Greely sighed. "It is like the Phantom Tower. But it is on the opposite side of Jamaa. It's on an island just several miles off of The Deep Blue. Anyway, they captured 6 seals. Plus they captured Peck!
    The room went silent. "No wonder Peck didn't come to the meeting. Wait... she said she was off talking to Edna the Eagle. Maybe she was captured by phantoms along the way!" Sir Gilbert told the other remaining Alphas.

    "You evil Phantoms! Let me go!" screamed Peck.
    "Oh, really? Your going to see the King. In person!" The 2nd highest ranking phantom laughed.
    The king had a Phantom Cage Crystal ready. "Get in there. The walls are sound proof. No one but me can hear you! And my twin." The King said, looking at the 2nd phantom king. The Kings laughed viscously. The King and his twin walked over to the smallest seal, who cowered in a corner. "And you... you'll be bait!" The Kings set up a trap. They tied a invisible rope around the little seal, who was put to sleep. "Wonderful bait... the jammers won't believe it's a trap! But Russet, a brave fox with a red scarf was watching from behind a pillar. She ran back to the Alphas to explain the phantoms' plans.
    "They where planning to hunt down some jammers and turn them to stone! The only way to free them is to get a Stone Key and tap it against their paws. One Key per jammer because the keys break after they work." Russet explained to Liza. "The stone keys are in the fortress's lowest level.
    Liza called out "We will send out a search party at once. Russet will lead it."
    Russet and 3 other jammers; Misty, a mist-colored wolf; Critine, an orange tiger with a white belly with yellow stripes and green eyes; and, Fog, a grey cheetah with ice blue natural (cheetah/snow leopard) marks. "Lets go!" Misty and Fog called out.
    "Shhhh, the phantoms will notice us!" Critine whispered to Misty and Fog.
    "Critine is right, shhhh." Russet whispered back.
    They got to the floor with the Stone Keys and brought them up a floor (the door to 2nd floor was unlocked) and freed the trapped seals.
    "Look theres one. It's sleeping..." Fog said.
    "No it's a trap. They sculpted a statue to make it look real but it was a fake. They put her to sleep to make sure she didn't move when they sculpted her." Russet told the others.
    They walked up the stairs and solved some puzzles and defeated Phantom Spouters (10 in total). The 2nd to last floor was the 2 Kings. "Fight us, lousy jammers!"
    "We sure will!" The 4 said together.
    Misty and Fog dealt with one King wile Russet and Critine dealt with the other. Both kings summoned falling phantoms to make it harder. Once they won the went up to the top to see a Stone Key and the last seal, the smallest one. They freed her.
    "Thank you." the seal said. But it wasn't a seal anymore. It was Peck.
    "Huh?!" The 4 friends said together.
    Pech explained. "You see, they kept me in the Phantom Cage Crystal for a few days until you came. By then I was turned into a small seal by the phantoms. Finally, you freed me and I am free." The ground began to shake. "Oh dear. Go! The Fortress is going to fall!"
    The 4 friends, Russet, Misty, Critine, and Fog ran. Once they escaped, Cosmo, Greely, Liza and Peck were there. "Congrats. You saved another Alpha. Your names are heard throughout Jamaa now."
    Cosmo added, "With my newly created Chatter Vines. They spread word at the speed of sound!"

    And there you go! Hope you like! (btw, Russet was based off of my fox that looks like a fox with a red Jamaaliday Scarf)

    1. (btw, the phantoms captured 5 seals. They lied about the 6th just in case they where being watched.)

    2. Wow, that was a great story! :D

    3. I agree with Cloudclaws, that story is awesome! :)

    4. I really like your story! It's really interesting. The chatter vines at the end was cool, too. :3

    5. Wow, very creative with the whole Stone Key idea c:

    6. Thanks! For some reason im good at these story ideas.
      @FactoryDash: The chatter vines are actually in the series "The Familairs" (book 3 "Circle Of Heros") and it gave me that idea... i am inspired with the magical stuff in it ^.^
      @ShadowCharizard: I just thought of the Stone Key.

      Thanks again!

    7. @guardiansofgahoole101
      Oh, really? The story is still awesome though. ^-^

  26. Hello! If anyone remembers me from the post and I made the story with my 6/7/8 now fox hoodie, say I. But that's not my real post!

  27. Would anyone mind visiting my blog? ^.^

  28. Hi Snowy! I love reading your blog your the best EVA!

  29. I have a little story with my cat from Warriors, Please read!

    Oakheart once again slid out of the room angrily, sick of the same question, "Are you related to THAT Oakheart???" No, she wasn't, and her name set every cat off. "Good Starclan!" thought Oakheart. In her opinion, the only cats who ever understood her were her leader Echostar, her mate Sparrowclaw, and her friend Sunpelt. She kept padding along thinking, when she was interrupted. STAY TUNED FOR MORE XD

    1. Cool! I like how you described your Oakheart's feelings. It's weird 'cause I was just reading my Warriors books. :3

    2. Thank youuuuuuu XD I really wanna be a writer, And I might post like, A chapter in comments on every post or something :3

  30. Would anyone mind checking out my blog? ^.^

  31. The blog just glitched, and all the comments' profile pics got huge. Not the replies, just the comments. Did this happen to anyone else? o.o

    1. Oh that's pretty weird. It didn't happen to me though. lol.

  32. Is it just me or does the deer in the Daily Explorer post look not-deery...? It took me a while to figure out it was a deer at all-- I thought it was a jackal or something until I saw the hind legs and tail.

    1. I know what you mean. The DE deer looks different than the other AJ deer.

    2. I agree! If the back feet didn't have hooves and the ears were smaller, I could've sworn the deer was some kind of short-tailed canine.

    3. Yeah. I really don't like AJHQ's new art style. The anatomy makes me puke. :/

  33. just a random thing, there's a party at my den open 24 7, my use is anna94339 just to let u guys know. And I can't wait to see what the new adventure will be!!! XP

  34. If anyone has an extra RIM can you send me one? I can't log on because of being drowned in homework (that's what you get for being sick.) That glitch is starting to be annoying. Now whenever I log on, in Jamaa Township I'm the only one there with a bunch of name tags and pets.
    ~ dooda123 ^.^

    1. Wow thank you so much, I'm sure my brother and sister would like one too so now I'll be able to give them each one :D

  35. Does that mean that the OLD rare shark fin (the pure black one) is no longer rare?


  36. Continuing my story for the I-don't-know-many-times-now! Lol. Strange that it somewhat relates to the Monday Mystery stories! Dun dun duunn.....
    It was the next day, and I was ready. I walked down the hill of where I slept last night, and towards the Phantoms' Quarters. I wrinkled my nose before I entered through the large, purple door. I stood just inside the castle, with the door shut behind me. Then I had the scariest nightmare. To make it worse, it seemed so vivid that it had to be real. In my nightmare: There were endless phantoms torturing everyone who I cared about. Rosy, Twinkle, Sir, countless others, and even my own parents in their homes. But how? My parents didn't even know what phantoms were- they don't live in Jamaa! A chill crept down my spine. Were the phantoms taking control of other lands too- more than just Jamaa?! Then I saw the Phantom King giggling from behind a corner, improving the work of what he ordered his phantom workers to do. That made me want, no NEED, to battle the Phantom King even more. In my parents living room, I saw phantoms putting chains around their necks, attempting to choke them. Rosy and Twinkle were being whipped by a group of phantoms, Rosy and Twinkle were yelping for help in what seemed to be the Temple of Zios. Sir was getting even more brutal abuse than the others, from phantoms. I fought to keep back tears. Could I really do this? I had to- for everyone's sakes!

    The cruel nightmare finally ended, and I was back on my feet. Before I can fight the Phantom King however, I had to battle his workers. Now I gave my all to the phantoms- no mercy. I opened and walked through the second door. Phantoms on every one of the seven floors. I figured one of my other powers- strength. Every time I saw a phantom, I shot an arrow from my rare bow at the phantom with accurate aim and so much force, that the phantom immediately died. Now I was on the seventh floor (last floor till Phantom King's lair) and shot a last arrow at the last phantom. Just like the others, it immediately fell down from floating and died. I attacked at least 20 phantoms per floor with my bow and arrows. I sat down just outside the Phantom King's door with my heart locket glowing brightly. I waited because I knew fighting the King would need more than just a shot of an arrow. I knew he was the one who started this madness, so I knew what I wanted to do to attack him, besides my rare bow and arrows. No, I wouldn't kill him. I would make him stop what he was doing- and by force.

    I'm not completely sure if the Phantom King was able to hear me or not from outside his door. I whispered in a demon-like voice at the door. "I'm coming for you...."

    1. OMZ I'm so sorry if I scared anyone!! :O

    2. -gasp- I wouldn't wanna be her right now. Especialy knowing the Phantom king is after you. DUN DUN DUUUUNNNN! Sorry I cant help myself.

    3. I know I said this on an older part, but I love your story! X3

    4. XD No Precious (main character in story) is planning a surprise attack on the Phantom King, while the Phantom King is planning to take over Jamaa and then the world. >:D

      Here's a random true story comment that has nothing to do with anything o3o : I was in an Adventure with Pink and other Jammers, and when it ended and went back to her den, everyone (except me and Pink) had doubles. It was creepy. Only on my screen, I also changed animals and it stayed as doubles. o.o weird computer

    5. I become kinda serious when writing stories. owo This is my 1st one on the computer, but I wrote stories on paper since forever. owo

  37. ☼pielover4ever☼March 24, 2014 at 4:38 PM

    Well. I've quit Animal Jam just now.
    Why? Because:
    1. I'm growing tired of it. It's just kinda boring to me now.
    2. I'm too old for it. I'll be going onto high school in August. And I can't relate to the kids on there either because they're all younger than me. Cuz people my age don't say, "Yo, wassup peeps, YOLO" in every sentence. And no one shares my interests either.
    3. I have a social life and an academic life. I don't want AJ to get in the way of my friends and assignments.
    4. It's only for the rare, the famous, the bullies, the scammers/hackers, and the gullible. Rares, because people just think pixelated items are worth so much that they can't even focus on their own friends. Fame, because everyone goes around saying they are recording or posting videos on Youtube. Seriously, that Julian2 kid is practically treated like an AJ god. I'm not hating on him or anything, but really. Bullying, because people think you need to do certain things just to fit in. Not only that, but the people on there are rude in general. Scamming/hacking, because people are just that selfish to hurt one's feelings by stealing a stupid item made of pixels. And last but not least, gullible, because people are so greedy that they fall for everything just to get rares.

    So ya, there's my reasons. NO, I don't completely hate the game. I'll miss some of it. NO, you can't have my stuff. I'll visit every once in a while, maybe like 4 times a year or something. But really, overall I'm just quitting because I feel like it's best for me. I won't be coming to this blog, or any other AJ blogs either. I just want to get away from everything AJ related. But I'll still cherish all those fun times I've had on that site.

    Take care, all of you.

    1. Awww, I'm sorry. It is true that lots of the AJ community are a bunch of, to put it simply, psycho jerks. >.<

  38. Hey guys, something BIG is going to happen soon.....

    To have a peek at it, go to

    I am still constructing stuff and figuring out how it will work, but I definitely will continue it!

    P.S. Do you like my new image for the blog's title?

    1. Whadoya mean something BIG?

    2. BTW if anybody has spare yellow elf bracelets, I will trade you a scorpion tail for it

  39. ok so first of all some sad thing happening in jamaa lots of trust trade and gifting parties at ppls dens AKA SCAMS!
    also somebody tried to trade a rare shark fin for my worn blanket ;-; naturally i declined but some jammers seem to think that the shark fin is SOOOO good but it is not it is rare item monday and sorry if anybody got scammed also one person kinda traded unfair to another and the person who declined said ''TRADE FAIR YA LITTLE b'' ya i refuse to repeat the actual word but howd she say it? thx ~wolfsrock87878

  40. Part 1: A young wolf ran quickly,phantoms only a tail length behind ."The phantoms are coming"she shouted as they passed other animals. Large phantoms closed up on them ready to capture the young jammer. Mira help me, the wolf whispered as she skidded to a stop. A phantom sneered"Mira can't hear you know". A shock of electricty ran though the wolf and she fell prey to the phantoms. The biggest phantom ensnared her and web, "lets get back to the phantom beacon" it said.

    1. Part 2: The phantoms flew to a dark castle,the wolf was still. The biggest phantom went to a giant room and dropped the wolf on the cold ground. "Oh my king we have caught another jammer"The phantom said bowing to a shadowy shape. Lock it up in cage 556, the phantom king boomed. The phantom grabed the wolf from the floor and brought her to a diffrent room where it threw her into a cage. The phantom king smiled, "my plan will work wonderfully". The wolf lifted her head, she was in a bright room filled with locked up animals. They all had dull coats and emotionless eyes. Well almost all of them, a few still had bright eyes and glossy coats. "Hello new comer" a rabbit said, "Im Pebble. who are you?"."Hello Pebble,i am Stream" the wolf replied. As Stream began to ask where she was, a phantom came in. It went to a cage and flung the door open. "March down to the work place" it ordered the animals. A fox ran torwards the door trying to get free. The phantom lept on the fox it whipped him with electricty, the fox was bleeding but the animals looked on eyes blank. Stream gasped with horror, she knew now she was in the phantom beacon and the phantoms were getting more powerful then ever

  41. For the rare item monday, i think the colors are awkward and nothing really matches with it. Personally, I wish AJ created a new item instead of coloring an item and putting a rare symbol with it. It would be cool to see something new. I could see how AJ was trying to make this shark fin different. Overall, I don't really like it and i might try making an outfit

    1. I wish they made new items too, that would ROCK! :)


  42. (Fuzzy218 same one about the king) as the animals ran from room to room I fell and saw a big lumpy old phantom holding a mop getting ready to feed and clean the cages as his fluffy beard tickled me he asked how did you get so fare in all of Jamaa how did you? As I sarted to talk the old phantom ran and yelled leader leader come beat this ugly beast!!!!! ( X3 ) the king walked out of his room and yelled HOW DARE YOU FREE THE BEAST'S!! All of a sudden blue mist came from the air the king yelled MIRA HOW DARE YOU COME AT SUCH A TIME (I have to go eat be write back)

  43. Ok so this story is connected to another story on how the phantoms were made so here it is...

    ''Alphas! thank you.'' -My wings flapped as i gazed into the stars- They were out looking for the fleeing phantoms in this battle, ''Oh the phantoms fortress is still out there, I know where it is but the alphas are gone, i know what i can do, i will leave many beacons threw out jamma!!!'' I swiftly went threw each land to drop a beacon at these times the lands were separated so no animal can leave or come in. In all the lands one animal in each place was joined into the prophecy of the phantom fortress. A seal from mt shiveer, a kangaroo from Kimbara, a fox from Serepia, a eagle from coral canyons, a lion from appondale ,and a elephant from temple of Zois, these 6 animals will start training when the alphas return and together we will defeat the phantoms and victory will be ours!

    A long time later...

    I woke up to the sound of rain pounding on the dirt above me, i was in my den in serapia forest, I curled up into my red tail for warmth, life was hard with phantoms coming every week for a day old animal luckily i was out of the system, my mom tho wasn't she didn't have any kids to spare, sadly they took her instead. I managed tho, but anyways. It was a cold winter bite this year, prey was scares and i still have to manage with wild berries. A year ago when my mom left a gold gem came from the sky and i was told to keep it, it was only a voice i heard but it was real alright, so i kept it to this day, the weird thing tho is that the recent days its glowed very brightly with white hints of colors in it, i only assume it had to do something with the gods of mira, zois and all the spiritual animals here. So as i stretched my paws out i trotted out into the rain letting my tong out to lap up all the water, it was going to be that time to get a mate soon, i know almost all the foxes looked up to me mostly, but i had different things to do right now, '' surprise'' squealed Zoe, I smiled as she gave me a shrew, ''aww, thanks'' i said back, she replied,''Oh, no problem Summer!'' suddenly a blast of wind shot out of nowhere,a bird came down, it was mira. '' Listen you have to come with me'' Mira said.

    To be continued if there is ever a story on how training would be in jamma...

    Thank you hope you liked it ~Direna12

  44. AJ is basing their adventures off of Mythology.. how can i tell? Because I happen to be a history nerd and know a lot about mythology xDDD (#dontjudge -3-)

    1. AMAZING! I didn't even realize that! How fascinating! O.O


  45. I can't think of a story for this Mystery Monday. :c

  46. Hi cutegirl2001, is your username cutegirl2001 XD, if so then I'm your buddy XD

  47. Great post! Cool RIM and glitch!

  48. Hm.. why is cutegirl12001 posting not Snowy? Just wondering no offense to anyone.

    1. Well, on Mondays I (cutegirl2001) post, on tuesdays Help Endangered Species posts, and the rest of the days snowyclaw posts. it's a timetable snowyclaw came up with :)

    2. I wish I could be an author on the weekends, because I can't stay that late up in the night on weekdays! If I do, I'd be 4 hours late in the morning to class CX


  49. lol the shark fin is nonmember and i can get it :D:D:D:D


  50. Has anyone noticed that AJHQ is under maintenance but in the thing it says updating could this mean the April fools party is coming today (Tuesday). Or will it come with an early update?

  51. AJ is off

    Can i have my diamonds anyways AJHQ?
    Why u do this,i wake up yelling '' YAY YAY ! I WILL HAVE NINE DIAMONDS'',and i has seen this.

    AJHQ why with me?
    Why you dont put another thing on manientance?

    -The sad melimeow

  52. im still waiting for today's blog post. COME ON IM WAITING!!! please post soon

    1. @Anon saying they're waiting for the blog post:
      AJ is under matenince. That's why there's no post.

  53. Part 1 of my Monday Mystery answer, by Mysterimist

    Greely and Randalf, two wolf cub brothers, bounded energetically through the snow, sending it flying up between their paws. Greely slyly flicked the snow onto his brother's nose and Randalf yelped, speeding toward Greely. Greely leaped up and ran to his mother, Sasha, hiding behind her thick pelt. Sasha chuckled and said "That's enough you two. Time for dinner, your dad has probably brought something super delicious just for you!" She stood up and led the way to the cavepath. She stood, shocked, as she saw their cave, or what once was a cave, destroyed. "Lain!" she screamed, "Where are you?!" She ran outside, head swinging for any movement in the noses. She crouched down and let out a long howl, listening for a reply. There was none. Stricken, Sasha lay down, tears falling from her eyes and freezing the snow into ice at connection. Greely and Randalf cautiously walked towards her, sniffing her pelt. Finally, Greely lay down beside her, protecting her back from the cold wind.

    1. Part 2 of my Monday Mystery Answer, by Mysterimist

      Greely watched Randalf playing with the new wolfcubs that Sasha had found. He sulked in the corner, sinking low and laying his head on his paws. Sasha came over and cuffed him on the ear, growling "Get over there and be nice to them." Greely looked her in the eyes and said "No." Sasha replied "Well then, you will have to go." Greely leaped to his feet. "WHAT!?" he exclaimed. Sasha looked away, facing south "I can no longer take care of you. I am sick of you whining around and sulking just because you're jealous of the new wolfcubs. You should look up to Randalf." Greely let out a short whimper, then straightened up. "Fine," he whispered "I'll go." With that, he walked outside the cave and away, heading east. First, he sniffed the ground, hoping to find some food of any kind. He found none. He walked over the hill, taking one last glance at the place of his birth and childhood. He saw Randalf walk outside, and looked at him. Randalf yelled at him, "HA! I'm glad you're leaving!" and glared so fiercely at Greely that it felt like daggers through his heart. Greely slid down the hill, hating that place, and everyone in it. Tat was when he realized, "I know. I'll go to the phantoms and ask to join their army." He looked towards the East Mountain, the place of the Phantom Fortress.

      Greely had reached it. He knocked on the door, his long claws scarring the sidewalk as he stood with impatience. A phantom opened the door, and asked what he wanted. "I wish to join your army." The phantom nodded in approval, then walked Greely inside.
      "No phantoms are to harm this wolf until ordered." he howled to any phantoms in earshot. The phantom led Greely into a huge room with three chairs, letting Greely lie across two. "Now, let's introduce ourselves," the phantom said in a velvety voice, "I'm King Phantom, ruler of all phantoms." Greely gasped, "Your Majesty, I am Greely the wolf. I come from the far west, looking for a chance to join your army." The king phantom stroked his chin with one of his legs, as if deciding. "You may join," he conceded, "on one condition." Greely sat up straighter, "Yes, anything my king." The phantom king whispered as he brought out a ruby, "You must be a spy for us. Go to the land of animals, Jamaa, and tell us what happens through these ruby microphones." Greely nodded, "Of course." he bowed as the phantom king led him out the doors. "Good luck, Greely. Tell us when the best time is to attack." Greely ran away, heading north to Jamaa. He made good distance, arriving at noon. He met the alpha animals,Peck, Liza, Cosmo, Sir Gilbert, and Graham, who invited him to become an alpha. He readily agreed, holding the ruby up as if studying it, but secretly whispered "They invited me to become an alpha. Over." The phantom king nodded as he recieved the message, ordering his two guards to go tell his second in command. From that day, Greely was a spy for the phantoms, and was given the great phantom beacon to present to the other alphas, so they would think he was loyal. Greely still has many more days, and perhaps will one day learn the real side to be on.




  55. Animal Jam has to be offline all the time its so annoying and its been offline for 1 hour already or maybe 2. I know its hard work to run a online game but seriously? Kids wanna play aj NOW. ;-; Im so bored and i realized without aj i have nothing to do. I have no life. Ilike to draw but drawing gets boring easily. I have a short attention span but for some reason i can play aj for hours. Come on aj hurry up.

  56. Exactly. when AJ don't work I get cranky, Cooommmeeee baaaaccckk!!!! -dory-

  57. YEAH! That what I'm talking about! A non member rare that's actually GOOD! AJHQ must have heard my prayers xD not really. I am an inch away from making my dream music video..... (my first one)..... But I haven't downloaded the music, NUUU and know it's glitching so I have to wait >_< NOOOOO.


  58. Animal jam is still down
    Liza does not approve
    It better be worth the wait!
    new animals, pets, or even new world.

    1. Animal Jam is making a better experience, so possibly yes.

    2. but fives hours from 8:59 to 3:10

  59. AJHQ is maintaining animal jam, but it's taking a million years :(


  60. -shoves face in pillow and screams- WHY AJ WHY!

  61. they didn't fix it they broke it

  62. I bet that the next adventure will be called The Phantom Beacon!!! I think that the adventure will be about infiltrating the phantom fortress and destroying it once and for all!
    Maybe it will show ALL the alphas, including Sir Gilbert and Peck, finally. And maybe there will be a whole bunch of random jamaa animals helping us, like wolves and tigers!

  63. D: I wasn't on yesterday, so I did not get the rare item Monday.
    Can someone please be nice and send me one if they have extra?
    I'm Katnissthewolf.
    If you are on, I might trade a rare lucky tuxedo, I have dozens.

  64. Greely peered at the phantom beacon carefully, as he was studying the fortress something caught his eye. He narrowed his eyes and stared into the beacon. A tiny purple portal was inside of it! That must be how the phantoms made it to Jamma! If he could find the linking portal and block it off, the phantoms wouldn't be able to transport to Jamma! Greely consulted Liza immediately. When she arrived he showed her his discovery. Liza agreed that definitely was a portal and said that Greely's theory made sense. "I wonder...." Greely thought out loud, he reached a paw outward. It passed right through the beacons walls and he touched the portal. Instantly he was sucked in and transported to a far corner of Jamma. Liza popped out after him shortly. Before them was a land that was obviously once beautiful. Dead grass lay in patches through the ground, fallen trees little the ground and dried up ponds and lakes parched the ground. Black scummy clouds filled the sky and goo soaked rocks occupied every corner. "The phantoms did this," whispered Liza. Liza and Greely looked at the marred landscape around them. Even though the land was nothing like it used to be, there was no question. This used to be Mira's realm, this was the very first part of Jamma to ever be created, and Mira had used it as her home. No one knew where Mira was now, but now there was a lead. The phantoms deliberately used her home for their gateway. Greely rubbed his paw over one of the rocks and examined the goo on his paw. "I wonder what happened to Zios?" He questioned. Liza nodded in agreement. "I wish Cosmo was with us, he could help bring back this land to at least a portion of it's former glory," Said Liza sadly, knowing there was no way for him to find them. they gazed at the portal behind them. They knew there was probably more than one gateway for the phantoms, but they close this one. Together they helped each other remove the portal crystals. Then the rolled some of the boulders in front of the portal. Then they started the long journey back to central Jamma. Hopefully now that phantom activity should be a minimum there, Mira's realm should restore itself with it's magic. They would tell Cosmo and he could help. But for now they felt some accomplishment, all they could do now was wait for more information on the whereabouts of the other portals.

    Written by Myfuzzykins
    Aj user: Myfuzzykins

  65. animal jam is still freaking down
    what on earth are they doing drinking coffee?



      Ps. If this wait isn't worth it, I'm complaining to AJHQ!

    2. Its not, NOTHING isn't new.


      :cough: Srry. If i dont get my plushei next month im about to sue ajhq :l

  66. I really have to stop myself NOT to scream O.o ITS STILL UPDATING! I just realised what I am without animal jam...



    who is now in despair from waiting :(

  67. I have already had lunch and its still not done. There better be a good reason for this.

  68. OMG, when I try to open up AJ, it keeps saying 'Can't display the page' and I got onto it for 2 times only. I tried to login but it didn't work but then the AJ page showed up all document like and it was creeping me out. I'm freaking out here guys!
    Trying to keep calm, ~Pinkpaw365

    1. I'm sorry, I have no idea what's going on with your computer/wifi and/or AJ :c

  69. UGH I'm sooo mad at AJHQ! The seven hour update did NO UPDATE THAT I CAN SEE. >:c

  70. Ugh. I waited FOREVER for that update and now AJ won't load. =(

    1. AJ won't load for me either! Maybe their still updating but trying to hide it O.o....... Meh, I dunno!


    2. AJ under updats again... goody! :L


      P.S.S. I really need to stop being anon. Arg!

  71. My story of the phantom beacon

    The phantom king had watched the control tables, thinking of ways to hide the phantom fortress. "Goo, hmm. Extra guards? hmm..
    I got it! We should capture ALL the alphas and have the jammers be our slaves! It will take a while, but it will be worth it." A guard floated quickly up to the phantom king. "SIRE! JAMMERS HAD FIGURED OUT ABOUT OUR-" "Hush." interrupted the King. "Tell it slowly." The ja-a-ammm-mee--rss...-" "Spit it out." "h-h-haadd killed our two guarrrdds..." he stammered, his eye wide open. "Get into this goo and pretend to be a jammer, and give them this."
    He had gave him a goldish yellow burst of light. "Use this to fool them so they will go into the wrong realm." The king smiled, and pushed the guard into the goo, but it malfunctioned. It turned out he had became several jammers, a penguin with a blue belly an purple back color, a wolf jet black with red eyes, and a tiger with blue stripes and all red and tan. "The more, the merrier and better." The king was actually surprised about this, but it made the plan more better. "Get into an adventure, and give them the wrong beacon." the phantom king boomed. The phantom guard took the WRONG beacon and walked away, trying to control the other two animals.

    In phantom's point of view telling the story:

    I was walking towards the portal towards Jamaa. I felt cool grass instead of hard, sticky floors. I felt like i had three heads and one body. I had joined an adventure- secretly. While the jammer took out both of the guards without me doing anything, i delivered the beacon to Greely and the other alphas, not telling them what i heard earlier (In mind: heheh, good thing that peck and gilbert are STUCK in prison and in goo.) Greely said, "Yes, we can finially track down the beacon so we can get to the demension and restore Jamaa. They have the last peice of this crystal." Greely took out two thirds of a crystal. The alphas had gasped, as i never seeing them gasp before. "Is that the crystal of peace?" Liza mumbled under her breath. "Well, since the portal is open, us Alphas will figure out, while you can go back to the base camp." Cosmo half yelled, with his loud voice. My goo was fading, so i left immedietly without hearing what Graham had said. I went back to the phantom fortress. "THEY HAD FIGURED OUT HOW TO GET HERE!" My voice was over everyone's voices in the fortress. "WHAT?! WE MUST STOP THEM! EVERYONE, BATTLE POSITONS!" The king bellowed.

    dun dun udn UND UDNNN
    PS. This was LONG!

  72. Aww was wrong?

  73. does anyone remember me? haha
    (btw does anyone want my hw?^-^)

  74. Nope, I don't remember you XD

    But please, let meh introduce myself! :3 I'm tarachimah! I'm a girl who loves games like Chickensmoothie, Felisfire, and Animal Jam. I really also enjoy swimming reading, and basketball A LOT too!

    I recently tried to quit AJ, but that was a fail. My friends brought me back, HAPPILY! :D

    Happy Jammin'!

  75. ARG! Aj under maintainence. Durr... I hope they're currently maintaining teensy32's account -.- She scammed my white tail armor 2 days ago and pretended to be my best friend! :C


  76. Does anybody have any...

    -Rare Item Mondays-

    -Rare rhino helmet
    -Rare arctic coat
    -Rare arctic hood

    -Adventure thingies!-

    -Pink worn. (Mine was scammmed by 2nina and 3nina over the weekend, jolly me! :c )
    -White bow (Mine disappeared from my account?)

    If you have any of these, please notify me! I would LOVE to trade ya! :)

    My username is Tarachimah.


    P.S. Does anybody know the worth of a glitched ring? My best friend in real life, Qwenlovebird1, just got one and she was wondering what it was worth C:


Remember jammers, no swearing or bullying on the blog! You can leave your opinion on matters, but be sure to be polite and respect others'. Happy jamming! ~Snowyclaw